
Mistral Releases Codestral, Its First Generative AI Model For Code (techcrunch.com) 25

Mistral, the French AI startup backed by Microsoft and valued at $6 billion, has released its first generative AI model for coding, dubbed Codestral. From a report: Codestral, like other code-generating models, is designed to help developers write and interact with code. It was trained on over 80 programming languages, including Python, Java, C++ and JavaScript, explains Mistral in a blog post. Codestral can complete coding functions, write tests and "fill in" partial code, as well as answer questions about a codebase in English. Mistral describes the model as "open," but that's up for debate. The startup's license prohibits the use of Codestral and its outputs for any commercial activities. There's a carve-out for "development," but even that has caveats: the license goes on to explicitly ban "any internal usage by employees in the context of the company's business activities." The reason could be that Codestral was trained partly on copyrighted content. Codestral might not be worth the trouble, in any case. At 22 billion parameters, the model requires a beefy PC in order to run.

Mojo, Bend, and the Rise of AI-First Programming Languages (venturebeat.com) 26

"While general-purpose languages like Python, C++, and Java remain popular in AI development," writes VentureBeat, "the resurgence of AI-first languages signifies a recognition that AI's unique demands require specialized languages tailored to the domain's specific needs... designed from the ground up to address the specific needs of AI development." Bend, created by Higher Order Company, aims to provide a flexible and intuitive programming model for AI, with features like automatic differentiation and seamless integration with popular AI frameworks. Mojo, developed by Modular AI, focuses on high performance, scalability, and ease of use for building and deploying AI applications. Swift for TensorFlow, an extension of the Swift programming language, combines the high-level syntax and ease of use of Swift with the power of TensorFlow's machine learning capabilities...

At the heart of Mojo's design is its focus on seamless integration with AI hardware, such as GPUs running CUDA and other accelerators. Mojo enables developers to harness the full potential of specialized AI hardware without getting bogged down in low-level details. One of Mojo's key advantages is its interoperability with the existing Python ecosystem. Unlike languages like Rust, Zig or Nim, which can have steep learning curves, Mojo allows developers to write code that seamlessly integrates with Python libraries and frameworks. Developers can continue to use their favorite Python tools and packages while benefiting from Mojo's performance enhancements... It supports static typing, which can help catch errors early in development and enable more efficient compilation... Mojo also incorporates an ownership system and borrow checker similar to Rust, ensuring memory safety and preventing common programming errors. Additionally, Mojo offers memory management with pointers, giving developers fine-grained control over memory allocation and deallocation...

Mojo is conceptually lower-level than some other emerging AI languages like Bend, which compiles modern high-level language features to native multithreading on Apple Silicon or NVIDIA GPUs. Mojo offers fine-grained control over parallelism, making it particularly well-suited for hand-coding modern neural network accelerations. By providing developers with direct control over the mapping of computations onto the hardware, Mojo enables the creation of highly optimized AI implementations.

According to Mojo's creator, Modular, the language has already garnered an impressive user base of over 175,000 developers and 50,000 organizations since it was made generally available last August. Despite its impressive performance and potential, Mojo's adoption might have stalled initially due to its proprietary status. However, Modular recently decided to open-source Mojo's core components under a customized version of the Apache 2 license. This move will likely accelerate Mojo's adoption and foster a more vibrant ecosystem of collaboration and innovation, similar to how open source has been a key factor in the success of languages like Python.

Developers can now explore Mojo's inner workings, contribute to its development, and learn from its implementation. This collaborative approach will likely lead to faster bug fixes, performance improvements and the addition of new features, ultimately making Mojo more versatile and powerful.

The article also notes other languages "trying to become the go-to choice for AI development" by providing high-performance execution on parallel hardware. Unlike low-level beasts like CUDA and Metal, Bend feels more like Python and Haskell, offering fast object allocations, higher-order functions with full closure support, unrestricted recursion and even continuations. It runs on massively parallel hardware like GPUs, delivering near-linear speedup based on core count with zero explicit parallel annotations — no thread spawning, no locks, mutexes or atomics. Powered by the HVM2 runtime, Bend exploits parallelism wherever it can, making it the Swiss Army knife for AI — a tool for every occasion...

