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Meta and YouTube Ban Russian State Media for 'Foreign Interference' ( 58

Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and Threads) announced Monday that Russian state media outlets like RT are now "banned from our apps globally for foreign interference activity," reports CNN.

CNN adds that Meta is alleging that the "Kremlin-controlled networks" have "engaged in deceptive influence operations and attempted to evade detection... Prior to Monday's ban, RT had 7.2 million followers on Facebook and 1 million followers on Instagram." The move comes days after the US Justice Department announced charges against two RT employees for funneling nearly $10 million into a US company, identified by CNN as Tenet Media, to create and amplify content that aligned with Russian interests. The covert influence campaign was aimed at the American public ahead of the 2024 US presidential election, US officials said.
Last week the U.S. State department "revealed declassified U.S. intelligence findings that suggest RT is fully integrated into Russia's intelligence operations around the world," CNN reported earlier" In addition to its covert influence operations, the leaders of RT also administered an online crowdfunding effort to supply military equipment to Russian soldiers in Ukraine, Blinken alleged. The crowdfunding effort supplied "sniper rifles, suppressors, body armor, night vision equipment, drones, radio equipment, personal weapon sights, diesel generators" to Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine, according to Blinken.

The goal of the U.S. announcement — and private discussions with allied diplomats — is to make sure that countries know that RT and Russian intelligence agencies are working together to sow division and harm democratic processes, while simultaneously making it much more difficult for RT to operate globally, a senior administration official said...

Asked for comment by CNN, RT responded with a mocking email that read in part: "We've been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time."

More from Reuters: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that countries should treat RT's activities as they do covert intelligence operations... In briefing materials shared with Reuters, Meta said it had seen Russian state-controlled media try to evade detection in their online activities in the past and expected them to continue trying to engage in deceptive practices going forward.
A YouTube spokesperson told Reuters they've also terminated over 230 channels affiliated with Kremlin-controlled outlets — channels which were previously only blocked from viewers.

YouTube "began blocking Russian state-sponsored news channels globally in 2022," reports NBC News, "including those tied to RT and Sputnik. Over the years, according to YouTube, the platform has blocked thousands of channels and millions of videos." James Rubin, coordinator for the State Department's Global Engagement Center, said RT is "where propaganda, disinformation and lies are spread to millions, if not billions, of people around the world."

Meta and YouTube Ban Russian State Media for 'Foreign Interference'

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  • where propaganda, disinformation and lies are spread to millions, if not billions, of people around the world.

    It's really sad when a certain group of Americans argue that manipulating, lying and deception should be considered free speech.

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @02:03PM (#64805865)

      Fox News.

      And free speech does include manipulating, lying and deception. What's much worse is that "a certain group of Americans" now thinks the President should be immune to commit any crime, that the immunity extends to prevent even the collection of evidence, and further extends to cover when that President is not even in office.

      • Republican party must be banned.

        Democracy does not work when half of the country is actively working to tear it down.
        • by Anonymous Coward

          RINO must be banned.

          We need Real Republicans, not the offbrand Orange Flavor Aid. Make Republican Great Again won't happen until then.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        Fox News.

        And free speech does include manipulating, lying and deception. What's much worse is that "a certain group of Americans" now thinks the President should be immune to commit any crime, that the immunity extends to prevent even the collection of evidence, and further extends to cover when that President is not even in office.

        You see it's ok to break the law as long as the right, white people do it.

      • by uufnord ( 999299 )

        Fox News.

        And free speech does include manipulating, lying and deception.

        That's not true, though. Manipulation, lying and deception are all forms of fraud. Fraudulent speech has a cost. If it has a cost, it's not free. Therefore, none of manipulation, lying or deception should be considered free speech.

    • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @02:09PM (#64805877)

      manipulating, lying and deception should be considered free speech.

      I mean it's within American free speech laws that you are allowed to do that, even as a foreign country.

      The part that's illegal is not declaring that you are in fact a foreign actor doing it. As an example Tenet Media isn't under indictment for misinformation, they violated FARA by hiding it behind an American company (anyone heard from Lauren Chen and her husband lately? I think there's more coming off of that story.)

      • []

        George Soros, billionaire, funded hundreds of county level district attorney election candidates in the US to 'disrupt' the USA.

        Those district attorneys are now in office as public officials....

        • Cool, so pass a law to overturn Citizen's United and ban any PAC's right?

          I also can assume you are just as upset that a foreign national used foreign funds to purchase and then privatize a public social media site and use it to directly push their personal political agenda right? Just checking for consistency here, we should outlaw such things and reverse that correct?

        • George Soros is a tiny drop of water compared to the flood of influence towards GOP candidates; like the Koch brothers, but many many more. It leads to a change from grass roots politics to politics driven by vested interests. While GOP influence is sagging in voter demographics, it also has growing corporate funding. []

          You even seen politicians who are distinctly to the right of their own voters, because they're more beholden to the money than to the voters. Because once

          • The foreign part is that a EU billionaire systemically disrupted city and county level district attorney offices in the usa.

            If that worked and caused crime rates to increase, violent offenders to go free on bail, it is detriment to society.

    • by Ichijo ( 607641 )

      It's really sad when a certain group of Americans argue that manipulating, lying and deception should be considered free speech.

      No, what's really sad is when manipulating, lying and deception are treated more favorably by the legal process than publicly calling someone who engages in these acts a manipulator, liar, or deceiver.

    • Only when those things are done by the US government, obviously

    • Hate. You forgot to mention "hate" speech.

      What is sad is that so much of the conputer/hacker subculture whuch used to be staunchly libertarian has become not just left but state propaganda parroting left.

      And it's not a subculture either but a mainstream culture infested by VC-backed grifting.

  • I bet I know which social media site they'll get the red carpet treatment...

  • REALLY bad behind the scenes. Zuckerberg makes serious bank on selling ads to the right-wingers that lap up Russian propaganda. In other countries, FB has monetized straight-up ethnic cleansing and defended their right to do so. There is literally no lower limit to what theyre willing to monetize if they can get away with it.

    Iâ(TM)m gonna guess that the fed quietly threatened to label Zuckerberg as a foreign agent if he kept playing kissy-kissy with Russian propaganda.
  • And can't see they're being manipulated into tax dollars -> corrupt politicians and related corporations?

  • by jonwil ( 467024 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @05:07PM (#64806185)

    All Russian state controlled media should be added to the sanctions list and US companies should be flat out banned from doing business with them period.

  • Wouldn't want the sheeple to find out just how badly things are going for America in the world. Wouldn't want to deal with actual interference (SEE ALSO : AIPAC) Much better to yell SQUIRREL!!
  • "To suppress free speech is a double wrong, it violates the rights of the hearer as well as the speaker."-F. Douglass
    I don't want anyone else making decisions on what I can, and can't hear. The beauty of free speech is that it usually says more about the speaker than the subject of the speech. 'Consent of the Governed' demands a fully informed public.
    Any government that is losing credibility due to foreign influence of the public under their authority has bigger issues than foreign governments meddlin'...

Life is cheap, but the accessories can kill you.
