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Netscape The Internet

Mozilla-dot-party 2.0 76

Ludvig A. Norin writes " is throwing the one year anniversary party at the Sound Factory in San Francisco. If it gets even remotely as fun as last year, I'll be happy to travel from Sweden, like I did last year! " Gotta wait until April, but they're gonna have EBN live.
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Mozilla-dot-party 2.0

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm loathe to generalize, but history has shown us, painfully, that young'uns can't handle it.

    You're absolutely correct, though: Drinking really is overrated, unless it's Yoo-Hoo that you're drinking.
  • In the FAQ they say that you can't attend if you're under 21, but then a few lines down they say that everyone gets in for free.. Odd..
  • It was a blast last year...check out the URL above!

  • Umm, no. There's more underage drinking in the US, where it's illegal, than in places like Greece, where it's legal. Heck, Germany allows you to buy beer from 16 and up, and there are fewer drunk teenagers there than in the US.

    So apparently drinking laws do not work.
  • Posted by mlum:

    Until you contribute _something_, I suggest you 1)stuff a nice, fat, stinky sock in your mouth, 2)pipe your insults to your ass, and 3)not both posting your insults until you have some _facts_ to back up your sarcastic commentary.

    If you're looking for a fight, go duke it out with the demons in your head.
  • Posted by mlum:

    1) The newsgroups are your friends.
    2) The website is a useful resource for building the lizard.
    3) Unix mozilla folks are within your reach (via email/irc).

    Please email me the problem(s) you're having. Maybe I can aid in finding the help you need.
  • Posted by mlum:

    Oh well, it just means one less useless, complaining,
    non-contributing, "I'd-rather-bitch-and-moan-than-get-off-my-ass-and -do-something" slacker that I won't have to run into at the party, this year.

    Just the fact, y'veezil.

  • Posted by mlum:

    You should post your building problem(s), tugging the ears, of those on netscape.public.mozilla.builds and/or netscape.public.mozilla.unix (send stacktraces from your segfaults, if you're building dbg).

    If this doesn't help, please send me email.
  • Man, it's 21+ (of course).. ah well, that's life for yah :P

  • I've been wanting to see live Electric Butt Noise all my life!

    Sheesh! For the uninitiated, EBN actually stands for Evolving Binary Nostrils, a dub-noise-Klezmer band from Brantford, Ontario. Their recordings are totally bitchin' and beer-style free on MP3 - you can get 'em from their web site. Please don't /. 'em - their server is an old Mega 2 ST.


  • Not as much as a joke as your attempts to put down others' work. How about showing us what you have done that isn't a joke?

    /mill - "yeah yeah, but he looked hungry.."
  • Just one point..I'm sure it'll be really neat when it gets here but can anyone tell me how to get the nightly builds to run? I know they're not supposed to be stable but they segfault straight out. (and I set MOZILLA_HOME). I want to see what I'm looking forward to. :-)

  • Mozilla has degraded into being a joke.

    Really? Or is it your patience that's the joke? You didn't complain when the GIMP or the Linux kernel took this long to develop, I'd wager, so why this?

    Does anyone still follow this project or care about it? In my opinion it is a dead project.

    It's as dead as Linux; live with it.

    AOL might as well repurpose the internal developers working on it to some useful end.

    They've done just that. The internal developers are working on a browser which will soundly whoop the virtual ass of any browser which comes forth to challenge it in the foreseeable future. By the way, check the nightly builds if you think it's so "dead"; last I checked it was actually doing quite well.

    Get it through your head, people: GOOD SOFTWARE TAKES TIME. You can't have this "gimme gimme gimme" attitude all the time; it doesn't work that way. Mozilla could release their browser right now, but you'd complain about it becaue the UI is unfinished and there are still more than a few problems to be worked out (though actually it's working impressively well for something at that stage in the development cycle; you forget that Open-Source development, at least in terms of the initial cycle, takes much longer than other models; the advantage only comes later, when it's time for maintenance, adding features to a solid underpinning, and upgrading).
  • what the hell are you talking about?
    scott miga
  • There was quite a bit of fun to be had at Web98 last year in Boston...

    What we really need is a good non-corporate linux expo in Boston or NYC. (Non-corporate meaning cool like Web98 not sucky like InternetWorld)

    Of course there was better free stuff at InternetWorld.