The resurgence of AI-focused programming languages like Mojo, Bend, Swift for TensorFlow, JAX and others marks the beginning of a new era in AI development. As the demand for more efficient, expressive, and hardware-optimized tools grows, we expect to see a proliferation of languages and frameworks that cater specifically to the unique needs of AI. These languages will leverage modern programming paradigms, strong type systems, and deep integration with specialized hardware to enable developers to build more sophisticated AI applications with unprecedented performance. The rise of AI-focused languages will likely spur a new wave of innovation in the interplay between AI, language design and hardware development. As language designers work closely with AI researchers and hardware vendors to optimize performance and expressiveness, we will likely see the emergence of novel architectures and accelerators designed with these languages and AI workloads in mind. This close relationship between AI, language, and hardware will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence, enabling breakthroughs in fields like autonomous systems, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.

The future of AI development and computing itself are being reshaped by the languages and tools we create today.

In 2017 Modular AI's founder Chris Lattner (creator of the Swift and LLVM) answered questions from Slashdot readers.

FORTRAN and COBOL Re-enter TIOBE's Ranking of Programming Language Popularity (i-programmer.info) 93

"The TIOBE Index sets out to reflect the relative popularity of computer languages," writes i-Programmer, "so it comes as something of a surprise to see two languages dating from the 1950's in this month's Top 20. Having broken into the the Top 20 in April 2021 Fortran has continued to rise and has now risen to it's highest ever position at #10... The headline for this month's report by Paul Jansen on the TIOBE index is:

Fortran in the top 10, what is going on?

Jansen's explanation points to the fact that there are more than 1,000 hits on Amazon for "Fortran Programming" while languages such as Kotlin and Rust, barely hit 300 books for the same search query. He also explains that Fortran is still evolving with the new ISO Fortran 2023 definition published less than half a year ago....

The other legacy language that is on the rise in the TIOBE index is COBOL. We noticed it re-enter the Top 20 in January 2024 and, having dropped out in the interim, it is there again this month.

More details from TechRepublic: Along with Fortran holding on to its spot in the rankings, there were a few small changes in the top 10. Go gained 0.61 percentage points year over year, rising from tenth place in May 2023 to eighth this year. C++ rose slightly in popularity year over year, from fourth place to third, while Java (-3.53%) and Visual Basic (-1.8) fell.
Here's how TIOBE ranked the 10 most popular programming languages in May:
  1. Python
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Java
  5. C#
  6. JavaScript
  7. Visual Basic
  8. Go
  9. SQL
  10. Fortran

On the rival PYPL ranking of programming language popularity, Fortran does not appear anywhere in the top 29.

A note on its page explains that "Worldwide, Python is the most popular language, Rust grew the most in the last 5 years (2.1%) and Java lost the most (-4.0%)." Here's how it ranks the 10 most popular programming languages for May:

  1. Python (28.98% share)
  2. Java (15.97% share)
  3. JavaScript (8.79%)
  4. C# (6.78% share)
  5. R (4.76% share)
  6. PHP (4.55% share)
  7. TypeScript (3.03% share)
  8. Swift (2.76% share)
  9. Rust (2.6% share)


Google Lays Off Hundreds of 'Core' Employees, Moves Some Positions To India and Mexico (cnbc.com) 80

According to CNBC, Google is laying off at least 200 employees from its "Core" teams and moving some roles to India and Mexico. From the report: The Core unit is responsible for building the technical foundation behind the company's flagship products and for protecting users' online safety, according to Google's website. Core teams include key technical units from information technology, its Python developer team, technical infrastructure, security foundation, app platforms, core developers, and various engineering roles. At least 50 of the positions eliminated were in engineering at the company's offices in Sunnyvale, California, filings show. Many Core teams will hire corresponding roles in Mexico and India, according to internal documents viewed by CNBC.

Asim Husain, vice president of Google Developer Ecosystem, announced news of the layoffs to his team in an email last week. He also spoke at a town hall and told employees that this was the biggest planned reduction for his team this year, an internal document shows. "We intend to maintain our current global footprint while also expanding in high-growth global workforce locations so that we can operate closer to our partners and developer communities," Husain wrote in the email. [...] "Announcements of this sort may leave many of you feeling uncertain or frustrated," Husain wrote in the email to developers. He added that his message to developers is that the changes "are in service of our broader goals" as a company. The teams involved in the reorganization have been key to the company's developer tools, an area Google is streamlining as it incorporates more artificial intelligence into the products.


