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Interview with Alfredo Kojima at Linux Brazil 20

Crash writes "There is a very nice and personal interview with Alfredo Kojima, the creator of Window Maker, over at Linux Brazil which now has been translated to English. Thanks to LWN. "
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Interview with Alfredo Kojima at Linux Brazil

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  • You know, I had been meaning to send Alfredo a CD for some time. (I'm thinking he could use something good and Texan, like Stevie Ray Vaughn) But after reading about his P100/16 MB development machine, I am thinking about taking up a collection to buy the boy a new computer!

    These days you can grab a K6-2/400 and 64 MB of the good stuff on a decent motherboard for around $200 online. I'm seriously thinking about passing the hat at the next LUG meeting. Its certainly a good cause ... EVERYONE loves Window Maker.

    I fully believe that Window Maker is the best window manager ever written, and I feel a great debt to Alfredo for this solid and well-designed piece of code. I'm forever spoiled for other window managers.

    I'm just curious about the shipping to Brazil,
  • yes, a windowmaker addict.

    I really agree, this is the best, most complete wm out there for linux. I try other stuff, bu I always come back.

  • Windowmaker has a fast, usable, and _consistant_ interface. Which is more than I can say for some of the more recently developed window managers.
  • well, I think he said that as an explanation to the fact that probably windowmaker won't get things like transparent menus. WindowMaker can look real pretty, as we know.

    BTW I'm the guy who interviewed Kojima and later translated the text to English (with a lot of help from Joachin Nilsson and Kerry Kox). Glad to know you liked it!

  • I think that Alfredo needs a new box too, and it would be very nice indeed if you really could make it happen. But aside from the shipping & handling costs, Brazilian customs are VERY expensive - when I buy foreign software, I pay 60% of importing taxes.

  • Are you trying to say that you want to go to brazil first?
  • I think this may have to do with the mind set of people who tend to use WindowMaker (this is true for me, and I suspect I am not alone in this). WMaker is a simple, slick, and fast interface. No extraneous googaws, bells, nor whistles. It's a good window manager that does what it needs to do to be useful and effective, it's very configurable (and configuration is a damn sight easier than with E). People who want this kind of interface are less likely to want all the googeegawgaws of a desktop suite. I used KDE for a while, but found the windowmanager was a big sluggish. I tried running WMaker as the window manager inside KDE, but it didn't work very well. So I adjusted the WMaker startup scripts to launch just the KDE file manager in the background (I found I didn't need the panel, esp. since it didn't work with WindowMaker). After a while, I realized that I never really used the KDE file manager, so I turned that off. So now I'm back to where I started (sort of) with window managers from when I started with Linux. I just have a much cooler looking color scheme, and lots of hotkeys mapped to the windows key (xkeycaps is fun). The only part of KDE I still use is the application menu tree (I have use a perl script that converts it on the fly into WMaker menu format) and a couple of the applications.

    The bottom line is that the type of person who is attracted to WindowMaker's advantages doesn't need the extra overhead of a full desktop suite.
  • Bzzz... wrong. I've used Gnome with WindowMaker since well before Gnome 1.0, and all it takes is a quick unbinding of a desktop mouse button so gmc's desktop menus work. Notice that that is a change to WindowMaker's configuration, not gnome's!

  • Just a little rectification: Gnome don't have any official wm, they want to be wm agnostic (you can love it or hate it this is not the point here).

    You probably think that enlightenment is Gnome default wm because Redhat use enlightenment with Gnome and enlightenment was (is?) the most Gnome complient wm but this is a decision from Redhat and not from the Gnome team. this may even cahnge now that Rastermann left Redhat.
  • I was really surprised to read that he doesn't make "prettiness" a priority. There are tons of themes out there that make wmaker look beautiful. And with wmakerconf [], they are mind-numbingly easy to install. Always pleasant to get a "wow" from a windows-using friend upon seeing my (not even all that fancy!) desktop.


  • Just wondering...anyone know why the development of GNUStep hasn't been as fast as GNOME or KDE? I would have thought there would have been more developement considering the number of /.ers who use WindowMaker (remeber that poll from a few months ago?).
  • Nothing terribly revealing in that, but adds to the whole idea of "personalities" though.

    I was interested by the final comment about a P100/16mb - My friend recently installed Gnome on a P133/32mb and it was pretty damn sluggish (although it did have a reasonably old gfx card) -AK states earlier that his intention isn't too make WM look "pretty" - just functional and easy to use. Nice to see that traditional values and sensible sys requirements still hold true...


    * Paul Madley ...Student, Artist, Techie - Geek *

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
