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Meta Releases Threads API For Developers To Build 'Unique Integrations' ( 14

Meta has released the Threads API for developers to build "unique integrations" into the text-based conversation app. The move could potentially result in third-party apps. The Verge reports: "People can now publish posts via the API, fetch their own content, and leverage our reply management capabilities to set reply and quote controls, retrieve replies to their posts, hide, unhide or respond to specific replies," explains Jesse Chen, director of engineering at Threads.

Chen says that insights into Threads posts are "one of our top requested features for the API," so Meta is allowing developers to see the number of views, likes, replies, reposts, and quotes on Threads posts through the API. Meta has published plenty of documentation about how developers can get started with the Threads API, and there's even an open-source Threads API sample app on GitHub.

Meta Releases Threads API For Developers To Build 'Unique Integrations'

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