Google Lays Off Staff From Flutter, Dart and Python Teams (techcrunch.com) 28

Ahead of its annual I/O developer conference in May, Google has decided to lay off staff across key teams like Flutter, Dart, Python and others. "As we've said, we're responsibly investing in our company's biggest priorities and the significant opportunities ahead," said a Google spokesperson. "To best position us for these opportunities, throughout the second half of 2023 and into 2024, a number of our teams made changes to become more efficient and work better, remove layers, and align their resources to their biggest product priorities. Through this, we're simplifying our structures to give employees more opportunity to work on our most innovative and important advances and our biggest company priorities, while reducing bureaucracy and layers." TechCrunch reports: The company clarified that the layoffs were not company-wide but were reorgs that are part of the normal course of business. Affected employees will be able to apply for other open roles at Google, we're told. [...] Though Google didn't detail headcount, some of the layoffs at Google may have been confirmed in a WARN notice filed on April 24. WARN, or the California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, requires employers with more than 100 employees to provide 60-day notice in advance of layoffs. In the filing, Google said it was laying off a total of 50 employees across three locations in Sunnyvale.

On social media, commenters raised concerns with the Python layoffs in particular, given the role that Python tooling plays in AI. But others pointed out that Google didn't eliminate its Python team; it replaced that team with another group based in Munich -- at least according to Python Steering Council member Thomas Wouters in a post on Mastodon last Thursday.


Fake Job Interviews Target Developers With New Python Backdoor (bleepingcomputer.com) 16

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BleepingComputer: A new campaign tracked as "Dev Popper" is targeting software developers with fake job interviews in an attempt to trick them into installing a Python remote access trojan (RAT). The developers are asked to perform tasks supposedly related to the interview, like downloading and running code from GitHub, in an effort to make the entire process appear legitimate. However, the threat actor's goal is make their targets download malicious software that gathers system information and enables remote access to the host. According to Securonix analysts, the campaign is likely orchestrated by North Korean threat actors based on the observed tactics. The connections are not strong enough for attribution, though. [...]

Although the perpetrators of the Dev Popper attack aren't known, the tactic of using job lures as bait to infect people with malware is still prevalent, so people should remain vigilant of the risks. The researchers note that the method "exploits the developer's professional engagement and trust in the job application process, where refusal to perform the interviewer's actions could compromise the job opportunity," which makes it very effective.


GPT-4 Can Exploit Real Vulnerabilities By Reading Security Advisories 74

Long-time Slashdot reader tippen shared this report from the Register: AI agents, which combine large language models with automation software, can successfully exploit real world security vulnerabilities by reading security advisories, academics have claimed.

In a newly released paper, four University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) computer scientists — Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, and Daniel Kang — report that OpenAI's GPT-4 large language model (LLM) can autonomously exploit vulnerabilities in real-world systems if given a CVE advisory describing the flaw. "To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the CVE description," the US-based authors explain in their paper. "When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87 percent of these vulnerabilities compared to 0 percent for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and Metasploit)...."

The researchers' work builds upon prior findings that LLMs can be used to automate attacks on websites in a sandboxed environment. GPT-4, said Daniel Kang, assistant professor at UIUC, in an email to The Register, "can actually autonomously carry out the steps to perform certain exploits that open-source vulnerability scanners cannot find (at the time of writing)."

The researchers wrote that "Our vulnerabilities span website vulnerabilities, container vulnerabilities, and vulnerable Python packages. Over half are categorized as 'high' or 'critical' severity by the CVE description...."

"Kang and his colleagues computed the cost to conduct a successful LLM agent attack and came up with a figure of $8.80 per exploit"

Is PHP Declining In Popularity? (infoworld.com) 94

The PHP programming language has sunk to its lowest position ever on the long-running TIOBE index of programming language popularity. It now ranks #17 — lower than Assembly Language, Ruby, Swift, Scratch, and MATLAB. InfoWorld reports: When the Tiobe index started in 2001, PHP was about to become the standard language for building websites, said Paul Jansen, CEO of software quality services vendor Tiobe. PHP even reached the top 3 spot in the index, ranking third several times between 2006 and 2010. But as competing web development frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django, and React arrived in other languages, PHP's popularity waned.

"The major driving languages behind these new frameworks were Ruby, Python, and most notably JavaScript," Jansen noted in his statement accompanying the index. "On top of this competition, some security issues were found in PHP. As a result, PHP had to reinvent itself." Nowadays, PHP still has a strong presence in small and medium websites and is the language leveraged in the WordPress web content management system. "PHP is certainly not gone, but its glory days seem to be over," Jansen said.

A note on the rival Pypl Popularity of Programming Language Index argues that the TIOBE Index "is a lagging indicator. It counts the number of web pages with the language name." So while "Objective-C" ranks #30 on TIOBE's index (one rank above Classic Visual Basic), "who is reading those Objective-C web pages? Hardly anyone, according to Google Trends data." On TIOBE's index, Fortran now ranks #10.

Meanwhile, PHP ranks #7 on Pypl (based on the frequency of searches for language tutorials).

