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Germany Says Russia Will Face Consequences For 'Intolerable' Cyberattack ( 40

An anonymous reader shares a report: Relations between Russia and Germany were already tense, with Germany providing military support to Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Russian state hackers were behind a cyberattack last year that targeted the Social Democrats, the leading party in the governing coalition. "Russian state hackers attacked Germany in cyberspace," she said at a news conference in the Australian city of Adelaide. "We can attribute this attack to the group called APT28, which is steered by the military intelligence service of Russia."

"This is absolutely intolerable and unacceptable and will have consequences," she said. The Russian Embassy in Germany on Friday denied Moscow was involved in a 2023 cyberattack. In a statement the embassy said its envoy "categorically rejected the accusations that Russian state structures were involved in the given incident ... as unsubstantiated and groundless." The Council of the EU later said that Czechia's institutions have also been a target of the cyber campaign. In a statement by the EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, the bloc's nations said they "strongly condemn the malicious cyber campaign conducted by the Russia-controlled Advanced Persistent Threat Actor 28 (APT28) against Germany and Czechia."
Further reading: EU and NATO Condemn Russian Cyber Attacks Against Germany and Czechia.
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Germany Says Russia Will Face Consequences For 'Intolerable' Cyberattack

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  • I did not hear about this and there is no link or direct reference.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 03, 2024 @05:11PM (#64445834)

    Whata ya gonna do about it?

    Yeah, that's what i thought.


    • by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Friday May 03, 2024 @08:36PM (#64446388)

      Whata ya gonna do about it?

      Shipping an even bigger batch of weapons to Ukraine would be my first guess. []

      Yeah, that's what i thought.

      I don't know what Putler and his propagandists are thinking antagonizing Germany et el... They only dig a bigger hole for themselves.

      • by bradley13 ( 1118935 ) on Saturday May 04, 2024 @01:28AM (#64446800) Homepage
        If they would send serious support to Ukraine, it might help. They haven't, and it doesn't look like they will. Dribs and drabs - a couple of tanks, and a day's worth of munitions - and the German politicians are publicly patting themselves on the back. Meanwhile, they *still* buy Russian nat-gas, just indirectly. There's a reason the AFD is gaining popularity. The current crop of German politicians are spineless hypocrites.
        • by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Saturday May 04, 2024 @10:01AM (#64447408)
          Im absolutely sure its a part of deliberate US strategy. We dont want a hot direct war with Russia. Nukes could fly. So, were keeping Ukraine geared up and financed juuussssstttt enough that Russia is bogged down and grinding men and equipment into hamburger at a low but constant rate. Russia can keep it up for another year or two but the drain and rot on their country will become intolerable sometime around 2025 or 2026. Im not gonna bother posting links. Look up your own sources of smart informed analysis. The drama in congress is largely a smokescreen. We dont actually want Ukraine to decisively win the war quickly. And Putin is happier with a frozen conflict as well, since his regime has gone total Czar-type and a little local war to help keep him in power suits him just fine.

          It absolutely sucks for Ukraine, which will get just enough support to keep them alive on the battlefield and not a lot more. One thing the world needs to take from this is that you need to pay a LOT of attention to defense if you share a border with Russia.

          Look up articles about Russias artillery gun barrels if you want something interesting to read. The clock is ticking for little adventure but nothing will change quickly.

          The is EXACTLY how we defeated the Soviet Union. We didnt beat them in a toe-to-toe fight. We slowly suffocated their economy over several decades.
          • by haruchai ( 17472 )

            "We dont want a hot direct war with Russia. Nukes could fly."
            Russia will bluff this all the long day but the truth is they will NOT FUCKING DARE.
            The 1st one that hits a Western country is the last one that will ever leave their airspace. They might as well nuke themselves

            • The problem is that it wont be just one. Itll be several thousand towards the west, and several thousand from the west towards Russia, China might get involved too, and within 24 hours our civilization gets reset back to mid-1800. Everybody loses.
              • by haruchai ( 17472 )

                And that's why it won't happen.
                But if it did China would not get involved; they'd sit back & wait for the fallout to settle

    • by GrahamJ ( 241784 )

      That would be such a better response than denial. No one's going to believe the denial anyway so why not own it and look strong?

      Putin is a coward.

  • by Voice of satan ( 1553177 ) on Friday May 03, 2024 @05:18PM (#64445862)

    I very much do Germany will do anything. The main visible thing they could do is give taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine and their no balls chancelor is dead set against it.

