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GNOME 1.0.0 Pre-release 149

Anonymous Coward writes "It seems that they are comming near to 1.0.0 the first packages with a 1.0.0 in their name apear on " I've posted a mirror list after this. Update: 02/25 11:44 by CT : Ok, there was some stuff in that directory, I swear. Or maybe I dreamed it. Grr. One of those days.


South America:




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GNOME 1.0.0 Pre-release

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  • Microsoft Windows is at version "98" and it is not stable as well. I also hear that they are upping the version number (yet again) to "2000". Will it be stable? If the trend continues, probably not.
  • But Japan's fucking _poor_ today.

    - A.P.

    "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad

  • Gtk 1.2 is out. []
  • The only problems with speed I've had, are when the kernel doesn't pick up any memory above 16MB.

    In those cases (on Compaqs as far as I've seen, even with 2.2 they have trouble) just tell Linux how much memory you have. You can do it by passing the command-line arguments mem=96M (for example, 96 megabytes) on the LILO bootprompt or in the append line of your lilo.conf.. eg,


    Hope this helps. ;)

  • ome-1.0-pre/ does have a bunch of 1.0.0 files in it.
  • Posted by OGL:

    I love gnome and use it all the time (along with some KDE apps), but I'm wondering if they're actually ready for a 1.0 release. The whole thing just strikes me as incomplete...the file manager crashes ALL the time, and there are tons of bugs that never get fixed, such as the menu editor crashing when you delete the last item in a folder. In addition, there are tons of features marked "TODO" or "not implemented," and there's practically no documentation for anything....95% of the apps just have an "about..." box on the help menu. To sum up GNOME has promise, but they should be at 0.5, not 1.0.

  • Posted by Buffy the Overflow Slayer:

    What's amatter with everybody? This is about GNOME!
    So, where is the GNOME vs KDE flames? Come on,
    this is slashdot, so don't ruin its reputation
    by being civil and mature.

    -Buffy :-)
  • Posted by F.A.N.G.:

    Exactly where is this Canada place?
    Seriously, I went on an archeological dig in Central America a few years back, and by chance the team was mostly Canadians. They thought they could make me mad by calling Americans savages and brutes. Kinda funny coming from all these smelly hippy women with moustaches. Finally they asked me what Americans thought about Canadians. I said "We don't." They talked to me no more. It was very obvious to me by the end of the dig that Canada's WHOLE identity is based on NOT being American.
  • What version of WM are you using? And are you sure you have Gnome support compiled in? Didn't think so. In using WM version 0.51 w/ Gnome support and gnomepager_applet is working just fine.
  • AM I missing something here? Why aren't there any GNOME SUX AND KDE RULZ vs KDE SUX AND GNOME RULZ threads?
  • Can anyone point me to a good description of exactly how X, Gnome, KDE, window managers, GnuStep, et al fit together? Some sort of layered block diagram with OS, layered by X, etc. would be extremely helpful to this somewhat confused person.
  • Ahh, soon we will have two desktop environments to choose from. Wonderful.

    No more reviews of linux that speaks of the lack of DE, just because they have chosen to test a distribution that comes without a DE (usually Redhat).
    Because of GNOME and KDE all the big distributions will soon ship with a DE of choice.

    And the more experienced users can choose one, the other, none or even mix them.

    Life is good.
  • The Gtk development branch has been in feature freeze for a while and is quite stable. Since you can install Gtk 1.1.16 and still keep the old Gtk 1.0.6 DLL around for GIMP, there really is no reason not to upgrade.
  • I've been following gnome and learning Gtk (Gnome API is next) for a while, but I don't have a compelling need for it either. Also, I use 800x600 on my laptop, and there's not a lot of space for extra doodads. I'd say the same for KDE.
  • by Daniel ( 1678 )
    Ummm, there was no Gnome 0.5. Like the ~17 days one year that never happened because the calendar was resynced.. (when was that?)

  • Gnome works OK on a Pentium 166 with 48 megabytes. Of course, everything starts thrashing if I use Netscape for more than 20 minutes (at which point Netscape has usually expanded to all my RAM and about half my swap) or run three simultaneous compiles but that's not Gnome.. ;) -- and I'm running a Pixmap theme.

