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United Kingdom News

Nicholas Hawkes, 39, Becomes First in England To Be Jailed for Cyber Flashing ( 159

A man has been sentenced for cyber flashing in England for the first time. From a report: Nicholas Hawkes, 39, from Basildon in Essex, was jailed for 66 weeks at Southend Crown Court today after he sent unsolicited photos of his erect penis to a 15-year-old girl and a woman on 9 February. The older victim took screenshots of the offending image on WhatsApp and reported Hawkes to the police the same day.

Cyber flashing became a criminal offence in England with the passage of the Online Safety Act on 31 January. It has been a crime in Scotland since 2010. The offence covers the sending of an unsolicited sexual image to people via social media, dating apps, text message or data-sharing services such as Bluetooth and AirDrop. Victims of cyber flashing get lifelong anonymity from the time they report the offence, as it also falls under the Sexual Offences Act.

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Nicholas Hawkes, 39, Becomes First in England To Be Jailed for Cyber Flashing

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  • oh, wait...
  • by Major_Disorder ( 5019363 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @02:58PM (#64328587)
    The approprite time to send a dickpic is... Never.
    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      The appropriate time is when the recipient has specifically asked for it. Any OTHER time is inappropriate.

      • The appropriate time is when the recipient has specifically asked for it. Any OTHER time is inappropriate.

        A girl did actually once ask me but I declined. I didn't necessarily want that picture floating around out in the wild. Besides, I figured it was easy enough to find photos of similarly proportioned subjects [].

        • The appropriate time is when the recipient has specifically asked for it. Any OTHER time is inappropriate.

          A girl did actually once ask me but I declined. I didn't necessarily want that picture floating around out in the wild. Besides, I figured it was easy enough to find photos of similarly proportioned subjects [].

          Exactly. You don't want a pic like that floating around on the internet. What if you run for public office one day?

          • Exactly. You don't want a pic like that floating around on the internet. What if you run for public office one day?

            If we're talking American politics, that isn't exactly the career killer it once was. I don't think we're too far off from politicians including links to their OnlyFans.

            • Exactly. You don't want a pic like that floating around on the internet. What if you run for public office one day?

              If we're talking American politics, that isn't exactly the career killer it once was. I don't think we're too far off from politicians including links to their OnlyFans.

              We'll have a stripper, prostitute (real, not metaphorical), or porn star in a federal or major state office in the next decade. I'll guarantee it. Probably out of Vegas or Southern California. And yes, OnlyFans will be involved.

            • It really depends on how good the penis is these days. A smol dic pic could likely sink a candidate. A glorious throbbing tree trunk of a unit accompanied by proper XL egg sized balls with just the right mood lighting and glisten could make a political career. Put that dick on a chick and you've got POTUS 48
          • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

            Hi Anthony, sorry about Huma but you know she was fugly anyway even you could do better.

          • Are we talking about the redwoods?


          Well played, sir.


            Well played, sir.

            The real question is how many people still didn't want to risk clicking the link.

    • The approprite time to send a dickpic is... Never.

      Oh, finally an article where the fact that I'm a gay man is on-topic for once. Back when I was single (which admittedly, has been over a decade so maybe attitudes have changed in the interim), sending pictures of one's junk was like saying "hi". Course, the issue here is that it truly is never appropriate for an adult to send dick pics to someone who is underage, so if the law was limited in scope to just that it really wouldn't be a problem.

      But when you've got the hypothetical situation involving two adu

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        No. Just no.
        Forcing images of your genitals on someone without consent is akin to assault. This is not dependent on age, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
        It's called the age of consent, dude.

        If you send a dick pic to someone you don't already know wants it, you're clearly doing things out of order.
        "Hi" has to come before sexual advances, with a lot of other stuff in between.

        • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @05:50PM (#64329091) Homepage

          If you send a dick pic to someone you don't already know wants it, you're clearly doing things out of order.

          Yeah, that's the idea, speedrunning all the bullshit and just essentially saying "Like what you see, hit me up. Don't? Hit the X up in the corner and move on." Grindr made a fairly successful app out of this sort of thing. Again, when I was single, most gay guys seemed largely okay with it.