TIOBE's top ten?
  1. Python
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Java
  5. C#
  6. JavaScript
  7. Go
  8. Visual Basic
  9. SQL
  10. Fortran

The next two languages, ranked #11 and #12, are Delphi/Object Pascal and Assembly Language.


Code.org Launches AI Teaching Assistant For Grades 6-10 In Stanford Partnership (illinois.edu) 16

theodp writes: From a Wednesday press release: "Code.org, in collaboration with The Piech Lab at Stanford University, launched today its AI Teaching Assistant, ushering in a new era of computer science instruction to support teachers in preparing students with the foundational skills necessary to work, live and thrive in an AI world. [...] Launching as a part of Code.org's leading Computer Science Discoveries (CSD) curriculum [for grades 6-10], the tool is designed to bolster teacher confidence in teaching computer science." EdWeek reports that in a limited pilot project involving twenty teachers nationwide, the AI computer science grading tool cut one middle school teacher's grading time in half. Code.org is now inviting an additional 300 teachers to give the tool a try. "Many teachers who lead computer science courses," EdWeek notes, "don't have a degree in the subject -- or even much training on how to teach it -- and might be the only educator in their school leading a computer science course."

Stanford's Piech Lab is headed by assistant professor of CS Chris Piech, who also runs the wildly-successful free Code in Place MOOC (30,000+ learners and counting), which teaches fundamentals from Stanford's flagship introduction to Python course. Prior to coming up with the new AI teaching assistant, which automatically assesses Code.org students' JavaScript game code, Piech worked on a Stanford Research team that partnered with Code.org nearly a decade ago to create algorithms to generate hints for K-12 students trying to solve Code.org's Hour of Code block-based programming puzzles (2015 paper [PDF]). And several years ago, Piech's lab again teamed with Code.org on Play-to-Grade, which sought to "provide scalable automated grading on all types of coding assignments" by analyzing the game play of Code.org students' projects. Play-to-Grade, a 2022 paper (PDF) noted, was "supported in part by a Stanford Hoffman-Yee Human Centered AI grant" for AI tutors to help prepare students for the 21st century workforce. That project also aimed to develop a "Super Teaching Assistant" for Piech's Code in Place MOOC. LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who was present for the presentation of the 'AI Tutors' work he and his wife funded, is a Code.org Diamond Supporter ($1+ million).
In other AI grading news, Texas will use computers to grade written answers on this year's STAAR tests. The state will save more than $15 million by using technology similar to ChatGPT to give initial scores, reducing the number of human graders needed.
Open Source

Rust, Python, Apache Foundations and Others Announce Big Collaboration on Cybersecurity Process Specifications (eclipse-foundation.blog) 42

The foundations behind Rust, Python, Apache, Eclipse, PHP, OpenSSL, and Blender announced plans to create "common specifications for secure software development," based on "existing open source best practices."

From the Eclipse Foundation: This collaborative effort will be hosted at the Brussels-based Eclipse Foundation [an international non-profit association] under the auspices of the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process and a new working group... Other code-hosting open source foundations, SMEs, industry players, and researchers are invited to join in as well.

The starting point for this highly technical standardisation effort will be today's existing security policies and procedures of the respective open source foundations, and similar documents describing best practices.

The governance of the working group will follow the Eclipse Foundation's usual member-led model but will be augmented by explicit representation from the open source community to ensure diversity and balance in decision-making. The deliverables will consist of one or more process specifications made available under a liberal specification copyright licence and a royalty-free patent licence... While open source communities and foundations generally adhere to and have historically established industry best practices around security, their approaches often lack alignment and comprehensive documentation.

The open source community and the broader software industry now share a common challenge: legislation has introduced an urgent need for cybersecurity process standards.

The Apache Foundation notes the working group is forming partly "to demonstrate our commitment to cooperation with and implementation of" the EU's Cyber Resilience Act. But the Eclipse Foundation adds that even before it goes into effect in 2027, they're recognizing open source software's "increasingly vital role in modern society" and an increasing need for reliability, safety, and security, so new regulations like the CRA "underscore the urgency for secure by design and robust supply chain security standards."

Their announcement adds that "It is also important to note that it is similarly necessary that these standards be developed in a manner that also includes the requirements of proprietary software development, large enterprises, vertical industries, and small and medium enterprises." But at the same time, "Today's global software infrastructure is over 80% open source... [W]hen we discuss the 'software supply chain,' we are primarily, but not exclusively, referring to open source."

"We invite you to join our collaborative effort to create specifications for secure open source development," their announcement concludes," promising initiative updates on a new mailing list. "Contribute your ideas and participate in the magic that unfolds when open source foundations, SMEs, industry leaders, and researchers combine forces to tackle big challenges."

