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Crime Power

Florida Man Arrested For Causing $700,000 In Damage At Solar Power Facility ( 146

A 43-year-old Jordanian national, Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, was arrested in Orlando, Florida, and charged with threatening to use explosives and destroying a solar power facility. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the charges could result in up to 60 years in prison. Gizmodo reports: Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen allegedly smashed windows at local businesses in Florida, leaving behind threatening letters about their perceived support of Israel, and broke into a solar power generation facility in Wedgefield, Florida back in June. Hnaihen allegedly spent hours smashing solar panels, cutting various wires, and destroying critical electronic equipment, according to a press release from the DOJ issued Thursday.

Hnaihen was wearing a mask when he allegedly smashed the glass front doors of businesses that he thought supported Israel in June, the DOJ says, leaving behind "warning letters" that included lines like a desire to, "destroy or explode everything here in whole America. Especially the companies and factories that support the racist state of Israel." [...] Hnaihen was arrested on July 11, though news of his arrest was only made public today. Hnaihen entered a plea of not guilty and faces a maximum of 10 years in prison for each threat made against the Florida businesses and a maximum of 20 years for the destruction of an energy facility, according to the DOJ.

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Florida Man Arrested For Causing $700,000 In Damage At Solar Power Facility

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  • "florida man"? (Score:5, Informative)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Friday August 16, 2024 @06:45AM (#64710888) Journal

    A 43-year-old Jordanian national, Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, was arrested in Orlando, Florida

    He's a "Florida man" like I'm a Scot (I mean, I've set foot in Scotland, so that counts, right?).

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Diversity is our strength.
    • Re:"florida man"? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by test321 ( 8891681 ) on Friday August 16, 2024 @08:34AM (#64711036)

      The meme "Florida man" refers to the "alleged prevalence of people performing irrational or maniacal actions in the U.S. state of Florida" [] Nothing in the meme indicates that these people should have been born in Florida. (Maybe one only needs to breath the air of Florida to start acting erratically.)

      The slashdot editor did the best possible in choosing an humorous title and immediately clarifying clarifies the correct reading within the first words of the summary.

      You're not a Scot because the term refers to "an Ethnic group or nation native to Scotland" [] But if you had moved to Scotland to live there, a news item could refer as for example "Edinburgh man" without mentioning your birth place []"

      • by Anonymous Coward

        It's scientifically proven that heat causes more violent crime. Add in oppressive humidity and bugs swarming and biting you...

        Or maybe it's the religion.

        • by hdyoung ( 5182939 )
          This AC needs a mod up. One of the few variables thats actually correlated to a regions general goodness or badness for humans is the temperature. Temperate climates are just straight-up better for human existence. No surprise Florida has more behavioral problems than Maine.
          • Re: "florida man"? (Score:5, Informative)

            by GrumpySteen ( 1250194 ) on Friday August 16, 2024 @12:16PM (#64711538)

            That's why the murder rate in Florida is just behind District of Columbia, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Alaska, Tennessee, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Mississippi, Virginia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, California and Wisconsin (listed in order from highest to lowest rate of murders per capita). Florida is only the 27th highest in murders per capita.

            There is no correlation between temperature and crime. AC needs to have some sense slapped into them and so do you.

            • by Gilmoure ( 18428 )

              I keep reading 'AC' as Air Conditioning. /grew up in Flah

            • There’s a lot of real research that pretty much this:


              Yes, the data is noisy. Any data on real humans is noisy. But that y axis is log-scale. The correlations is very real.
            • ... temperature and crime.

              He didn't say "crime", he didn't say "murder rate", he said "behavioural problems": I'd certainly expect people with more problems to commit more crimes but that doesn't equal more murders. The actual article is a perfect example, this criminal didn't murder anyone and didn't physically assault anyone.

      • by srussia ( 884021 )

        slashdot editor did the best possible in choosing an humorous title

        The guy is named "Hashem" twice FFS! It means "breaker" in Arabic and "God" in Hebrew. The humorous possibilities are endless!

      • The meme "Florida man" refers to the "alleged prevalence of people performing irrational or maniacal actions in the U.S. state of Florida" [] Nothing in the meme indicates that these people should have been born in Florida. (Maybe one only needs to breath the air of Florida to start acting erratically.)

        When in Florida do crazy shit like the Floridians.

      • " (Maybe one only needs to breathe the air of Florida to start acting erratically.)"

