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After Reports of His Own Wife's Plagiarism, Bill Ackman Threatens Plagiarism Reviews For All MIT Faculty (businessinsider.com) 293

This week Harvard's president Claudine Gay resigned "after conservative activists revealed she had plagiarized," writes Business Insider, adding that hedge fund manager/prominent Harvard donor Bill Ackman "helped lead the charge."

Then Business Insider "analyzed Ackman's wife's doctoral dissertation and found numerous instances of plagiarism." In most cases Ackman's wife put the author's name and publication date immediately after the material which she used — but did not put quotation marks around it. But according to the Business Insider, "At least 15 passages from her 2010 MIT doctoral dissertation were lifted without any citation from Wikipedia entries." Her husband, Ackman, has taken a hardline stance on plagiarism. On Wednesday, responding to news that Gay is set to remain a part of Harvard's faculty after she resigned as president, he wrote on X that Gay should be fired completely due to "serious plagiarism issues... Students are forced to withdraw for much less," Ackman continued. "Rewarding her with a highly paid faculty position sets a very bad precedent for academic integrity at Harvard."
Ackman's wife was a tenured MIT professor from 2017 to 2021, according to the article. "It is unfortunate that my actions to address problems in higher education have led to these attacks on my family," Ackman posted Friday night on Twitter.

Then Ackman threatened "a review of the work of all current MIT faculty members. We will begin with a review of the work of all current MIT faculty members, President Kornbluth, other officers of the Corporation, and its board members for plagiarism."

Business Insider notes that Ackman "has been vocal about wanting to see MIT's president, Sally Kornbluth, fired since Kornbluth testified on December 5 in front of a congressional panel examining how university presidents handled student protests against Israel's war in Gaza. Kornbluth said in her opening statement that she didn't support 'speech codes' that would restrict what students say during protests."
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After Reports of His Own Wife's Plagiarism, Bill Ackman Threatens Plagiarism Reviews For All MIT Faculty

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  • by Calydor ( 739835 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:36AM (#64136285)

    Has there ever in the history of US conservatives been a fight against something they weren't guilty of themselves?

    • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:56AM (#64136349)

      Has there ever in the history of US conservatives been a fight against something they weren't guilty of themselves?

      Yes: intellectualism.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by AlanObject ( 3603453 )

      Two defining principles of conservative politics in the United States today:

      Every Accusation Is A Confession.

      It's OK If You Are A Republican.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

    • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @01:00PM (#64136577)

      The guy's a socialist [marketwatch.com] to boot.

      Ackman, who runs Pershing Square Capital Management, and is not averse to an apocalyptical outburst, said the banking sector needed a temporary deposit guarantee immediately until an expanded government insurance scheme is widely available.

      “We need to stop this now. We are beyond the point where the private sector can solve the problem and are in the hands of our government and regulators. Tick-tock.”

      Funny how those billionaires repeatedly come running to the taxpayers whenever there's the slightest bit of inconvenience caused by their own incompetence.

    • This isn't a conservative v. leftist issue - it is an issue of integrity and accuracy. When I was working on my dissertation, and then later when I worked for a research institute, I was scared to death that I would make an error of this sort. According to the academic STANDARDS you can be removed from a program for engaging in plagiarism. Did you also note the difference in response by Gay and Oxmen? Has Gay apologized? (No). Did Oxmen? Immediately - and she took immediate steps to correct the issues. Th
  • So scary... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mr. Dollar Ton ( 5495648 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:42AM (#64136295)

    In our university it is obligatory to run all theses and dissertations up to and including doctorate require plagiarism check before defense. So hardly anyone would be impressed.

    BTW, I skimmed through the "dissertation" of the billionaire's trophy wife. I was surprised to see that MIT grants "doctorates" in "computing" that are really bad fiction, on the level of low-grade liberal arts college. https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/... [mit.edu]

  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:45AM (#64136307)

    If plagiarism's bad (and it is, especially in an academic setting), then it's still bad when your wife does it, you giant bowl of dicks.

    Threatening everyone around you doesn't make your wife intellectually honest.

    • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:57AM (#64136351)

      If plagiarism's bad (and it is, especially in an academic setting), then it's still bad when your wife does it, you giant bowl of dicks.

      Threatening everyone around you doesn't make your wife intellectually honest.

      Hypocritical, but not for that reason.

      Neither Claudine Gay nor Ms. Ackman intended to commit plagiarism, and if asked if they had beforehand they'd honestly answer they never had committed plagiarism.

      All these reviews found is some sloppiness in making citations, plagiarism in the strictest sense, but absolutely not plagiarism in the sense there was no intent to pass off someone else's work as their own.

      Mr. Ackman is full of s**t saying "Students are forced to withdraw for much less", a student would get the passage circled and maybe be docked a mark.

      Then Ackman threatened "a review of the work of all current MIT faculty members. We will begin with a review of the work of all current MIT faculty members, President Kornbluth, other officers of the Corporation, and its board members for plagiarism."

      I suspect such a review would find many, if not most faculty members guilty of such minor transgressions, whether he and other conservative activists would see such a result as the massive self-own that it would be is another question.

      • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @12:15PM (#64136393)

        > Neither Claudine Gay nor Ms. Ackman intended to commit plagiarism

        Does that really track with lifting multiple passages from Wikipedia and not citing? That's really really difficult to accept as 'sloppy work' and not a deliberate choice.

        Added to the fact that the paper itself is laughably bad and you start to draw inferences.

        • by Calydor ( 739835 )

          Honest question here as I'm not entirely sure on the rules for quotes. If something is written on Wikipedia which is itself not quoted from the source material, but is some editor's explanation of the concept, how do you attribute that? How do you start digging for who first posted that to a page that may have had thousands of edits over the years, and then you end up with, at best, a Wikipedia username. Is that enough?

          • by DarkVader ( 121278 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @12:41PM (#64136507)

            If you're quoting Wikipedia in your doctoral dissertation, you're probably doing something very wrong.

          • Under tools on the right side of wikipedia pages there is a link "cite this page" which provides various styles of citation for the article. These cites include a permalink to the version of the page you're looking at. If for some reason you are citing Wikipedia, use this feature. Ideally, save both the page and the cites when you do it, too. Then you know you will always have access to them.

      • by Firethorn ( 177587 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @12:19PM (#64136403) Homepage Journal

        When I was writing papers for my college English class they tended to come up 30-40% plagiarism. Those automated checkers, at least the ones my college used, were fairly stupid. They would also go all the way down to 3 word sentence fragments. They also really couldn't understand in-line citations at all.

        For example, my citation pages were 100% plagiarism according to the checker. If ANYBODY else had cited the paper or document I did, it counted it as plagiarism. Was actually a semi-decent way to find other papers citing the ones I was. But, when doing citations by style guide, of course they're all going to be identical if you're doing it right.

        Of course, I took the "safe" option that if I read a paper in preparation of mine, I cited it as a source.

      • by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @12:24PM (#64136413)

        "We will begin with a review of the work of all current MIT faculty members, President Kornbluth, other officers of the Corporation, and its board members for plagiarism."

        I suspect such a review would find many, if not most faculty members guilty of such minor transgressions, whether he and other conservative activists would see such a result as the massive self-own that it would be is another question.

        Last time I checked, the sort of thing he's all in a rageboner about misses the point that unless your paper is 100 percent original, never before published work in a field that has never been addressed before - that is to say not even any references, you're using other people's work to create your own.

        And of course, this rageboner isn't actually about plagiarism, it's about Gay not having the politically correct outlook, which is to say that they do not support the Conservative christian, support of Israel as its presumed purpose in greasing the skids for their end of the world myth.

        In the MAGA world, cultlike adoration and support for a rapist and espionage agent who plans on a dictatorship and suspension of the constitution is perfectly acceptable, but someone who doesn't toe the politically correct line - those missing quotation marks are unforgivable, and must be punished severely.

        Sounds like Cancel culture writ large.

