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Meta Develops AI Search Engine To Lessen Reliance on Google, Microsoft ( 11

An anonymous reader shares a report: As Meta tries to keep up with OpenAI in developing AI, the Facebook owner is working on a search engine [non-paywalled link] that crawls the web to provide conversational answers about current events to people using its Meta AI chatbot.

In doing so, Meta hopes to lower its reliance on Google Search and Microsoft's Bing, which currently provide information about news, sports and stocks to people using Meta AI, according to a person who has spoken with the search engine team. It could also give Meta a backup option if Google or Microsoft withdrew from these arrangements, according to a person who has been involved with the strategy.

Meta Develops AI Search Engine To Lessen Reliance on Google, Microsoft

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  • Another source of machine-made mediocrity. Nothing like diversity.

  • by BardBollocks ( 1231500 ) on Monday October 28, 2024 @12:57PM (#64900167)

    and further promote fake information.

    Meta has no credibility and no trust. These AI search engines should really be termed AI search limiters.

    • What I really want to know about Hunter Biden's laptop is why the Saudis gave Jared Kushner $2 billion.

  • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Monday October 28, 2024 @01:18PM (#64900257) Journal

    Reduce your reliance on Google and Microsoft! Instead, rely on an even more predatory company that makes no attempt to disguise their appetite for selling your information to people the way Google and Microsoft do!

    Fuck Meta.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Well, but for Meta, itself, the argument makes sense. Personally I think they should just train an AI sufficiently to moderate a discussion board, and they train it further using the content of several different discussion boards. It wouldn't be participating in the discussions, but it would be observing people's reactions and learning from that. The problem is setting the goals properly. You want to keep the discussions civil, but sufficiently engaging that people participate. This will probably mean

  • I know Google is data mining me every way it can, and selling the inferred information every way it can... But Zuckerberg is a whole other level of abusive asshole and anyone who gives him one bit of information they could avoid letting his servers collect is a fool.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Fuck the Zuck! Preferably with a sandpaper dildo with some broken off nails sticking out of it, some razor wire, and covered in ghost pepper sauce. Maybe put a few firecrackers in the center of it and light them off.
  • I mean, sure, *MAYBE* Zuck's company could flub its way into a decent search engine by tossing AI at it. But the more likely thing happening here is Meta wanting some leverage when negotiating deal with Google and Microsoft on the search front. "Or we could just roll our own. See how close we are?" is a lot better negotiating start than, "Well, shit, I guess we have to use you no matter what. Name your price."

    Or it's just another data-aggregator. Though both could be true, Meta's true purpose is data vacuum

  • This is a smart move, google search is honestly fucking garbage right now, and Meta or someone could very easily swoop in and steal a ton of market share.

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
