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AI Technology

TSMC Execs Dismiss OpenAI Chief's $7 Trillion Chip Plan as 'Podcasting Bro' Vision (msn.com) 61

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) executives have dismissed OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's ambitious chip-making proposal as unrealistic, according to The New York Times. Altman, seeking to boost AI computing power, pitched a $7 trillion plan to build 36 semiconductor plants over several years during a visit to TSMC's Taiwan headquarters. TSMC leaders reportedly found Altman's proposal so far-fetched that they privately referred to him as a "podcasting bro," reflecting skepticism about his grasp of the semiconductor industry's complexities. The world's largest contract chipmaker, already grappling with multi-billion dollar expansion projects, viewed Altman's scheme as overly risky given the massive capital requirements and market uncertainties.

TSMC Execs Dismiss OpenAI Chief's $7 Trillion Chip Plan as 'Podcasting Bro' Vision

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  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Friday September 27, 2024 @11:27AM (#64821695)

    However hare-brained their "visions" are, they're still dangerous and nefarious. Particularly Sam Altman.

    • by shanen ( 462549 )

      Not a bad FP, but I'm wondering why you think Altman is particularly "hare-brained", "dangerous", or "nefarious".

      Well, I see a joke around the "hare-brained" part... How many Watts for a rabbit brain? Considering that the rabbit is in many ways more capable in the real world than large AI systems, it seems like the bunny wins. I've already mentioned the book from Jeff Hawkins that explains (among other matters) why the current AI summer is almost surely heading for another AI winter. (For PoC reference I ke

  • by LazarusQLong ( 5486838 ) on Friday September 27, 2024 @11:33AM (#64821705)
    that 'vision' sounds entirely too optimistic, and doesn't appear to take into account anything in the real world... But that is just how it appears to me. I mean, what is the hard data that proves enough ROI to make that massive investment justifiable?
    • I mean, a vision doesn't necessarily need to have hard data behind it, but this sounds more like he was trying to make a pitch to this company to invest billions, hence the need for actual ROI projections based upon some level of reality.
      • a pitch to this company to invest billions, hence the need for actual ROI projections based upon some level of reality.

        Pitching the idea to build 36 chip fabs with $7T in the next several years is like pitching an idea to increase the birth rates in some countries by flying in a lot of women to those countries. Only on the very surface level does it make any sort of sense. The part Altman got right is the money required. The practicality and details are ignored.

        Let's start with building 36 factories has so many logistical issues to overcome. Zoning, land ownership, facilities resourcing (these plants use a lot of water and

        • yep, 100% his pitch was all dream and no reality. No wonder they didn't buy into it!
        • None of that is particularly hard to do. Factories are built every day, the problem is the investment. 7T doesnâ(TM)t fund 36 factories for their lifetime (unlikely even for the first 5 year) and by the time they are built, OpenAI will have been bought out or gone bankrupt. Even if you get to production, you now have 36 more factories on the market that have to sell, Altman isnâ(TM)t a capitalist so he doesnâ(TM)t understand that the market already is drowning in chips that are âoegood e

        • like pitching an idea to increase the birth rates in some countries by flying in a lot of women to those countries.

          Obviously a nonsense plan. Far simpler to fly in a few virile men instead.

    • doesn't appear to take into account anything in the real world...

      Welcome to tech bro land. Two drink minimum.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I think a quadrillion dollars should be invested in chipmaking. Altman doesn't have real vision. Every man woman and child should be making chips.

    • by cstacy ( 534252 )

      I think a quadrillion dollars should be invested in chipmaking. Altman doesn't have real vision. Every man woman and child should be making chips.

      Well AFAIK they all do.
      But we don't call them "chips" where I live.
      (And people do make trillions shoveling them. Like Sam Altman!)

    • by zlives ( 2009072 )

      a few quadrillion dollars does sound about right, i think that will also give me my flying car and cold fusion

  • Those who know... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Targon ( 17348 ) on Friday September 27, 2024 @11:45AM (#64821737)

    Intel put a LOT of money into trying to get their chip making back on track, and so far have failed miserably. It's not just about spending money, it's about having the right talent, even when you have the right equipment. The people at TSMC understand this all too well.

    • Right. If it was just a case of throwing money at it, the Chinese would have had the whole market sewn up long ago and you better believe Apple wouldn't be using TSMC fabs.

      But even if it could be done. Nobody is going to be giving Sam Altman 7 trillion to make chatgpt chips. AI might be important, but its not THAT important. Not yet, anyway.

      • by m00sh ( 2538182 )

        Right. If it was just a case of throwing money at it, the Chinese would have had the whole market sewn up long ago and you better believe Apple wouldn't be using TSMC fabs.

        But even if it could be done. Nobody is going to be giving Sam Altman 7 trillion to make chatgpt chips. AI might be important, but its not THAT important. Not yet, anyway.

        China doesn't have access to the equipment now. They were on track and were strategically blocked.

        They don't have access to ASML equipment. They can't make their chips on TSMC either. However, they are welcome to buy Apple products made from these technologies but not the nVidia chips that could do AI.

        • Didn't read the thread huh? These guys won't have access to ASML hardware within the stated timeframe either

          • Any chip fab that has not ordered EUV machines from ASML will have to wait years for a machine. That is years for one machine. A chip fab is likely to use dozens of them. 36 chip fabs will need nearly a thousand EUV machines? Good luck
            • by Targon ( 17348 )

              Even with that ASML equipment(which Intel did buy), Intel is still having problems getting the new fab processes working. This is where you can have professional tools, but if you don't know how to use them, you STILL won't be getting things done anywhere near as well as a professional. TSMC has professionals, Intel employees are wannabes.

