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Washington Post Calls Telegram 'a Haven for Free Speech - and Child Predators' ( 82

The Washington Post writes that Telegram's "anything-goes approach" to its 950 million users "has also made it one of the internet's largest havens for child predators, experts say...."

"Durov's critics say his public idealism masks an opportunistic business model that allows Telegram to profit from the worst the internet has to offer, including child sexual abuse material, or CSAM... " [Telegram is] an app of choice for political organizing, including by dissidents under repressive regimes. But it is equally appealing for terrorist groups, criminal organizations and sexual predators, who use it as a hub to share and consume nonconsensual pornography, AI "deepfake" nudes, and illegal sexual images and videos of exploited minors, said Alex Stamos, chief information security officer at the cybersecurity firm SentinelOne. "Due to their advertised policy of not cooperating with law enforcement, and the fact that they are known not to scan for CSAM, Telegram has attracted large groups of pedophiles trading and selling child abuse materials," Stamos said.

That reach comes even though many Telegram exchanges don't actually use the strong forms of encryption available on true private messaging apps, he added. Telegram is used for private messaging, public posts and group chats. Only one-to-one conversations can be encrypted in a way that even Telegram can't access them. And that occurs only if users choose the option, meaning the company could turn over everything else to governments if it wanted to... French prosecutors argue that Durov is in fact responsible for Telegram's emergence as a global haven for illegal content, including CSAM, because of his reluctance to moderate it and his refusal to help authorities police it, among other allegations...

David Kaye, a professor at University of California, Irvine School of Law and former U.N. special rapporteur on freedom of expression... said that while Telegram has at times banned groups and taken down [CSAM] content in response to law enforcement, its refusal to share data with investigators sets it apart from most other major tech companies. Unlike U.S.-based platforms, Telegram is not required by U.S. law to report instances of CSAM to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or NCMEC. Many online platforms based overseas do so anyway — but not Telegram. "NCMEC has tried to get them to report, but they have no interest and are known for not wanting to work with [law enforcement agencies] or anyone in this space," a NCMEC spokesperson said.

The Post also writes that Telegram "has repeatedly been revealed to serve as a tool to store, distribute and share child sexual imagery." (They cite several examples, including two different men convicted to minimum sentences of at least 10 years for using the service to purchase CSAM and solicit explicit photos from minors.)
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Washington Post Calls Telegram 'a Haven for Free Speech - and Child Predators'

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  • When did child porn stop being the common term and it change to child sexual abuse material?

    • []

      "While this phrase still appears in federal law, âoechild sexual abuse materialâ is preferred, as it better reflects the abuse that is depicted in the images and videos and the resulting trauma to the child."

      While CSAM is a mouthfull, I understand the reason why they want to change the terminology, it makes a lot of sense. Wait a decade and it will be common parlance, just like you try to avoid CP as abbreviation nowadays.
      • by dfghjk ( 711126 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @04:32PM (#64751790)

        " it better reflects the abuse that is depicted in the images and videos..."


        No abuse need be depicted, the abuse is alleged to exist merely by the existence of the images. The term propagandizes the content, it is intended to generate an emotional response.

        "I understand the reason why they want to change the terminology..."

        Do you? Because when you explain it you get it wrong.

        • You are wrong. CP put the accent on the material being used for self gratification by sick people. It does not put the accent on the child abuse which happen for that material to be made. CSAM try to correct that by putting the accent on the abuse. Anything which was qualified as CP before can clearly be labelled as CSAM.
          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            the child abuse which happen for that material to be made.

            Then, the term is used incorrectly when no children are involved, such as when the images are AI-generated or made with adult actors posing as children.

            Yes, some adults look like children. I am currently working in the Philippines, and I have adult female co-workers who look like they're about twelve.

        • Do you? Because when you explain it you get it wrong.

          No, they didn't. There is no such thing as child pornography. Children cannot consent to sex or anything related. They are not, and cannot, be performers such as adults are in the real porn industry. Oh look, the exact same thing I just said [].

          While some of the pornography online depicts adults who have consented to be filmed, that’s never the case when the images depict children. Just as kids can’t legally consent to sex, they can’t consent to having images of their abuse recorded and distributed. Every explicit photo or video of a kid is actually evidence that the child has been a victim of sexual abuse.

          So much propaganda. /s

      • While CSAM is a mouthfull, I understand the reason why they want to change the terminology, it makes a lot of sense. Wait a decade and it will be common parlance, just like you try to avoid CP as abbreviation nowadays.

        In time people will just start saying "see sam" instead of using the initialism and it becomes no more cumbersome than anyone saying "child porn" or its initialism "see pee". I wouldn't be surprised if part of it is just related to YouTube demonetizing videos for using certain terms that aren't advertiser friendly in much the same way that terms such as "unalived" have become popular recently.