      • by DaHat ( 247651 )

        Neither Claudine Gay nor Ms. Ackman intended to commit plagiarism,

        [Citation Needed]

        Claudine Gay had a rather lengthy history of plagiarism *starting* from her PHD thesis and continuing through her later career.

        I know nothing of Ms Ackman, time may show similar or different, however your dishonest lumping of the two together at this stage is well... dishonest.

        At some point, intent is clear from actions, not words.

        and if asked if they had beforehand they'd honestly answer they never had committed plagiarism.


        • Neither Claudine Gay nor Ms. Ackman intended to commit plagiarism,

          [Citation Needed]

          Claudine Gay had a rather lengthy history of plagiarism *starting* from her PHD thesis and continuing through her later career.

          I know nothing of Ms Ackman, time may show similar or different, however your dishonest lumping of the two together at this stage is well... dishonest.

          At some point, intent is clear from actions, not words.

          My citation is the summary.

          The examples basically all of the form a passage from the other author(s), in conjunction with their names, but no specific quote marks.

          As a rule of thumb, if you're trying to pass off someone else's work as your own you don't name that person as you're ripping them off.

          The only reason Dr Gay's record of "plagiarism" is longer is she published more and people went through more of her work.

          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by DaHat ( 247651 )

            My citation is the summary.

            Thank you for confirming you're only speculating, while attempting to pass off the ideas as facts... sounds familiar. Is yours an alt Dr Gay account?

            The examples basically all of the form a passage from the other author(s)

            *basically* is a weasel word you are trying to use to defect from the specifics at hand, brushing aside any specific allegations, and before all facts are known. It will be interesting to see how Harvard and Dr Gay respond to the lawyers representing one of the p

            • My citation is the summary.

              Thank you for confirming you're only speculating, while attempting to pass off the ideas as facts... sounds familiar. Is yours an alt Dr Gay account?

              Actually I read though the article detailing the original accusations, but in this case the summary itself actually provided a fairly accurate summary.

              The examples basically all of the form a passage from the other author(s)

              *basically* is a weasel word you are trying to use to defect from the specifics at hand, brushing aside any specific allegations, and before all facts are known.

              "Basically" is also a word used to indicate that even when individual specifics differ, the differences aren't relevant.

              There was one other example of part of an acknowledgement at the end of her book that was largely copied from another book, big whoop. And ordinary person would just say she liked the sentiment, she wasn't claiming any big insight or researc

      • by Dan667 ( 564390 )
        ackman needs to clean his own house. neri oxman needs to resign or shutter oxman Architects due to her plagiarism like Claudine Gay. Otherwise ackman is just a hypocrite with an agenda. Everyone should be focusing on this and the equal application of consequences per ackman's own standard. If oxman does not resign them everyone should just ignore ackman.
    • At the same time, if he actually finds anyone else's plagiarism, that doesn't absolve that other person of their guilt either.

      Rather funny watching the libs openly saying that misconduct is OK if it's righties who identify it. Also scares the living shit out of me since it's those same people frequently claiming the mantle of science and telling the rest of us how to behave.

    • I find it hilarious that a conservative is trying to cancel everyone. I thought they were against that.
      Which leads me to the important question, what is more important to conservative hypocrites? Cancel culture or petty revenge?
      Also, Ackman's wife put the author's name and publication date immediately after the material which she used — but did not put quotation marks around it.
  • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @11:54AM (#64136341) Homepage

    Digging for dirt on others has a motivating effect for others to dig for dirt on you. I suspect some unflattering details of Mr. Ackman's life will soon come to light. I for one am getting out the popcorn.

  • This guy... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Saturday January 06, 2024 @12:13PM (#64136389)

    This guy, upset that the same standards he applied to Claudine Gay are being applied to his wife. What a bunch of self entitled bullshit.

    I always got the feeling that the outrage over Gay was too loud for it to really be about academic honesty and not culture war bullshit. He's just confirmed it, it was always about culture war nonsense.

    • Just because the motivations were wrong doesn't mean the results were... and now that we have seen the motivations, we can cast a sharp eye on Ackman. It won't be just his wife who has skeletons, you can bet money he's done some things he's terrified will see the light of day and ruin his life too.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by DaHat ( 247651 )

      Are they the same standards?

