Yet Another GNOME Article 92
Anonymous Coward writes "More GNOMEy in the news,
Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer Business Section, bottom fold
- fullspan artical." Mostly about Miguel. Fairly
We are each entitled to our own opinion, but no one is entitled to his own facts. -- Patrick Moynihan
Another clueless article (Score:1)
Even when I'm not in X, I use the mouse plenty, since Linux allows you to copy and paste with the mouse even in a terminal. Then there's quake, and again, I find myself using the mouse in Linux.
In the light of all that, you can imagine what a great shock it was to find that I've been imagining all this mouse usage the past 6 years!
observation (Score:1)
Perhaps this would explain the lack of press on KDE? KDE does not seem to have a here analogous to Miguel or Linus. It would be interesting to see if a select KDE hero could improve KDE press too.
Missing something... (Score:1)
Some of you are pretty funny (Score:1)
software") was largely being dismissed by the main-stream tech media
as "fringe." Now not only do tech media folks take it seriously, but
non-tech popular media are talking about it as well. The editors of
/. celebrate this. Many of you that hang out here, OTOH, seem able
to do little more than flame about any flaws in such coverage.
You liked it better when Linux and related projects were ignored?
As a long-time 2nd Amendment rights supporter, I can tell you all
about bad, clueless, and dishonest press coverage. When you're in
such a position, *any* positive coverage, even if it contains
inaccuracies (providing they're not *too* damaging) is good
coverage. And cause for celebration.
Methinks some of you ought to consider how far Linux and Open Source
have come these last few months, rather than complaining about the
unfortunate mistake made here-and-there.
titanic (Score:2)
Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda
Pants are Optional
Facutal errors abound. (Score:1)
My psychology prof was telling us last week how a study of health stories in newspapers found that they were only like 70% factually correct. From my personal observations, I'd say that mainstream newspapers are only like 40-50% factually correct in computer/technology stories.
It doesn't even surprise me anymore.
Missing something... (Score:1)
As for why all the hoopla for GNOME, it's pretty simple. It's because for years people have been told by Microsoft and Apple that only they have the brainpower and resources to create that type of environment. Along comes a kid from Mexico and shows every sign of replicating their work and making it better at the same time, and as if that wasn't enough he's giving it away for free! Can't beat that with a stick as far as good feature stories go.
Please note that the above paragraph makes the same oversimplifications the press does specifically to show you their viewpoint.
The only real question I have is why KDE hasn't gotten the same kind of press. The license issues that made it such a pariah to many aren't even going to be on the radar screen of the mainstream press. Kinda makes you wonder if someone isn't pushing some buttons somewhere, huh?
No button pushing (Score:1)
My fault for not being clear, but this is actually the kind of thing I meant by button pushing. Someone (RH for instance) who gets a fair amount of press attention saying 'by the by, check this out'. Not anything really wrong with this, but they should probably point to both projects.
I should probably also note that I don't use either environment. I tried GNOME a while back and didn't like it, and I've never tried KDE.
I don't know if you were at LinuxWorld Expo, but the majority of desktops that I saw were KDE (and not by just a little). I just found it funny that the press is all over GNOME when KDE appears to be the desktop that most people are currently using (if they use one at all).
Making enlightenment easy (a non-answer) (Score:1)
This is WAY off-topic....
So I heard about e-conf making E configuration easy and decided to try it again (making attempt #3). I got it all down and installed. I started running it. No e-conf. Can't find it on my system anywhere. Can find many references on webpages and so forth, but no links. THEN I discover that e-conf requires GNOME. WTF? Why can't I have a simple E config editor (or at least a single document describing what to edit and how).
I swear, I want to love E, but it's getting REALLY hard.
Making enlightenment easy (a non-answer) (Score:1)
Wow! That helps a lot, thanks.
I still need some basic info, though. For instance, I need to know how to change the desktop-change quick-key from ctrl-alt-arrow to just ctrl-arrow (like fvwm). Also, how do I change the calls to external progs in the buttons/menus. And when can I have a pager?
Very silly. (Score:4)
Yup, really nailed it there. I didn't realize that my mouse (with which I done cut and pasted the above) wasn't actually being used.
