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Samsung Electronics Union Launches First Strike In 55-Year History (koreatimes.co.kr) 14

On Monday, the biggest labor union at Samsung Electronics launched its first strike in the tech giant's 55-year history, vowing to continue indefinitely until its demands for better pay and benefits are met. According to Reuters, "The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU), whose roughly 30,000 members make up almost a quarter of the firm's South Korean workforce, said it has decided to continue striking because management has shown no indication of holding talks [...]." From the report: "We haven't spoken to management since we started the strike on Monday," said Lee Hyun-kuk, the union's vice president. The union said it would extend the strike initially planned to last three days through Wednesday. Lee told Reuters that the union found its strike has disrupted production on certain chip lines such as with equipment running more slowly. Samsung previously said the strike has caused no disruption to production. Lee said about 6,500 workers have been participating in the strike and that the union will encourage more members to join.

Union officials have disputed reports of low participation, telling Reuters that the five-year-old body did not have enough time to educate members about the labor issues. The union held a training session on Tuesday and will conduct another on Wednesday. Analysts said it would be difficult to verify whether the strike has disrupted production unless the union provides details of wafers and processes. The union said it has revised demands to include a 3.5% increase in base salary and, instead of an extra day's annual leave, a day off to mark the union's founding. Lee said the management previously offered a 3% rise in base salary but the union wants 3.5% to better reflect inflation.

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Samsung Electronics Union Launches First Strike In 55-Year History

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  • Imagine asking a billion dollar company for a half percent more raise and being told, "idk, money is tight this year." US Cop unions give them the unfettered ability to murder anyone at anytime for any reason. Unions just might work.
  • Samsung may deserve a lot of credit, but a huge part of its success has been due simply to monopolism and political corruption. They've stolen from their employees and their native public.
    • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )

      Samsung may deserve a lot of credit, but a huge part of its success has been due simply to monopolism and political corruption. They've stolen from their employees and their native public.

      Sure, but their TVs work great!

  • Inflation as a macroeconomic tool to encourage market participation only works if wages keep up. If wages slip, then wealth gets concentrated while prices continue to escalate and that leads to exactly issues like this.

    Ultimately wages should increase else we're testing the edge of the capitalist system till it collapses.

Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him. - Fyodor Dostoevski
