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Google Privacy IT

Google Contractor Used Admin Access To Leak Info From Private Nintendo YouTube Video ( 12

A Google contractor used admin privileges to access private information from Nintendo's YouTube account about an upcoming Yoshi game in 2017, which later made its way to Reddit before Nintendo announced the game, according to a copy of an internal Google database detailing potential privacy and security incidents obtained by 404 Media. From the report: The news provides more clarity on how exactly a Redditor, who teased news of the new Yoshi game, which was later released as Yoshi's Crafted World in 2019, originally obtained their information. A screenshot in the Reddit post shows a URL that starts with, which is a Google corporate login page. "Google employee deliberately leaked private Nintendo information," the entry in the database reads. The database obtained by 404 Media includes privacy and security issues that Google's own employees reported internally.
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Google Contractor Used Admin Access To Leak Info From Private Nintendo YouTube Video

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...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
