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Nintendo IT

Discord is Nuking Nintendo Switch Emulator Devs and Their Entire Servers ( 56

Discord has shut down the Discord servers for the Nintendo Switch emulators Suyu and Sudachi and has completely disabled their lead developers' accounts. The Verge: Both Suyu and Sudachi began as forks of Yuzu, the emulator that Nintendo sued out of existence on March 4th. "Discord responds to and complies with all legal and valid Digital Millennium Copyright Act requests. In this instance, there was also a court ordered injunction for the takedown of these materials, and we took action in a manner consistent with the court order," reads part of a statement from Discord director of product communications Kellyn Slone to The Verge.

The developers of Suyu and Sudachi only received vague messages about how they were sharing content that allegedly violates intellectual property rights, according to images shared with The Verge. Meanwhile, Discord tells us that it's following its normal process for DMCA takedown requests -- but it's not at all clear there was a valid DMCA takedown request or that those communities were actually violating IP rights, and it's quite possible Discord isn't following its own policy by kicking them out.

Remember, Nintendo got Yuzu to settle rather than proving its case in court, and the settlement did not give Nintendo the rights to Yuzu's freely copyable GPL v3 code. Developers of Yuzu's forks also claimed they were changing the code further, among other practices, in an effort to avoid pissing Nintendo off. And that code wasn't hosted on Discord in any case.

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Discord is Nuking Nintendo Switch Emulator Devs and Their Entire Servers

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  • Nuke Discord (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Nuke discord by nuking your account let the company die

    • I already was since they stole my nickname.

      I signed up for a nickname and got it. Then they changed their system to require numbers after nicknames. Then they changed it back and instead of giving me back my nickname, they gave it to someone else, and assigned me a different number after my nickname because it was already taken. Fuck those fucking fucks.

    • What would you do in Discord's position? I may be naive, but it sounds like they don't have much of a choice?
      Basically, I am asking if this is the hill Discord should die on?

      • Simple (Score:3, Insightful)

        They should ask Nintendo for the URL to the infringing content, then take down the offending content. Just like any other DMCA request. Everything permanently available on Discord is accessible via web calls, and yes, Discord should assist Nintendo's legal team in understanding how to provide valid URLs, but they shouldn't blanket remove everything over a vague request.

        They charge enough for their paid services to justify doing a decent job of protecting the integrity of people's published content.
        • To maintain safe harbor protections, companies are required to terminate accounts of repeat or egregious infringers. Because of the way that Discord is organized, you could argue that this applies to the server as well. Discord servers are organized by topic, and if the topic is the facilitation of copyright infringement then the whole server might be considered to be infringing.

          So that might be analogous to something like Slashdot posting a story asking people to comment on good ways to violate copyrigh
  • Discord or Telegram (Score:5, Informative)

    by ThePhilips ( 752041 ) on Friday April 12, 2024 @02:36PM (#64389898) Homepage Journal

    I hope people would at least try to kick-start something like Matrix [] (federated channels/chats, a la Mastodon), as alternative for the proprietary stuff.

    Dependence that some developed on Discord, Telegram, etc is really worrisome. Modern people don't even understand that their work (they publish on such platforms) could disappear with a flip of a switch. To many those are only "apps". Most laymen don't even understand "information" or "information storage" words.

    • Ultimately, freedom will come when you've got symmetric 1gig up and down, and you can run your own synapse server for matrix on your own. Get a few friends willing to do HA with you, and you've got something fairly robust.

      Running on someone else's infra is always a risk - you get get cancelled from AWS, or azure, or google cloud, and then even your federated system is nuked.

      • by codebase7 ( 9682010 ) on Friday April 12, 2024 @03:16PM (#64390038)
        And then they'll just come after your DNS entries and ISPs. Hell, they already do that. Go ask anyone who's been the target of domain seizures. Or Cox []....

        The only path to freedom is repealing the DMCA which allows this BS. Keep in mind, I'm not saying completely repeal copyright here, but the DMCA as is needs to go. There should not be a system of state-sponsored censorship triggered on mere accusation. Especially in the self-proclaimed "freest country in the world."
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Or just locate your server outside the US, with a provider that ignores DMCA messages.

      • by jonwil ( 467024 )

        I have always wondered if the kind of "data haven" talked about in the excellent book Crypronomicon could work in the real world.

        Find a country that doesn't give a stuff about western IP and other laws and is willing to host all the crap western companies (and governments) want gone.

  • This (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    is why you use IRC, outmoded as it may seem.
    • IRC is as good as its servers. I haven't used it in years (used to hang out on EFnet), but from what I recall, most servers were unpaid hobby projects maintained by university students utilizing university bandwidth (and sometimes university hardware). If your needs are limited then there should be no problem relying on something like EFnet or even a private IRC server/network of your own. For major orgs, services like Discord become attractive due to their feature set and ability to scale.