The Python Foundation's announcement calls it a "community-driven initiative" that will have "a lasting impact on the future of cybersecurity and our shared open source communities."
The Almighty Buck

Roblox Executive Says Children Making Money On the Platform Isn't Exploitation, It's a Gift (eurogamer.net) 60

In an interview with Roblox Studio head Stefano Corazza, Eurogamer asked about the reputation Roblox has gained and the notion that it was exploitative of young developers, since it takes a cut from work sometimes produced by children. Here's what he had to say: "I don't know, you can say this for a lot of things, right?" Corazza said. "Like, you can say, 'Okay, we are exploiting, you know, child labour,' right? Or, you can say: we are offering people anywhere in the world the capability to get a job, and even like an income. So, I can be like 15 years old, in Indonesia, living in a slum, and then now, with just a laptop, I can create something, make money and then sustain my life. "There's always the flip side of that, when you go broad and democratized - and in this case, also with a younger audience," he continued. "I mean, our average game developer is in their 20s. But of course, there's people that are teenagers -- and we have hired some teenagers that had millions of players on the platform.

"For them, you know, hearing from their experience, they didn't feel like they were exploited! They felt like, 'Oh my god, this was the biggest gift, all of a sudden I could create something, I had millions of users, I made so much money I could retire.' So I focus more on the amount of money that we distribute every year to creators, which is now getting close to like a billion dollars, which is phenomenal."

At this point the PR present during the interview added that "the vast majority of people that are earning money on Roblox are over the age of 18." "And imagine like, the millions of kids that learn how to code every month," Corazza said. "We have millions of creators in Roblox Studio. They learn Lua scripting," a programming language, "which is pretty close to Python - you can get a job in the tech industry in the future, and be like, 'Hey, I'm a programmer,' right? "I think that we are really focusing on the learning - the curriculum, if you want - and really bringing people on and empowering them to be professionals."


AI Hallucinated a Dependency. So a Cybersecurity Researcher Built It as Proof-of-Concept Malware (theregister.com) 44

"Several big businesses have published source code that incorporates a software package previously hallucinated by generative AI," the Register reported Thursday

"Not only that but someone, having spotted this reoccurring hallucination, had turned that made-up dependency into a real one, which was subsequently downloaded and installed thousands of times by developers as a result of the AI's bad advice, we've learned." If the package was laced with actual malware, rather than being a benign test, the results could have been disastrous.

According to Bar Lanyado, security researcher at Lasso Security, one of the businesses fooled by AI into incorporating the package is Alibaba, which at the time of writing still includes a pip command to download the Python package huggingface-cli in its GraphTranslator installation instructions. There is a legit huggingface-cli, installed using pip install -U "huggingface_hub[cli]". But the huggingface-cli distributed via the Python Package Index (PyPI) and required by Alibaba's GraphTranslator — installed using pip install huggingface-cli — is fake, imagined by AI and turned real by Lanyado as an experiment.

He created huggingface-cli in December after seeing it repeatedly hallucinated by generative AI; by February this year, Alibaba was referring to it in GraphTranslator's README instructions rather than the real Hugging Face CLI tool... huggingface-cli received more than 15,000 authentic downloads in the three months it has been available... "In addition, we conducted a search on GitHub to determine whether this package was utilized within other companies' repositories," Lanyado said in the write-up for his experiment. "Our findings revealed that several large companies either use or recommend this package in their repositories...."

Lanyado also said that there was a Hugging Face-owned project that incorporated the fake huggingface-cli, but that was removed after he alerted the biz.

"With GPT-4, 24.2 percent of question responses produced hallucinated packages, of which 19.6 percent were repetitive, according to Lanyado..."

Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader schneidafunk for sharing the article.

GitHub Introduces AI-Powered Tool That Suggests Ways It Can Auto-Fix Your Code (bleepingcomputer.com) 24

"It's a bad day for bugs," joked TechCrunch on Wednesday. "Earlier today, Sentry announced its AI Autofix feature for debugging production code..."

And then the same day, BleepingComputer reported that GitHub "introduced a new AI-powered feature capable of speeding up vulnerability fixes while coding." This feature is in public beta and automatically enabled on all private repositories for GitHub Advanced Security customers. Known as Code Scanning Autofix and powered by GitHub Copilot and CodeQL, it helps deal with over 90% of alert types in JavaScript, Typescript, Java, and Python... After being toggled on, it provides potential fixes that GitHub claims will likely address more than two-thirds of found vulnerabilities while coding with little or no editing.