          Heck, I didn't really have a problem with it either, because it made it really easy to tell who wasn't looking for anything long term. If you're starting a conversation with your dick, you're in all likelihood not who I was looking to settle down with. Criminalizing the behavior, however, seems excessively harsh. Some guys clearly are into the whole no-commitment casual sex thing, and who am I to judge them if they're happy?

          Obviously, that's not what happened in TFS. Some perv with a prior history of getting pervy with minors send a picture of his junk to a minor. That's an indefensible behavior and in this case the application of the law was well justified.

          • Heck, I didn't really have a problem with it either

            That makes you (or the gay community?) the strange one. Flashing has always been sexual harassment. Using a phone doesn't make it any less so. If you like being sexually harassed then more power to you, maybe write in your profile "dick picks welcome" just so everyone is clear that you are okay with it and you want to "speed run" your hook-ups.

            Some things in life should be opt in, not opt out.

            • A few straight guys have already posted here saying they don't really mind unsolicited nudes from females. Gay guys are still just guys, so it's pretty much the same mindset - different gender.

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
        I guess it depends on the situation. Facebook, Instagram, or other social media? Generally unacceptable. Grindr, or something similar, probably less unacceptable.
      • by sjames ( 1099 )

        Notably, factors in his sentencing included one recipient was 15 and he had already violated conditions of parole for a previous offense.

    • I must take exception to that. I am not a crook [].

    • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

      I don't know, maybe to a tele-health provider who is 1) expecting it and 2) currently assisting you with some medical issue related to your dick. About the only time I can see how it would be a reasonable thing to do.

      And no sending such material to your SO is NOT a reasonable thing to do. Its the *internet* and mile-high-tech-stacks with data replicated all over the f'ing place people... Exactly none-of-consumer oriented communications devices are secure...

      • And no sending such material to your SO is NOT a reasonable thing to do.

        If you're not texting each other some naughty bits every now and then, it sounds like you might need to put some spark back in your relationship. Just sayin'.

    • Not even Carlos Danger?

  • by MpVpRb ( 1423381 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @03:00PM (#64328595)

    It makes no sense that someone would send a photo of their wiener
    When I send a Dick pic, it's always the official presidential portrait of Richard M Nixon

    • by dgatwood ( 11270 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @03:18PM (#64328669) Homepage Journal

      It makes no sense that someone would send a photo of their wiener When I send a Dick pic, it's always the official presidential portrait of Richard M Nixon

      You'd get kicked off of a lot of dating sites for using such an old picture. Next time, try Cheney.

    • It makes no sense that someone would send a photo of their wiener

      Considering that most male porn seems to be aimed at the gay demographic, unless that's what you're going for it's probably not going to have the outcome you're desiring. And even then, if you're not a 20 y/o twink [], you'll probably just be told to please put the wrinkly sausage away.

    • by ebunga ( 95613 )

      I prefer to use Dick Pick, the creator of the PICK database system, though sometimes I'll use Dick Trickle if I know they're a nascar fan.

  • Reddit, in it's pre-IPO attempt days, used have entire subs dedicated to things like this., at work, in public... for both men and women. They were quite popular in the day....
  • "picture", who is the flasher, her or him?

  • This makes perfect sense. Sending unsolicited dick pics is pretty much the same things as flashing in person, so the charges should be pretty much the same.

    • This makes perfect sense. Sending unsolicited dick pics is pretty much the same things as flashing in person, so the charges should be pretty much the same.

      So, you're saying they should have beads thrown at them. The question is, how do we do that through the internet?

  • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @03:33PM (#64328715)

    I don't think some men appreciate just how many pictures of penises women tend to receive unsolicited. Young, old, any woman I know who has spent any appreciable amount of time online and especially on any type of dating site has gotten a few dick pics, some on a daily basis. I don't quite know what the imperitvate or thought process is on that. Do some men really think a penis is just gonna make women swoon for them?

    I guess flashing is an accurate term, it's about the thrill of disgust but seriously men, if women, or anyone want's to see our penises they will ask. If they don't the answer is probably no. Maybe overall this type of law is a good thing, we don't seem to grasp that concept.

    "The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep."

    • I don't think some men appreciate just how many pictures of penises women tend to receive unsolicited. Young, old, any woman I know who has spent any appreciable amount of time online and especially on any type of dating site has gotten a few dick pics, some on a daily basis. I don't quite know what the imperitvate or thought process is on that. Do some men really think a penis is just gonna make women swoon for them?