    EU is realizing they are next in the crosshairs but they act so slowly and in an indecisive fashion Russia has all the time it needs to beef up its aggression. And NATO has said very clearly they were very afraid of a direct war with Putin. So Putin attacks as much as he can knowing NATO won't fight back.

    • *doubt

    • their no balls chancelor

      Maybe Angela could loan him a set of hers?

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Friday May 03, 2024 @06:35PM (#64446120)
      Russia isn't going to do anything to Germany or the rest of the EU NATO members. If Russia starts a war with them they'd lose. Badly. There's a strong possibility that everyone loses if nukes start to fly, but that's a good reason why such a war won't take place. Removing nuclear weapons from the equation and Russia can barely fight a war against Ukraine, which doesn't have the military capabilities of a country like Germany, much less everyone Germany would bring in with them. Russia's military has already been decimated trying to fight on a small front. Even if the U.S. sat out, the Russians would get their asses whipped. Badly.

      Germany should respond in kind. Fuck Russian networks and computer systems up and tell they can decode when to stop. Bullies usually don't like to get hit back and that's usually enough to stop the behavior. No need to escalate to war when there's less punitive correct action that can be take.
    • And NATO has said very clearly they were very afraid of a direct war with Putin. So Putin attacks as much as he can knowing NATO won't fight back.

      That's an ignorant take on the situation.

      Like saying you're afraid of a direct war with the jerk that stole your parking space. It's not a statement about being able to win a brawl in the parking lot, that's dumb. What you plan to do to his car when he goes inside, that's smart.

      Putin has to make the same calculations, he can cry in his milk about arms moving to Ukraine but all he can do are these little hacking escapades.

    • Why do you guys keep bringing up Taurus? Ukraine says they now need anti-air weapons.
  • no will (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 03, 2024 @05:36PM (#64445912)

    UK, Europe and USA could together remove Russia from the Internet tomorrow if they had the political will, remove all peering with them, revoke all their IP Addresses via RIPE issue DROP orders and they would be done, hard to take any threats seriously when literally hundreds of companies still accept their traffic.

  • Russia denies it (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday May 03, 2024 @05:38PM (#64445920)

    Reputation matters. The Kremlin could say the sun will appear to rise tomorrow morning and I'd still check with an astronomer before believing it.

  • Germans want to blow up the Kirsch Bridge even more than they want to engage in buggery.

    Listen to the leaked tapes from last month.

    Now they are forming a pretext.

  • They're a bunch of cowards, particularly Scholz. Can't send Taurus missiles to Ukraine so it can defend itself because that might "escalate" the situation. But sure, we'll send shit tons of military equipment to Israel so they can kill journalists, medical personnel, and civilians left and right because Germany has an obligation.

    Never thought I'd see the day when Germans weren't interested in killing Russians. They won't do shit about this cyberattack.

    • They're a bunch of cowards, particularly Scholz. Can't send Taurus missiles to Ukraine so it can defend itself because that might "escalate" the situation. But sure, we'll send shit tons of military equipment to Israel so they can kill journalists, medical personnel, and civilians left and right because Germany has an obligation.

      Don't let hangups over one weapons system fool you. Germany has been kicking ass especially in recent months with their military aid packages to Ukraine. Germany is second only to the US in military aid to Ukraine.

    • Ukraine has demonstrated the ability to strike anywhere in European Russia at will without the taurus, storm shaddows or long range ATACMs

    • You fucking moron, Ukraine needs anti-air weapons, not long range ground attack. Stop blaming Germany, and start sending your Patriots to Ukraine instead of Israel.
  • In a statement the [Russian] embassy said its envoy "categorically rejected the accusations that Russian state structures were involved in the given incident ... as unsubstantiated and groundless."

    If they ever said otherwise, poke me until I wake up, and/or check Puttie for a fever.

  • Easiest Payback (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Friday May 03, 2024 @07:47PM (#64446294)

    Want to teach Russia about the cost of playing silly cyber games? Start sending Ukraine some of the nastier weapons in Germany's arsenal as well as the stuff that had been gathering dust on armoury shelves.

  • by multi io ( 640409 ) <> on Friday May 03, 2024 @11:17PM (#64446618)
    Germany warning Russia of consequences []

    Seriously, what "consequences"? Scholz is even constantly telling Russia about all the things he promises he won't ever do to fend off Russia's attack on Ukraine. He's subserviently reporting his own red lines to Putin, who didn't even have to ask. What a frigging disaster lol.

  • "Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"

Everybody needs a little love sometime; stop hacking and fall in love!
