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Wireless "Pulse" Technology 149

mustard writes " This is an article in USA Today about a technology that uses energy pulses to transmit data. It's fast as the speed of light, cell phones could be as small as a wristwatch, and you could have only 1 tower every 100 miles. It uses new chip technology from IBM, and as an example, they cite that it could support over 2,000 cellphones per block, as opposed to coventional cellular today which is about 400 per block. But it's not limited to that, it can be used for cheap personal radar as well. Well worth a read, fascinating stuff. In a related story, the inventor of the patent is in a dispute with a government funded lab who, according to congress, stole the idea."
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Wireless "Pulse" Technology

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Wireless telegraphy *did* use antennas, and big ones, too.
    Yes, sparks, even enclosed arcs (up to maybe a megawatt) were used to generate RF.
    Imho, the most interesting were the Alexanderson alternators;
    these were developed up to the point where they could put out 200 kW at 100 kHz.
    Apparently, even today, there is a station/museum at Grimeton, Sweden that is ready to go; and probably not a vacuum tube anywhere. It was fired up in 1996, iirc, on something like 23 kHz for a commemorative broadcast (Morse code).
    Interesting item: In Japan, 1956, there was a radio-controlled toy bus that used a spark transmitter (handheld) and a coherer receiver!!
    Nicholas Bodley //
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I have looked at it. That's why I consider it snake oil. The laws of physics and mathematics regarding radio communication are pretty well understood, and they apply with full force to this system despite the "inventors" apparent wish to the contrary.

    Even if I wasn't already quite familiar with spread spectrum communications from having worked with CDMA for the past 7+ years, I'd have noticed the many other snake-oil indicators. First on the list are shrill claims about broad intellectual property rights and how the government is conspiring to steal their revolutionary invention from them.

    Of course, the patent system and courts are so utterly clueless these days that I wouldn't be surprised if the main "use" of this "invention" is to extort large sums of money from the legitimate companies in the spread spectrum radio business.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    There has been a significant amount of intelligent
    commentary on this "new" device on slashdot
    so I don't feel the need to say too much but
    nobody here seems aware of the background here
    or more precisely of the name that has been
    stuck on the technology.

    This gizmo is called the "micropower impulse radar" or "MIR" for short and was *apparently* developed by some researchers at LLNL by leveraging their work on a really nifty digitizer
    developed for use in inertial confinement fusion.

    [ Do a search on for "micropower
    impulse radar to see what's out there]

    The IEEE magazine, "Spectrum" did a story on the
    device in the spring of 1997. I tracked the article on the web and looked it up on LLNL's web
    site. They had some really neat PDF files showing
    all the possible applications of the technology.
    I was, quite frankly, floored.

    For some reason, I can't seem to get any
    of the llnl links to work (, for
    example). I had hoped to provide links
    directly to the literature they had put together.

    I have no idea who is guilty or innocent in
    this patent dispute but as a consumer of
    technology I certainly hope that someone develops
    this work.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yes, but the various error sources are well-understood, and have been for decades. The Shannon and Nyquist sampling theorems are examples.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Correct. IS-95 CDMA uses direct sequence
    spread spectrum (as opposed to frequency hopping)
    and it uses walsh functions in two separate ways:
    to channelize the forward link into 64 channels,
    and as a power-efficient modulation technique on
    the reverse channel that can be noncoherently

    As somebody who has worked with CDMA for about 7
    years, this Pulse stuff sounds like snake oil to
    me. It certainly has all the warning signs.

    Question for the inventors of this stuff: what
    happens if you're right next to a TV or FM
    broadcast transmitter?
  • Carrier or not Faraday is spinning in his grave as we speak 1998 and someones patented the EM communications

    Of course the patent isn't on em communications... it's on the Ultrahigh-bandwidth-beamforming/cyclet method he's using. :p Since it's in Fullerton's name, you could probably find it on the patent server.

    But you're right - this isn't 'new' technology -- the FCC has snubbed this kind of research since the 70s. "Not use sliced out frequencies? Put cellular antenae in boxes the size of brief cases? Heresy!"

  • I'm also curious - because these seems pretty legit ...

    I read a couple years ago an article, by Fullerton i believe, about how he had come up with some practicle solutions for cellular service (like miniturized cellular attenae, and the like) and approached the FCC about it and they dissed him. That's why he wrote the paper anyhow. But I don't remember for sure.

    Seems legit to me - but I don't know for sure.

  • How funny. This was the exact same question I had after reading the two articles.

    Perhaps extra terrestrial broadcasts are being sent via spread spectrum technology in an effort to communicate only with civilizations that have reached a significantly higher level of technology? I mean it's taken us almost 100 years to get to this point since Marconi developed the wireless telegraph.

    Of course it's really easy to get locked into one paradigm whether you're talking about radio communications or human ideas and thought patterns. For all we know serious interstellar communications involves a completely different method.

  • Anyone remember who was the "inventor" of Spread Spectrum ? None other than the 40's movie star Heddy Lamar ! She came up with the idea as a way of making radio control of torpedos un-jammable during WWII, but the technology wasn't quite feasable at the time.
  • Many of them carry pagers.
  • That's a standard disclaimer. Brought to you by the same legal system that tells you not to eat silica gel and not to dry your hair in the shower.

  • How can the same tech that allows directional distance pinpointing of a handheld cellular watch also be undetectable and untraceable in a marine communications device?

    `Undetectable' is a poor word for this. What happens is that if the walkie-talkie is putting out 5W of power on a spectrum spread over many hundreds of MHz, and the exact frequencies chosen / timings given are either pre-arranged and unknown to others, or being changed in a seemingly random way, the signal becomes very hard to notice.