      I guess flashing is an accurate term, it's about the thrill of disgust but seriously men, if women, or anyone want's to see our penises they will ask. If they don't the answer is probably no. Maybe overall this type of law is a good thing, we don't seem to grasp that concept.

      "The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep."

      I'm not at all the typical guy, but I can't imagine being so egotistical that you see your own tackle and think, "Yeah, man! I gotta share this with someone!" Like, male genitals just ain't that attractive even to people that like male genitals. I can't imagine getting a dick pic and thinking better than, "What an uncouth idiot." Though, likely, it would be much, much worse.

      • Like, male genitals just ain't that attractive even to people that like male genitals.

        I would assume most straight guys aren't much into male genitals. Seems to be the defining characteristic of being a straight male. Now why women generally don't go as gaga for dicks as gay guys do, I haven't a clue. Seems like one of human evolution's cruel pranks being played on you heterosexuals.

        • cruel pranks being played on you heterosexuals.

          Yup, there's quite a lot of these when you break it down lol.

          Also do most gay men go "gaga" for dicks or is it just indifference.? Like, I like a vagina, i like how it feels and smells and such, but just looking at it without the context of the woman it's attached to? Neither here nor there, it's not really "attractive" taken by itself.

          I like to think back to Troy McClure... []

          • Also do most gay men go "gaga" for dicks or is it just indifference.?

            A very, very common camera framing on those live cam sites for gay porn is just a shot of some guy's crotch. Obviously, it has to be attached to someone who is height weight proportionate, not too hairy, and relatively "youthful" (meaning 20s, early 30s) looking to land that cam entertainer on the front page of the popularity rankings. Oh, and I almost forgot, it has to be large. Like almost comically so, to the point of where if you actually stopped to think about it you'd realize it probably wouldn't a

            • You know it's a thing in hetero porn too but like every poll of women shows it's not a top priority and most share the same opinion you do so it's so it seems to be just a thing men do for men, which is in it's own way humorous.

              Same for asses, some men go bonkers for women's butts but i'll stick up for us men too, we can have very nice asses. Superior in many ways.

      • I can't imagine being so egotistical that you see your own tackle and think, "Yeah, man! I gotta share this with someone!"

        It's the thought that someone else sees it that is erotic to some. Maybe some find a higher excitement, or a necessary condition of the excitement, for the viewer to be a prohibited person (such as a minor).

        This bears some similarities with exhibitionism. No one reasonable would think that flash opening their raincoat in a women's bathroom is going to get them a girlfriend; but such men don't do it out of being reasonable or with the intent of actually getting a girlfriend. It's more that they get excitemen

    • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @04:33PM (#64328869)

      >The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep.

      This is a cultural, not absolute, value.

      We should be just as upset by unsolicited female nudity, but due to the aforementioned culture we typically are not. On the three occasions where I have received such things from women... I did not complain.

      • Yup, we should be, but like you said, we're really not. That's just reality.

        Hell on Twitter (or ughh, "X") I am flooded with OnlyFans spam with unsolicited naked pictures. Now I can just smirk and block those and think nothing of it, but it those were all dicks? I'd probably be a bit more upset.

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @03:46PM (#64328739)
    Too soon?
  • ... and with all that time on his hands maybe he can stay out of trouble.

  • Imagine that showing your hair in public were an offense.

    Oh sorry, shouldn't have used the irrealis 'were' where it's a real offense in some places.

  • by Growlley ( 6732614 ) on Tuesday March 19, 2024 @05:30PM (#64329033)
    as a right prick.
  • I think the US passed this milestone a long time ago.

  • This is an article I would have glossed over, but then I noticed it had already garnered 98 comments. The Slashdot feed has all kinds of interesting and pertinent news today, but this got more comments than any. For a tech savvy group, tech dick pics are not news, they have been around since copiers and faxes.

    Just goes to show you that fart jokes, poo jokes, dick jokes will always get people engaged.

    Have you noticed that \. look like an erect dick and ball?

  • If you flash digitally, you can ask Midjourney to produce an enhanced version of your peepee for pence. Years ago when Stanley Kubrick digitally enhanced Malcolm McDowell for his nude scene in A Clockwork Orange, this cost a fortune.

C for yourself.
