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Cisco Slashes Thousands of Workers As It Announces Yearly Profit of $10.3 Billion (sfgate.com) 51

An anonymous reader quotes a report from SFGATE: Cisco Systems is laying off 7% of its workforce, the company announced in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. It's the San Jose tech giant's second time slashing thousands of jobs this year. The networking and telecommunications company is vast, reporting to have 84,900 employees in July 2023 before it chopped at least 4,000 in February. That means the new 7% cut will likely affect at least 5,500 workers. Cisco spokesperson Robyn Blum said in an email to SFGATE that the layoff is meant to allow the company to invest in "key growth opportunities and drive more efficiency in our business." [...]

More hints about the layoff's potential reasoning showed up in a Wednesday blog post from CEO Chuck Robbins. The executive wrote that Cisco plans to consolidate its networking, security and collaboration teams into one organization and said the company is still integrating Splunk; Cisco closed its $28 billion acquisition of San Francisco-based data security and management company in March. Cisco also announced its earnings for its last fiscal year on Wednesday. Total revenue was slightly down year over year, to $53.8 billion, but the company still reported a $10.3 billion profit during the same period.

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Cisco Slashes Thousands of Workers As It Announces Yearly Profit of $10.3 Billion

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  • by hjf ( 703092 ) on Thursday August 15, 2024 @09:15AM (#64708144) Homepage

    It's 2024. Profits are for paying dividends to shareholders.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      It's 2024. Profits are for paying dividends to shareholders.

      Profits are for either paying shareholders or growing the company.

      Companies have never justified keeping workers "because they can afford it."

      Capitalism doesn't work that way. It never has and never will.

      If employees aren't contributing to the bottom line, they should find other employment where they do.

      • Re:profits (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 15, 2024 @09:40AM (#64708218)

        It's 2024. Profits are for paying dividends to shareholders.

        Profits are for either paying shareholders or growing the company.

        Companies have never justified keeping workers "because they can afford it."

        Capitalism doesn't work that way. It never has and never will.

        If employees aren't contributing to the bottom line, they should find other employment where they do.

        Your uncritical faith in the the unchallengeable business genius of the capitalist aristocracy is commendable. Meanwhile, in the real world, I used to work for a telco that fired several hundred people citing the exact same reasons you just listed. One of these people was their sole maintainer (because why dent the bottom line by having two system maintainers for redundancy) of a pretty critical switching. This system broke down about two months after he left. Half of their telephone network was down for days while they flew the guy back from a Mediterranean vacation and paid him quite a lot more money than they would have if they hadn't fired him to restore service levels and then paid him even more to train his replacements. Customers were still citing this as a reason not to do business with this company ten years later. I could reel off a dozen similar examples of mercurial business geniuses screwing themselves by saving money on software testing but I don't want to offend your deeply held beliefs in the infallibility of capitalism too much in one day. So, you see, capitalism, the unerring invisible hand of the free market, or whatever it takes your fancy to call it, can be and often is dumber than a rock.

        • by dimko ( 1166489 )
          , woops, forgot to switch from troll/astroturfing language, pardon me. In capitalistic system, greedy pays twice. Or more, times. in healthy organization there is no such thing as irreplaceable employee. One of reasons all companies push people to vacations - to see if something goes badly down without this person. If it does - another such person is needed.
        • Having once worked for a telco myself and having seen layoffs there I can tell you those companies are more beholden to their Union contracts than to clear-headed business thinking.

          Screwing up layoffs by not applying seniority rules can result in an instant loss for the company at arbitration while giving the Union something to crow about.

          If the place you worked was a Union shop then it stands to reason that sole system maintainer was a low seniority person, in the overall Union employee list, and therefore

          • Having once worked for a telco myself and having seen layoffs there I can tell you those companies are more beholden to their Union contracts than to clear-headed business thinking.

            Screwing up layoffs by not applying seniority rules can result in an instant loss for the company at arbitration while giving the Union something to crow about.

            I don't know the answer to this question, but how do union seniority rules and federal anti-discrimination based on age rules work? Companies currently need to make sure to avoid accusations of age-based discrimination. If a contract based on union seniority rules trumps the federal laws, does that imply that a company can simply incorporate such rules in the original work contract and by so doing completely shield themselves from federal anti-discrimination laws? I would think that the provisions of any

            • I suppose nowadays it would be argued out in a court room. Way back when the courts tended to respect work contracts between Unions & companies, unless the contract was obviously illegal and that required a lawsuit & court hearing to decide; nowadays I think they all go to court just because they can. Hint: Employment & contracts lawyers on both sides, Union & Company, know what the Courts will allow in a Union contract (stuff that has been litigated & settled in the past or is clearly o

        • Re:profits (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Thursday August 15, 2024 @12:21PM (#64708728)

          Customers were still citing this as a reason not to do business with this company ten years later.

