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Censorship Encryption

Russia Blocks Signal Messaging App ( 47

Russia has blocked access to the encrypted Signal messaging app to "prevent the messenger's use of terrorist and extremist purposes." YouTube is also facing mass outages following repeated slowdowns in recent weeks. The Associated Press reports: Russian authorities expanded their crackdown on dissent and free media after Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022. They have blocked multiple independent Russian-language media outlets critical of the Kremlin, and cut access to Twitter, which later became X, as well as Meta's Facebook and Instagram.

In the latest blow to the freedom of information, YouTube faced mass outages on Thursday following repeated slowdowns in recent weeks. Russian authorities have blamed the slowdowns on Google's failure to upgrade its equipment in Russia, but many experts have challenged the claim, arguing that the likely reason for the slowdowns and the latest outage was the Kremlin's desire to shut public access to a major platform that carries opposition views.

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Russia Blocks Signal Messaging App

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  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @08:21PM (#64693752)

    Honestly, I'm surprised to hear they let Signal work in-country for so long - unless they couldn't figure out how to block it (what with most of their smart coders having fled in early 2022).

  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @08:39PM (#64693762)

    The more it tells us they're afraid of losing it.

    That Russia can't stop Ukraine from sparing enough forces to successfully (counter-)invade it for several days straight with as yet no signs of being driven back, and Putin can't risk any significant public resistance, then there's hope.

    If only all the different groups being oppressed within Russia would get off their asses and make their separatist movements active, in the end a lot fewer people would die. But I suppose they're hoping to have none of their own die even if it means a lot more Ukrainians do.

    • Ukraine invading Russia was a shockingly good tactic. Ukraine has to fight this guerilla style against a much larger and gnarlier opponent. And pandemonium is the friend of the guerilla.

      • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @10:07PM (#64693860)

        It means fewer Ukrainians defending where Russia's strongest and attacking... but yes, showing Russia that a pissed off bunch of Ukrainians can march across the border and Russia can do very little about it? That's great, because it weakens Putin politically and then, as he's forced to spread his forces out in defense rather than concentrate them in offense, militarily.

        A relatively small number of Ukrainians poking the front at different spots could keep Russia from effectively attacking in one specific place. Which is very good for Ukraine.

        • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

          by guruevi ( 827432 )

          Ukrainians won't be able to march across the border even into what they claim is their own territory (Crimea and Donbas), they may be able to hold Russia back from the plains (Kiev etc) and with the right technology hit targets beyond it but the geography of those regions will prevent any army from making headway in either direction.

          The areas of Donbas and Crimea has been thoroughly conquered oh, way back in the 1920s and 1930s when Lenin, Stalin etc systematically eradicated and replaced the Ukrainian popu

    • It's really hard to say whether they're losing it. In the United States Google is blocking comments on Russian Telegram channels for over a year.
      • It's another puzzle piece helping draw a whole picture; Putin already has people being imprisoned for questioning the invasion or using anything but approved terminology to describe it.

        This is an addition step being taken now, on top of the others, indicating they are more worried today than they were yesterday... And they weren't exactly unconcerned yesterday.

    • by guruevi ( 827432 )

      Putin has been pretty clear wanting to rebuild the Soviet Union. This isn't surprising at all, this is how Lenin operated and Putin has been trained by the KGB from childhood and a staunch believer in socialist supremacy. Note that Putin was an adult officer in the Soviet army when the Soviet Union fell.

      And all the people that said that Lenin's hold on power couldn't last more than 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, they were wish-casting, well, it lasted more than half a century.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 09, 2024 @08:42PM (#64693768)

    they have not found a way to backdoor/crack the encryption.

  • It's obvious why (Score:5, Informative)

    by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @08:56PM (#64693778)

    There is no way Putin wants the Russian people to know the extent of Ukraine's attack, especially not the up to 500 soldiers killed and wounded [] in one strike alone []. Hundreds of prisoners have been taken, including conscripts. Roughly 400 square miles of Russian territory [] taken under control by Ukraine, and the end isn't in sight.

    Considering Russia has said six times "everything is under control", to have the Russian people shown everything is not under control would be devastating on top of the humiliation Putin and his minions have so far received. If the muscovite midget thinks he can keep this all quiet, he'll have to figure out how to silence the nearly 5,000 evacuees streaming into Kursk and other Russian towns from saying what is really going on.

    • Re:It's obvious why (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Kernel Kurtz ( 182424 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @10:38PM (#64693896)

      to have the Russian people shown everything is not under control would be devastating on top of the humiliation Putin and his minions have so far received. If the muscovite midget thinks he can keep this all quiet, he'll have to figure out how to silence the nearly 5,000 evacuees streaming into Kursk and other Russian towns from saying what is really going on.

      I'd like to think that the case, but predictably the little man will just say look, I told you Ukraine is a threat to Russia! And they will either believe him because they don't know any better, or they won't believe him but will keep it to themselves because to do otherwise can be bad for one's health.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      There is no way Putin wants the Russian people to know the extent of Ukraine's attack, especially not the up to 500 soldiers killed and wounded [] in one strike alone []. Hundreds of prisoners have been taken, including conscripts. Roughly 400 square miles of Russian territory [] taken under control by Ukraine, and the end isn't in sight.

      Considering Russia has said six times "everything is under control", to have the Russian people shown everything is not under control would be devastating on top of the humiliation Putin and his minions have so far received. If the muscovite midget thinks he can keep this all quiet, he'll have to figure out how to silence the nearly 5,000 evacuees streaming into Kursk and other Russian towns from saying what is really going on.

      An old soviet era joke.

      A Russian and American meet in Berlin, the American says "you know your news is all propaganda". The Russian responds "Dah, you know your news is all propaganda". The American looks enraged and perplexed when the Russian says "the difference is, we don't believe our propaganda".

      I doubt there is going to be a popular uprising against Putin unless things get really bad. Another old soviet era joke "what's 200 meters long and eats cabbage, a Moscow bread line". If they didn't riot

  • when you're scared of your own people learning the truth

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Thank you for the confirmation and vote of confidence in Signal actually being pretty good, security-wise.

    When dictators and other scum block or make illegal things, it's almost always because they are actually good for the people.

    So again, thank you Russia, for confirming that Signal is good!

  • Is what America will be within 10, most likely far less than that if Trump and the Republicans are allowed control of the White House again. Remember 1/6/2021. That was a huge warning there.
  • Overkill (Score:2, Insightful)

    Why not just use the American way - make some topics verboten, have government enforcers meet weekly with social media companies to tell them what to take down, etc.?

    Much less obvious ... sheesh.

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