    It becomes very difficult to `scan' for a spread-spectrum signal the way one could for a single-frequency signal, as you need a great deal of information beforehand.

  • And a little misleading. (``a walkie-talkie that's not only undetectable but can tell a Marine the location of all the other members of his unit''; they obviously have a very different definition of undetectable than the one I use.)

    Spread-spectrum stuff is not particularly new; combining it with digital stuff and extremely precise time measurements (`time domain' refers to measuring signals in `time space', rather than `frequency space') is pretty cool.

    The article is pretty confusing about which of those additions gives you what. The spiffy hand-held radar things are a result of the precise time measurements; radar works by examining return times from radio signals, and measuring these times very precisely obviously gives better resolution. Accurate measurements also makes for less signal necessary as well to transmit a given amount of information; a factor of 100 seems optimistic, but I'm not a radio engineer.

    Much of the rest of the stuff -- increased bandwidth, the ability for encryption and signal hiding -- is the result of using digital techniques.

    None of this changes the fact that a given amount of frequency space has a given bandwidth and possible information content, however. Encoding things digitally can make more efficient use of that bandwidth for many signals, but using `radio pulses' vs `radio waves' (?!) doesn't change this.

  • Square waves are created by taking the sine of the fundamental, adding 1/3 of the 3rd harmonic, 1/5 of the 5th, 1/7 of the 7th... etc. its all the ODD harmonics added together at their respective energies
  • Y'all are being too picky.

    Your beef seems to be with the content of the article, not Time Domain. If you have a problem with the wording of the article, try to contact the author of the article.

    I agree, this just sounds like radio; however, this sounds like digital communication with radio frequencies. Still sounds a lot better than anything available in the private sector so far. Don't get your panties in a bunch! :^)
  • Although they get it all wrong in the article (of course this uses electromagnetic waves, they are just shaped differently), this looks like promising technology. Go read the papers on the website.
  • Try something more in the PCS band- something in the 1.9 GHz range more like. The rest of the details sounds right though...
  • Obviously the space men developed RFC 1149 before developing April Fools's Day. It's tricky to broadcast that sort of thing over interstellar distances you know. Unless they have also developed Gallagher.

    -cpt kangarooski, who wants to go the the gangster planet from star trek

  • because our proxy have a filter on *money* so i cannot check the link
    so if someone can send me the html pages i'll be happy
  • That seems like a reasonable way to communicate, but my first thought when reading all the references to positioning was that it used spatial position to discriminate transceivers. There was something about Bell labs doing this on slashdot a while back.

    Spatial discrimination would use autocorrelation too, between two or more antennas. Each position would yield a different correlation value, so different sources could be picked apart fairly easily. I guess there could be some spoofing by reflections, collisions, etc., but these could probably be worked around. (In fact pseudorandom timing or frequency hopping would kill those false correlations pretty well).
  • When radio waves go THROUGH something easily then they're not being attenuated much inside it, which by definition means that they're not dumping their energy into it, so it's safe.

    Your brain gets fried only when it STOPS the waves, as it does at the high frequencies that cellular phones use (eg. 900MHz and 1.8GHz). Microwave ovens provide another example: at 2.4GHz, the radio waves penetrate a thick slab of meat no further than a couple of inches max, which is why the outside cooks and the inside doesn't.

    So, if you're concerned about fried brains then you should worry more about existing radio technology than about the relatively low frequency stuff that the article was describing, because the power density of the ultra-wideband signal is very low and therefore there is little power transmitted in the frequency slots where tissues absorb power.
  • What you describe is only one type of SS, called Frequency Hopping SS. There are various others as well, mainly Direct Sequence SS (also known as pseudo-noise, phase hopping, direct spread or direct code SS), Chirp SS which sweeps the carrier over a wide band (also known as pulse-FM, mainly used by the military), Time Hopping SS in which the time position of a pulse is controlled by a pseudo-noise code sequence, and various hybrid schemes such as DS/FH and DS/TH.

    The description in the article sounds like it's about TH, or a hybrid using TH together with something else (probably DS) to widen the bandwidth and provide greater immunity to multipath problems.

    Or, who knows, maybe it has nothing to do with TH. Maybe it's the world's first implementation of communication by Walsh Functions. :-)
  • If you have a single transmitter, it will be below the noise. But the noise will be significant if the technique becomes widespread.

    Using this TD technique you get huge bandwidth, but this is no suprise - you are using the whole frequency spectrum.

    I do not understand why the probability of overlapping pulses from different sources is estimated to be low? With thousands of simultaneous data transfers at a time?
  • Note that this appeared in the Money section, not the Technology section.

    Sounds like a "buy this share" scheme [] to me...

  • Not as much as the idea of someone other than the police using it. Can you say "Case the joint"? At least the law could use it to discover that a man, a woman, and two small children might mean that they're not at the place where they were expecting to pull a no-knock on five full grown drug dealers

  • My comment was
    a. Making fun of the way the article omitted mentioning John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, the names on the first transistor patent,
    b. Wondering how two separate elements, silicon and germanium, suddenly became one material.

  • Just think, if Shockley hadn't had those other two guys getting in the way he could have started off with germanium made of silicon instead of that lousy germanium made out of germanium.

  • Nope, this is a lot different. In spread spectrum, the carrier jumps around the spectrum in a previously determined pattern (so the receiver "knows" where the carrier will be next) whereas this pulse method transmits on all frequencies at once, more or less.

    Heh, my digital communications prof likes to point out that the Spread Spectrum patent is held by the old time actress Hedy Lamarr. A shining example of a geek chick, eh?

