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Meta and YouTube Ban Russian State Media for 'Foreign Interference' ( 28

Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and Threads) announced Monday that Russian state media outlets like RT are now "banned from our apps globally for foreign interference activity," reports CNN.

CNN adds that Meta is alleging that the "Kremlin-controlled networks" have "engaged in deceptive influence operations and attempted to evade detection... Prior to Monday's ban, RT had 7.2 million followers on Facebook and 1 million followers on Instagram." The move comes days after the US Justice Department announced charges against two RT employees for funneling nearly $10 million into a US company, identified by CNN as Tenet Media, to create and amplify content that aligned with Russian interests. The covert influence campaign was aimed at the American public ahead of the 2024 US presidential election, US officials said.
Last week the U.S. State department "revealed declassified U.S. intelligence findings that suggest RT is fully integrated into Russia's intelligence operations around the world," CNN reported earlier" In addition to its covert influence operations, the leaders of RT also administered an online crowdfunding effort to supply military equipment to Russian soldiers in Ukraine, Blinken alleged. The crowdfunding effort supplied "sniper rifles, suppressors, body armor, night vision equipment, drones, radio equipment, personal weapon sights, diesel generators" to Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine, according to Blinken.

The goal of the U.S. announcement — and private discussions with allied diplomats — is to make sure that countries know that RT and Russian intelligence agencies are working together to sow division and harm democratic processes, while simultaneously making it much more difficult for RT to operate globally, a senior administration official said...

Asked for comment by CNN, RT responded with a mocking email that read in part: "We've been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time."

More from Reuters: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that countries should treat RT's activities as they do covert intelligence operations... In briefing materials shared with Reuters, Meta said it had seen Russian state-controlled media try to evade detection in their online activities in the past and expected them to continue trying to engage in deceptive practices going forward.
A YouTube spokesperson told Reuters they've also terminated over 230 channels affiliated with Kremlin-controlled outlets — channels which were previously only blocked from viewers.

YouTube "began blocking Russian state-sponsored news channels globally in 2022," reports NBC News, "including those tied to RT and Sputnik. Over the years, according to YouTube, the platform has blocked thousands of channels and millions of videos." James Rubin, coordinator for the State Department's Global Engagement Center, said RT is "where propaganda, disinformation and lies are spread to millions, if not billions, of people around the world."

Meta and YouTube Ban Russian State Media for 'Foreign Interference'

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  • can just visit their website here: [] It doesn't seem to be any more or less biased than western state & private media. In fact it looks decidedly professional next to Fox News.
    • Fox News... I mean, you can't compare an insane conservative propaganda outlet pandering to conspiratards to a professional operation trying to influence useful idiots.

      Much like Western media, the bias is more subtle, but there's a difference in that Putin's giving the orders. In the West, it's rarely the government that is determining what propaganda points to push.

    • Propagandists need to make sure all potential audiences are covered. You have Fox News which boomers turn on for entertainment when there isn't a football game on. I would imagine RT's audience trends younger and attracts more people who are seeking actual news. Hence it is designed to "look professional".

    • It doesn't seem to be any more or less biased than western state & private media.

      Oh wow. You just compared a single source to the media both state owned and private of literally 50+ nations. I grant you that you are technically correct in that in the insanely wide array from hard right to hard left biased media, and highly factual to completely bonkers made up shit that constitutes your insanely wide comparison you're guaranteed to be able to say the same thing not only about RT but literally any media on the planet.

      Now back in reality bias comes in two forms, political lean (in that re

    • Of course the public face of RT looks professional and innocuous. RT was the organization that was paying internet influences $100K a week (yes, per week) to produce pro Russian propaganda on their YT channels.

      Some sources for you in case your news stream doesn't cover news. [] [] []

  • I bet I know which social media site they'll get the red carpet treatment...

  • REALLY bad behind the scenes. Zuckerberg makes serious bank on selling ads to the right-wingers that lap up Russian propaganda. In other countries, FB has monetized straight-up ethnic cleansing and defended their right to do so. There is literally no lower limit to what theyre willing to monetize if they can get away with it.

    Iâ(TM)m gonna guess that the fed quietly threatened to label Zuckerberg as a foreign agent if he kept playing kissy-kissy with Russian propaganda.
  • Elon is all for free speech especially if you're a fascist authoritarian MAGA lover.
    Not so much for others.

    • I don’t think Musk will touch that livewire. The US gov recently did an expose operation on right-wing figures taking tons of money from Russia. There’s so much other stuff going on that the story got buried pretty quickly. []

      I’m gonna guess that the US is close to labeling RT as a wing of Putin’s mafia and effectively banning them, and they’re quietly informing important people that “if you’re making money off RT, we’ll
  • And can't see they're being manipulated into tax dollars -> corrupt politicians and related corporations?

  • All Russian state controlled media should be added to the sanctions list and US companies should be flat out banned from doing business with them period.

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