  • I think that making widget positions part of the theme is on the TODO list--for 2.0. It would be yet another major architectural change, and I think they wanted the new GTK+ out this century.. ;)

  • I believe that init should send SIGTERM, not, Enlightenment should catch the SIGPIPE from when xdm gets shut down and save its settings then..

    (IIRC, init sends SIGTERM, waits a few secs so programs can exit cleanly, and then sends SIGKILL)

  • The one thing that really bothers me about X is that so many things feel jerky or flickery. AFAIK there isn't anything we can do about this..Windows feels smoother (I think) because they give special privileges to the windowing system and video driver (play RealAudio and drag a scrollbar at the same time--the audio breaks up). Aside from doing 'nice -20 XF_SVGA') I think there isn't really anything we can do. Still annoying that my mouse pointer stops moving when I go into swap though..

  • Uninstall the development files (*.h, *.m4, gtk-config) for your GTK+ 1.0.2 and it'll go away. ;)

  • by Daniel ( 1678 )

    So far I've learned (and used) the bindings of GTK+ to C, C++, and Python. Each one 'works' in the context of the language that it's wrapped from. None of them require significant extraneous code--obviously I do less typing with GTK-- and even less with PyGTK--but I don't see any functions that could easily be eliminated or improved. The only thing I'm unsure about is whether it's possible to create new widgets from PyGTK using the language's inheritence (I'm new to it although it's a cool set of bindings). I know you can do it with GTK--.

  • Is it just me, or has anyone else thought that ever since kernel 2.2.0 came out, Gnome has been racing at breakneck speed to get to 1.0 (maybe because they want it to be bundled in new distributions that will be comming because of Kernel 2.2.x?)

    I am all for the Gnome project, choices are good. But, I just wonder if they can't help but let a few bugs slip by because they are in a hurry.

  • This directory has it
    ftp://ftp.circ. pre/ []

    I dunno what happened to it in the main site's..
    But it's there..
  • Speed of a program is not a scalar magnitude.

    It's a multidimensional manifold, where each
    individual computer's speed at running the program defines a data point.

    Imagine, for example, the simplest case, the unidimensional manifold, ( also known as "curve" ;-) of speed as a function of memory available.

    At different memory values, rest of the hardware constant, windows 95 is faster or slower than NT.

    There are similar things for disk speed, CPU speed, and whatever.

    Having said this, I will abstain from answering your question ;-)
  • You are of course correct.

    What would be a good word to describe the thing?

    I mean besides "a bunch of points in n-dimensional space" ;-)
  • Here's how I see it. I've used KDE before, and it was, in fact, extremely slow. However, the slowness I experienced was almost entirely the fault of KWM. Stick any other WM in its place (I personally suggest Window Maker, but Blackbox seems to work nicely too) and you'll notice the difference in speed right away.
  • by suprax ( 2463 )
    personally, i like the interface of KDE much better than that of GNOME. although GNOME is much faster, and possibilty more developed than KDE, i would like to see the speed and functioning of GNOME in KDE. a combination of projects would do a thing like this, but it will never happen.
    scott miga
  • by suprax ( 2463 )
    yes, that is true, but i have also heard of many people who have computers such as low 200 MHz or high 100's, with not exceptional amounts of RAM, and do not like the speed of KDE; but agree with GNOME's speed.
    scott miga
  • It's so convienient so blame everything on the US. It makes it simple so that no thought is really required.

    They chose their name, no emperial force coerced them to choose the name. They knew that to the casual observer it would appear to be a US company.

    How 'bout ? Like they do in Nippon! It's easy; it simple; it's great; it's obvious; it's low fat; it's low cholesterol....

    I may seem a little goofy, but it's knee-jerk quality it congruent with your comment.

    My manager has a simple Axiom to turn to when people get wound up about something:

    Get Over It!

    I'm serious. He says this. It's funny after 20 seconds elapses.
  • Their economy is in the crapper. I know. My father-in-law rus a business there. He lost money (well not really it's pseudo-guaranteed by te gov't) in that Bank that went belly-up last year.

    The size of their bad debt is 10 times bigger than during the S&L crisis of the late 1980's in the US. And their GDP is less than half of the US.

    Their current interest rate is less than 1% (For big corporate loans I think)

    Japan Air Lines will be laying off thousands of workers in the next 3 years.

    yes, that's right....layoffs in the "lifetime employment" society.

