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United States Democrats Politics

US President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection (x.com) 687

"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President," U.S. President Joe Biden announced today. "And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

In an announcement posted on X.com, Biden thanked the American people. ("Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.") The short statement also said he would "speak to the Nation later this week in more detail."

The Associated Press reports that "His wife, first lady Jill Biden, responded by reposting the president's letter announcing his decision and adding red heart emojis."

CNN reports that "most Biden campaign staff, including some senior staff, found out from the president's post on X."

In a subsequent X post, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic party's nominee for president.
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US President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection

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  • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @02:57PM (#64643062)

    As a foreigner allow me to congratulate the United States of America for taking baby steps towards sanity. Be interesting to see both who the alternative is, and what republicans will actually campaign for now that they've lost their singular rallying cry of "the other guy is old!"

    • Yeah, who is old now hey?
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by gweihir ( 88907 )

        In wit sane voters, this would now be a massive point against Trump. But voters are not sane or Trump would never have gotten elected the first time and would have zero voter support now.

    • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:11PM (#64643124)

      Same thing as when Obama was leaving office. They pledge to undo everything he accomplished. https://www.nbcnews.com/politi... [nbcnews.com]

      What if they focused on making the country better?

      Other than the border and abortion, what are the republican plans for:

      The economy?
      Rising healthcare costs?

      If they really cared about illegal immigration they would start jailing heads of companies who employ illegal labor. But you'll never see that happen.

      • What if they focused on making the country better?

        Republicans are, but only for the few ...

      • by Luthair ( 847766 )
        Well, Trumps VP is in favour of causing a lot of inflation to devalue the USD so US exports are cheaper.
    • by Zontar_Thing_From_Ve ( 949321 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @04:17PM (#64643410)

      As a foreigner allow me to congratulate the United States of America for taking baby steps towards sanity. Be interesting to see both who the alternative is, and what republicans will actually campaign for now that they've lost their singular rallying cry of "the other guy is old!"

      Born and raised in the USA here. I've been to over 20 foreign countries and speak more than English. No, it's not a stop towards "sanity". We may never get there, to be blunt.

      Half the country thinks global warming is made up and doesn't exist, or if it actually does exist, we'll invent our way to safety or God will save us because he loves us the best of everybody in the world. Yes, half this country really believes one of those things.

      Funny how the solution to all shootings is "Moar guns!" from the Republicans. Until somebody tried to kill Trump. For now - silence.

      Half the country thinks Trump can unzip his pants, pull out his dick, and magically overnight all inflation problems will go away, Russia and China will be nice to us (Might be because we're sucking up to them under Trump though) and we can extend a middle finger to the rest of the world because nobody but us matters. No my friend, the Cult of Donald Trump will continue one way or another and what really scares me is that the guy that taps into this after him (because Trump will eventually die, perhaps before finishing a term as president if he wins the election) will likely be so bad and so anti-democratic that Trump will look sort of OK in comparison.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        The problem is that the Democrats are weak and ineffective.

        The Republicans have been in a desperate position for some time, needing to gerrymander and lie to have any hope of winning federal elections. They will keep getting more extreme as long as it keeps working, and it will keep working because the Democrats won't be bold and actually fix stuff.

        So stuff keeps getting worse, doing just okay with the economy isn't really inspiring people, and the lure of populism remains strong. Populism is what you get w

  • by Eunomion ( 8640039 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:05PM (#64643092)
    Very helpful. Oh well. Moving on...
    • That's ok. Just like Mike Pence doesn't have to certify the election results, neither does Kamala.

      Oh wait is that suddenly a problem now?

  • by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:08PM (#64643110)

    I wonder who broke through to him.
    My bet's on Jill.

  • I hope (Score:5, Funny)

    by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:30PM (#64643196)

    I hope before he leaves Biden orders the secret service to paintball or pie Donald Trump, then comes out to a press conference, puts on his sunglasses and says "now listen up dumbasses. This is why it's a bad idea for the commander in chief to be above the law."

    • Re:I hope (Score:5, Insightful)

      by pauljlucas ( 529435 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:51PM (#64643300) Homepage Journal
      The problem is the president is now above the law only for "official acts" as president. That term isn't defined anywhere. Consequently, the Supreme Court will get to decide whether a particular action constitutes an "official act" and thereby grant immunity.

      Given the court's right-tilted makeup, anything a Republican president does will be ruled and "official act," whereas anything a Democratic president does will not be.

      • by radoni ( 267396 )

        I'm certain that ordering your protection detail to place whoopee cushions on the chairs of all political rivals constitutes an official act. "Sir, do you know why we're here? SIT DOWN. Listen, do you know why we're here, ... now?"

  • by oumuamua ( 6173784 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @03:55PM (#64643314)
    Democrats could have left Biden on the ticket, letting people vote for 3rd parties, knowing most all of them would have Biden as the 2nd choice- thus enabling a Biden/Harris win
    • letting people vote for 3rd parties

      You are implying that Democrats want Biden to win. To be honest they don't. They are following the party line (mostly) but in both camps there's an overwhelming number of people unhappy with either candidate. This isn't just about democrats winning. The old fart, and the slightly less old dangerous dictator wannabie need to be gone, neither is fit to run the country.

      There's 333million of you Americans, split somewhat evenly between republican and democrat supporters. Surely you can find someone better for b

  • by nocoiner ( 7891194 ) on Sunday July 21, 2024 @04:58PM (#64643608)

    ...I ain't touching this even with a 100-foot stick.

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing for money.
