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The Best ROM Hack Website is Shutting Down After Nearly 20 Years (polygon.com) 16

ROMhacking.net, a prominent platform for fan translations and modifications of classic games, is shutting down after nearly two decades of operation. The site's administrator, who goes by the name Nightcrawler, said the website will remain accessible in a read-only format, but all new submissions have been halted and the site's extensive database has been transferred to the Internet Archive for preservation.

ROMhacking.net has long served as a crucial resource for gaming enthusiasts, according to Polygon, hosting a vast array of fan-made translations, bug fixes, and modifications for classic titles, many of which never received official localizations outside their countries of origin. The site's contributions to the gaming community include fan translations of Japanese-exclusive titles and even patches for long-standing bugs in popular games like Super Mario 64. Nightcrawler said the website ran into challenges including in managing the site's exponential growth and increasing copyright pressures, things that contributed to the decision to winding down operations.
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The Best ROM Hack Website is Shutting Down After Nearly 20 Years

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