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Enlightenment GUI 66

Techn0ir writes: has added a whole bunch of new goodies for you to play with. We've updated the screenshot gallery, as well as adding a "User Database". There is also a new message board, Themes ratings and new polling system. Enjoy! There are also a good bit of other changes over so swing over there and check em' out.
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  • by Anonymous Coward
    ... but I find that enlightenment is too flexible, hard to use, and too 'dynamic' at the moment. I've been using DR 0.15 on my desktop at home for the last month and I'm starting to want to change. Bearing in mind that the reason for running Enlightenment is the great themes, the reasons I am thinking of changing is...

    1) Themes at too hard to create. You need to create bitmaps for everything!

    2) There arn't enough themes - partially due to (1) and that themes for earlier versions don't work with current versions.

    3) The 10 or so mode toggles (window sizing, mouse focus...) have no feedback as to what mode you are in.

    4) It isn't friendly with large windows. If I open a big image in The Gimp all the resizing areas are off of the screen. Have to resort to weird key strokes.

    5) Adding new programs to the desktop is a major undertaking - Gimping up bitmaps, hacking config files and so on.

    6) You can't change your theme mid session. (Actually there is a command line tool which looks like it will do it, but that is hardly a couple of mouse clicks...)

    7) Transparent consoles look nice, but they arn't that great to run vi in - the background can be distracting. But they do look nice :-)

    Not to say that I hate Enlightenment, just that it needs more work on the ease of creating and using themes before I would set go through the effort of setting it up on another machine. It's introduced me to some great features like roll-up windows, but they are available with other WMs.

  • 12:28pm up 17 days, 3:12, 5 users, load average: 59.09, 77.82, 79.77

    David Coulson (TechNoir)
  • It appears that the SQL server can't quite keep up with all of you. Please forgive us :)
    David Coulson (TechNoir)
  • I'm getting lots of 404s, internal server errors, and the ever populat 'document contains no data'.
  • Don't worry about it too much. If you don't like E, use something else instead; after all, it's not like it's the One True Way. As for myself, I've been using E for the last couple weeks and I like it so far, but I would *not*, repeat *not*, recommend it for everybody. I got it because I wanted to create maybe some interesting and odd-looking themes, at least for myself, and I downloaded it under the understanding that I might trip over some bugs and that I would need to get my hands dirty to do what I want. Even then, I still have Window Maker as backup in case E gets too crashy for me. (So far I've experienced no random crashes, though I've found at least one nasty bug.) Not everyone wants to draw their own pixmaps for buttons (though I like the idea) or has the time or inclination to mess with config files.

    If you want a pretty good looking window manager that doesn't require a lot of muss and fuss to customize, get Window Maker. You won't be able to configure *everything* the way you can for Enlightenment, but it's a lot more painless to configure the things that you can configure. Window Maker also has themes, too, and IMHO, those themes look good. If the lure of being able to change anything you want becomes too strong, you can always go back to E.

    In any case, don't worry too much about it. Not wanting to mess with config files is not a moral failing. WMs are not a religion. Use what works for you.

    P.S. If you don't like transparent backgrounds, just use regular old xterm. And AFAIK, windows that are too big for the screen are a problem in just about every WM. I think it's an X problem, not a WM problem.
  • Posted by HolyMackeralAndy:

    Time for Apache????
  • Well I have had a Solaris box do that kind of load and still be telnetable. Now is wasn't comfortable but it was doable.

  • Before you complain about the kernel when X brings your system down, please do an ls -l of your X server binary. Wait! Is that "rwsr-xr-x" you see? Followed by "root root"??? I think it is. *Any* program running with root privileges can completely halt *any* kernel. As a simple example on Linux/i386, try

    int main()

    and run it as root (unmount and sync first!) The problem is not the kernel, it's that such an obscenely complex program as the X server is given complete power over the system.

  • Heh, I've had a P166 running Linux in the 250
    range through intentional fork-bombing, and
    managed to bring it back without a reboot.
    Granted it was a shell-based fork bomb, which
    was really easy to kill (just delete the script),
    but I was still able to enter that rm command,
    after many, many tries. :-)
  • Err, that's X and ONLY X locking you up.. Don't blame enlightenment if it tried to take advantage of your incorrectly configured X Server..
  • It's GTK, Babee.. That's the themeing ability of the actual toolkit.
  • Max load is dependant on alot of things.. On a 486, 11 means 'Reboot'.. On an high end SGI, Heck, 50 still means 'If it settles down, it'll be fine..'..
  • I guess the question ends up being..