      • I wonder who "the child" is when it's AI-generated. They use the same term for it all.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      The old term probably lost its impact due to overuse. So they got a new one...

      • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @04:53PM (#64751840)
        I'd think it has more to do with the typical euphemism treadmill or what Carlin termed soft language. Give it another two decades and we'll have something even more benign sounding to cover up the horror of adults molesting kids small children.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • ... termed soft language.

          Much "soft language" happens to prevent stereotyping or 'offending' someone. "CS-AM" means the child is a victim even if sexual meaning doesn't exist.

          It allows the shit excuse of "Every explicit photo or video of a kid ...", when the law states female nipples are "explicit" material. It sidesteps the truth that many photos of males are not sexual while every photo of a female, is by law, explicit. The result is pre-teen females being hidden from public view and parents declaring the world owes them, be

  • By their logic (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Valgrus Thunderaxe ( 8769977 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @03:52PM (#64751714)
    So is the telephone and cable companies. Should either be snooping on me because I might be a pedophile?
    • Telephone companies
      * one-to-one
      * used to have Yellow Pages to lookup keywords, only included legally established businesses
      * collaborate with the authorities: wiretapping, owner name, list of contacts, list of text messages, location data.

      * group chats
      * find a group chat by keyword; unfiltered, anything you might think of
      * does not collaborate with the authorities

      It's the "does not collaborate" that make them into problems.

      Telegram is closer to Facebook groups than to telephone. But Meta has functio

    • by lsllll ( 830002 )

      The telephone and cable companies will gladly let the government snoop on any communication with a court order. Hell. If you're the NSA, they'll let you do it without a warrant. []

      • The telephone and cable companies will gladly let the government snoop on any communication with a court order. Hell. If you're the NSA, they'll let you do it without a warrant. []

        And if you wanted to, you could use a frickin' modem and then encrypt what goes over it.

        Would the phone company be responsible then? Why or why not?

        • by lsllll ( 830002 )

          Are you sure you understand how encryption works? The medium doesn't matter, whether it's disk, phone line, cable line, or the airwaves. Unless you're communicating directly with another person and generated your own key/certificate pair, there's no guarantee you won't be MITM attacked. If you're talking with a web site with SSL, I wouldn't doubt that the NSA has a root CA you trust that could generate the certs on the fly and do just that for you. At the end of the day, if you're hitting anything on th

    • I don't believe this is what they're really worried about, because they could just go after Mastodon if they really were worried primarily about CSAM.

      This is "won't someone think of the children" used to go after platforms saying stuff they want to censor.

    • So is the telephone and cable companies. Should either be snooping on me because I might be a pedophile?

      They are common carriers, social media and public messaging sites are objectively not. When your telephone company starts providing you a public group messaging board for sharing images, you can bet your arse they would come under the focus of a law requiring moderation, as literally every other place that offers similar services already has.

    • No but when someone reports possible cases of CSAM to law enforcement & there is probable cause for suspicion, they should cooperate. In other words, operate under long-standing laws, designed to protect the vulnerable, that are constitutional & sensible.
    • So is the telephone and cable companies. Should either be snooping on me because I might be a pedophile?

      The question is irrelevant as they are spying on you with the excuse that you might be a pedophile. Think about it for a minute.

  • Yeah, it's a dilemma. You don't want to throw the liberty baby out with the sexual predator bathwater.

    You also don't want to search on any of those words in proximity to any of the others, or you'll get on a list.

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

      "You don't want to throw the liberty baby out with the sexual predator bathwater."

      A WHOLE LOT of people do. And most people only believe in liberty for themselves anyway.

      As hard as the (quoted part of the) article tries to slime the company, it manages to make them sound pretty good. There is the presumption that corporations should spy on their customers that is remarkably offensive. No doubt Telegram is a bad actor, but I'm not convinced by the propaganda here.

  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @04:37PM (#64751802)

    Are the Telegram charges the start for every social media platform? CEOs better not fly outside the US

    BTW, WAPO is little more than a press office for the CIA. This has been known for some time. It is suspected that Bezos was asked to buy WAPO if he wanted to keep his federal AWS contracts flowing. How else can you explain a business with such bad financials not going under?

  • That is what this is actually about.

    • The relevant group channels were not encrypted.

      To get an end-to-end encrypted chat, it can't be a group chat and you have to select it when starting the chat.

  • Putting it in the same sentence with CSAM either means free speech is doomed or CSAM is fixing to be made legal. I wonder which shit path they are heading.

  • The problem is a lot of people simply just hate law enforcement because they act like entitled little bastards. Stalking their girlfriends and exes, shooting their partners and murdering their family excusing it on PTSD. Harming uninvolved public like me.