    URL for some data on this:
  • This talk about impulses and exciting all frequencies reminds me of a very similar common technique in mechanical engineering where you can easily test to find the natural frequencies of a structure.

    In school, we did a simple experiment to find the natural frequencies of a cantilever beam (beam attached at one end like a diving board). To start with, what you want to do is excite all the frequencies of the beam. As other people have stated, an impulse in the time domain excites all frequencies in the frequency domain. For example, if you tap a beam with a hammer, it will excite all the frequencies of the beam. For verification, look up the Laplace transform of an impulse.

    So the experiment goes like this: attach an accelerometer to the beam, plug it up to a computer acquisition system, tap the beam with a hammer, record the accelerometer output, then do a FFT on the data and you will see the natural frequencies of the beam.

    The similar situation is the tapping of the hammer exciting all frequencies in the beam. These guys are generating a radio "tap" with electronics.

  • This is just a special case of spread spectrum/CDMA (CDMA is code division multiple access). Qualcomm is the chief proponent of CDMA, and it is currently used in wireless quite a bit. In CDMA you are effectively sending pulses (though they have a much more complex structure than a simple pulse), and because of the wideband nature of the pulse you can extract accurate timing information. This lets multipath effects (your signal reaches you by multiple paths with different time delays, because it bounces off hills, buildings, etc) work in your favor: time-shift the echos and add them into the signal.

    The claims that this guy's system will lead to a revolution are nonsense. He hasn't succeeded in repealing information theory. And we'll soon have low-power radios the size of salt grains, just by evolving existing technology.

    I'm sure the Livermore labs didn't steal this guy's ideas in the sense of reading and copying his work. It naturally follows as a special case of spread spectrum, which the military labs have been pushing for twenty years or more (let the bandwidth go to infinity, so you can send extremely narrow pulses).

  • Why would a physician know the difference?

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • by chaotic ( 8538 )
    Fullerton's claim is for the notion of using extremely short pulses. You can certainly use the scheme for CDMA, but it's much more fundamental, as anyone who has designed communications systems can tell you. The impediment is that because the pulse is short, you need a very high peak power to get any kind of effective radiated power (ERP). Then, you have to stuff it through an antenna. That is the basis of his patent -- how you do that.
  • by chaotic ( 8538 )
    Radio waves propagate through concrete very nicely. The short pulse then gives you the resolution you need to see objects, fuzzily, of course. But, the system works as billed.
  • The problem is that the short pulse needs a large amount of power (peak power) to radiate. It's a problem for the antenna, which can only absorb so much power before it fries. The TDSI system is, however, practical for short-range, tactical communications. And, because of filter response in existing receivers, the TDSI signal does appear as a small rise in the noise floor -- not enough to detect.
  • Marconi's first transmitters made a pulse of RF energy by firing a spark across an air gap. The radio waves were not tuned to any one frequency, and they made short pulses of energy, hence they were broadband pulse devices. Welcome to the looks a lot like the past.
  • Everyone posting here should realize that if they talk about frequencies with regard to this broadcast technique, they are probably wrong.

    The signal has *no* frequency. It's just a pulsed radio wave, and will interfere with any other radio signal.

    The reason why this is so cool is because it is easier to understand. The closest analogy is Morse code. If you have an incredibly noisy channel that has so much static where you could never understand a voice, you might still be able to understand Morse code because it takes much more interference to obliterate that signal.

    The major benefit of using this technique is that everyone will be able to broadcast on whatever frequency they choose. Currently, devices like cordless phones need to run at 27 MHz or 900 MHz. Broadcasting at any other frequency at any other power would interfere with radio, and is illegal. That's because your cordless phone transmits at a relatively high power itself.

    Make the signal a pulsed signal, and instead of 100 milliwats of power, you only need maybe 1 milliwatt of power (just speculating). That power level will never interfere with a conventional radio signal, so you can just broadcast without worry. Everyone can run a home network, and it's secure, fast, and reliable.

    A MAJOR benefit of this technology is the low power levels. Charge your cell phone, and don't worry about charging it again for the next 6 months. And that's with 8 hours usage a day. Just like frickin' LCD watches and calculators.
  • I almost forgot to add that it would really suck if somebody just build one really huge radio tower for the entire planet and made a giant single segment Ethernet.
  • I saw a presentation by a company called AetherWire, who were making localizers using this technology. I've only seen localizers described in Vinge's 'A Deepness in the Sky'...which is a definitely worth reading anyway.

    The devices that this company was trying to build were the size of a quarter, would run for a year on a battery, and would use time-of-flight to determine their position of a network of localizers. Apparently they would work through conductors like metal refrigerator doors. The rationale was that Faraday cages work because the EM wave induces current in the cage metal, which cancels the wave -- but that this only happens with periodic waves -- not pulses.

    Aviation Week carries an article about this technology every couple of years. One of the many conspiracy theories is that UWB radars would detect stealth airplanes easily, so all research in UWB is suppressed.

    On the other hand, Aviation Week did carry the results of a bake-off between several pulse-radio handheld radios; and Time Domain's was the only one that worked. It could transmit 100 miles on only a few milliwatts of power. Like spread spectrum, not only is this kind of radio very difficult to jam, it's difficult to tell that it's operating at all -- unless you know the pseudorandom sequence. The big problem that the various radio companies had was synching the radios; especially if they were far apart or moving quickly.

    If you do the math, though, you'll see that the data rate would have to be pretty low, especially if there are a number of pulse radio transmitters operating in the same space. This technology won't give us infinte channels for cellular phones (or cellular internet) unfortunately.