    • by kyoko21 ( 198413 )

      Long live IRC. :-)

  • by MpVpRb ( 1423381 ) on Friday April 12, 2024 @02:54PM (#64389964)

    ...of making everyone hate them

  • by GotNoRice ( 7207988 ) on Friday April 12, 2024 @02:59PM (#64389978)
    I like Discord, but the lack of ability to host your own servers allows these kinds of things to occur. On the other hand, if you were hosting your own IRC server and Ventrilo/Mumble server, you wouldn't have to worry about your services being shut down so easily...
    • by mysidia ( 191772 )

      Everyone like Discord, but i'm starting to like them less and less.

      The question then is what alternatives exist to Discord that are similar, however?

      IRC's UI is not great and Lacks Presence, History, Search, Emoji's, and integrated Voice chat, for example.

      Discord also has a huge bot/app ecosystem. that does a lot of cool community things you couldn't do on IRC, etc

      • by MobyDisk ( 75490 )

        IRC's UI is not great and Lacks Presence, History, Search, Emoji's, and integrated Voice chat, for example.

        So how about we develop those things instead of developing a proprietary competitor?

      • >Everyone like Discord

        No, no, no. Discord is absolute garbage. Pathetic limits on file uploads compared to telegram, every server feels the need to create 100 channels which divides the community and makes following 5 servers a full-time job, clients throw you at random points in the conversations when you don't check a server for a while, buggy after UI on Android, just some of the annoyances I can remember right now
      • Discord seems to be locking down more and more, just to browse almost any channel now seems to require you to create a discord account. I get having to do that for posting and private channels - but doing that just to see what is there makes it not worth my time.

        It's just another data collection company, nothing more.
        • by mysidia ( 191772 )

          just to browse almost any channel now seems to require you to create a discord account

          EH? What are you able to browse without an account? You always needed an account registered with Discord in order to Join or view anything inside a server; private or not. Only exception would be if the server itself uses a 3rd party custom app like WidgetBot [] to host a display of their server on a website.

      • by allo ( 1728082 )

        > IRC's UI is not great and Lacks Presence, History, Search, Emoji's, and integrated Voice chat, for example.

        Not quite right.

        > Presence
        No. IRC has features to be notified when somebody is online. Also for projects the most important part is the userlist of the channel.

        > History
        That makes it good. Are you really sure that it is a good thing when Discord has your logs from 10 years ago? What I said on IRC is only on the disks of a few people who were present and archive their logs for longer than a f

      • by Saffaya ( 702234 )

        "Everyone like Discord"
        Uhm, no, I have always disliked those fuckers.
        1) You need to create an account in order to see anything (unless you learn, years later by accident, about the way you don't)
        2) You always have to type your name and account to access your sites of interest, compared to forums where most of the stuff is publically available, pain in the ass.
        3) What do you mean use the application for login? You think I would give access to my full PC to a social network? The web browser is the sandbox I a

        • I wish they would wipe accounts. Even if your login gets disabled, all the data associated with the account persists forever.

      • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

        The question then is what alternatives exist to Discord that are similar, however?

        For free solutions there's Matrix, but you have to host it and it requires people to create an account on each instance to use. Those are hurdles that keep off quite a lot

        • by mysidia ( 191772 )

          For free solutions there's Matrix, but you have to host it and it requires people to create an account on each instance

          Those two drawbacks are significant, but Matrix is also Missing some of Discord's most important features for gamers such as Forum channels, Threads, Voice chat, Screen sharing/Game Streaming, Emoji, and Stickers.

          I would say that Matrix is more of an "Upgrade" to IRC that only really handles only the real-time chat aspect, instead of a Discord alternative.

  • So what's wrong with just having a regular web forum? No emojis?

    • by allo ( 1728082 )

      Press Windows Key plus period key and you see an emoji chooser that works on every web forum.

      • Press Windows Key plus period key and you see an emoji chooser that works on every web forum.

        Not this one.

    • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

      They're different use cases. Discord is more live-chat with voice/video chat capabilities

    • by kackle ( 910159 )
      I thought it was funny... I used to play on an 'Unreal Tournament 1999' server. They had their own website forum, but also eventually started one on Discord for some reason. My old machine played the 3D UT99 just fine, but struggled to render the pages of!
  • Most DMCAs (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Bahbus ( 1180627 ) on Friday April 12, 2024 @03:54PM (#64390138) Homepage

    are not valid. It's too easy to file a DMCA. No real repercussions for filing a bad DMCA. And the DMCA in general is poorly designed.

    • Why wouldn't the targets of DMCA takedowns file their own DMCA takedowns in retaliatory move. In this case, why is Nintendo not a target for bad DMCAs from anyone who was taken down by theirs? If it was really that easy and there are no real repercussions, why not? I suspect it's not as simple as you describe.
      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        It is that simple, but if you file a DMCA against a big target it will get ignored and you can't do anything about it. Any intermediary (Twitch, Youtube, domain hosts, etc) is going to side with the bigger, more powerful target as well. However, if you ignore a big target using DMCA against you, they'll use more and more resources to crush you. It is only ever used to squash little guys. They require zero proof to initiate. Seriously. Go check how to file a DMCA. Go see how stupidly flimsy the whole system

  • I'm working on moving over to XMPP and having an IRC backup. Relying on these corporations to handle free communications is silly.

...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
