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YouTube Escalates War on Ad Blockers ( 187

An anonymous reader shares a report: Multiple YouTube users are now reporting on social media that YouTube is serving them with blank ads or black screens before a video when they are using an ad-blocker extension. The black screens appear for the length of a typical YouTube pre-roll or ad insert before displaying the actual content of the video the viewer wants to watch.
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YouTube Escalates War on Ad Blockers

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  • do it (Score:5, Insightful)

    by laxguy ( 1179231 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @02:59PM (#64664596)

    i fucking double dog dare you.

    • Re:do it (Score:5, Insightful)

      by HiThere ( 15173 ) <{ten.knilhtrae} {ta} {nsxihselrahc}> on Monday July 29, 2024 @05:18PM (#64665098)

      Their site, their right. I quit visiting them when they said that they didn't want anyone with ad blockers to visit. I highly recommend this approach. It's both ethical and convenient. (AFAIKT, YouTube is basically a time wasting replacement for other forms of instruction. Either that or just a waste of time.)
      YouTube is like PowerPoint on steroids.

      • Re:do it (Score:5, Insightful)

        by bagofbeans ( 567926 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @05:43PM (#64665168)

        Oh, yes. When I want simple info, such as how to fish some Windows idiocy, I'm looking for a terse paragraph. Not a video with 2 minutes first thanking me for supporting the channel, followed by 3 minutes showing me how to bring up regedit etc with warnings that my goldfish will explode if I do it wrong and please backup.

      • Re:do it (Score:5, Insightful)

        by jenningsthecat ( 1525947 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @06:19PM (#64665252)

        Their site, their right.

        That's true - but "my browser, my right" is equally true. They're within their rights to serve ads, and to block users who block ads. I'm within my rights to block ads to the best of my ability using whatever tools are available to me.

        YouTube is like PowerPoint on steroids.

        That's often true. But learning by watching video of somebody welding, or working wood, or machining metal, or drawing / painting, or playing an instrument, or any number of other things, is vastly more effective than learning from a PowerPoint presentation could ever be.

    • by dbialac ( 320955 )
      A black screen that is something that minimizing tracking information relative to the ad? I'm ok with that. Though I like the time savings an ad blocker offers me, I'm using an ad blocker to block the ad. It's not unusual for it to take time while I wait for enough of the video to download to start playing.
  • by MikeDataLink ( 536925 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:01PM (#64664616) Homepage Journal

    There is a cost to running YouTube. When you use a free service, you become the product.

    If you don't want to watch an advert or pay for the premium ad-free service, then YouTube is under no obligation to even show you the content at all.

    • by Iamthecheese ( 1264298 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:02PM (#64664620)
      Sure. They can refuse me service and I can go elsewhere. Rumble is where I'm going.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 )

        If you only use YouTube to watch angry right-wing screeds that's a great option.

      • Yeah, they started showing crap-tons of non-skippable ads with black screens at the head the other day and I just gave up and went away.

        It's not like I'm regularly not seeing their ads anyway. What gives?

        • by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:46PM (#64664790)

          It's even worse if you do watch the ads and don't block them! If you do everything right, youtube still treats you like crap. Why does it say "skip in 5 seconds" and then 5 seconds later it starts over with "skip in 10 seconds"? This is on TV with no adblocks whatsoever. Then, I watch 5 seconds of the video and decide I don't like it and move on - I immediately am forced to watch some ads before the next video... Sometimes it feels like more time is spent watching ads than watching videos, which feels like a broken model.

          On PC, when I do disable adblock for youtube, it then gives me a 90 second unskippable ad for something repulsive.

          So that's with me seeing a crap-ton of youtube ads every day. Go ahead and block them to get a blank screen, they're treating the audience like last week's herring whether or not they use adblock.

          • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @05:30PM (#64665140)
            Absolutely. YT is unwatchable without adblockers. They brought a lot of it on themselves by pushing past tolerable levels.
            • by vlad30 ( 44644 )
              This seems to be the way TV used to have 12 minutes of ads per hour now its 18 Minutes so it made it better to record an episode so you could Fast forward through the ads Also making it better to download now to skip even the FF. The internet in general has followed this adding ads until it has become unbearable. and annoyingly text/static picture versions of help and instruction are pushed down the search results in favour of youtube effectively an Ad for google. I noticed even appleTV is in talks for a
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I don't mind paying for an ad-free YouTube experience, but I want to use my own client with SponsorBlock and DeArrow.

        If they allowed that I'd be fine with it.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Why should i pay for premium censorship of my comments ?

    • by TigerPlish ( 174064 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:13PM (#64664652)

      If youtube / google were a tiny little mom n' pop, I might feel slightly sympathetic.

      But they're not.

      Google, and Youtube, are juggernauts of the the online world, gate-keeping and marshalling content in accordance to the wishes in those in Washington, DC.

      They are, in effect, the Ministry of Love, implementing the talking points and marching orders handed to them by the Ministry of Truth (that'd be the US Gov't)

      They also have more money than most countries do.

      I have *no* sympathy for Google, Youtube or any Alphabet business.

      Use your ad blockers, use your plug-ins, use whatever method you need to deprive every single little red cent you can from these avaricious, agenda-driven assholes.

      Not a penny from me to Google, at least not knowingly and willingly.

      • Same here. I want anything Google to crash and burn, no matter how much inconvenience that may mean for me.

        As for the ads, I'd much rather watch 30 seconds of blank screen than 30 seconds of a blaring ad. But so far AdBlock has been doing a good job.

      • "To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral." ~Abbie Hoffman
      • If youtube / google were a tiny little mom n' pop, I might feel slightly sympathetic.

        But they're not.

        I'd be a hypocrite if I said I had any qualms about supporting a big evil corporation. A good chunk of my income goes to companies I'd rather not do business with if given the choice.

        Nah, my problem with YouTube is that it spawned extremely annoying internet celebrities like MrBeast. For that reason alone, YouTube is not getting a cent from me.

      • by linuxguy ( 98493 )

        > If youtube / google were a tiny little mom n' pop, I might feel slightly sympathetic.

        Stealing from large companies is A-OK?

    • by Dan667 ( 564390 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:15PM (#64664662)
      for its search Google found that if they put unobtrusive text ads with the search results people did not mind them and they even got more engagement than traditional ads. And they did very very well with that strategy for a long time until they got more and more greedy. Yes, youtube is their service, but you catch more flies with honey than a hammer. As long as they show contempt for their users I have no problem blocking them. I'd even rather watch a black screen than their ads. Google could also try something different if they wanted people to not constantly push this arms race to not watch ads.
    • by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:37PM (#64664750)

      It would make sense if thed ads were reasonable. The television grew up into a massive industry with very different ads: curated and infrequent. Now I see ads on youtube every couple of minutes sometimes, long ads that can't be skipped, ads before movie previews (ie, ads before the ads!), etc. What's wrong with youtube going back to the simple concept of skipping after 5 seconds, which seemed to be working and earning money? Why do they have to go to war over this?

      Ads on the internet are terrible. They also are an avenue for malware. Probably not on youtube where ads are in the stream, but ads have such a putrid tarnish that nobody should have to apologize for blocking them like we're common criminals.

      • Yep. If I were inclined to watch ads in return for content, I still wouldn't because I don't want random shit served to my system. Sites rarely have granular control over what ads are served up, or know anything about the security on the web server sending them.

      • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:52PM (#64664808) Homepage

        The television grew up into a massive industry with very different ads: curated and infrequent.

        What alternate reality were you watching TV from? TV has always had the most loud, obnoxious ads, and they intentionally interrupted the programming you were watching. Plus, prior to the VCR, they were entirely unskippable.

        • by sconeu ( 64226 )

          OTOH, now that I'm old and decrepit, I almost welcome them, so I can take a bio break.

          • You know there's a pause button - you don't have to bio break on their schedule.