        Given the same issue turns up in California, the land of fruits and nuts, I've long suspected that the excess sunlight bleaches their brains. Texans have a long tradition of wearing large hats that may provide protection from their excess sun. ;-)

        • " (Maybe one only needs to breathe the air of Florida to start acting erratically.)"

          Given the same issue turns up in California, the land of fruits and nuts, I've long suspected that the excess sunlight bleaches their brains. Texans have a long tradition of wearing large hats that may provide protection from their excess sun. ;-)

          Nah, we literally have people getting into shootouts with each other on the freeways on an almost daily basis. And we keep electing pieces of shit like Abbott, Paxton, Cornyn, and Cruz.

          • I'm in true blue Washington. We have the same problem. Carloads of fentanyl and meth and the drug gangs slugging it out for marketing supremacy. The fact our pieces of shit are Democrats doesn't change anything.

            It's arguably worse. The Democrat's solution to crime is to punish and harass the innocent's Second Amendment rights. Throwing drug dealers in prison is unacceptable for some reason. Executing multiple murderers is also unacceptable.

            The Doctrine of the Means has failed. So do we try the Duarte soluti

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        The meme "Florida man" refers to the "alleged prevalence of people performing irrational or maniacal actions in the U.S. state of Florida" []... Nothing in the meme indicates that these people should have been born in Florida. (Maybe one only needs to breath the air of Florida to start acting erratically.)

        Sadly, it's nothing to do with the environment, but a law in Florida. Naturally, DeSantis passed another law to repeal it, so "Florida Man" type things will be less prevalent.


      • All correct.

        Yet, for the last three? four? years we've also listened to people - including senior government officials, scientists, and doctors insist that statements like "my testicles don't make me any less of a woman" should be accepted with a straight face.

        So I can understand the uncertainty of what a "Florida Man" is in 2024.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      A 43-year-old Jordanian national, Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, was arrested in Orlando, Florida

      He's a "Florida man" like I'm a Scot (I mean, I've set foot in Scotland, so that counts, right?).

      Is he not a resident of Florida?

      Granted it's a lazy headline, but what else does one expect from Gizmodo.
      The word "national" means he's not a US citizen but could easily be a resident. In some countries "national" sometimes exclusively refers to someone who was born in that country, I.E. for jobs that exclude dual nationals or naturalised citizens.

      Anyway that's besides the point, would criminal damage be more acceptable if it were a red blooded 'Murican who did it?

      • Anyway that's besides the point, would criminal damage be more acceptable if it were a red blooded 'Murican who did it?

        No, but if it were then including "Florida Man" in the headline would be much more acceptable.

  • They'll be happy to 'look after' him far more cheaply than it would be if he was in a US prison...

  • When you rip open the border and welcome the world's trash into your home, you get trash in your home.

    This asshole never should have been here in the first place. He is neither the first nor last not-American scumbag here threatening to kill Jews and destroying things in the name of his anti-Semitic hatred.

    • Your face when you find out the guy immigrated when Trump was president.

    • When you rip open the border and welcome the world's trash into your home, you get trash in your home.

      This asshole never should have been here in the first place. He is neither the first nor last not-American scumbag here threatening to kill Jews and destroying things in the name of his anti-Semitic hatred.

      Palestinians are Arabs, and Arabs are Semites too. Any group of people that speak Semitic languages are Semites. Calling a person who supports Palestine an anti-Semite is ignorant, to say the least.

    • by leptons ( 891340 )
      "iAmWaySmarterThanYou" - if you actually were "way smarter than you", you wouldn't need to make it your username. People who are actually smart don't need to tell others about it. From what you've demonstrated, you aren't smart at all.
  • How nice of us. This is true punishment.
  • A Jordan national damaging infrastructure in the US? Even if he did it for activist reasons, I know where this man will end up, and it might be somewhere in eastern Europe or in the south east of Cuba, and it won't be a vacationing spot...

  • He taught us a lesson that even a Politician can understand.
  • Just divide it by number of Gaza deaths which now stands at 40,000
    The revenge is only $17.50 per Gazan death
    Your takeout meal probably costs more than that.
    And while you are eating it, remember the Gaza people are being starved
    • by Targon ( 17348 )

      You are another person who probably hasn't thought through the situation over there. If you think about it, if we had cartels in Mexico launching missiles into the USA, how long would it be before the USA sent the military into Mexico to crush those drug cartels, and any civilians killed in the process would fall under, "we went in there to stop these rocket launches that are killing people in the USA"?