It's also nice to see their deep understanding of what GNOME is/does. (bloat, crash, not compile... uh, I mean, look pretty, provide a WIMP interface, etc... it's actually not so bad so far, for me)
Where do these people come from? I mean, is there a DeVry-type place where people can get stupidity training? Does Microsoft furnish free reporters for Linux stories like these? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
The world may never know...
eh? - Gnome v0.1.0.3 ?? (Score:1)
observation (Score:1)
I'm sure he appreciates that. :-|
Anyway, it may be good in the long run that the press doesn't focus on a personality for KDE; that way thy may be forced to write something more substantial than "KDE/GNOME/whatever has little icons just like windows". Oh brother...
Run GMC and find out... (Score:1)
it's not that it crashes, really ... (Score:1)
Missing something... (Score:2)
Off Topic! (Score:1)
Once again, the mainstream press shines (Score:2)
It's kind of neat to see the GUI effortsgetting so much press coverage. At last, this is a aspect of Linux's superiority that plan old users can understand. Hopefully the positive buzz will encourage people to give Linux a spin (especially once they see the eye candy that comes with GTK and Enlightenment! Woohoo!) No longer will we have to listen to "Linux is like Unix? Oh, I can't stand all those techie commands. I'll stick to Windowseven though I think Bill Gates is the Antichrist and want to eviscerate him on my front lawn." ;)
By the way, I'm thinking some of you will be concerned about the fact that GNOME is getting so much more publicity than KDE. I wouldn't worry too much. Th mainstream press is playing its usual game of picking up and article somewhere, going, "Hmmnn, that's interesting," getting a new interview with the article's subject, and basicall cribbing the content of the original. It's a sad ravesty of invertigative journalism, but it sems to be the norm noawadays. (I'm afraid the Internet is encouraging it, too, and detacting from real investigation as lazy writers sit on their asses in front of computers instead of going outside.) Anyway,the practical result for us is that all it takes is one artcle about KDE, and the press hounds will jump on the story and run it to death just as hard as they're unning GNOME now. Just look at all last year's articles about Linux!
Hmmmmnnn, maybe they should call them"press copycapts" instead of "Press hounds". ;)
PS: APologies for the typos, of which I'm sure there aremany. Halfway through this article my !@&*^# Sun display got munged.
Beer recipe: free! #Source
Cold pints: $2 #Product
I second that (Score:1)
I've compiled it on a RH 4.1 machine, and it seems to work ok. The only thing that I've seen that was flaky was midnight commander -- just as you have. I wonder if that is what everyone is griping about. Although it might be a difference between compiling it yourself and just installing the rpms.
The rest of the apps seem to work just fine. In fact, I was surprised as hell when gnumeric was able to read in an Excel 97 worksheet. It mangled a column, but other than that everything was ok.
A very clueless article... (Score:1)
They didn't use blender. (Score:1)
moderation (Score:1)
Anyways, cool to see Rob occasionally post alongside the unwassed masses.
Blackbox isn't GNOME aware (Score:1)
Missing something... (Score:2)
Wrong. "fvwm" and Enlightenment are window managers; KDE and Gnome are collections of a bunch of pieces of software, including:
People can argue about whether that stuff is useful, but it's difficult to argue that it's not there....
See the What is KDE? [] document and the GNOME User's Guide [] for more details.
The press likes fluff (Score:1)
And furthermore ... (Score:1)
But not for long (Score:1)
It wasn't just the effect of Titanic; the industry is well aware of the worldwide trend towards Linux, and their artists and designers curse the lousiness of W95 and NT as a professional platform every bit as strongly as do software engineers.
it's not that it crashes, really ... (Score:1)
It's totally inconsistent. Like choosing "log out" from enlightenmant menu and nothing happening. Doh! Or choosing "log out from the panel, and having the panel quit, but the wm stays running.
There are huge numbers of UI inconsistencies like this. You've just been running Linux so long you don't notice.
Gnome sure is pretty, but it isn't even close to being ready for daily use. Most of the applets and other programs are not even close to 1.0, the libs are about the only things that's ready.
titanic (Score:1)
titanic (Score:1)
But not for long (Score:1)
Info on Titanic and Linux (Score:1)
"During the work on Titanic the facility had approximately 350 SGI CPUs, 200 DEC Alpha CPUs and 5 terabytes of disk all connected by a 100Mbps or faster network. "
Linux, a non-Microsoft operating system... (Score:1)
BTW - for anyone who read my last messages about my modem - i fixed it! had an irq conflict even though isapnp was setting it to what it shoulda been it was still wrong... used setserial and BOOM, fixed
PS: if anyone knows a program that makes it simple to use, create, and edit Enlightenment themes, please mail me
Reformed hackers? (Score:1)
Other than that and the thing about Linux not using a mouse (definitely needs to lay off the glue sniffing), a pretty fair article.
btw, are we really up to 12 million already?