            That aside though - if you don't wanna watch ads buy Youtube Premium ya cheapskates.

      • I sort of miss Apple's antediluvian iAd. The ads were present, but were not distracting, nor did they attack privacy, or even be usable as a malware vector. This was a win/win for everyone, as ads got displayed, analytics were obtained, and it didn't just try to subvert someone's browser.

        It is a perfect example of enshitification. Cable TV used to have no ads, as people paid for the TV, then ads between shows, then ads throughout, now, especially during sports events or news, there are more ads than prog

      • Same reason I no longer go to the movies. Movies used to be preceded by 10 minutes of previews. Now it's literally 45 minutes of "regular" ads like soft drinks and running shoes. No way in hell am I paying $22 for a movie ticket to spend 1/3 of the time in the theater watching the same crap I get on TV.

    • by He Who Has No Name ( 768306 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:39PM (#64664766)

      Youtube can serve me ads when Youtube also takes 100% perpetual responsibility for everything their servers send to my machines.
      That includes malware from compromised ads and ad servers.

      Oh, they won't do that? They can't guarantee they'll never serve malicious compromised ads, like they have previously? And they won't guarantee to make me whole if they do?

      Then I don't give a dry squeaky flying fuck what they whine about. I will protect my devices and my data, and they can suck it.

    • I also agree .. mostly. They don't have to send me the video, and I don't have to play the video. But there is a cost to playing the video that is entirely on me. I own the screen that displays it, and I pay to operate that screen. So really, I think they should be paying me real money for the privilege of showing their content on my screens.

    • Sure and if my add blocker stops working (It seems to be working fine) I will go somewhere else, and you are always the product irrelevant if you pay or not the will squeeze every last cent they can from you.

      Also I would rather see a blank ad than a real ad. If youtube ads where reasonable I wouldn't be blocking then at all but the amount of ads has made it unwatchable.

      • If youtube ads where reasonable I wouldn't be blocking then at all but the amount of ads has made it unwatchable.

        People have been saying this line for years and its been proven patently false. Adblock Plus has a feature to allow non-intrusive ads. They admit 99.9% of users turn that off too.

        "If MP3s were only $1 I would buy them instead of pirating them!" aged like sour milk too.

        • by caseih ( 160668 )

          If MP3s were only $1 I would buy them instead of pirating them!

          And that, in fact, did turn out to be true. Then of course streaming came along. And youtube also does music. I don't know of anyone who pirates mp3s anymore. I wouldn't even know where to go to pirate music.

    • I don't have an issue with a site not wanting to serve users at a loss.

      I do have an issue when they do that for nearly two decades, destroying every major competitor in the space, and then doing it.

    • by quenda ( 644621 )

      What is the cost?
      Youtube serves "over a billion hours of video daily" for $30B revenue. Say 7c/hr ? People would happily pay that, and surely collecting micro-payments would be a lot easier than managing all that advertising.

      But subscription is $14/month in US! so equivalent to 200 average hours of revenue. Not great value for the average person who watches much less than an hour per day.

      Content creators get only a fraction of a cent per view, BTW.

  • It works so great I get blank ads and broken videos, and I don't even use an ad blocker.

  • That's fine (Score:5, Insightful)

    by plate_o_shrimp ( 948271 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:11PM (#64664646)

    If my choices are a period of blank screen or ads, gimme the blank screen

    • I think I could patch the ad blocker to show some retro screensavers during the blanking phase. Watching flying toasters or little fish in aquarium is easily better than AI generated drivel trying to get me to play some pay-to-win mobile game.

      As an adult I feel pretty guilty that I tolerate websites like this showing low quality ads to children all day long. I'd take a 25 minute cartoon trying to sell me Carebears and Transformers over the the 90 second frantic bizarreness that try to get kids hooked on tre

  • YouTube currently has a problem with playing livestreams as long as I'm logged in, ad-blocker enabled or not. They get interrupted and it errors out in about a minute. If I pass the link off to another browser that's not logged in, it plays OK. Even recordings of live streams do it. All other videos are fine.
  • willing to download the video, including white screen, then edit out said white screen part of the video before I go to the trouble of paying for a subscription to some shitty google service.