      That was the typical situation between Gaza and Israel up until Oct 7th, and all those people talking ab

      • 'Netanyahu is at fault for going way beyond a reasonable response'

        What is a reasonable response to a criminal gang that kills over 1000 of your people and takes old people and children as hostages and continues to fire bombs into your cities randomly, often from locations where the you can only stop the rockets if you risk killing civilians?

        • What is a reasonable response to a criminal gang that kills over 1000 of your people and takes old people and children as hostages and continues to fire bombs into your cities randomly, often from locations where the you can only stop the rockets if you risk killing civilians?

          If that was the reality of daily life that Americans had to deal with, the majority would be demanding that we turned Gaza into glass. Hell, I'm generally not one to advocate for war, but if I had to regularly worry about being blown up while getting groceries, I absolutely would support my government removing the threat from the face of the Earth.

  • There is only one side worth supporting and that's Israel, they are the innocent party, and the only real world power to stand up and put an end to Islamic BS. Maybe if the rest of the world didn't coward and submit, we wouldn't have to deal with the constant fallout. Canada is so cowardly, we have protection and promotion of an Islamic state, that make it an offence to even criticize Islam, because of what the unstable might do. We've had government officials removed because Islamic members had a fit,
    • Why do you feel to compelled to support either of the genocidal maniacs trying to claim Palestine?

      • Why do I feel the need to support innocent people? Mainly because they're innocent. Why do I not support terrorist regimes and believe the world needs to stop bowing and praising them? They're terrorists, and we need to start treating them that way.

        You want to have your religious faith, and be peaceful non-bothersome, and quiet, go right ahead. The second you want pork removed from a menu, that doesn't specifically cater to your diet, or you think my wife should be restricted, or our laws should chang
        • The side I've picked is humanity, meaning I cannot support either the genocidal Jews or the genocidal Muslims.

          • The attack against Palestine was caused due to Palestine being an ELECTED terrorist state, and Islam widely being accepted, acknowledged and recognized as a terrorist group. I'll grant that not all Muslims are terrorists, but at some point the group is poisoned enough where it doesn't matter, and you get associated by default. Palestine brought the problem on themselves, and it's people now have one of two choices:

            1. Leave and disassociate completely.
            2. Stay and your terrorists or terrorists supporters
            • Netanyahu was elected, and he brings convicted terrorists like Ben-Gvir along to implement the genocide.

              "Leave and disassociate completely" would be a wise, conservative course of action for America. Let the Mid-East fund their own endeavors. But if you expect the people living there to leave, you're delusional.

              • They don't have to leave, but if you stay, you can't cry about being grouped with the terrorist. The leave has multiple avenues, leave the faith, leave the region, leave the nationality, and free yourself from the label.

                The internation community rates radicals / extremists at about 20% of the Islamic population, that's a big enough group to label the overarching group as a terrorist group, regardless that 80% (ish) are peaceful and non-radicalized. If 1 in 5 bottles of water, didn't contain water, woul
                • They would say everyone killed on October 7th was associating with the terrorist Ben-Gvir, and they could have just left. They would be just as correct as you are.

                  • Calling Ben-Gvir a terrorist is shaky at best, but, if you use a liberal definition then sure. If Israel launch the first attack, and Hamas then brought the pain and devastation, you might have a point. If the logic is Israel was associating with a terrorist, therefore the attack was justified, well Hamas is a literal terrorist organization, of a terrorist state, based on the radical belief of a terrorist group, so even if Hamas didn't attack, using your logic, Israel would have been well within their righ
                    • They (meaning everyone who isn't a religious radical or greedy politician) would say Israel launched major attacks in 1948, 1967, and has continually supported terrorism for all the years in between.

                      You seem to have some very precise figures there about terrorism. They look quite precise but they're also getting thrown about randomly and incoherently. I'd just like to see the original terrorist census you're reading from, so I can maybe analyze those numbers in a coherent way.

                    • Look up statistics from the international terror community, they peg the number loosely around 20%, and I have to stress that's a loose estimation, on the low end. Here's a report from CSIS: https://csis-website-prod.s3.a... []
  • Don't make him into a hero, or martyr or anything like it. Just lock him up in a mental hospital with a straitjacket and a soft padded helmet so he won't hurt himself, and let the public know this.

Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. -- Quentin Crisp