    I'm a big fan of this technology. Fortunately, patents don't last forever, and these should be running out before too long.
  • I got some mail from Aetherwire pointing to various web addresses for information on their localizers; which use the same UWB technology.

    The 1995 DARPA report, posted at ml

    or f

    goes into a great deal of detail about our
    technique for generating carrier-free RF communication and ranging. They also link to a disk image of the Ultra-Wideband CDROM they made for a conference last May which goes into the >30-year history of UWB 1/WELCOME.PDF

    Check them out if you are interested in the technology, with a minimum of marketing bullshit. These people are the real thing.
  • I'd say that the company also has personnel problems, since I heard one of their employees shooting his mouth off about their plans on a flight from Dallas to Orlando yesterday.

    There were a lot of IT people on that flight, from a lot of different companies in various aspects of the field.
  • Uh... There is no DARK side of the moon. Or at least no side that's _permanently_ dark. Since the moon rotates relative to the sun, all of it gets some light.

    Perhaps you mean _far_ side.

    (Sorry, but it's one of my biggest pet peeves.)

    As for putting ALL of our radio science there... how silly and expensive (not to mention far off -- try convincing Congress to spend 100s of billions of dollars).

    Plus, it's only a stopgap measure. If this kind of ultra-wide spread spectrum transmission is widely adopted, what are the construction and maintenance crews for the facility going to use? And what happens when we (heaven forbid) start advancing outside of the Earth-Moon system.
  • Hmm, spreading across a large range of frequencies... Do it far enough and you ruin the few radio holes left for radio astronomy.

    Doupleplus ungood.
  • Just make a faraday cage out of your walls. EM can't penetrate metal.
  • This is just what I want! Would be perfect for a highly uncentralized highspeed wireless network. Instead of IP addresses you could address them by machine id (an encrypted key) and the approximate physical location. By using a sort of binary search you could find the machine quickly anywhere in the world just by it's key. No risk of someone higher up your chain cutting you off the net, no gov't or big business control. Total Net. :)
  • Currently, SETI looks for modulated carrier signals. But that seems like pretty outdated technology.

    Accidental radio emissions from earth (and any other civilization using spread spectrum technology) are going to look increasingly like noise.

    Even deliberate attempts at contact might use some kind of spread spectrum technology, possibly even without a carrier.

    What would obvious sequences be for anybody trying to establish contact? Pi in binary? What would they be synchronized to? Does spread spectrum have an advantage over modulated signals for interstellar communications?

  • The idea itself isn't new, and similar techniques are already used with some cellular phone systems.

    But their particular version, sending lots of bursts of digital data without a carrier, is not very nice: it fills a broad band of radio spectrum with noise.

    If this became a widely used way of communicating through radio, it would interfere with conventional radio broadcasts, amateur radio, and other uses of the radio spectrum.

  • It looks like they are bandpass filtering the output. If you notice the demonstrations were in the 100's of Mhz into the low GHz range. It also means that what they are transmitting isn't truly a pulse.

    I find the technique a bit distressing: More data bandwidth by consumeing more RF bandwidth including bands that are reserved or already in use. I hope they can control the output enough that Radio Astronomy isn't screwed up.

    I also find it amusing that there seems to be inconsistancy about how difficult the technique is to use. On one hand they say it is real simple and will be very cheap. On the other hand, they say SiGe is what makes it practical. It's so easy we have to use a bleading edge process to make it work. Er, yeah.
  • Chances are, they already do. Along with the CIA. Without getting too out of possibility, speculate for a moment. The FCC is being overly paranoid. Anyone who even wants to test it has to get express permission from them. So far, they have granted nobody permission. Could it be because it's one giant huge coverup? Maybe the FCC is afraid the the invention will have the capability to detect the CIA and NSA signals which are watching over us every second... maybe there's a camera hidden in the monitor watching you read this right now.. maybe none of this is really true and I'm just pulling ideas out of my arse. You decide.

    Warning: Contents under pressure. Open with end pointing away from people. May injure small children and pets. Can be fatal.

  • Transmitting w/o waves means transmitting on all frequencies at once. This is a square wave, but when they say "not a wave" they mean *not a sine wave*. To understand a little better how this works, take a sine wave and add the sine wave of its first harmonic to it. then add the sine wave of the second harmonic to those two. Keep doing this and you start to notice your waveform getting squarer and squarer. Do it infinitely and your waveform becomes perfectly square.
  • Well, this isn't groundbreaking in any sense.. There's been spread spectrum for several years. Besides, you won't be able to press more information through; if you use a great bandwidth, say 100 MHz, yes, you'll be able to push around 50 Mbit/s through - at most - but only if it's continuous. If you reduce it to a pulse of, say, 1 nanosecond (10^-9), you'll get a staggering single bit per 20 seconds on average. Someone please show me the bandwidth advantage?
    In addition, what's that rubbish of making the electronics far smaller? You'll still have to be able to push a certain amount of energy into the air, and that doesn't change the properties of the components much. True, you won't need as much cooling, but certain physics still apply.
    Yes, you can encrypt the information far better because you never know when the next burst will come and on which frequency, but that's about the only advantage.
    But all in all, please forgive my skepticism, but I'll believe the major breakthrough when I see it.
  • You don't listen to "spectrum". Give up on the spectrum concept! You're listening in the time domain for a specific time-domain waveform.

    Yeah it probably takes a while to lock on. At first you don't know when to expect a pulse, so any pulse you receive you guess is the first in the pseudo-random sequence. The you listen for the second pulse in the sequence. Of course you could have received a pulse from another of the 1000 users or one of the 255 other steps in the sequence. But since there's a million pulses a second per channel, even if it takes a few thousand pulses to latch onto the right channel at the right time, that's less than a second to sync up.