  • I use the Adblock Plus plugin with Firefox (On MacOS) and I rarely see ads anywhere. Sometimes this means I'm blocked from websites, but that's cool and 100% worth it.

    It seems to be cat and mouse with Youtube: sometimes I get the "TOS Violation" warning and have to do a page refresh, sometimes the first preroll ad skips but the second one plays or some other brokenness, but I usually don't see ads there either. ABP plugin updates usually fix issues until Youtube catches on, and the cycle repeats. I can't imagine what Youtube's adblock detection code looks like at this point, but I'll bet it's bigger and much grosser than the actual video player.
    • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

      And yet, you still sometimes see ads. Adblock Plus is one of the worst of the major adblockers.

      • And yet, you still sometimes see ads.

        Not often, but yes. As it happens, I work in online video delivery. I can think of a bunch of ways to spoof adblockers that would be super difficult if not impossible to get around. The fact that afaik Youtube etc aren't using these methods tells me adblockers aren't as big of a problem as they suggest.

        Adblock Plus is one of the worst of the major adblockers.

        By what metric, and with which settings?

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:31PM (#64664720)

    ... still around? I thought everyone switched over to TikTok.

    Or Pornhub for things like calculus tutorials [] (NSFW).

  • As long as the "blank" part is silent and there's some indication of how long it will last, I'm good with this.

  • I do wish Vimeo didn't pivot away from hosting, or Twitch expanded its hosting focus, or another alternative would pressure YouTube to improve its service instead.

  • I keep skipping and blocking ads. And I simply can stop showing up if it becomes too difficult for me to work around your ads.

    Why wouldn't I watch YouTube's ads like a good little boy? OMG the ads are absolutely terrible. There is no vetting and the bargain basement ad pricing allows for people to canvas YT with low quality content that fish for clicks to scammy drop shipment sites.

    Facebook has the same problem with not vetting advertisers and people only have to get burned a few times before we stop spendi

  • Those are ads? I thought I was watching short form fly on the wall documentaries about infantilised maniacs living in colourful special accommodation units.

  • by caseih ( 160668 ) on Monday July 29, 2024 @03:53PM (#64664810)

    The vast majority of Youtube's viewers put up with ads. I don't pretend to understand why, but they do. Even to watch a tiny short. So the number of people blocking ads is tiny compared to those that just watch them. So why does Youtube have this obsession with forcing ads on the few people who are running ad blockers? It's not like ads are going to get Youtube or the advertisers any revenue from those people. Seems like a spectacular waste of time, money, and effort on Youtube's part. I don't see what they expect to gain from it.

    On mobile, I'm stating to use GrayJay. That way I can subscribe to and follow the creators I'm interested in, rather than the services themselves. GrayJay supports Odysee and Nebula, and a significant portion of the content creators I watch are on those platforms now.

    As for random youtube videos that I might need to watch for information and tutorials, now I can just ask AI to summarize it for me rather than wade through another tutorial video when plain text would be faster in the first place.

    • by sinij ( 911942 )

      So why does Youtube have this obsession with forcing ads on the few people who are running ad blockers?

      YT no longer growing users, if anything they are losing creators for various reasons (e.g., adpocalypse). So the only way to show growth is to show more ads to existing users. However more ads they push, more people turn to adblockers (and don't ever come back to watching ads). So in hubris they started a multi-front war on Internet, from poisoning browser ecosystem with chromium, to subverting privacy standards, to implementing detection. However, they will inevitably lose, because coders that work there d

    • >"So why does Youtube have this obsession with forcing ads on the few people who are running ad blockers?"

      Because they are afraid adblockers will catch on for the masses. Ironically, the more they increase the frequency, duration, unskippableness and annoyance of ads, the more they are pushing people to see out ad blockers in the first place.

    • Because itâ(TM)s not tiny? 30-50% of internet users use ad blocking software, either as an extension of built into their browser.

