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Google Restricts Creation of New Accounts in Russia (themoscowtimes.com) 15

Google has restricted the creation of new accounts for Russian users, state news agencies cited Russia's digital ministry as saying on Thursday. Reuters: Google has been under pressure in Russia for several years, particularly for not taking down content Moscow considers illegal and for blocking the YouTube channels of Russian media and public figures since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. "The ministry confirms that Google has restricted the creation of new accounts," Interfax quoted the digital ministry as saying. "Telecom operators have also recorded a significant reduction in the number of SMS messages sent by the company to Russian users."

Google Restricts Creation of New Accounts in Russia

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  • 19 months after Russia began bombing its neighbor in earnest, Google is doing something... Must've been fearing "an escalation" — a nuclear attack — until now...

  • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Thursday September 26, 2024 @05:00PM (#64820057) Journal

    The muscovite midget can tighten his grip all he wants, the truth will still get through. For example, Ukrainian soldiers who have annexed part of the Kursk oblast are showing the citizens of Sudzha, and elsewhere, videos of Bucha and other locations in Ukraine which Russia has bombed. They are showing the people what is truly going on.

    These people, once they get their cell service restored since Russia has cut it off to prevent news of the annexation from getting out, will then tell their relatives what they saw and they will tell others. The reality of Russia's 600,000+ dead, wounded, captured, and missing will, and is, getting out.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      The muscovite midget can tighten his grip all he wants, the truth will still get through. For example, Ukrainian soldiers who have annexed part of the Kursk oblast are showing the citizens of Sudzha, and elsewhere, videos of Bucha and other locations in Ukraine which Russia has bombed. They are showing the people what is truly going on.

      These people, once they get their cell service restored since Russia has cut it off to prevent news of the annexation from getting out, will then tell their relatives what they saw and they will tell others. The reality of Russia's 600,000+ dead, wounded, captured, and missing will, and is, getting out.

      I think you're over-estimating the Russian people, they're quite happy with a boot on their neck, as long as it's got a Russian foot inside of it.

      Putin couldn't give two shits about the people either, he's got that under control from complete control of the media to loyalty squads patrolling their local neighbourhoods to keep people "patriotic". He only cares about and listens to his Oligarch buddies, they're the ones who need to be hurt in order to affect Russia, squeeze them enough and they'll get rid

      • I think you're over-estimating the Russian people, they're quite happy with a boot on their neck, as long as it's got a Russian foot inside of it.

        Can't say this enough. If you're an American who has a handful of Russian immigrant friends it's probably impossible for you to imagine what the average hick Russian thinks. I used to have a hobby of befriending Russians on the internet, They actually like having American friends or at least did.

        The conversations were often jarring, you'd have a friend that was into weed and psychedelics, 00s chan culture, had good taste in books, and some curiosity about the world outside Russia. But the subject of th

  • With Russian citizens not able to be voluntarily tracked by Google, they may end up being freer than citizens of the West!

    • Meanwhile they are imprisoned for years merely for peacefully protesting the war. There is no equivalence to the west here. If your post is satire, then it is far too subtle.

      • Meanwhile they are imprisoned for years merely for peacefully protesting the war.

        No different than the U.S. [google.com]

        J6 protestors another great example, a lot of people walking through the building the guards opened the door for them, imprisioned for years.

        You have people in the U.K. arrested and jailed for years for posting memes on X.

        Russia is merely emulating the far more advanced protestor imprisonment of the western nations.

        You won't believe any of this I know, but it should be mentioned because freedoms are be

        • J6 people who only protested are not in jail. Those who are in jail were RIOTERS, VANDALS, and TRESSPASSERS. Learn the difference. They were a violent mob, people got killed.

  • Russia has been a bit of a pill lately, threatening nuclear war in Europe and all.

God made machine language; all the rest is the work of man.
