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Physicists Design a Way to Detect Quantum Behavior in Large Objects, Like Us ( 20

Researchers have developed a way to apply quantum measurement to something no matter its mass or energy. "Our proposed experiment can test if an object is classical or quantum by seeing if an act of observation can lead to a change in its motion," says physicist Debarshi Das from UCL. ScienceAlert reports: Quantum physics describes a Universe where objects aren't defined by a single measurement, but as a range of possibilities. An electron can be spinning up and down, or have a high chance of existing in some areas more than others, for example. In theory, this isn't limited to tiny things. Your own body can in effect be described as having a very high probability of sitting in that chair and a very (very!) low probability of being on the Moon. There is just one fundamental truth to remember -- you touch it, you've bought it. Observing an object's quantum state, whether an electron, or a person sitting in a chair, requires interactions with a measuring system, forcing it to have a single measurement. There are ways to catch objects with their quantum pants still down, but they require keeping the object in a ground state -- super-cold, super-still, completely cut off from its environment. That's tricky to do with individual particles, and it gets a lot more challenging as the size of the scale goes up.

The new proposal uses an entirely novel approach, one that uses a combination of assertions known as Leggett-Garg Inequalities and No-Signaling in Time conditions. In effect, these two concepts describe a familiar Universe, where a person on a chair is sitting there even if the room is dark and you can't see them. Switching on the light won't suddenly reveal they're actually under the bed. Should an experiment find evidence that somehow conflicts with these assertions, we just might be catching a glimpse of quantum fuzziness on a larger scale.

The team proposes that objects can be observed as they oscillate on a pendulum, like a ball at the end of a piece of string. Light would then be flashed at the two halves of the experimental setup at different times -- counting as the observation -- and the results of the second flash would indicate if quantum behavior was happening, because the first flash would affect whatever was moving. We're still talking about a complex setup that would require some sophisticated equipment, and conditions akin to a ground state -- but through the use of motion and two measurements (light flashes), some of the restrictions on mass are removed. [...]
"The next step is to try this proposed setup in an actual experiment," concludes the reports. "The mirrors at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US have already been proposed as suitable candidates for examination."

"Those mirrors act as a single 10-kilogram (22-pound) object, quite a step up from the typical size of objects analyzed for quantum effects -- anything up to about a quintillionth of a gram."

The findings have been published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
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Physicists Design a Way to Detect Quantum Behavior in Large Objects, Like Us

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  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday January 19, 2024 @08:17AM (#64172011)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by PIC16F628 ( 1815754 ) on Friday January 19, 2024 @08:39AM (#64172037)

    Isn't Quantum behaviour because of the extremely small sizes we are dealing with - where the act of measuring with much larger contraptions disturbs the quantum particles? So, what's the point of trying to observer Quantum behaviour of people or other large objects?

    • The whole point of this experiment is based on suggestions that challenge the theory of quantum behavior being exclusive to quantum scale
  • Because that's been done.
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Friday January 19, 2024 @10:35AM (#64172337)
    Of people walking through double doors.

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