"When a vulnerability is discovered in a supported language, fix suggestions will include a natural language explanation of the suggested fix, together with a preview of the code suggestion that the developer can accept, edit, or dismiss," GitHub's Pierre Tempel and Eric Tooley said...

Last month, the company also enabled push protection by default for all public repositories to stop the accidental exposure of secrets like access tokens and API keys when pushing new code. This was a significant issue in 2023, as GitHub users accidentally exposed 12.8 million authentication and sensitive secrets via more than 3 million public repositories throughout the year.

GitHub will continue adding support for more languages, with C# and Go coming next, according to their announcement.

"Our vision for application security is an environment where found means fixed."

Database-Based Operating System 'DBOS' Does Things Linux Can't (nextplatform.com) 104

Databricks CTO Matei Zaharia "said that Databricks had to keep track of scheduling a million things," remembers adjunct MIT professor Michael Stonebraker. " He said that this can't be done with traditional operating system scheduling, and so this was done out of a Postgres database. And then he started to whine that Postgres was too slow, and I told him we can do better than that...."

This resulted in DBOS — short for "database operating system" — which they teamed up to build with teams Stanford and MIT, according to The Next Platform: They founded a company to commercialize the idea in April 2023 and secured $8.5 million initial seed funding to start building the real DBOS. Engine Ventures and Construct Capital led the funding, along with Sinewave and GutBrain Ventures...

"The state that the operating system has to keep track of — memory, files, messages, and so on — is approximately linear to the resources you have got," says Stonebraker. "So without me saying another word, keeping track of operating system state is a database problem not addressed by current operating system schedulers. Moreover, OLTP [Online Transaction Processing] database performance has gone up dramatically, and that is why we thought instead of running the database system in user space on top of the operating system, why don't we invert our thinking 180 degrees and run the operating system on top of the database, with all of the operating services are coded in SQL...?"

For now, DBOS can give the same kind of performance as that full blown Linux operating system, and thanks to the distributed database underpinnings of its kernel, it can do things that a Linux kernel just cannot do... One is provide reliable execution, which means that if a program running atop DBOS is ever interrupted, it starts where it left off and does not have to redo its work from some arbitrary earlier point and does not crash and have to start from the beginning. And because every little bit of the state of the operating system — and therefore the applications that run atop it — is preserved, you can go backwards in time in the system and restart the operating system if it experiences some sort of anomaly, such as a bad piece of application software running or a hack attack. You can use this "time travel" feature, as Stonebraker calls it, to reproduce what are called heisenbugs — ones that are very hard to reproduce precisely because there is no shared state in the distributed Linux and Kubernetes environment and that are increasingly prevalent in a world of microservices.

The other benefit of the DBOS is that it presents a smaller attack surface for hackers, which boosts security, and that you analyze the metrics of the operating system in place since they are already in a NoSQL database that can be queried rather than aggregating a bunch of log files from up and down the software stack to try to figure out what is going on...

There is also a custom tier for DBOS, which we presume costs money, that can use other databases and datastores for user application data, stores more than three days of log data, can have multiple users per account, that adds email and Slack support with DBOS techies, and that is available on other clouds as well as AWS.

The operating system kernel/scheduler "is itself largely a database," with services written in TypeScript, according to the article. The first iteration used the FoundationDB distributed key-value store for its scheduling core (open sourced by Apple in 2018), according to the article — "a blazingly fast NoSQL database... Stonebraker says there is no reason to believe that DBOS can't scale across 1 million cores or more and support Java, Python, and other application languages as they are needed by customers..."

And the article speculates they could take things even further. "There is no reason why DBOS cannot complete the circle and not only have a database as an operating system kernel, but also have a relational database as the file system for applications."

Misconfigured Cloud Servers Targeted with Linux Malware for New Cryptojacking Campaign (cadosecurity.com) 16

Researchers at Cado Security Labs received an alert about a honeypot using the Docker Engine API. "A Docker command was received..." they write, "that spawned a new container, based on Alpine Linux, and created a bind mount for the underlying honeypot server's root directory..." Typically, this is exploited to write out a job for the Cron scheduler to execute... In this particular campaign, the attacker exploits this exact method to write out an executable at the path /usr/bin/vurl, along with registering a Cron job to decode some base64-encoded shell commands and execute them on the fly by piping through bash.

