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Microsoft 365 and Azure Outage Takes Down Multiple Services ( 29

apcyberax shares a report: Microsoft is investigating an ongoing and widespread outage blocking access to some Microsoft 365 and Azure services. "We're currently investigating access issues and degraded performance with multiple Microsoft 365 services and features. More information can be found under MO842351 in the admin center," Redmond said.

However, many users report having issues connecting to the Microsoft 365 admin center and opening the Service Health Status page, which should provide real-time information on issues impacting Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft 365/Power Platform admin centers. For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users in Europe and only a subset of its services.

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Microsoft 365 and Azure Outage Takes Down Multiple Services

Comments Filter:
  • by Murdoch5 ( 1563847 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:06AM (#64666632) Homepage
    Another major outage, shocking, it's almost as if Microsoft doesn't care about its customers. When will people wake up to the fact you don't run Microsoft products as a professional, they're not stable, not secure, and as proven over and over, not reliable. Email Microsoft support, and demand the logs from the servers affected, for your services, and see what happens. If they send them, I'd be shocked, I demand this every time there's an outage, have yet to see a single set of logs.
    • it's almost as if Microsoft ... has lost control of it's internal systems...

      Could just be there's too many layers upon layers of cruft?
      Maybe they are dogfooding their AI to ...umm... help out?
      Maybe the Rooskies and Chinese and North Koreans are twiddling the knobs on the servers?

      Who knows?

      Not Microsoft.
  • local (Score:5, Funny)

    by pitch2cv ( 1473939 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:06AM (#64666636)

    Just continue work on the local files with the locally installed Office version?

    Oh wait.

    • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:12AM (#64666648) Homepage
      If you are paying for software there should be an 'offline' mode so it can keep working for the duration of the subscription even if the server, er I mean cloud, goes down.

      In fact this should be a government mandate. Many jobs now depend on this crap actually working.
      • If you are paying for software there should be an 'offline' mode so it can keep working for the duration of the subscription even if the server, er I mean cloud, goes down.

        A lot of businesses and even government entities have gone to using only the 365 version. There is no local version to even have an offline mode, the software is stored only on Microsoft's servers and is delivered via the web alone.

        Thankfully my employer has not done this, so when Microsoft fails badly enough to break Azure but not badly enough to break Windows, I can still work. They were threatening to do it, but I think they figured out that wasn't practical due to Microsoft's general incompetence.

  • ... the Blue Screen Of Death Sonata.

    I almost hope there is a BSOD sonata. Even better - a recording which I can set as the ringtone on the Wife's Windows Phone.

    DDG is my friend.

    No it's not. [] But without the quote marks, plenty. ... none of which were worth the effort. [SIGH].

  • by willkane ( 6824186 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:12AM (#64666654)

    Someone got an update from CrowdStrike.

    This is their slogan: "CrowdStrike: Stop breaches. Stop business."

  • "The cloud is distributed and has billions of dollars behind it" - Microsoft, whose cloud services have outages about once a week. I am 100% not kidding.
  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:39AM (#64666714)

    Not fit to be used for anything.

    • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
      Other than rhe " don'r but all yor eggs in one basket/ all your critical sw/servucesin on cloud yoy dummy" principle. All that said I fill kind of bad for all the people missing their deadlines because of this, they usually don't have the power to change things. Once again single points of faiiure ar bad an a single cloud provider ight need to be considered a single point of faliure no matter how distributed that provider is. For an example see the cloudflare bgp snafu in 2020 while not directly a cloud fa
  • by kamakazi ( 74641 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:44AM (#64666728)

    Now TFA says"For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users worldwide" That is a fun "only"

    • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:53AM (#64666740)

      Now TFA says"For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users worldwide" That is a fun "only"

      I'm happy to know that our friends in the Alpha Centuari have not yet been affected by Microsoft's failure. Yet.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Now TFA says"For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users worldwide" That is a fun "only"

        I'm happy to know that our friends in the Alpha Centuari have not yet been affected by Microsoft's failure. Yet.

        If Microsoft marketing gets to them, they will.

        • Now TFA says"For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users worldwide" That is a fun "only"

          I'm happy to know that our friends in the Alpha Centuari have not yet been affected by Microsoft's failure. Yet.

          If Microsoft marketing gets to them, they will.

          I'm more of the opinion that the suck that is giant corporate greed will eventually collapse into a black hole that will absorb the entire universe. Maybe the AI singularity will be the trigger. It'll become aware, have about three milliseconds of contemplation about how it came to be, then immediately collapse into a failure-mode that won't be satisfied until the entirety of the universe that created it is sucked under.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Now TFA says"For the moment, the company says this incident is only affecting users worldwide" That is a fun "only"

      Originally it said "... only affecting users in Europe". Whoever edited the article just replaced "in Europe" with "worldwide" and didn't check the sensibility.

  • by willkane ( 6824186 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @10:46AM (#64666732)

    SAS airlines [] are suffering from technical problems: people can't do online check-in or download the boarding ticket.

  • by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Tuesday July 30, 2024 @11:50AM (#64666866)

    Man who keep head in cloud will lose pants. -- Confucius

  • I'm tempted to say: Embrace, oops, extinguish. Who needs extend? B-b

  • "Oops, you've seem to have dropped a 9"
  • Perhaps Microsoft should invest in rewriting their online services from the ground, this time with stability and maintainability in mind.

  • In related news, customers are seeing red.

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
