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Oceanographers Mapping Underwater Mountain Find Flying Spaghetti Monster ( 63

Though the ocean covers about 70% of earth, we humans have only mapped a quarter of its floor to a high resolution, reports CNN. Many of the world's highest mountains aren't visible on land — they rise up thousands of meters from the seafloor. An expedition to the Nazca Ridge, 900 miles off the coast of Chile, has mapped and explored a newly discovered seamount four times taller than the world's tallest building. What's more, the underwater mountain's peaks, crags and ridges are home to coral gardens that host rare deep-dwelling octopuses, squids and creatures known as flying spaghetti monsters, some of which hadn't been well documented before this research.
The undersea mountain is 1.9 miles (3,109 meters) tall, according to another article, which notes that the researchers also used a sonar system to bounce waves to the ocean floor, timing how long they took to reach the surface: The researchers documented a ghostly white Casper octopus, marking the first time this deep-dwelling cephalopod has been seen in the southern Pacific. They also spotted two rare Bathyphysa siphonophores, sometimes known as flying spaghetti monsters for their stringlike appearance. "The (Casper) octopus has never been captured, so it doesn't actually have a scientific name yet," Virmani said. The team also recorded the first footage of a live Promachoteuthis squid, known only from a few collected specimens.
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Oceanographers Mapping Underwater Mountain Find Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    • If they found the Flying (Swimming?) Spaghetti Monster, it's only because it suited his inscrutable purposes. He probably wants to increase the number of pirates to combat global warming.

  • to ridiculous other things?

    a newly discovered seamount four times taller than the world's tallest building

    We measure heights in Burj Khalifas now?

    I mean I sort of get that masses are compared to a number of cars: people have cars and they have an instinctive understanding of how heavy a car is. Same thing for distances in football pitches I guess.

    The analogy starts to suck with Libraries of Congress, because let's face it: nobody goes to the Library of Congress. Nobody has a feel of how large a unit of Library of Congress is. But I guess that one is historical.

    But Burj Khalifas? Since

    • by fjo3 ( 1399739 )
      I compare things by how many penises would have to be laid down shaft to tip to shaft. For example, mine is 1.5 inches long, which I think it pretty big. So this finding was discovered, by my measurements, 57.024.000 penises away from the coast of Chile.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I wasn't ranting about metric units but about meaningless - and pointless - comparisons.

        As for the FSM, it is a symbol of rational thinking over nonsensical beliefs, so I don't really see a contradiction with the metric system here. Not that customary units are a belief, but they most definitely are nonsense in this day and age.

    • It's called relative sizing. You can imagine something without needing to know the actual measurement.

      If you don't know the size of the world's tallest building that is on you. I honestly don't know it either but I can imagine something that is four times taller than anything humans have built. Actual size doesn't matter here just the relationship (you dirty people can insert your joke here).
    • I've been to the observation deck twice. As big as the thing looks from the ground, it's even more impressive from up there. Dubai is cool.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I think they are afraid of getting criticized if they expect people to understand numbers. Idiocracy, here we come!

  • ... with a hidden undersea lair?

    Mountains [] I [] get [], but hidden undersea? Come on, Your Pastaness, you don't want people to think you are evil [], do you?

  • Gotta know which sauce to cook him in.

  • The End is Nigh. (Score:4, Informative)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @05:21PM (#64751876)

    Repent! All you sinners! All you disbelievers! Repent before your soul is cast off into the depths of the spaghetti sauce bowl.

  • by dcooper_db9 ( 1044858 ) on Saturday August 31, 2024 @05:35PM (#64751918)
    I thought it would grow into a tree.
  • Why not observe without interfering? How can knowledge be used as an excuse for violating another's right to be left alone?

    • by pjt33 ( 739471 )

      They haven't captured it: that's the point But they can't give it a formal name until they do because contemporary biological taxonomy requires a type specimen. The name is effectively defined as referring to "the species of which this museum exhibit is an individual".

  • Turns out Pastafarianism is the only religion with a basis in reality.

  • I wonder if the Casper Octopus even knew humans existed, and right now he's excitedly reporting to his buddies that he's discovered signs of life from outside the water.

Money is its own reward.