REAL reason for most mainstream GNOME publicity (Score:1)
While that may satisfy the techies who look at the article to find info about technical stuff, (by warning them that there's none there) it will also lose some of the stereotype breaking effectiveness if they titled the article "Hey look, there's a really smart hispanic guy over here!" - that would instantly limit the article's audience to people who already wanted to know about really smart hispanic guys. Instead, they make it a 'technical' article, and insert technobable from their file (which is only 7 or 8 years old) and then they can attract a much wider audience, which serves the purpose of getting their message out to more people. Lots of corporate non-techies read tech articles like that one so they can 'keep up' with technology, and they're the ones who that article is really aimed at - it brings things into their non-tech perspective, and sneaks in the anti-stereotyping as a sideline. Plus, the article did originate in Mexico City, so it's also only natural that they'd want to highlight major contributions originating in their own country.
Anyhow, even if it's not the most technically correct article, it's still good to see linux/gnome/free software/etc... in a positive light. More articles like that will encourage managers and educators to take a look into Linux and free software, when they ordinarily wouldn't have even thought of it otherwise. I can see some North American schools installing linux and forcing the Gym teacher to learn/teach it, just so they can stay 'ahead of the mexican schools'. (Yes, gym teacher. That's what my school did when they needed a new computer teacher. Apparently it was cheaper/easier to move an existing teacher and hire a new gym teacher than to hire someone with some technical knowlege. And no, he didn't have any experience in computers before that, it was kinda fun to watch him trying to log in after we put a password on his account other than just 'enter'.)
titanic (Score:1)
Damn, I forgot to log in anonymously
(For the clue-deficient, this is a joke)
Linux, a non-Microsoft operating system... (Score:1)
Umm, no. I'm actually proud of that phrase. I consider linux good (but not, of course, the only) proof that there is Life After Microsoft. Everything commercialized about computers tends to piss me off (including web banners).
And good show about yer serial port. When I installed linux 1.4 years ago, it took me two weeks to figure out how to get the dang thing to dial. Though Red Hat had a nifty GUI tool to make this easier, it wasn't clearly marked, and then of course theres the problem of making the GUI work (which I succeeded in one week later). I've since learned a lot and ditched the dialup. The learning curve is steep but I have no problem with accepting that, seeing how powerful the system as a whole can be
238 programmers EXACTLY (Score:1)
Media coverage in general is too non-technical (Score:1)
Web banners (Score:1)
(I know linux is free, but the hardware isn't)
besides, there are times when they are useful.
Making enlightenment easy (a non-answer) (Score:1)
Run GMC and find out... (Score:1)
gnome-terminal (and the zvt library it is based on) works fine. People have complained about it but I have not seen a substantial explanation of the problem yet.
238 programmers EXACTLY (Score:1)
A very clueless article... (Score:1)
I second that (Score:1)
They used NT (Score:1)
Wow! (Score:1)
(Slashdot sysadmin, and only four posts in the last so many weeks? Guess the blurb on Wired was a bit off *grin*)
Exclude Stories you are not interested in... (Score:1)
yeah but do you use it? (Score:1)
probably going to have to mentally append 'alpha' to any gnome release for the next 6 months.
238 programmers EXACTLY (Score:1)
Most users in general are non-technical (so far) (Score:1)
Even my parents are interested in Linux, and they don't have a damn clue about programming, they just want to check their email, play some games, and write some letters. They're tickled to know that they won't have to pay $100+ for the next upgrade to Windows!
And yes, I'm sure the non-technical thinking might change as people in general get more comfortable with Linux, but that may take years. Remember how long it's taken for just 50% of Americans to have a computer at home? And that's with the "user-friendly" interfacs of Windows and the Macintosh.
Making enlightenment easy (a non-answer) (Score:1)
btw, you can use eesh to set everything manually just like in e-conf. in a term look in
--respon in email if you care, i wont see this again.