      Claudine Gay came under scrutiny because of *her* actions.

      His wife came under scrutiny because of his actions.

      Can you not see the difference?

      Direct accountability vs guilt by association.

      • Direct accountability vs guilt by association.

        So it's like Israel deliberately bombing [latimes.com] Palestinian civilians [nbcnews.com] because of Hamas' actions?

        • by DaHat ( 247651 )

          War is a terrible thing, doubly so when civilians needlessly die. Hamas chose war, just as it chose not to protect it's civilians from the predictable response which would occur from the from the lawless killing and kidnapping of civilians on October 7th and since, instead opting to hide behind them as human shields.*

          Do you have a point?

          Or are you seeking to prove the point correct that Dr Gay wasn't forced out because of plagiarism, but because of rampant antisemitism on college campuses such as Harvard wh

    • Fair is fair. By all means, let's get Ackman's wife fired from her job as a trophy wife.

    • No. He's holding his wife and everyone else responsible too as he should.

      Plagiarism is a serious issue in academia. Glossing over some incidents and say everyone does it is a bigger problem. I know when I did my post-graduate work and wrote my masters thesis, I was very careful to cite and document sources correctly. It was expected. Anyone who steals another's work without proper attribution is either lazy, a liar/cheater, and/or stupid and doesn't deserve the credit for the work and deserves to be sl

      • No. He's holding his wife and everyone else responsible too as he should.

        No he's not. He's deflecting. His wife was called out for doing the exact same thing Gay was found to have done and instead of saying the same action should be taken he said "let's check everyone else". He doesn't want the spotlight on his cheating wife and I can guarantee he'll never admit she plaigarized.

    • If you dare oppose the wholesale murder of women and children Israel's right wing government is perpetrating in Gaza, you're going to attract a lot of hate.

      • Supporting genocide of Jews isn't the same as opposing Israel. I'm going to assume you already knew that, because usually the people posting things like you just posted do and just don't care.

  • And just think, we aren't even in the era where AI has been utilized to generate these papers. If not verbatim, then excerpts of text that the "author" then rewords and reworks to not trigger AI detection. Or general outlines, individual sentences, etc. If so many authors are lifting individual sentences from other published and known works, which can be caught relatively easily, then imagine what will happen when a sentence is totally unique having been generated by AI.

    From my experimentation, AIs that det

  • "It is unfortunate that my actions to address problems in higher education have led to these attacks on my family," Ackman posted Friday night on Twitter.

    Do as I say, not as I do -- or, apparently, as my wife does. Is it an "attack" to point out that she's done the same thing you just crucified someone else over?

    Her husband, Ackman, has taken a hardline stance on plagiarism.

    Then stand by that or be a hypocrite. If your wife did the same thing, criticize her too or STFU about others, 'cause if you don't you're obviously just going after the other people because you don't like them.

    [In future news prediction: Bill Ackman found to have plagiarized ...]

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      When you are a billionaire you have privileges other people don't -- whether or not that's a good thing, it just is. You can punch down safely from your lofty position.

      It's like when the National Enquirer tried to blackmail Jeff Bezos by stealing his dick pics. When I heard that I laughed out loud at their naivete. Did they think Bezos would be afraid of becoming some kind of paraiah if the world knew he sent dirty pictures to his side piece?

      Or when Elon Musk reacted like a total lunatic when the Thai c

  • by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Saturday January 06, 2024 @04:40PM (#64137052) Homepage Journal
    I completed my thesis in January 2013. Well before then my institution laid down a hard no on using Wikipedia anywhere in a thesis, review, or original article. Why she would have ever copied text from there and expected it to suffice for a thesis is the real mystery.

    Yes there are some well written articles on wikipedia that can be a great introduction to a topic. However any serious scholar should take the time to read the sources cited by it before accepting its words as being the least bit authoritative. Wikipedia should not be cited in a thesis any more so than should a review paper; it's simply lazy work to do so. Even citing an undergrad text book is a better academic move than citing Wikipedia.

Hold on to the root.