    When is that?

    It's gettingto be very usable (I do, AAMOF), but when is there enough base to do it?
  • That would be WONDERFULL.. Unfortionatly, I'm not sure it would be all that easy.. Perhaps on a Mac it could be done..
  • Enlightenment merely brings the X Server to it's knees in what it's trying to do.. Most X Servers aren't pushed that far.. ;-P
  • Not in E, they're not.
  • wah. Themes.Org and the wide world of windowmanagers are clearly two things that OctoberX knows well. Would you rather he branch out and post items about which he knows little, or is interested in less?

    geez..get a grip.
  • by Zyber ( 2303 )
    It might have something to do with the fact that
    OctobrX RUNS THEMES.ORG!!! I believe this is just
    honour among webmasters, so CmdrTaco lets octobrX post stuff when there is a site update
  • While it would be unbelieveably cool (there were rumors of a scheme-to-Theme converter for MacOS for a while, actually) you're talking some really interesting programming stunts. Among others, you'd have to teach Linux how to access the resource fork of a Mac file. I'm not sure it's ever really been able to do that; even something like gzip just discards the resource fork completely.

    If it were possible it'd be great; I'd love using some of Albie Wong's or even Layne Karkruff's work on my machine. They do great schemes, and their they'd absolutely rock on E.

  • Linux crashes, deal with it. I used to believe peoples claims that "it's just XFree that crashed, Linux is still running".

    Well now I have a second machine networked to my main machine and I know better.

    I'd finally gotten XFree to the point where it didn't crash, but I just installed KDE and run the kdm_on script because I heard it was better than xdm. Well about 50% of the time when I exit X my machine hangs with vertical red stripes on the screen. Not only do I lose keyboard and mouse access, the nfs exports no longer respond, the machine doesn't respond to telnet, http, ftp, or even pings.

    If kdm doesn't crash Linux it does a damn good impression. At least a BSOD gives some information about the crash, Linux just goes down hard.
  • A few people, probably students or people with full time jobs UNRELATED to their web site, are providing us with a service for FREE. Why would a private web page be as good as a commercial when someone is hired FOR MONEY to work all day on it? Why would their hardware be as good as a company who can afford the newest technologies and the highest bandwidth?

    I see that you are trying to say Linux isn't as good as Windows. I pity you for thinking this. There are thousands of people hacking the kernel for free, and right now it is more stable than Windows will probably ever be. But the point is there are THOUSANDS of people hacking the kernel, there are a few people running this web site for FREE. Why do you expect them to have enough bandwidth for thousands of people in a few hours?

    I don't understand why you are carrying on this arguement, you obviously have no respect for the hard work they put into the site. When it comes down to it, you are ruining it for all of us, because you are simply discouraging people from ever doing something for the good of the community. You are probably one of the people who flamed scoop when he revamped freshmeat. You know what: next time you dislike something, just ignore it. When you get out to the real world, you're going to realize that you don't go around criticizing the good Samaritans of society. You start pointing out everybody's flaws and someone is either going to beat you silly or you're never going to get a job (or friends).

    Listen, just calm yourself before you reply. Don't flame or swear, but rationally think this over. You are the one who is incorrect here; just accept it. It is immature and inconsiderate to critize someone such as the team. Now close your browser, count to ten, and seriously think about changing your attitude before posting again.
  • I have found a general lack of good themes for Enlightenment that are not the Default! Besides Flaunt and Obsidian(rocks) I cannot name any that measure up to E's flexibility and aesthetics. I belive this is due to the changing Theme API, hopefully it will stabilize with the next release.
  • Me too. But then I hooked up a dumb terminal to my serial port. Now I know better. The server you used is fucked up. (SVGA, maybe?) Go and try different servers for your card, (If you can. In my case, I could.) or build one yourself.
    Another thing you might try, (If you haven't already.) Is kill gpm. That caused alot of problems for me.
    I have never had a BSOD give me any information besides "You're fucked!"
    I'll keep my keen perception sharp without being "told" information about the crash. (HAHAHAHA)

    c a l x

  • Which SQL server are you using? I had similar problems with mSQL, but I switched to mySQL (which I think /. uses) and haven't had trouble since.