The vurl executable consists solely of a simple shell script function, used to establish a TCP connection with the attacker's Command and Control (C2) infrastructure via the /dev/tcp device file. The Cron jobs mentioned above then utilise the vurl executable to retrieve the first stage payload from the C2 server... To provide redundancy in the event that the vurl payload retrieval method fails, the attackers write out an additional Cron job that attempts to use Python and the urllib2 library to retrieve another payload named t.sh

"Multiple user mode rootkits are deployed to hide malicious processes," they note. And one of the shell scripts "makes use of the shopt (shell options) built-in to prevent additional shell commands from the attacker's session from being appended to the history file... Not only are additional commands prevented from being written to the history file, but the shopt command itself doesn't appear in the shell history once a new session has been spawned."

The same script also inserts "an attacker-controlled SSH key to maintain access to the compromised host," according to the article, retrieves a miner for the Monero cryptocurrency and then "registers persistence in the form of systemd services" for both the miner and an open source Golang reverse shell utility named Platypus.

It also delivers "various utilities," according to the blog Security Week, "including 'masscan' for host discovery." Citing CADO's researchers, they write that the shell script also "weakens the machine by disabling SELinux and other functions and by uninstalling monitoring agents." The Golang payloads deployed in these attacks allow attackers to search for Docker images from the Ubuntu or Alpine repositories and delete them, and identify and exploit misconfigured or vulnerable Hadoop, Confluence, Docker, and Redis instances exposed to the internet... ["For the Docker compromise, the attackers spawn a container and escape from it onto the underlying host," the researchers writes.]

"This extensive attack demonstrates the variety in initial access techniques available to cloud and Linux malware developers," Cado notes. "It's clear that attackers are investing significant time into understanding the types of web-facing services deployed in cloud environments, keeping abreast of reported vulnerabilities in those services and using this knowledge to gain a foothold in target environments."

Open Source

Feds To Offer New Support To Open-Source Developers (axios.com) 12

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will start providing more hands-on support to open-source software developers as they work to better secure their projects, the agency said. From a report: CISA hosted a two-day, invite-only summit this week with leaders in the open-source software community and other federal officials. During the private event, the agency also ran what's likely the first tabletop exercise to assess how well the government and the open-source community would respond to a cyberattack targeting one of their projects.

During the summit, CISA and a handful of package repositories unveiled new initiatives to help secure open-source projects. CISA is working on a new communication channel where open-source software developers can share threat intelligence and ask the agency for assistance during an incident. The Rust Foundation is developing new public key infrastructure for its repository, which will help ensure that the code developers are uploading isn't malicious and is coming from legitimate users.

npm, which manages the JavaScript programming language, is requiring project maintainers to enroll in multi-factor authentication and is rolling out a tool to generate "software bills of materials," which provide a recipe list of what code and other elements are in a project. Additional repositories -- including the Python Software Foundation, Packagist, Composer and Maven Central -- are pursuing similar projects and also also rolling out tools to help detect and report malware and other security vulnerabilities.


Rust Survey Finds Linux and VS Code Users, More WebAssembly Targeting (rust-lang.org) 40

Rust's official survey team released results from their 8th annual survey "focused on gathering insights and feedback from Rust users". In terms of operating systems used by Rustaceans, the situation is very similar to the results from 2022, with Linux being the most popular choice of Rust users [69.7%], followed by macOS [33.5%] and Windows [31.9%], which have a very similar share of usage. Rust programmers target a diverse set of platforms with their Rust programs, even though the most popular target by far is still a Linux machine [85.4%]. We can see a slight uptick in users targeting WebAssembly [27.1%], embedded and mobile platforms, which speaks to the versatility of Rust.

We cannot of course forget the favourite topic of many programmers: which IDE (developer environment) do they use. Visual Studio Code still seems to be the most popular option [61.7%], with RustRover (which was released last year) also gaining some traction [16.4%].

The site ITPro spoke to James Governor, co-founder of the developer-focused analyst firm RedMonk, who said Rust's usage is "steadily increasing", pointing to its adoption among hyperscalers and cloud companies and in new infrastructure projects. "Rust is not crossing over yet as a general-purpose programming language, as Python did when it overtook Java, but it's seeing steady growth in adoption, which we expect to continue. It seems like a sustainable success story at this point."

But InfoWorld writes that "while the use of Rust language by professional programmers continues to grow, Rust users expressed concerns about the language becoming too complex and the low level of Rust usage in the tech industry." Among the 9,374 respondents who shared their main worries for the future of Rust, 43% were most concerned about Rust becoming too complex, a five percentage point increase from 2022; 42% were most concerned about low usage of Rust in the tech industry; and 32% were most concerned about Rust developers and maintainers not being properly supported, a six percentage point increase from 2022. Further, the percentage of respondents who were not at all concerned about the future of Rust fell, from 30% in 2022 to 18% in 2023.
Open Source

Linux Becomes a CVE Numbering Authority (Like Curl and Python). Is This a Turning Point? (kroah.com) 20

From a blog post by Greg Kroah-Hartman: As was recently announced, the Linux kernel project has been accepted as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) for vulnerabilities found in Linux.