    And don't misunderstand the channel capacity equation. Capacity is proportional to bandwidth and proportional to the log of (1+S/N). So as BW goes up, C goes up, and as S/N goes up, C also goes up. So if you have 1GHz of BW instead of a more typical 1MHz, you can get away with a much smaller S/N. For larger BW and the same capacity, S/N can be smaller - not a degradation but an improvement!

  • Actually that is the stndard warning you will see in virtually every annual report from every company traded on every exchange. It is to prevent you from getting sued when your earnings don't meet estimates. Everybody does it!
  • I think the technology differs from radio...

    Radio depends on carrier frequencies (e.g. 105.5 Mhz FM) to modulate data onto... From what I read from the article, this technology is a simple synchronus serial bus that uses electromagnetic pulses (square waves) rather than carriers (sinusoids). Data could be both amplitude and psuedo-frequency modulated using this scheme, all without interfering with current communications standards and would be highly immune to noise. {unlike slashdot (-: }

  • Yeah, I hear they just settled on a name for this new technology. Its called RADIO.

    I hear that Mead Corp has just come out with a combination storage device/display that boasts infinite resolution, portability, and allows for an infinite number of colors to be displayed.

    Theyre calling it PAPER. Wow, the world sure is changing.. Heh
  • Anyone else distrubed by the thought of "hand-held radar that police can use to see inside a room before bursting in"?

    Well, nevermind that. I'll have to get a whole new radar detector to avoid getting speeding tickets. Shit! It will be interesting to see how feasable it would be to interfere/block the transmissions even if they can't easily be listened to.
  • Maybe startup company. This sounds awesome, 10 to 40 Mb/s wireless. This will be great for wearable and portable devices, cars, etc.... The IBM guy says ``if they can'' pull it off. If they can't, someone else will license the technology from them and do it themselves.

    The other aspects, such as position finding and radar-like mapping will bring us closer and closer to extremely small, hi-tech, borg-like devices and capabilites. I can't wait.

  • personally i don't need to block it or anything, i just need to be able to see it quickly enough to slam on the brakes, or to have it not go off for the milisecond i am in front of the cop so he either gets no reading from me or doesn't even bother to look up from his donut. :)
  • by landtuna ( 18187 )
    You can't limit the frequencies much, since then the time required for each pulse increases. To know that a frequency tone is pure (a spectrum of only one frequency), you'd have to look at it for an infinitely long time. Similarly, to have an infinitely short pulse, you'd need every possible frequency to represent it. Everything else lies somewhere in between, so if you limit the frequencies that these pulses are transmitted over, the pulses have to grow in time.
  • Same here. Also, have you noticed that some AC keeps posting this "looks cool...check out http://".

    Sounds like someone is ready to IPO and wants to drive up the share price.


  • "Content provided in this web site contains internally prepared forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ significantly. Information presented in this web site should not be considered an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities from Time Domain Corporation."

    You said this is a `don't-sue-us-this-is-Sci-Fi' statement. It's actually a fairly standard disclaimer attached to press releases that may affect share prices. However, I am still of the belief that this story is a scam of the "buy this share when it goes public" variety.


  • can anyone explain to me how radio energy is transmitted without radio waves, as the article claims?

    the reporter must have taken the sound of explosions (propagating in vacuum) in Star Wars too seriously.

    i think the notion of a radio carrier wave is what went over the reporter's head
  • Probably for a while. Since the primary reason to go public is to raise capital, and as the article says, they have already pulled in 20 million. Not a huge amount, but a lot more than most privately held companies.
  • That's not completely true. The goverment can tap into your calls at a higher level. They don't need to detect the signals coming straight out of your phone.
  • Here is some links:
    Time domain is at
    take a look at Inficom also,
    they have made a ultra sensitive receiver.
  • It's pretty awesome, goes into some more detail, and has some graphs/pix illustrating the differences in the technologies. Makes it a little easier to understand. USA Today kind of boiled it down as much as they could.
  • Unless they outlaw anal sex, I won't be doing anything illegal in my house so I'm not worried.

    When they took the second ammendemnt, I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.
    When they took the fourth ammendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
    When they took the fifth ammendment, I was quiet because I was innocent.
    Now they've taken the 1st ammendment, and I can't say anything at all.

    /* Apologies if I've confused any part of the quote, I don't have a copy handy */

  • What the hell is the difference between a radio energy pulse and an ordinary radio wave???

    It must use the same physics, right?

    To me this sounds like just a new modulation or something.

    I'm not a physician (yet). But I don't see the diffirence.

    - Johan Levin
  • Synchronisation can be achieved by self-clocking codes, of course, rather than relying on a separate clock channel. This can be made error-resistant in various ways; a good example is Mark Titchener's T-codes [].
  • I did not say at any stage that they were tapping into the signals from the phone itself, merely the system in general. Fact is, I don't know for sure at what level they do it and don't claim to know.

    All I do know is that the inauguration of the digital cellular system *was* delayed worldwide until the collective "secret" service (a joke in itself!) organisations could find a way to hack the system - this is an acknowledged, and sad, fact.

    I would also wager that this will happen again and again, until personal privacy takes precedence over government prying! If they expect us to be forthcoming with them, why aren't they more honest with us?
  • Just like digital cellular phones (which we should have had 3 years before we did!) we won't see this tech until the world wide thought police - insert you local federal government's organisation of choice here - are issued (most likely by the manufacturers, as they usually don't have the hacking skills) with a means to invade our collective privacy in yet another way.
  • I just kept thinking Tricorder as I read
    the article.
  • This is nothing new! It sounds exactly like the technology that NASA used to send back live TV from the Moon. Only back then the name was DSSS. As a reader of NASA Tech Briefs, I know that NASA has made this technology freely available to whoever wants to develop it.

