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Bing Gained Less Than 1% Market Share Since Adding Bing Chat, Report Finds ( 31

According to StatCounter, Bing's market share grew less than 1% since launching Bing Chat (now known as Copilot) roughly a year ago. From a report: Bloomberg reported (paywalled) on the StatCounter data, saying, "But Microsoft's search engine ended 2023 with just 3.4% of the global search market, according to data analytics firm StatCounter, up less than 1 percentage point since the ChatGPT announcement." Google still dominates the global search market with a 91.6% market share, followed by Bing's 3.4%, Yandex's 1.6% and Yahoo's 1.1%. "Other" search engines accounted for a total of just 2.2% of the global search market.

You can view the raw chart and data from StatCounter here.
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Bing Gained Less Than 1% Market Share Since Adding Bing Chat, Report Finds

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  • Dupe (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 18, 2024 @09:29PM (#64171451)
  • DuckDuckGo (Score:5, Informative)

    by Dwedit ( 232252 ) on Thursday January 18, 2024 @09:35PM (#64171457) Homepage

    DuckDuckGo is just Bing, with a location-based ad (usually irrelevant to your search query) inserted at the bottom of your search results.

  • There are way to many ways to access Microsoft's chatgpt products without using Bing, for instance, IK do it using Skype on my mac.

    So, why on earth would Bing chat produce a large uptick in usage since the same functionality can be accessed from other MS products?

    JM2C, YMMV

    • My question would be, why use their chatgpt at all? For me, it just gives irrelevant or inaccurate information.

      For example, when I asked it for a "car charger for a surface laptop" (a microsoft product! Got it for free), it decided it wanted to talk about troubleshooting USB devices.

      Eventually it recommended a product costing several hundred dollars, that was for a piece of scientific equipment and not a surface laptop.

      Amazon hooked me right up with a sub-$20 product. Replaceable cable even! Basically,

  • by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Thursday January 18, 2024 @09:57PM (#64171475)

    If they grew by one percentage point, going from 2.4% to 3.4% is massive growth, that's a 42% increase in just one year.

    • Except they're being really generous but just saying "less than 1%." The raw Statcounter data is 3.03% going all the way up to 3.37% in December 2023. Slightly past a third of a percentage point.

  • by flug ( 589009 ) on Thursday January 18, 2024 @10:01PM (#64171479)

    I will just mention that Bing's AI chat thing really stinks.

    I've been keeping an eye on it since it started auto-appearing at the top of Bing searches, and it is just so bad.

    Basically, it ineptly summarizes the first few results with no sense at all of what among them is either accurate or relevant.

    If I weren't so lazy, I would figure out how to turn it off. In the meanwhile, my strategy is just to scroll past it as quickly as possible and ignore. It is bringing literal negative value to the search results. I'm amazed it hasn't made Bing's share of search results drop by 50%.

    • I disagree. I love the Copilot. It does sometimes spew out redundant and even irrelevant information. That's certainly true, but even then, it includes the links that you can check out yourself. For me, I only go through the links part of the time, so it saves me a lot. Yes, I am lazy in a different way. My favorite part is the Generate page summary feature. I once loaded up a 50 page contract and asked it questions. It got a question wrong, but it provided the link for me to go to the appropriate l
      • Summarizing is something LLMs are really good at. Acting as a knowledge base is something they are pretty bad at. The difference is subtle but important.
        • by narcc ( 412956 )

          Summarizing is something LLMs are really good at.

          No, it's not. They're really, really, awful, at it happens. I'm absolutely astonished that anyone not trying to sell a subscription making that claim.

          I suppose that the output looks good if you don't check it against the original, which is what I expect most people inappropriately using these things to summarize text are doing. Nonsense text that looks good is what they're actually good at, after all.

          • by vyvepe ( 809573 )

            Summarizing is something LLMs are really good at.

            No, it's not. They're really, really, awful, at it happens.

            The best (lowest) error rate was 17% in a test like:
            Answer [this question] based on the data in [this pasted text].

            Not sure whether it can be called awful but it is rather bad. I would not use it.
            I did not save the reference. I only wanted to put some number so that people have an idea how bad it is now.

    • What you're saying applies to the inline chat box they include with the regular search results, which I usually just ignore, and consider a waste of their resources.

      But when I actually want to interact with it, I've found the chat incredibly useful. Some use cases:
      - Knowledge discovery. It saves me the step of having to actually visit a website and make my way through irrelevant blocks of text until I find what I actually need.
      e.g. "what is the parameter that helps me achieve [goal] in [command line utility

  • 1%? (Score:3, Funny)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday January 18, 2024 @10:46PM (#64171499)
    I don't know it seems to me doubling your market share is a pretty impressive achievement.
  • This is how the AI bubble pops.
  • Baidu has 66.52% [] of the China market. Yet Baidu only has 0.96% [] of the worldwide market. That means that China only accounts for 1.4% of the worldwide market, even though China has about 22% of all Internet users in the world.

    • I suspect that 66% Baidu number is wonky. Looking at’s worldwide numbers has Baidu at 0.9% of the market, which puts the China market at 1.3%. I’m guessing is only counting traffic that gets filtered through the great firewall of China as the “China Market”. Would be interesting to see raw numbers instead of percents.
  • I'd be surprised if Bing Chat was the cause of any gain. I'd heard great things about ChatGPT so I thought it would be smart, but the couple times I've tried it the results I got seemed to resemble any other dumb chat bot acting as an interface that I've ever used before. I don't know if they gutted their product when they applied it to the search engine interface, or if it's just the most over-hyped tech ever.

    • by narcc ( 412956 )

      I don't know if they gutted their product when they applied it to the search engine interface, or if it's just the most over-hyped tech ever.

      Why not both?


      (It's both.)

  • Bing chat is great. I even installed edge on linux to be able to use it. But now they don't require edge.

    But I find that for search I just the default google. For work, bing is default with edge and I also get co-pilot with it. But chrome and firefox just come with google as default.

    Though I am very wary. Since google is scraping the bottom of the barrel for money (in Google's scale), how long before they start monetizing things that they didn't before. Like your e-mail and directly the contents of your sea

    • Bing chat is great. I even installed edge on linux to be able to use it. But now they don't require edge.

      But I find that for search I just the default google. For work, bing is default with edge and I also get co-pilot with it. But chrome and firefox just come with google as default.

      Though I am very wary. Since google is scraping the bottom of the barrel for money (in Google's scale), how long before they start monetizing things that they didn't before. Like your e-mail and directly the contents of your search. I would love to see what kind of searches engineers at my competition was doing and I'm sure they would love to see ours.

      The above was written by Bing chat in "junior janitor mode".

  • Every time I've used bing chat I've been severely disappointed. It's like talking to a middle of the road 13B model at best.

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