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Operating Systems Desktops (Apple) Windows Linux

Parallels Can Now Run x86 Windows and Linux On Apple Silicon Mac (howtogeek.com) 7

Parallels Desktop now supports running 64-bit x86 operating systems on Apple Silicon Macs through its proprietary emulation engine, enabling users to run traditional Windows and Linux distributions. However, performance is said to be "really slow." How-To Geek reports: The latest Parallels Desktop 20.2 update adds early support for x86 emulation on Apple Silicon, allowing traditional x86 PC operating systems to work on newer Mac computers. There were already apps like UTM that could do it (most of them are based on QEMU), but this feature uses Parallels' "proprietary emulation engine" paired with Apple's built-in hypervisor. [...] Parallels on Apple Silicon can now "run existing x86_64 Windows 10, Windows 11*, Windows Server 2019/2022, and some Linux distributives with UEFI BIOS via Parallels Emulator." You can also create new Windows 10 21H2 and Windows Server 2022 virtual machines if needed.

There are some big limitations. You can only run 64-bit x86 operating systems -- sorry, FreeDOS fans -- but those 64-bit operating systems can run 32-bit applications. There's also no support for USB devices, nested virtualization (so WSL2 won't work), or the Parallels hypervisor. Performance will also be "really slow," since x86 instructions have to be translated to ARM. The company said, "Windows boot time is about 2-7 minutes, depending on your hardware. Windows operating system responsiveness is also low."

Parallels Can Now Run x86 Windows and Linux On Apple Silicon Mac

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  • It can run Windows apps, at least - and it can run 32-bit ones. Application launch time can be very, very slow... but, aside from the initial startup time, the apps seem to run pretty well.

    • Use the Turbo button to speed up your 32-bit apps, that's what it's there for:)
    • by dhjdhj ( 1355079 )
      Meh, it looked so promising but, I tried it last year on a couple of regular windows apps and it seemed to work fine so I bought it. Found out pretty quickly that it’s not really that reliable beyond the few standard apps and a bunch of games. It failed miserably when I threw some real apps that I really needed, even after all the configuration options I tweaked wguided by their support. Given the price of Crossover, it would have been significantly cheaper to just buy an Intel NUC and access it remo
  • What does this provide that UTM/Qemu do not?
    Qemu can run 32bit operating systems, and can also emulate platforms other than amd64 (there is a demo of sparc solaris on the utm site).

    • It seems UTM will not do GPU emulation and therefore no 3D acceleration (DirectX/OpenGL) and that's the only reason i am still stuck on Parallels.

      Though i don't need games, I assume that means slower apps as most use GPU these days and parallels runs windows even faster than any win laptop i have tried (maybe snapdragon elite x will be good enough. i hope) and integrates so well into macOS that i even ditched vmware fusion.

      Anyone has recent experience with both UTM & Parallels?

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