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Transportation IT

Volkswagen Hit By IT Outage, Brand Vehicle Production In Germany Halted ( 15

Volkswagen says it was hit by a major IT outage on Wednesday, halting production at the company's namesake brand in Germany. Reuters reports: Volkswagen said that the whole group, which includes the Porsche AG and Audi brands, was affected. Volkswagen said there had been an unspecified "IT malfunction of network components" at the carmaker's site in Wolfsburg, its global headquarters.

"The fault has been present since 12:30 p.m. (CET) and is currently being analysed. There are implications for vehicle-producing plants," the group said. "According to current analyses, an external attack is unlikely to be the cause of the system malfunction," Volkswagen said, adding that efforts to fix the problem were of the highest priority and well under way.

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Volkswagen Hit By IT Outage, Brand Vehicle Production In Germany Halted

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