    I don't see this upstart company having any advantage over other companies that are using DSSS in consumer applications. I've compared CDMA to TDMA phones in the same markets, and my conclusion is that Qualcomm's version of CDMA just isn't the best choice for voice telephony. It might not be the spread-spectrum technology that's the problem, probably the error corection routines and the codec. Still, there's a long distance (in any domain) between what's proving practical right now and the pie-in-the-sky predictions of this article. The engineering trades aren't nearly as awestruck as USAToday is!
  • What I'd like to know is what side effects this would have... given all the hubbub about cellular phones frying the brain. If it can go through walls, what else can it go through?
  • by Seraphii ( 34539 )
    I perhaps have missed the point here, the information available isn't exactly the clearest in the world though, so, would anyone please be able to enlighten me as to why this technique could not be used tuned to individual frequencies instead of pulsed through the entire radio frequency spectrum? as was mentioned in a few of the earlier comments, at the moment it seems as if this is only being carried to the bounds of the most basic radio-based devices (in reference to whomsoever it was who mentioned that the first marconi morse code devices sent an EM pulse over the radio waves to no specific frequency so that an untuned reciever would pick it up)

    Or is the pulse technology not on every frequency simultaneously, merely spreading all the individual pulses amongst all of the frequencies at extremely close intervals, thus making it practically the same, anyhow?

    I would appreciate any information or clarification anyone could provide on this.

  • Lots of folks on this thread are missing the most general concept of this technology.
    I'll esplain it to you Lucy!
    One emits a single cycle, just one, thats a monocycle, aimed at 2ghz (for instance) but not terribly tightly controlled so it bleeds over a very wide "band" with the highest power pretty well centered around 2 ghz. The monocycle (pulse) lasts one half of a billionth of a second.Then nothing at all, no carrier no nuthin for about 900 billionths of a second or 1000 billionths of a second then another monocycle is sent. If the space is 900 pico seconds then its a 1, if its a 1000 picoseconds its a 0. (or some similar timing)The wide band width only encodes 1 bit per pusle even though it covers the huge width (500 mghz to 5 ghz for instance)The wide bandwith makes the radio cheap to build and easier to detect the very weak (250 microwatts) and very short pulse. The encoding is done by timing the spaces between pulses. Since we are talking billions of potential pulses per second, there is substantial room for different timing sequences so that many devices can occupy the same band at the same time. It's the timing in the billionths of seconds and the ability to detect the signal at all that are the technological breakthroughs. A very significant factor is the very low power achieved by not maintaining a carrier wave. It makes a solar powered cell phone a real possibility.
  • light photons, if you think of how light is structured according to quantum mechanics from what I've read so far. Kind of neat when you think about it. Free air pulse packets without the need for a carrier like like.
  • Anyone else distrubed by the thought of "hand-held radar that police can use to see inside a room before bursting in"?

    Here in New York City we'd be happy to have something that would ensure that the police can see a person clearly outside of a building prior to pumping them full of bullets.

    Outside that bit of current events, I imagine that something like hurricane fonts will happen - things that people can use to generate interference. At least I hope such things are common. After all, there are so many things that interfere with my AM reception here at home - from the microwave to my monitor - that I expect that future technologies will evolve associated technologies that provide static as a side-effect.

    It just may take some time.

  • Er, that was the meaning of my smiley immediately after Walsh Function ... "no, it's not pizza, it's tomato and cheese on a flour and water base." In other words, maybe the "new invention" is one of the types of SS the world has known for many years but described in a way that makes it sound different.

    I'll be most interested to see whether this thing makes it to market. We shouldn't prejudge it on the basis of just an article or two: really new inventions are rare, but they *do* appear occasionally.
  • It's different. SS/CDMA encodes information in the phase of fixed-rate transitions of a fixed-frequency phase-locked carrier. As far as I can make out, the article is describing a type of Time Hopping SS in which information-coded pseudo noise modulates the time-domain position of a pulse, so none of the RF bits of SS/CDMA are present at all.
  • Forget the USA Today article; the author is clueless. The technology on the other hand sounds very much for real.

    The fourier transform and the concept of "spectrum" is so deeply ingrained in so many engineers that they have lost touch with the time domain, essentially the "real world". Many things are a lot simpler in the frequency domain, like AM and FM. But for many probelms the frequency spectrum is the wrong tool. I see so many people who don't understand even simple transistor circuits because they try to think in the frequency domain.

    So stop talking about spectrum - it is the wrong tool for understanding this technology. Maybe the power spectral density is useful to figure out if you're polluting radio or TV signals, but that's it.

    And don't talk about bit synch either. While that's important in conventional communication systems, it isn't here. With a correlation detector, you just sit waiting around until the output of your correlator jumps up - that's the detection of the pulse - then you read your picosecond stopwatch. No need to expect the signal, just detect it. So simple!

    If you're unfamiliar with correlation, and want to hear some math, here goes. The correlation of two functions (say f(t) and g(t)) is the integral S(f(t)*g(t))dt. Essentially multiuply the two signals together and then integrate. For two signals that don't look at all alike, the correlation is small. But when the two signals are very close, the integral is much much larger.

    So imagine that you want to detect a pulse with very high resolution. At every instant in time you use a little integrator in some electronics to integrate your incoming signal with the expected signal (whatever shape the pulse has). When there's no pulse, the output of your correlator is very small. When the pulse comes along and lines up with the pulse in your integrator, your correlation gets really big relly fast and then small again as the pulse passes.