      • by caseih ( 160668 )

        50% of all browser users might use ad block, but most people watch youtube on their phones and smart TVs these days. Youtube has become a form of TV for people. Very few people watch Youtube on a computer screen for entertainment purposes.

    • "The vast majority of Youtube's viewers put up with ads. I don't pretend to understand why"

      I imagine most people don't use YT enough to be concerned with the ads.

      I personally don't feel like I see that many ads. It's not uncommon to go an hour or more without any ads. Depends on the channels you watch. And I'm more than happy to share with creators who are looking to fund their work.

      If you're watching the sort of mainstream schlock pushed everyone, I'm guessing you see more ads. Keep in mind, ads are contro

  • Sorry, I came up on dialup. I didn't even notice this was happening.
  • Youtube should use it's algorithm to find bad, boring videos that the ad-blocking user most likely doesn't want to see, and serve one of those videos instead. Likewise for video recommendations: recommend random videos unrelated to the user's interests. Perhaps even serve advert videos as the actual content.

    • Youtube should use it's algorithm to find bad, boring videos that the ad-blocking user most likely doesn't want to see, and serve one of those videos instead. Likewise for video recommendations: recommend random videos unrelated to the user's interests. Perhaps even serve advert videos as the actual content.

      How much personal data do you want YT & Google to know about you? Personal viewing habits, like web search histories, can be psychologically telling about a person. Just ask the FBI.

  • Sorry, as usual you go over the top and abuse ads, get greedy and we had enough, so we blocked them.

    I agree it's your service, do what you want with it. I have a good set of adblockers and privacy protection that prevents google from yelling about my adblockers. That might change one day, and that's okay.

    The reality is, the content level of people just restreaming content but adding their webcam to it isn't quality content. A lot of things are clearly designed in a way that tries to maximize ad revenue etc,

  • YouTube's ad targeting has gotten so bad lately that it's almost comical. I mean... Google has a metric crapton about me. And they supposedly use that data to target me with relevant ads. But that has become one *REALLY* big "supposedly." They're very obviously no longer showing ads based on what I watch or search for. Nor are they using the data they have about me from their other services. If they had been using *ANY* data to target me, I'd be getting ads these days about Adam Savage, Star Trek and

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Yeah. They show me female hygiene products, ads for crap-food I would never eat, etc. It does not get any more irrelevant than what they are currently doing. Until myu ad-blocker (Vivaldi integrated) catches up, I will simply stop watching wherever I get served ads.

    • The full-up hilarious inappropriateness of YouTube's ad targeting these days kind of makes me if Google really is using any data about me to target those ads at all, and more than a bit about their overall competence in the first place.

      Google is impressively and consistently competent at abusing people and pissing them off. So much so that some of us derive a certain quiet joy and sense of accomplishment from thwarting and undermining their efforts to control and commoditize users.

    • by Evtim ( 1022085 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @08:42AM (#64666450)

      Same here. No relevant ad served in a looong time.

      However, they have picked up the ideological war. Since my history is off, I can only get a feed with the channels I subscribe to (Home page of You tube returns blank if history is OFF). So far so good.
      Once I hit a video from my feed, however, then the videos suggested to play afterwards are not from my feed. This is where, supposedly, the algorithm will serve me something based on, supposedly, the only information they know about me (wink-wink), namely the channels I am subscribed to....So what do I get as suggestions every single time? John Stewart. John Oliver. That's it. Every. Single. Time. Needless to say nothing in my subscription list suggest even slightly that I would want to watch these two...

      This is like Google search. Start typing "the" in the search bar and the first suggestion in the auto-complete is The Guardian. Every. Single.Time. Oh, and it is geographically managed too. During my vacations back home these shenanigans are of a different sort with different actors and agendas being pushed. But just as deliberate and politicized. As someone mentioned above these people are state propagandists now (but only for half the state, wink-wink).

  • This reminds me of all the so-called 'anti-piracy' efforts of the MPAA and RIAA; they keep squeezing tighter, but everyone who wants to fileshare will find a way to do it despite their efforts; they slip right through their fingers.

