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Social Networks The Internet

Turkey Blocks Discord (reuters.com) 18

Turkey has blocked access to Discord after the messaging platform refused to share potentially illegal information with authorities. Reuters reports: Justice minister Yilmaz Tunc said an Ankara court decided to block access to Discord from Turkey due to sufficient suspicion that crimes of "child sexual abuse and obscenity" had been committed by some using the platform. The block comes after public outrage in Turkey caused by the murder of two women by a 19-year-old man in Istanbul this month. Content on social media showed Discord users subsequently praising the killing. Transport and infrastructure minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said the nature of the Discord platform made it difficult for authorities to monitor and intervene when illegal or criminal content is shared.

"Security personnel cannot go through the content. We can only intervene when users complain to us about content shared there," he told reporters in parliament. "Since Discord refuses to share its own information, including IP addresses and content, with our security units, we were forced to block access."
Russia also recently blocked Discord for violating Russian law, after previously fining the company for failing to remove banned content.

Turkey Blocks Discord

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  • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Wednesday October 09, 2024 @08:56PM (#64852659) Journal
    American politicians jealous.
  • For those who missed Russia's blocking of discord, that generated a lot of brouhaha in Russia.

    Specifically because Russian FPV and reconnaissance pilots were using Discord to stream their video directly to military headquarters across the country.

    Classic case of right hand having no idea what left hand is doing. Bonus points for all the "evil Telegram supports Russian efforts in Ukraine by allowing on Russian military" messaging, all while Discord was being used by Russian military to generate kill chains o

    • Speculating here that countries know that social media can turn into negative influences on society on a large scale and the countries are looking for any 'crisis' to ban social media.

      And social media allows for the free flow of information and given a huge sample of readers, a few will come to conclusions that lead to new laws which are inconvenient for the top tier elite's money making off of government.

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        You're over a decade too late with this complaint. In the wake of Egypt's 2011 events and the follow-up where it was successfully stopped pretty much everyone went to Egypt to learn how they disconnected all the internet services that helped revolutionaries organize.

        At this point, this know-how is universal, but it's fairly extreme way of dealing with it. Current lessons are on how to suppress only a few key services. You can see efforts into it done from various perspectives, from PRC's Great Firewall, to

        • Most recently in Bangladesh [thedailystar.net]. It didn't work. We are quickly getting to the point where blocking internet is a way to turn people against a regime.
          • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

            Read the story you linked beyond the headline. You'll quickly find out that you're wrong on what was blocked, and why it failed.

            But you also don't understand what was happening in Bangladesh. People weren't fighting the regime as much as they were fighting against Hindus having a place in government, which sitting government was seen as protecting. It was a(another) purge of Hindus in Muslim-dominated Bangladesh. It was far from the first, and it won't be the last.

            Basically, this is just another small chapt

  • It's Türkyie now, not Turkey. Discord didn't change it and now the Türkyians are pissed off.

Memory fault -- brain fried
