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Classic Games (Games)

Billy Mitchell and Twin Galaxies Settle Lawsuits On Donkey Kong World Records ( 64

"What happens when a loser who needs to win faces a winner who refuses to lose?"

That was the tagline for the iconic 2007 documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, chronicling a middle-school teacher's attempts to take the Donkey Kong record from reigning world champion Billy Mitchell. "Billy Mitchell always has a plan," says Billy Mitchell in the movie (who is also shown answering his phone, "World Record Headquarters. Can I help you?") By 1985, 30-year-old Mitchell was already listed in the "Guinness Book of World Records" for having the world's highest scores for Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong, Jr., Centipede, and Burger Time.

But then, NME reports... In 2018, a number of Mitchell's Donkey Kong high-scores were called into question by a fellow gamer, who supplied a string of evidence on the Twin Galaxies forums suggesting Mitchell had used an emulator to break the records, rather than the official, unmodified hardware that's typically required to keep things fair. [Twin Galaxies is Guiness World Records' official source for videogame scores.] Following "an independent investigation," Mitchell's hi-scores were removed from video game database Twin Galaxies as well as the Guinness Book Of Records, though the latter reversed the decision in 2020. Forensic analysts also accused him of cheating in 2022 but Mitchell has fought the accusations ever since.
This week, 58-year-old Billy Mitchell posted an announcement on X. "Twin Galaxies has reinstated all of my world records from my videogame career... I am relieved and satisfied to reach this resolution after an almost six-year ordeal and look forward to pursuing my unfinished business elsewhere. Never Surrender, Billy Mitchell."

X then wrote below the announcement, "Readers added context they thought people might want to know... Twin Galaxies has only reinstated Michell's scores on an archived leaderboard, where rules were different prior to TG being acquired in 2014. His score remains removed from the current leaderboard where he continues to be ineligible by today's rules."

The statement from Twin Galaxies says they'd originally believed they'd seen "a demonstrated impossibility of original, unmodified Donkey Kong arcade hardware" in a recording of one of Billy's games. As punishment they'd then invalidated every record he'd ever set in his life.

But now an engineer (qualified as an expert in federal courts) says aging components in the game board could've produced the same visual artifacts seen in the videotape of the disputed game. Consistent with Twin Galaxies' dedication to the meticulous documentation and preservation of video game score history, Twin Galaxies shall heretofore reinstate all of Mr. Mitchell's scores as part of the official historical database on Twin Galaxies' website. Additionally, upon closing of the matter, Twin Galaxies shall permanently archive and remove from online display the dispute thread... as well as all related statements and articles.
NME adds: Twin Galaxies' lawyer David Tashroudian told Ars Technica that the company had all its "ducks in a row" for a legal battle with Mitchell but "there were going to be an inordinate amount of costs involved, and both parties were facing a lot of uncertainty at trial, and they wanted to get the matter settled on their own terms."
And the New York Times points out that while Billy scored 1,062,800 in that long-ago game, "The vigorous long-running and sometimes bitter dispute was over marks that have long since been surpassed. The current record, as reported by Twin Galaxies, belongs to Robbie Lakeman. It's 1,272,800."

Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader UnknowingFool for sharing the news.
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Billy Mitchell and Twin Galaxies Settle Lawsuits On Donkey Kong World Records

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  • by Briareos ( 21163 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @05:46PM (#64175565)

    Karl Jobst also made a video commenting on this [] - he's not going to settle...

    • by Moryath ( 553296 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:54PM (#64175671)
      Jobst has no reason to settle. His country's legal system is sane - if Cheating Crap Billy drops the lawsuit he instantly loses and has to reimburse all of Jobst's legal defense expenditures.
      • well Karl Jobst did go to far at one point. []

        • by quall ( 1441799 )

          Why would you link to a Billy Mitchel video? He's a compulsive liar and has been trying to act like a victim at every turn. Oh but he's telling the truth here, he swears I bet.

          Nobody will really know, and Billy's video may as well just not have been posted. That's how worthless it is.

    • here is a 4 hours video that will convinced he's a cheat []
  • the jury is a wild card some times its better to be settling out of court

  • Who cares (Score:4, Insightful)

    by comrade1 ( 748430 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @05:54PM (#64175577)
    Biggest retard fight ever.
    • by quall ( 1441799 )

      Well, you have an organization that is funded and would only exist if it has integrity, and then you have Billy who has made a ton of money off his "fame". Might be a retard fight, but you're the one on Slashdot posting retarded comments. SO the world evens out.

  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:00PM (#64175583)

    "What happens when a loser who needs to win faces a winner who refuses to lose?"

    I think I saw this on TV a few years ago. Zero stars, do not recommend -- especially if it reruns in a few months.

  • Now did they test TKG2, TKG3, and TKG4 boards?
    As well the 2 different 'speed-up kits' rom the Nintendo put out?

    Or was the real hardware testing done on just TKG4 and one rom set.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Joe successfully finds the shift key and can finally use capital letters. Today is a good day!

  • Does the licensed Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr / Mario Bros (Namco / Nintendo / Cosmodog 2003) board have video the looks like mame?

    • by Moryath ( 553296 )
      Doesn't matter, as that's not the board Cheating Crap Billy claims to have been using when he got MAME-identical screens on multiple fake attempts over multiple years...
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:17PM (#64175609)
    He's lying about that. They agreed to put them in a database somewhere as a historic record that they wore once briefly in the scoreboards. The actual scoreboards still don't have his records.