    I think you need to get a magazine and read up, you're a little behind.
  • Anyone know if Enlightenment is likewise approaching stability? I assume that RH wants both Gnome and Enlightenment (and let's not forget the 2.2 kernel) for 6.0 .

  • The last few releases of GNOME seem to have made huge leaps in stability. The file manager DnD especially has become much more reliable. The panel, and other apps are becoming much more responsive, too. This trend will probably only continue through the next few releases, too. I am really looking forward to seeing it stabilize further, and go 1.0.
  • Okay, so this begs the question - is it possible to run a mix of Gnome apps & KDE apps on a machine without problems? Is it possible (and if so, how undesirable?) to run both Gnome _and_ KDE? Are the designs of Gnome & KDE opposed so much that an eventual merging of the two is impossible? The GTK vs QT debate is one thing - sure, one could pick one (GTK, obviously, as it's GPL), but what about the other design aspects of Gnome & KDE? I agree that competition is good - but it _can_ hurt when you've gotta choose between Gnome apps and KDE apps!
  • Put all those extra (but usually required) libraries in a file called gnome-support! What's so hard about that? This would include ORBit, esound, libaudiofile, libxml, libgtop, etc. I hate having to keep about 30 or so tarballs around just to compile GNOME.
  • Gnome is looking VERY sweet these days; it is certainly prettier than KDE and less windoze-ish looking.
    However, Enlightenment doesn't seem anywhere near completetion ... or is it? The latest Gnome (99.8) has Enlightenment .15! None of the other wm work as nicely with gnome ... I love window maker, but it clashes aethetically with gnome, even if it is compliant.
    Does anyone have an idea as to when E will be finished?

    I can't wait until we have KDE, Gnome and GNUstep ... the world is really changing!
  • However, Enlightenment doesn't seem anywhere near completetion ... or is it? The latest Gnome (99.8) has Enlightenment .15! None of the other wm work as nicely with gnome ... I love window maker, but it clashes aethetically with gnome, even if it is compliant. Does anyone have an idea as to when E will be finished?

    What do you mean by finished? This discussion has come up on the e-develop list lately, and people should be reminded how dev. version numbering works. 0.14 (the current released dev. version of E) is the 14th release of the development version. 0.15, which will be out RSN, will be the 15th release. It doesn't mean that it is 15% done...just like kernel v 2.1.132 wasn't 132% done. :)

    That having been said, E 0.15 (from CVS or snaps) has been quite stable for me :)

  • No no don't do this. You run gnome-session in your .xinitrc or whatever, and this will start up X. The first time you do this, you must then type enlightenment to start the window manager. But since enlightenment is session aware, it will just register with the session manager, which will take care of it subsequent times.

    If you have a non-session aware window manager, there is a gnome capplet to control starting it, but again, all you should put in the .xinitrc is

    exec gnome-session

  • Both KDE and GNOME are memory - consuming. You must have 64 Meg inside the box. Or you've better to use fvwm - it's nice on small boxes.

  • I've gotten multiple copies of Netscape, and at least a dozen xterms.

    Can I manually remove the file that keeps track of your last session? Where is it?
  • All in all, I think it looks great. I decided to keep the dock, though. You have to chose which applicons you want on the dock, and which on the panel.

    One question. I don't like how WM makes icons for apps that are not iconified. How do I tell it not to do that?
  • I just finished downloading the tarballs (from my mirror) and in case not all mirrors have them already, you might want to check out ftp://rhlx01.rz.fht-esslingen.d e/pub/gnome-1.0-pre/ [] or http://rhlx01.rz.fht-esslingen .de/pub/gnome-1.0-pre/ [], especially if you're from Europe.