    Adblocker authors will just keep innovating their products to keep blocking ads anyway, and meanwhile YouTube will keep pissing people off and driving them away -- so the whole thing is counter-productive.

    Basing your business strategy on selling ads is stupid.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed. Until a few weeks ago, I never saw any YouTube ads and that was with Vivaldi browser as it comes out of the box. Now, I see no ads for some creators, black screen for a few seconds with others and ads with a third group. For the third group, I simply close the tab and do not watch their stuff.

      I do expect that the Vivaldi team will have this solved in a few weeks though.

  • My reaction is simple: Try to show me ads, watch me close the browser tab. Some creators get it. Others do not. I am sure they can live without my view. Or not.

    • by dskoll ( 99328 )

      Creators don't always get to decide if YouTube shows you ads, though. Especially for small creators, Google just puts ads before the videos and doesn't compensate the creators.

  • The video downloaders work fine, although you may have to switch to a new one every now & again. No ads, guaranteed!

    There's also Invidious, which works most of the time, if you're impatient.
    • Those will stop working and then be enormously harder to make work after googles next move, which is to start baking the ads into the videos.

      They will set up a system that uses thousands of transcoders to make temporary versions of streams with todays ads baked in, and a cdn cache to deliver it.

      They dont need 100% coverage. If they do it for just the top thousand streams or streamers...
      • ... They will set up a system that uses thousands of transcoders to make temporary versions of streams with todays ads baked in, and a cdn cache to deliver it. They dont need 100% coverage. If they do it for just the top thousand streams or streamers...

        And unless they get a lot more selective about their ads, and unless they find a way to insert the ads without making the actual content come across as gibberish, then those "top thousand" will drop to the "top ten thousand" and then the "top one hundred thousand". They'll be bleeding users faster than they can bring more advertisers on board.

        They're in a race to the bottom. I suspect that they realize this, and are trying to Hoover up as much revenue as they can before YouTube ends up being shit-canned t

    • yt-dlp is all you need. []

      The program even has an update feature with the -u flag.

  • "The black screens appear for the length of a typical YouTube pre-roll or ad insert before displaying the actual content of the video the viewer wants to watch."

    And it's still better than watching ads.

    My guess is that after this is rolled out, it won't be a week before it's circumvented.

  • When I don't want to simply open a private window, I jump through a few hoops, and it seems to work for ad avoidance purposes. I don't see ads, and I don't get the black screen. This sounds complicated, but it's very little effort compared to an hours-long session of ad-free Youtube.

    The browser I use for Youtube (and almost nothing else) is Pale Moon. Other browsers are probably a bit different, but the steps should be similar.

    First, I go to Preferences > Privacy > Exceptions. This opens a long lis

    • That's kind of a random set of things to figure out.
      • You might think so, but it's really not. I started looking at the Youtube cookies to see if any of them looked significantly different from the others. The ones I mention did. All of the cookies concerning videos start off "ST-". I figured anything else had to do with getting that stupid "You're using an ad blocker" notice. So I deleted them, and everything was fine...until they came back, which happened quite quickly. So my next step was to stop Youtube from re-installing them, which led me to the "E

  • To eat your lunch and your market.

    Go ahead. Alienate your customers more, and will be happy to provide the free streaming platform the world craves.
  • ...I am OK with Google making it harder to watch YouTube. Once upon a time they were all about adoption but now they need to monetise. Those influencer lifestyles gotta earn money somehow.
  • I have been fighting the battle for my consciousness my entire life and I've waging a war on advertisements on every single front to counteract the Insidious thievery of my mental time at every corner of my being that is exposed to this world and the media within it.

    Advertising steals from you, from your mentality, from your consciousness, from your well-being, from your finite most-precious time, from everything that is you. It injects itself like an insidious succubus into your mind and your dreams steali

"Time is money and money can't buy you love and I love your outfit" - T.H.U.N.D.E.R. #1