    Try the math yourself: do the integral S(f(t)*f(t-d))dt where f(t) is the e^-3x pulse and notice that there is a huge peak at d=0.

    Since the autocorrelation of that pulse (the pseudo gaussian e^-3x) they are using is very very high, you can detect this pulse with very high precision using correlation techniques. Sub wavelength resolution even.

    (For all you communications engineers out there, this is the legendary matched filter technique. Except the typical use of the matched filter samples its output at the middle of the bit interval, when its output is supposed to be biggest(for a one) or smallest (for a zero). Here you do the opposite: when the matched filter output is maximum, that's the middle of the bit!)

    So all you need is a correlation detector, a really accurate timer, and a pseudorandom noise generator to whiten up your spectrum and allow multiple channels. And if you do some dsp, your timer allows you to turn reflections off of objects into a pretty good radar image. (Except it's more like typical sonar sounding than typical radar).

    If Fullerton's correlator is as good as he says, this stuff is very much for real. Believe it!

  • The Companies web site can be found at []
    Privately held.... for how long?
  • It's not that this tech doesn't use radio waves, it just doesn't rely on the radio waves themselves as data.

    Confusing statement, I guess.
    Anyhow, as an example, digital cell phones pollute the radio spectrum, because (quote your favorite signal analysis source, since I'm not an expert) sending a fast sharp clear pulse (dirac deltas!) can be described as an infinite series of signals in differing frequencies (Fourier series, each term describing a different radio frequency)

    Did I get that description right?
    Anyway, this pulse technique, rather than using frequency hopping to distribute data across many different frequencies and allowing multiple devices to coexist at once, uses many frequencies at once, relying on a time domain discriminator to differentiate multiple devices. I think. I am unsure how they can do this, and perhaps someone else can supplement my data, spotty as it is.

    The very use of many frequencies is necessary for ultrafast digital communication, or inversely, the decision to use digital communication forces the use of entire swathes of radio frequencies. Both are the same statement, I think.

    It may not interfere with traditional radio frequency devices, but I think they would appear as noise and such to today's digital wireless devices, such as cell phones.

    I also imagine this tech doesn't work very well across large distances, say a state or country without conversion to an alternative communications method, though within a city, what with its extremely dense packing of people and devices, it may be perfectly useable and possible. I say it may not work across long distances because each frequency would be attenuated differently by the atmosphere, would reflect differently on the layers of the atmosphere, and may be detected at different times as the originally sharp pulse gets smeared into a fuzzier packet of data.

    Still, should make wireless lans a distinctly enticing possibility
  • I'm not sure if it can be detected...
    IE, it isn't a directed pulse as seen in a radar gun, so if you don't know the signal coding, I don't see how you can detect it.

    Likewise to interfere with it.

    If you wanted to just overwhelm them with static, you'd also probably interfere with other legitimate devices, such as your own cell phone, or the cell phone in the car next to you.

    Heck, it would also mean that the police could tell how fast you were going if they knew your cellphone coding, without necessarily being able to decode and listen in on your conversation!

    I'm pretty sure you can't block a radar gun functioning on this principle except to absorb all the radar with a stealth coating.

  • Hey! Weren't those telegraphs you're speaking of, that used pulses to send signals, spark gap arc telegraphs? They were incredibly dangerous, incredibly power hungry, incredibly spectrum polluting, and didn't transmit using antennas at all, if I recall correctly....

    Cool. I think =)

  • Here are couple of related patent numbers I found, doing a quick search at IBM's Patent site []; search for "Time Domain" and "Fullerton; Larry W." as the Inventors & Companies, look at referenced patents:

    • US5687169 []: Full duplex ultrawide-band communication system and method - Earliest "Time Domain" result
    • US4641317 []: Spread spectrum radio transmission system - Earliest "Fullerton; Larry W." result.

    There are a good 40 patents referencing [] the older, USP4641317, originally filed on Dec 3, 1984.

    ...I wonder what a prior art search would turn up.?. As the saying goes, a rose by any other name, is still a rose.

    Anyhow, just a little FYI. Enjoy!

  • According to another article [] about Time Domain in Upside:

    Upside Today: Was Fullerton ever at Lawrence Livermore, or did they just develop it independently?

    Petroff: He made a presentation to an audience that included almost a dozen Livermore people. Within several days they started working on a similar kind of thing, trying to come up with this technology. Livermore's credibility has been tremendously undermined [because of this] and it is becoming less of an issue. But for a long time, there were many people who knew about the Fullerton technology, but they were concerned about investing because Livermore might come in and sue them.

  • Interview with the CEO [] of Time Domain from Upside.
  • Anyone else distrubed by the thought of "hand-held radar that police can use to see inside a room before bursting in"?
  • Another way of looking at this is the following:

    The signal emitted from antenna depends on the derivative (speed of change) of the signal that you drive the antenna with. The usual sine wave has about the smallest derivative - and thus minimum possible effectiveness at dissipating radio waves.

    A pulse wave - which has near vertical slopes is _much_ more effective. (example - a toy car with a dc motor using brushes makes enough noise to interruptions when you watch tv. it doesn't use that much power)

    A drawback to this is that only sine waves allow you to control which part of the spectrum your transmission controls. Incidentally the first "wireless telegraph" also used pulses - and thus in a given area you could only have one wireless telegraph working at a given time.

    So how can one get around this limitation ? One way is to transmit two singals, not one. Imagine that both you and you partner have sources that produce identical noise. Since noise also has big slopes it's transmission is very efficient. You transmit your signal as pulses of that noise. Your partner receives all radio he/she can handle and correlates the result with the noise source he/she has. The output signal should be your pulses. And as pointed out above you don't really need to have real noise - even pseudo-random pulses will suffice.