  • 1 MB more in the games tarball! If that's not worth the download, what then?
  • I am impressed... it seems the /. readership has grown up a little bit!
    Bless the Gnome and KDE developers both... thanks for all the hard work you guys do to bring Linux to the masses. (Personally, a DE just gets in my way).
  • i totally disliked the last sentence.
  • by bug ( 8519 )
    GNOME is going to be completely useless to me, and probably almost all others interested in it from a user standpoint, if it is based off of a development version of GTK+. GNOME 1.0's release should be held back until GTK/GLIB 1.2 is released and all the GNOME apps are proven to work with it. I have used several rpm releases of GNOME, from 0.20 to a few of the 0.99s, and found it to be buggy as sin. Things like orbit spontaneously eating itself and never working again, and GNOME applications (especially gmc) not detecting when its connection to the X server is severed and then just sucking up CPU cycles like mad. I hope that most of this stuff has been fixed by now, but I figure that with the state of GNOME at the last chance I looked at it, it could definitely use the wait to for GTK1.2. Sorry for the smack, but I honestly don't believe that GNOME is ready for prime-time... yet.
  • Try linux explorer ( windoze explorer clone ) .
    Of course, if you just wanna move stuff around quickly and easily, you can't beat the command line ( bash or zsh ... )
    Donovan Rebbechi
  • I'm using of gnome-libs/gnome-core and have found that putting:
    /usr/local/enlightenment/bin/enlightenment &
    in my .xsession file (file differs with distros) will start up enlightenment and still use gnome session management, although I don't know if it is as complete as if the session manager was starting enlightenment.

    The reason I didn't have enlightenment start through gnome-session is I couldn't figure out what options were needed for enlightenment to be used with session management. For example, icewm is the default window manager in the default session script and it gets called like this:
    icewm -clientId default2 -smid default3
    I could not figure out what options to give enlightenment and the people in #e on efnet didn't seem to understand my question.
    Hopefully someone on slashdot might know, otherwise maybe I should email raster.
  • Now that the Soviet threat has diminished... do we need a "satellite?"
  • Lemme know if you want it.
  • Whee what a genius. Crank up the optimization and kill the debugging stuff and gee I _wonder_ why that would be faster than the default KDE stuff. Next time, try a fair comparison like using -DNDEBUG and -O6 w/ egcs 1.1.1. *smack* And do the same with Qt, but add -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti to the _APPS_ only.
  • the way to gets things done. You are welcome to drool over stupid desktop themes as much as you want. While normal people just use there applications and computer for work.
  • If the hostname were, I'd be in awe of his financial status. You know how expensive it is to get one of those now a days? Well, Ok, it's only $75, but it's expensive to qualify. About $600+ for national incorporation, or more for some sort of national trademark on your company name. Glah. I couldn't affort it.
  • >I think Qt build in styles are good enough.

    "Good enough" is the Windoze way.
  • OK- here's my problem compiling the junk.

    Advice about the gtk+ libs- you _can_ keep your old libs around- you should just rename them to .old or something (glib.h, gtk directory and gdk dircetory in /usr/X11R6/include). When compiling, issue ./configure --glib-exec-prefix= --glib-prefix=(where glib is> etc etc.

    This leads me to my problem- can't get imlib to compile. Imlib 1.9.2 or something depends on some gtk+ routine that's only in the stable series (I grep'd the headers for both 1.1.15 and 1.0.6 and they didn't show up in 1.1.15 but did for 1.0.6). Compiling 1.8.? vs 1.0.6 doesn't help since gnome-libs will kvetch at me that imlib uses gtk 1.0.6 and it wants to use 1.1.15. I've had this problem for some time now.....

  • There is 1 [one] project which is a pre-1.0 on gnome. It is LibGTop 0.100 which will become 1.0 on monday.

  • I don't know if that bug has been fixed, but I do know that there were a ton of bugs in 0.99.3 that have since been fixed. So I would really recommend upgrading. I did try enlightenment briefly with some of the later releases, and did not experience what you mentioned.
  • I'm a little worried too. The last few releases have definitely made very big improvements in stability, but the big version number change from 0.3 to 0.99 gave me the willies. I think it won't be too bad, though, things definitely seem to be progressing very nicely.
  • I haven't used GNOME yet, but I was using KDE a little bit (FOR MY MOM) But it was waaaaaaaaaay too slow for me. A good gui for a non-tech person though, easy to configure, drag and drop and all that fun stuff. But my question is, how fast is GNOME? And how easy is it to use? And I am pretty sure it looks nicer (As in cooler?) compared to that Win95/CDE kinda look KDE has.
  • in case anyone was wondering, i'm running a k6-2 300, with 64 megs of memory, and 1 meg cache on my board, 8 megs ram on my video card.
  • I'd rather see GNOME 1.0 wait for GTK+/GLIB 1.2
    I't just doesn't make sense for a 1.0 release to depend on unstable (as in unstable branch - yes they work good, but isn't there still some memory leaks?) libraries when 1.2 is sooooooo close.
  • Bah! Cows' stomachs are not at all efficient! Hence all the burping and cud-chewing that goes on. And without their symbiotic relationship with them-there bacteria, they'd be screwed.