              • The exact reason why Intel struggled so long on 10nm might come out some day. I heard rumors that it was because Intel bet on some sort of cobalt interconnect technology that was very finicky instead of copper. Supposedly cobalt theoretically had some improvement over copper. Ultimately the lower yields was not worth the improvement.
            • by zlives ( 2009072 )

              clearly you are not understanding AI
              all you have to do is
              dump 7 trillion dollars in altman's bank account and profit.

  • This is a bad time to start building AI fabs.

    Some bench prototypes use 1000x less power using different techniques.

    AI problems, at least some classes, are robust against small error rates.

    Traditional calculations need traditional chips with perfect error-corrected outputs.

    Engineering trade-offs are obvious.

    But OpenAI would love a $7T investment. In SV the biggest failures can be rewarded.

    Altman and TSMC guy are optimizing for different optima.

    • by ndverdo ( 799508 )

      it's now almost 2 years after the release of ChatGPT. There are many vendors pitching x10 and more from ASIC to FPGA to Wafer. Hard to understand that in 2 years matrix-vector optimized for transformer training and inference is not all over the place in lieu of the absurd pricing for CUDA devices.

      Submitting a more than 100k context right now - just first step initially processing it is probably more than 0.5 kW.

  • by RobinH ( 124750 ) on Friday September 27, 2024 @12:59PM (#64821963) Homepage
    This is what happens when you either think money can buy anything, or that money is capital. We use money to measure capital, but capital is actually the physical assets and human capital (available labour) that we can use to accomplish a project. When you're talking about the chip industry, which operates right on the edge of what's possible, the capital available to expand it by leaps and bounds simply doesn't exist, no matter how much money you throw at it. If you try, you'll just cause massive inflation in the industry. Yes, you'll end up spending 7 trillion dollars, but you'll only get marginally more for it.
    • by m00sh ( 2538182 )

      This is what happens when you either think money can buy anything, or that money is capital. We use money to measure capital, but capital is actually the physical assets and human capital (available labour) that we can use to accomplish a project. When you're talking about the chip industry, which operates right on the edge of what's possible, the capital available to expand it by leaps and bounds simply doesn't exist, no matter how much money you throw at it. If you try, you'll just cause massive inflation in the industry. Yes, you'll end up spending 7 trillion dollars, but you'll only get marginally more for it.

      Well, if you seize/steal the physical assets and force the human capital to work for free, you don't need any money right?

      • Well, if you seize/steal the physical assets and force the human capital to work for free, you don't need any money right?

        Altman's plan was to build 36 new plants. How do you seize something that does not exist yet?

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Capital is the things you use to make things, essentially tools.

      Labour is a separate thing, one reason for which is that we think owning capital is good but owning people is bad. "Human capital" is a finance invention of the same quality as "money is capital."

      I point this out because other than that you're right, and also believing in "human capital" is how you spend billons of dollars buying a company for "the team" and then everyone quits. Or a little more apropos to this story, converting your company to

      • Altman's plan is close to the idea of "If it takes one woman 9 months to make a baby, we should have 9 women do it and it should take 1 month". Altman narrowly only focuses on the fact that building chip fabs are very expensive to fund and that is one factor why there are not more: the capital required. However even with more capital, that does not mean TSMC can build 36 of them in a few years. With more capital, TSMC could build one or two more fabs than they planned. But Altman also does not realize that
      • by RobinH ( 124750 )
        You're correct in that if you own a company, you can't really count your labour as capital. But if you're running a country you kind of can. While people can migrate, there are a LOT more barriers in place. And besides, if you're talking about the chip industry, which is the biggest and most complex industry on Earth spanning multiple continents, then humans really are a limited resource when it comes to expanding that industry. There are only so many people who can do some of those jobs.
    • You wonder whether or not these prophetic leaders know they are bullshitting or not.
      Every so often someone comes along at just the right time and rolls double sixes 100 times in a row. Musk. Trump. Now Altman. The man walks on water. When he picks his nose, journalists gasp and write that is the most amazing snot ever picked out of a nose.

      I do strongly suspect that he is just trying to leverage his influence to this purely ridiculous level of "vision" while he still has currency. I can imagine a lot of peop
      • by RobinH ( 124750 )
        I definitely wouldn't put Musk in the same category as Trump and Altman. The latter are good bullshitters, and Musk is a terrible bullshitter. Musk's strength is that he understands engineering well enough to fund the right technical solution. But he's not a great swindler. Jobs was a good swindler, but he also had a relatively good grasp on what was possible, and the ability to convince people to do it.
  • The tech behemoths now want a nuke plant and a dedicated fab plant for each of their new AI data centers. Not happening, and even if it could happen it would take many years to assemble.

    Meanwhile a small fraction of that money could be invested in figuring out how to optimize existing resources. Make NPU's and TPU's that are much more computationally powerful and yet consume far less electricity. This has been the tech trend for CPU's and it would most likely be the best path forward for AI.

  • The word "bro" has become a fnord. If you think someone is acting evil, dangerous, or silly use precise language to describe what they're doing. We don't need another thought-terminating cliche or a manipulation of language.
  • One day, some day, some brainiac in a lab is going to find a way to perform the same AI calculations using some ingenious new mechanism with 1/100th the power demand and 1/10 the circuitry, if any circuitry at all - maybe biologics will be the next big thing. If that happens halfway into a $7-trillion chip plant build-out, a lot of investment money is going to be stranded high & dry. And I'll need a new graphics card.

  • Mock them! Mock them! Mock them like the fools they are. The Emperor has no clothing, AI has no profitability.
  • Two men build a house in one year. Four men build a house in half a year. 16 million men build a house in one second.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