This is a trend, of more open source projects taking over the haphazard assignments of CVEs against their project by becoming a CNA so that no other group can assign CVEs without their involvment. Here's the curl project doing much the same thing for the same reasons. I'd like to point out the great work that the Python project has done in supporting this effort, and the OpenSSF project also encouraging it and providing documentation and help for open source projects to accomplish this. I'd also like to thank the cve.org group and board as they all made the application process very smooth for us and provided loads of help in making this all possible.

As many of you all know, I have talked a lot about CVEs in the past, and yes, I think the system overall is broken in many ways, but this change is a way for us to take more responsibility for this, and hopefully make the process better over time. It's also work that it looks like all open source projects might be mandated to do with the recent rules and laws being enacted in different parts of the world, so having this in place with the kernel will allow us to notify all sorts of different CNA-like organizations if needed in the future.

Kroah-Hartman links to his post on the kernel mailing list for "more details about how this is all going to work for the kernel." [D]ue to the layer at which the Linux kernel is in a system, almost any bug might be exploitable to compromise the security of the kernel, but the possibility of exploitation is often not evident when the bug is fixed. Because of this, the CVE assignment team are overly cautious and assign CVE numbers to any bugfix that they identify. This explains the seemingly large number of CVEs that are issued by the Linux kernel team...

No CVEs will be assigned for unfixed security issues in the Linux kernel, assignment will only happen after a fix is available as it can be properly tracked that way by the git commit id of the original fix. No CVEs will be assigned for any issue found in a version of the kernel that is not currently being actively supported by the Stable/LTS kernel team.

alanw (Slashdot reader #1,822) worries this could overwhelm the CVE infrastructure, pointing to an ongoing discussion at LWN.net.

But reached for a comment, Greg Kroah-Hartman thinks there's been a misunderstanding. He told Slashdot that the CVE group "explicitly asked for this as part of our application... so if they are comfortable with it, why is no one else?"

Is the Go Programming Language Surging in Popularity? (infoworld.com) 90

The Tiobe index tries to gauge the popularity of programming languages based on search results for courses, programmers, and third-party vendors, according to InfoWorld.

And by that criteria, "Google's Go language, or golang, has reached its highest position ever..." The language, now in the eighth ranked position for language popularity, has been on the rise for several years.... In 2015, Go hit position #122 in the TIOBE index and all seemed lost," said Paul Jansen, CEO of Tiobe. "One year later, Go adopted a very strict 'half-a-year' release cycle — backed up by Google. Every new release, Go improved... Nowadays, Go is used in many software fields such as back-end programming, web services and APIs," added Jansen...

Elsewhere in the February release of Tiobe's index, Google's Carbon language, positioned as a successor to C++, reached the top 100 for the first time.
Python is #1 on both TIOBE's index and the alternative Pypl Popularity of Programming Language index, which InfoWorld says "assesses language popularity based on how often language tutorials are searched on in Google." But the two lists differ on whether Java and JavaScript are more popular than C-derived languages — and which languages should then come after them. (Go ranks #12 on the Pypl index...)

TIOBE's calculation of the 10 most-popular programming languages:
  1. Python
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Java
  5. C#
  6. JavaScript
  7. SQL
  8. Go
  9. Visual Basic
  10. PHP

Pypl's calculation of the 10 most-popular programming languages:

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. C/C++
  5. C#
  6. R
  7. PHP
  8. TypeScript
  9. Swift
  10. Objective-C


Meta's Free Code Llama AI Programming Tool Closes the Gap With GPT-4 (theverge.com) 17

Meta's latest update to its code generation AI model, Code Llama 70B, is "the largest and best-performing model" yet. From a report: Code Llama tools launched in August and are free for both research and commercial use. According to a post on Meta's AI blog, Code Llama 70B can handle more queries than previous versions, which means developers can feed it more prompts while programming, and it can be more accurate. Code Llama 70B scored 53 percent in accuracy on the HumanEval benchmark, performing better than GPT-3.5's 48.1 percent and closer to the 67 percent mark an OpenAI paper (PDF) reported for GPT-4. Built on Llama 2, Code Llama helps developers create strings of code from prompts and debug human-written work. Meta simultaneously launched two other Code Llama tools last fall, Code Llama -- Python and Code Llama -- Instruct, which focused on specific coding languages.

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