    Ill always hate them after being blocked from a Pizza parking lot when going to pick up my order. I asked to get by and immediately got attitude. After a few minutes and a pizza getting cold inside I got out and walked way around and was stopped and tickete

    • Also, even better as I have the whole thing on video. They told me not to record because their body cameras would, but I was smart enough to reply. No, you donâ(TM)t release yours.

      Turns out when I called the records office they said they would not release anything without an FOIA request. And after I made one of those, they said, the footage was lost.

      No shit it was lost. It was proof of my Federal rights being violated.

      Even more messed up is that I cant release it with his information, name, or face. E

      • ... evidence of a fucking crime.

        All police practice thuggery, who's going to stop them? Those in power need police for protection, they're not going to bite the hand that arrests angry villagers.

        US police are closer to a criminal-gang than servants of the justice system. It's why US police have a "fraternity" or a "brotherhood", not a union. (When suffering negative publicity, the fraternity pretends it is equal to the Teacher's Union.) Police in one city have been caught running their own version of Abu Grahib [] and these police have

        • (When suffering negative publicity, the fraternity pretends it is equal to the Teacher's Union.)

          Which is hilarious given what some people in the US think of teachers....

      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        My 18 year old niece and her 17 year old coworker had a county sherif straight up try to intimidate her for enforcing local COVID protocols that they just didn't feel like following in the ice cream shop she worked in. Fucker didn't want to wear his mask and regardless of what you think of measures like that the fact is this cop thought he was above the law and was so entitled in this opinion he took to threatening legal action against a couple of kids working in an ice cream shop.

        My niece stuck to her guns

  • No shit (Score:5, Insightful)

    by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @06:20PM (#64752006)

    It's long been understood that free speech and policed speech exist at opposite ends of the spectrum. And just as "Down with Reagan!" is speech one could make freely, so is "Step into my white van."

    Just as there are obvious downsides to letting the p3d0s run wild, there are different and also obvious downsides to preventing people from speaking without prior authorization.

    Welcome to the real world, where there is no absolute good or absolute evil, only a choice among different kinds of headaches.

    • Agree 100%. There is an additional issue: If you prohibit the exchange of encrypted data that the govt cannot access, then secure communication becomes impossible. if the govt an access it, then at some point their tools, or backdoors will be released into the wild, and others will gain access. The best funded security organization on the planet, the NSA was unable to protect its systems from hacking, so I think its reasonable to assume that no other agency will be able to do so either.

      So its a questi
    • It's long been understood that free speech and policed speech exist at opposite ends of the spectrum.

      It's long been understood that right wing nutjobs will oversimplify any issue in order to try to drive an agenda. In the same way that you can't have the freest market possible without some controls that prevent the worst actors from dominating every exchange, you can't have the freest speech possible without some controls. Fraud has to be illegal. Sharing other people's private information for reasons other than their benefit or the maintenance of society, likewise.

  • by poity ( 465672 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @07:46PM (#64752184)

    "We need to tap ISPs and bodyscan you at the airport"
    "Maybe that's a bad road to go down..."
    "You support Islamo-fascist terrorists?"
    "No, but do you see how-"

    We need to backdoor your encrypted chats
    "Maybe that's a bad road to go down..."
    "You support right-wing terrorists and CHILD MOLESTERS?"
    "No, but do you see how-"

    • we all know thats the real reasion there going after it. think of the children is often used as a cover for goverment to get there way about something.
  • Planet Earth has made it one of the havens for BILLIONS of people, some of whom are child molestors.

    QUICK, blow up the earth and it's CEO.

    Stupid Day On Slashdot (aka "weekend with the mods who will allow anything no matter how stupid".)

  • by LookIntoTheFuture ( 3480731 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @10:13PM (#64752406)
    user@freedoms:~$ su
    Password: childporn
  • by Mirnotoriety ( 10462951 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @11:59PM (#64752544)
    Isn't it ironic, the WaPo now functioning as a propaganda arm of the state security apparatus.
  • If it wasn't for beer, there wouldn't be bars... and bars are used by criminals to meet, and by sexual predators to seek their prey.

    Therefore, by the same logic used to arrest Durov, they must close all bars and arrest the CEOs of the breweries.

  • The telephone. And at grocery stores. And obtained car and home loans. All freely.
  • No, no we are just reporting about it.

  • I have a lot of porn groups on Telegram set up to feed my AI that I am building for recognizing it (so I don't have to manually curate it), and it is extremely rare to come across a child porn group. In fact, I haven't come across any at all with over 100 groups on my account. I haven't started monitoring the chats for other Telegram links, though, but I suspect it's still not as popular as they think it is.

    Police departments get wind of these groups and deal with only these groups, and while it's unfortu

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. -- Winston Churchill