    However, whatever method you choose there is a question of how finely you can tune the receiver. In the case of correlation you won't be able to filter out all stray signals.

    Thus I think the bulk of the patents aren't on the method of transmission. Rather, they should be on how tune more finely to the selected bandspace.

  • by XNormal ( 8617 ) on Saturday April 10, 1999 @03:09PM (#1940156) Homepage
    Ultrawideband is a form of spread spectrum. The major difference between it and traditional forms of spread spectrum is that it is spread over a band which is wide relative to the center frequency (>25% of center frequency)

    For example, Qualcomm's CDMA is spread over 1.25MHz around a center frequency in the 800MHz band while a typical UWB system covers over 1GHz starting at around 500MHz.

    Conventional spread spectrum systems use frequency hopping or direct sequence to spread the signal. UWB uses a simple and often forgotten form of spread spectrum called time hopping where short pulses are transmitted at pseudo-random intervals. The reason this modulation is used is simply because FH and DS cannot be practically implemented over such a wide bandwidth.

    It's not new. It has been used in jamming resistant radars for at least two decades. What's new is an implementation on a single chip which is potentially cheaper than even conventional carrier-based RF technology at large quantities.

    The primary advantage of ultrawideband is its insensitivity to fading. Narrowband transmissions can experience significant attenuation of the signal due to signals travelling through different reflection paths canceling out each other. A wideband signal is virtually immune to this and therefore requires about 20db less power usually taken as a safety margin against fading.

    Ultrawideband systems can communicate over significant distances using a lower power spectral density than the electromagnetic noise generated by a typical computer.

    The primary limitation to using ultrawideband systems is the wording of part 15 of FCC rules - apparently while your computer is allowed to pollute the spectrum for no good reason it is not allowed to transmit the same power INTENTIONALLY.

    The FCC has issued a NOI (Notice Of Inquiry) seeking comments on possible change to these rules. Opposing comments come from the usual suspects: mostly users of the restricted bands such as government agencies.


    Ultrawideband working group []
    Aetherwire [] - makers of an ultrawideband gizmo called the locator which is both exciting and very frightening.

  • by Anonymous Shepherd ( 17338 ) on Saturday April 10, 1999 @01:41PM (#1940157) Homepage
    I don't see how this technology allows for half of the speculation described in the article.

    How can the same tech that allows directional distance pinpointing of a handheld cellular watch also be undetectable and untraceable in a marine communications device?

    I would imagine the directionality and distance is a direct product of data smearing, that differnt frequencies and such of the same data pulse would travel at different velocities, so a single pulse train, under observation, can be analyzed to figure out how far it traveled, and the relative direction if an array of 3 receivers were used to determine which gets distorted most and least to triangulate a direction

  • by parallax ( 8950 ) on Saturday April 10, 1999 @03:50PM (#1940158) Homepage
    A lot of the claims made in the article are misleading or overblown. The idea of using very short pulses for data transmission is not new, and as someone has already pointed out this is merely a special case of spread spectrum encoding.

    First: An extremely short pulse approximates a delta function, which has infinite frequency content; "DC to daylight." This is still a form of RF transmission, it just happens that you are dumping energy into a very wide range of frequencies.

    Second: Transmissions using this technique _do_ interfere with other RF transmissions. In fact, they interfere with _all_ other transmissions, but that interference is spread over the entire spectrum so it does not interfere with any one frequency very strongly (this raises FCC regulatory questions). In addition, a time-domain spread spectrum encoding makes the likelihood of interfering with another pulsed time-domain spread-spectrum transmission very small, if a good spreading algorithm is chosen.

    Third: This is not a new idea (we were looking at this a few months ago for a data transmission application) and there is a reason why this hasn't been widely implemented: timing. In order to receive a pulsed time-domain spread-spectrum signal, you must synchronize your receiver's spread-spectrum decoder to the transmitter's encoder. The shorter the pulses, the more exact the timing and the more difficult this synchronization becomes.

    Here is an analogy:

    Imagine transmitting a signal by encoding it as a time-varying sequence of baseballs being fed to a pitching machine. The receiver catches the balls, decodes the sequence and reconstructs the signal.
    If the transmitter is the only one pitching, the task of decoding is easy.

    The problem is, the transmitter is not the only one feeding the pitching machine -- the noise in the environment is also feeding balls in. The best way to encode the signal to avoid any particular noise source (and to avoid interfering with anyone else) is to make the encoding look as random as possible, which is what spread-spectrum encoding is all about.

    The resulting stream of baseballs looks random, since it is a combination of a spread-spectrum signal and random interference. In order to decode the signal, you want to catch only the balls that represent the signal.

    In order to do this, you install a shutter in front of the receiver -- the spread spectrum decoder -- which will only let the "signal" balls through. This requires the decoder driving the shutter to be exactly synchronized with the encoder.

    As the pulses become narrower, the "balls" are coming faster and timing the shutter must become more exact to exclude non-signal balls. If a non-signal ball passes through the shutter (or a signal ball is missed), the error will break the syncronization between the tranmitter and receiver. Narrow pulses also make it more difficult to lock the receiver's decoder to the transmitter's encoder in the first place. Once the pulses become short enough, maintinaing synchronization becomes almost impossible without an additional, non-spread communication channel. If an additional, non-spread chanel is used, then you are back to the problems of ordinary RF transmission.

    There is great potential in this technology, but the technical chalenges (and regulatory hurdles) are large.


"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