          This is exactly how it's supposed to work. You make dumb decisions, they have consequences. Make enough of them and you go out of business. That's a good thing, because it means someone smarter is running things instead.

          • Yup, there's something about every company is at 3 or 4 dumb decisions to bankruptcy

            Lastly, just take a look at Sonos
            • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

              Ideally. Unfortunately many companies figure out ways to keep doing dumb shit and stay in business. Just look at Sonos. It's bad for customers and really not great for employees either.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by doc1623 ( 7109263 )

        I agree.

        This is why unregulated, or in our case, light regulation with even lighter oversight & enforcement, pure capitalism results in the failure of democracy. Most of us learned

        Corporations do not exist except as a legal concept. They should not have human rights. They should have zero influence on politics and elections. Every person in them, and stock holders/owners already has a vote. This is just giving the richest, powerful, and foreigners, more influence than regular citizens; much more.

        If th

      • Companies have never justified keeping workers "because they can afford it." Capitalism doesn't work that way. It never has and never will.

        Though it's how it works... in places with strong labour laws.

        If they can afford it, firing is unjustified in the sense of protection laws. Then labour court can force them to reintegrate the employee, or apply large severance packages, e.g. 20 months of salary in my place. That makes it unprofitable to fire and re-hire later based on short term goals. (They do offer voluntary departure packages.)

      • Yea, I agree, but there should be more required severance pay imho - companies are far to free to do layoffs and then immediately hire again within the same year, which is just ridiculous - the reason for layoffs should be what you said and not stock schemes or cycling employees to maintain cheaper workers.
  • They rarely say what roles are being cut. Are these hardware engineers, software developers, middle managers, testers, sales people?
    • They rarely say what roles are being cut.

      The PR spokesperson said Cisco wants to focus less on traditional networking and more on artificial intelligence. That may be true, or they may just be chasing buzzwords.

      The CEO indicated that many of the layoffs stem from the consolidation of Cisco's recent acquisition of Splunk. That usually means managers, administrators, accountants, and salespeople.

    • They rarely say what roles are being cut. Are these hardware engineers, software developers, middle managers, testers, sales people?

      Out of that list? They probably fired engineers, software developers, testers, then moved all of that to India because that worked out so well for Boeing and their MCAS project.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        A lot of Cisco's software/firmware engineering staff are already based out of India, even on super complicated carrier-grade stuff. At least it was when I was a major Cisco customer back in 2010.
  • They need the funds for the bonuses for their executives, and they are not going to tap shareholders' dividends for that.
  • Rout (Score:2, Troll)

    /It was a complete rout of the underperforming departments and teams./

    Given that they had record revenues and earnings this looks like camouflage to get rid of employees who aren't there on merit.

    But they can't say that.

    • Can’t you go one day without the DEI boogey man?

      • Canâ(TM)t you go one day without the DEI boogey man?

        Nope, it's all they have. They can't make a coherent argument so let's blame . Because white men have never ruined companies or made mistakes causing companies to lose monies or sending businesses into bankruptcy.

        Because that's what they mean when they use the word "merit". Anyone who isn't a white male only got the job because of DEI according to them. It's the same argument for why women are paid less. They go for jobs such as woman phy
  • Yeah, this is supposed to mean products like Cisco Hypershield ("AI-Native firewall", https://www.cisco.com/site/us/... [cisco.com] )

    Can't say I'm really impressed with that litany of buzzwords.

  • It's OK though. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Thursday August 15, 2024 @10:00AM (#64708292)

    I'm sure the remaining employees will be told, "We simply don't have the money to justify increasing salary this year. In fact, we were wondering if you could take on twice the work and a bit of a pay cut, then we can review how you handle it and cut your pay further for poor performance in 90 days. Sound good?"

  • by laughingskeptic ( 1004414 ) on Thursday August 15, 2024 @12:29PM (#64708768)
    Accounting, payroll, receivables, etc at Splunk were all doomed. Cisco may also be foolishly cutting their marketing and sales groups which operate so differently from how Cisco does business that they really should be left alone if Splunk is going to continue to provide a revenue stream. This could be the beginning of the end of Splunk's $3.7B revenue stream.
    • Correct, after acquisitions, redundant roles are always reduced (particularly in operations), you dont really always need all these people. Its always part of the synergy plan.
  • I smell price increases!
  • What is Cisco's market now, and can you do that with a commodify Linux 1U?

Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position. -- Christopher Marlowe