    If you're using mySQL, I can start to worry :-(.

  • Let's first bear in mind that is, as far as I can tell, a highly popular site run by a small number of people who have other things to do. In other words, it's a hobby effort, not a major business. It's not fair to judge such an effort against the uptime standards we have for sites with full-time management, heavy advertising revenue, etc, etc.

    For all I know, the hardware might be a 386 sitting on someone's borrowed T1 someplace, in which case it's not performing any worse than we might expect.

    However, I think it would help a lot of us - especially those who run small sites using mySQL (as I do) - if we could hear back from them to find out why this is happening. How many hits are we talking about here? What's failing? Are we running out of memory? Disk space? Something else? Are contributions of memory needed? More bandwith? A faster CPU? Let's find out.

    If they could share the results, we can all work together to build better systems - which I think is exactly the point. Not putting each other down; making sure things like this don't happen again, or are far less common.

  • Are those people actually using their machines for something besides making screenshots?
    At times I wonder... once they come back online, look in the 'screenshot archive' a few days back, there's one guy who set his Netscape up to have some kind of black-and-red pattern on it which may look neat (from a distance) but I can't imagine anyone actually being about to use it... You couldn't read any of the text on the buttons/menus!
    Personally I use my desktop machine (With E 0.15 CVS) to run Netscape, x11amp, and a big whack of telnet windows to all of the other local servers, and to those who seem to think you can't do anything productive with E on your system, I've been using it since 0.13 with no problems. Phthtpt! :) I actually use it because I like the floating desktops, and the window roll-up option, and I haven't even bothered downloading any themes other than the default since version 0.13. (Couldn't stand the default back then, too messy. It looks much better now.)
  • These must be fake, is that even possible to do? I've got my machine to do about 11.00 load and it was completely unusuable *grin*. I can't even imagine that telnet would work with a 78 load average.
    Hehe... nope, they're not fake. I've taken a 16 processor SGI Challenge up to 500 all by myself without the use of fork-bombs. (and promptly got yelled at by the admins) The highest I've hit on a Linux based PC was about 450 or so on a PII-233. Yes, that's the load not the processor speed (this isn't the overclocking discussion!), and no, I didn't need to reboot, I just went for a lunch break and when I came back it was a nice, manageable 50 or so...
    50-80 is still nasty, especially if you want to actually do anything (like serve web pages?) but it's not a record. Once somebody hits 4 digits, then I'll boggle.
  • i got the same errors as many others, but something occured to me: "why not see what the comments are?"... i figured before i started complaining about it, i would see if it was just me that had the problem (quite possible. you'd have to know about how my employer has the link to the 'Net rigged.), or what...

    Suggestion for CmdrTaco: please consider putting something on the Post Comment screen to the effect of telling a user (especially those posting anonymously) to read the comments before complaining about a "bad link"... it's annoying to see a couple pages of complaints without ny thought that MAYBE somebody got through (how else to explain the first ten or so posts?!?) or offering an idea or solution.

    i wouldn't bother to say much on this thread, if it weren't for the fact that so many complained about "not checking links"... obviously THOSE people didn't look to see if anyone ELSE got there.

  • Not if they are using E :)

    Im my years of hacking with Linux I have never once had it totally freeze up due to bad user mode code (my kernel hacking experiences are another thing altogether :) ) except for when I tried running Enlightenment--froze dead. At least it had the courtesy of popping up a windoze-style message box informing me that it had just halted my system :(

    Stay away from Enlightenment at all costs if you want a real linux system... I'm using WindowMaker right now which is miles faster and more stable.
  • You're probably right. Never tried telnetting in. The words "Enlightenment has detected a General Protection Fault" only needed to scare me once before I removed the offending software :) It _looks_ nice, so I think I'll wait for a more stable version to come down the pipe :)
  • I love that theme.. Looks cool and uses barely any memory, I have the latest cvs version and with the BeOS it uses about the same amount of memory as WindowMaker does which I have to say is pretty impressive for E.

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