    The footage that he sent in has a boot sequence that's only possible if you're playing the game on Mame. My guess is that twin galaxies gave up on the lawsuit because he managed to keep it going for so damned long. Plus he never know what a jury is going to do. I mean how many people on a jury are going to know what Mame is let alone understand the subtle differences in boot sequences caused by running a game underneath it.
    • Jesus just thinking of being on that jury for weeks is just a recipe to disillusion 12 people to the entire concept of liberal democracy.

    • by ravenshrike ( 808508 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:44PM (#64175651)

      Nah, TG settled because their lawyer fucked up when contacting the witnesses. So rather than deal with any fallout from that, TG settled to have him in a historical archive.

    • You wouldn't expect a member of any jury to already know what MAME is, that's why you'd explain it to them. And none of it's hard to understand on a basic level. You don't need to understand how emulation works at a deep level to get that Billy claimed to have played on original hardware when in reality he played "on his computer." And it's proven by the order the visuals load in the game. You don't need to understand how the MAME boot sequence works, just that there's a clear visual difference between
  • Clarification (Score:4, Informative)

    by UnknowingFool ( 672806 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:20PM (#64175613)

    Billy Mitchell is claiming victory as if he has won. Twin Galaxies has not put Billy Mitchell back in their leader boards and he is still banned from further submissions. What Twin Galaxies did is to make a historical database available to the website. Users can view the records as they existed when the current owner bought Twin Galaxies where Billy Mitchell has records. This historical database also has records from other players like Todd Rogers who since been removed for cheating.

    As Billy Mitchell's expert witness, this testimony was that it was "possible" that aging boards could have caused the anomalies. However the expert did not address why the anomalies look exactly like a version of MAME. Also the expert did not demonstrate where he could recreate the anomalies.

    • Re:Clarification (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Moryath ( 553296 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:45PM (#64175653)

      However the expert did not address why the anomalies look exactly like a version of MAME. Also the expert did not demonstrate where he could recreate the anomalies.

      That's because the 'expert' didn't actually do any testing. He was paid to write a load of word salad to support Billy, so that's what he did. 90% of his statements are absolutely impossible if you understand how the hardware works (no "failure" in the world could speed up how the board draws to the CRT screen for instance).

      The other 10% of his statements are similar nonsense. For instance, he claims that a "lack" of frame alignment is an issue, but Twin Galaxies' current owner Jace Hall went to the trouble of purchasing a tape deck that could roll through the tapes in analog, and where you can clearly scroll forward to see the scan transition from frame to frame - sadly this video is in the now "removed from public view" (per the settlement) dispute thread.

      Basically speaking, Twin Galaxies settled to the minimum they could do, just to stop wasting money on Cheating Crap Billy. Cheating Crap Billy is still a disgusting cheater.

  • "Expert" they say... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Moryath ( 553296 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @06:23PM (#64175617)

    But now an engineer (qualified as an expert in federal courts) says aging components in the game board could've produced the same visual artifacts seen in the videotape of the disputed game.

    An "expert" who has done zero analysis, and who repeats already debunked claims. As well as failing to explain how Cheating Crap Billy got MAME-identical screens on three different attempts 5+ years separated... In other words, "paid to say shit he doesn't believe."

  • Throw it out and get a new one.

  • Is there any possibility that he was somehow cheating in 1985, which of course is way, way before emulation was possible? For Donkey Kong specifically that would have required some hardware-level cheating. Like either a custom ROM, or perhaps a hacked RNG. I think that is the main way of cheating in Donkey Kong, because the randomization is what makes things very difficult. You can't just follow patterns or keep playing infinitely to max out a score (because of the "kill screen" at which gameplay stops). So

    • by ac22 ( 7754550 )

      Mitchell was legitimately extremely good at playing arcade games back in the 80s. He sometimes drew large crowds when he made his attempts. IMO his 1982 DK score of 886,900 was probably genuine, along with a lot of his other records, although of course video evidence from back then is scarce. The current WR score is 1,272,800 by Robbie Lakeman in 2021, so Mitchell's 1982 record doesn't need to be explained by any form of cheating.

      His 1,000,000+ scores were set 20+ years later.

  • by rabbirta ( 10188987 ) on Saturday January 20, 2024 @09:25PM (#64175901) Homepage
    The dude cheated. Blatantly. Watch any long-form investigation of the "artifacts" that were produced and you'll find that they are mathematically identical to the frames produced by an emulator.

    Real hardware cannot, will not produce those exact specific artifacts, especially not dozens of times over the course of every single recording of every single supposed DK record on dozens of recorded frames.

    Of course, real fans know this because it's easy to prove. I'm sure the jury just got sick of it and let him have his 'win', even if we all know better
  • by ZipK ( 1051658 ) on Sunday January 21, 2024 @12:21AM (#64176135)

    Consistent with Twin Galaxies' dedication to the meticulous documentation and preservation of video game score history, Twin Galaxies shall heretofore reinstate all of Mr. Mitchell's scores as part of the official historical database on Twin Galaxies' website. Additionally, upon closing of the matter, Twin Galaxies shall permanently archive and remove from online display the dispute thread... as well as all related statements and articles.

    So they're dedicated to preserving video game score history, but they're removing the discussion and documentation of this episode in video game score history?

  • In no forum can one self report any kind of achievement because no one knows the circumstances under which it occurred. Just because someone said its possible he didnt cheat doesnt mean something didnt happen. If someone actually cares enough to set a record then it needs to be done on a standardized machine with witnesses that anyone can use. Otherwise, he is no better than so many self proclaimed masters of martial arts who can do little more than get their ass handed to them in the ring.

I don't do it for the money. -- Donald Trump, Art of the Deal