    An efficient (hey, it works for them!) means of obtaining sustenance? I guess so. Efficient stomachs themselves? Not at all.

    No, I'm NOT a biologist who is mutating gradually into a computer geek. Why do you ask?

  • Seems enlightenment should be catching SIGTERM
    and performing its cleanup based on that.

  • I currently run GNOME apps and KDE under Windowmaker and have no problems- You just need QT libs and the kde libs on your system
  • will it be as good as the file manager from the OS from Redmond we all learn to hate? It always bothered me that it was easier to move files around under win95 than with one of the many X-based file managers in linux. Gnome's midnignt commander comes close, but it's still lacking. Any alternatives?
  • Well I agree that the X interface is not as polished as the Windows 95 one, I love it's customizability however. But you certainly have a point with the X/GTK issue. I hope this will be fixed in the next major X release

    As for the hint, I don't think what I mean are really bugs but I'll look into that and try to be more specific :-). Like right mousebutton dragging and shift ctrl clicks etc.

    Besides, why are some people always bragging about x-terms and cp in a GUI discussion? Why are they using X anyway?
  • Actually I have issues with all of the controls in the X/Gtk/whatever realm.
    There's just something about them that makes them seem less than polished. And it's not something that GNOME or KDE can really address. I'm not totally familiar with how X works, but I can recognize a bad interface when I see one. As much as the knee-jerk-anti-ms-opensource-bigots would protest, I would love to see a flawless, polished, professional looking, non-crappy GUI environment identical to Windows (or better, the OS/2 WPS) for Linux. That would motivate me to run Linux on more than just my cable-masquerading machine.
  • Why the big hoopla over 1.0 release, when it really should be a 0.8 release? Why do most mainstream Linux articles tout the fact that GNOME is almost here. Why do Linux insiders counter the argument of usability with "wait for GNOME"?

    Is it because the Linux "powers-that-be" want everything to be GNU?

    I've given GNOME 0.99 a good workout, and my conclusion is that it's not there yet. No documentation, parts not integrated well, slow.

    I'm not knocking GNOME, I just don't think it's ready yet.
  • by four ( 110907 )
    panel is pretty configurable.. i run 800x600 screen resolution.. panel great.. i actualy got rid of the WindowMaker dock and clip altogether.
    check out this screenshot:
    http://wWw.ShRuB.nEt/images/screenshots/linux199 90216.jpg
  • Curiosity killed the cat.
    ^- what i saw after all the files on had been deleted in the 1.0.0pre dir, in the README.
  • i agree with his point too, AND his mean spiritedness. SCREW ALL THE PEOPLE WITH MONITORS BIGGER THAN 14 inches. Damn life sucks.
    screw everyone with a better computer system than a pentium 100mhz with 32megs ram...
    but at least my sound owns, awe64 hooked up to my 7 speaker surround sound AIWA.
    *jumps around to 39bogomips of processing power*
  • Canada is politically instable and in some 10 or 20 years, some part of teh Canada will be US States. Which one? Prairies...
    As soon as the Quebec will be separate form Canada... in a couple of year (it's sure that it will happen...), the British Colombie will ask the leave the Canada because that they say "If the Quebec can be a country, we will be one"... It's true because economicaly, they're stronger and stronger. So After this, Ontario will be the richest province in Canada and the one that will pay taxes for all they other "poor" provinces, so they will decide to separate form Canada to.
    After this, what will be the Canada? Prairies, East province and the North territories, is it enough to be in the 25 richer countries? Not at all! So, the east province will make a country too, living of the petrol of Newfoudland and of fishing, and the prairies aren't enough good economicaly to be a country, but as a state or province, they'll be strong, so maybe some new states will see the day in the USA... and what's about the north territories... maybe USA will bought them because of petrol in it... (so the USA will own the North Pole!), maybe they'll make a country, maybe something else...

    This is just a theory, but if you know what is happening in Canada, you'll see that it can be real... in 10-20-25 years... not much!

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