    Okay, good non-corporate linux expo with lots of free stuff and killer parties. That's the ticket. In Boston. Or NYC.
  • ...that the Mozilla guys have scheduled some
    downtime in half an hour or so. Presumably in
    anticipation of being slashdotted ;).
  • All you naysayers that think that Mozilla is going nowhere, take a look at

    It takes time to develop something stable and working. You don't want Mozilla coming out and being as stable as Gnome is, do you?
  • the rendering engine and GUI is. Dunno about the networking code though I know they're doing something about it
  • Mozilla has degraded into being a joke.

    Does anyone still follow this project or care about it? In my opinion it is a dead project. AOL might as well repurpose the internal developers working on it to some useful end.
  • 1.The Hoover Dam
    2.The Golden Gate Bridge
    4.Packet Switched Networking
    5.Functional Solar Power (not released just yet).
    6.Quantum Computer (version 0.1 beta available)
    7.Nanotechnology (version 19990304 beta available)

    etc. etc...

    like all thos other fine netscape products?

    has there ever been a stable version of their browser? 4.5 is still a buggy turd.
  • Plain and simple. People can look over open source, but money, no way. The 30 trial better have some student exemption or or some bs I can claim.
  • For all the supposed work that is going into Mozilla, it had better be good... I am still running Netscape 4.08, and I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for something better. Netscape 4.08 (and even 4.51, for that matter) still seem notoriously unstable to me... Unlike most Linux apps, I have never been able to get Netscape to run for more than a few hours without the thing segfaulting or just hanging up on me. Any idea when the official version of this Mozilla beast is scheduled to come out, anyone?
  • how do I know that what you say about more underage drinking in the US than Greece/Germany is true?
    statistics? newspaper article? what?

  • negative feedback strikes me as a necessary component of any process as complex as software development. of course, simply refraining from using a package or from upgrading it constitutes negative feedback. but actually telling the community what aspects of the package you did not like strikes me as more useful negative feedback. of course, this particular negative-feedback generator should have refrained from using inflammatory words like 'lame' and 'joke' which tend to inhibit constructive dialog by polarizing people's views.
    do not worry about negative feedback's effect on free-software development: there is more than enough free-software development going on. we need code quality, not code quantity.
  • Man, y'all just sound like the sort of guys the ladies go for.
  • ok, like where are all the midwest people? we gotta have some pride here. We are in the middle of all of this, we might as well take advantage of it. I dunno, i'm just rambling, how about some cool events in chicago this year or something.
  • its got alot to do with what u can eat...and u get drunk more quickly mostly due to not eating as much and that kinda stuff...whatever. Oh yeah, and what fun is it getting drunk really fast.
  • No, it's not an AFJ. It's simply being held on the anniversary of the previous one, which in turn was held "the day after the source code release", which in its own turn was set for March 31, I think by corporate fiat.

    The fact that it's on April 1 is essentially an unfortunate coincidence. They should, however, place such a notice on the invite or in the FAQ (as they did last year).
  • Is Mozilla a complete rewrite?

  • Not very open if it's 21+. Seriously.
  • Hmmm. First, that laws really kind of silly and
    (maybe I'm being a little too harsh here) draconian.

    Second, drinking's kind of overrated anyways.

  • come on now, even though its 21+, do you honestly expect to see "really cute and possibly sexually promiscuous" at an opensource "party". If the drinks were free, then you would see flocks of scantly clad women flooding the halls!
  • Opera is a great web browser and my browser of chocie and now that it's going to be available for Linux, I love it even more. I don't see it as being ugly, but to each his own, however what it is is an extremly usefull and functional tool, where I can be logged into and actually have a fully useable and understandable overview of 8 websites at the same time or more.
  • >Sheesh! For the uninitiated, EBN actually stands >for Evolving Binary Nostrils, a

    I wasn't sure if you were joking or mistaken. EBN is a electronic noise band, and the EBN stands for Emergency Broadcast Network. Their URL is at:
  • An surly security guard at the door to the expo floor at Linuxworld denied JWZ from getting in because he didn't have a badge.

    Hope he doesn't get locked out of his own party.
  • by katana ( 122232 )
    if this party is anything like last years, we're in for a blast.

    I'll be one of the many scantilly clad chix0rz dancing madly

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
