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Blu-ray Coming Out On Top? 360

wh0pper writes "Some interesting information came out at at the latest Blu-ray Disc Association meeting at Twentieth Century Fox Studios. Apparently, 90 percent of the CE industry and seven movie studios now back Blu-ray Disc. And most of the IT industry (except Microsoft) also supports Blu-ray Disc. This has prompted Mr. Parsons, Senior VP of Advanced Products Development for Pioneer Electronics, to say "There's no format war looming because it's not Blu-ray vs. HD DVD. It's simply Blu-ray versus standard definition DVD... Currently, DVD has 50,000 titles presently available, and both formats will co-exist for several years to come with new BD players supporting both formats. BD players make the perfect complement to new HDTVs that are being purchased by consumers." Mr. Parsons then announced that the upcoming CES would be used to launch Blu-ray Disc."
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Blu-ray Coming Out On Top?

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  • by Docmach ( 785888 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @02:40AM (#14244685) Homepage
    I agree. Even though I am on the Blu-Ray side I'll just be happy to have one standard. It does seem that there are many technical reasons to use Blu-Ray, though.
  • Technology driver (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MyIS ( 834233 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @02:41AM (#14244688) Homepage
    As usual, the pron industry will decide which format wins.
  • by mjrmjr ( 936676 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @02:49AM (#14244712)
    That seems kind of odd. What would it have instead... S-Video and HMDI?
  • Birds of a Feather (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @02:51AM (#14244721)
    ...and seven movie studios

    Birds of a feather, or in this case movie studios in this chummy chummy business, flock together. Since Sony is one of theirs, well you get the picture [pun alert].

    In short, this is hardly surprising. Especially considering how many households will quickly enough have one player in the kid's must-have PS3. Might have been different if XBox 360 was shipping with HD-DVD, but that's clearly not the case.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @02:52AM (#14244723)
    My concern isn't really with which one will win out, we've seen DVD+R and DVD-R co-exist side by side for the last few years without too many problems, even DVD-RAM still gets a look in on many drives.

    So, however this pans out, will it really matter to the consumer?
  • by Hao Wu ( 652581 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:06AM (#14244765) Homepage
    The pits on HD are 6-times the length of those on Blu-ray. So shouldn't there be less degradation, meaning a longer lifespan for the disk? (One would think that marks only 1/6 the size would deteriorate faster, no?)
  • by wanax ( 46819 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:07AM (#14244767)
    Saying we are in the 3rd millenium (2001-3000) is the same thing as saying we're in the 21st century (2001-2100), or that you're in your 25th year.... it simply implies that we're no longer in the 2nd millenium (1001-2000) or 20th century (1901-2000).
  • by Preeminence ( 784375 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:07AM (#14244768)
    Millenium 1: 0-999
    Millenium 2: 1000-1999
    Millenium 3: 2000-2999

    It doesn't have to last a thousand years... it only has to last 10-15 for us to be "well into the 3rd millenium"
  • What about HD-DVD? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Nermal6693 ( 622898 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:08AM (#14244769)
    OK, so 90 percent support Blu-Ray, but what percentage support HD-DVD? It won't be 10 % because some companies (eg. Apple) support both formats, and others probably don't support either of them.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:09AM (#14244773)
    Its intresting how the Blue Ray go to such great lenghts to hide the imbedded DRM all player and disks will have.

    For me until I heard about the Massive amounts of DRM being stuffed into Blue Ray I was in the Blue Ray camp, after I got a look at Blue Ray's DRM I changed my mind very quickly.
    Its the consumer that will ultimitly decied.
  • by Tekoneiric ( 590239 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:18AM (#14244807) Journal
    I think this is going to be the view of a lot of people including myself. I just don't know how successful a new movie disk format will be given the time for general adoption by the masses vs speed of Internet connections. About the time it hits it's stride in the mass market, faster Internet connections and better on-demand video services will be available.
    It took DVDs years to be accepted by the market. They'll have to offer much more with the movies to get the public to want to buy new copies of what they have. With DVD, it was all the extras and the supposedly non-degrading format. Since the consumer already has that with DVD, Blu-ray can't push that so they'll have to push the higher resolution but the general public doesn't really understand that much so it's something really abstract to them. Are they going to sell their soul (DRM) and empty their pocket book to replace their current movies? I doubt it.
  • by ChadN ( 21033 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:24AM (#14244825)
    I have discovered that DVD has easily more than enough picture clarity for my pron watching needs, and I'm not sure I am really looking forward to HD porn... Maybe I just got used to grainy porn, but the high color fidelity, high contrast, and glisteningly realistic porn of DVD (rather than old school film transfer) is already more than a bit off-putting for me, sometimes.

    As for dual angles: I wish they'd pick one angle and stick to it (hey, no pun intended), rather than have a movie edited to constantly switch cameras on me. Whenever it switches to bung-hole cam, I hit the alternate angle button, and by the time it actually switches (a few seconds), the movie cuts back to brown-eye-vision. If they really want to advance the technology, they should build a "hairy, bobbing man-ass" pixelizer right into the DVDs, for us more reserved porn enthusiasts.
  • The PS3 (Score:4, Insightful)

    by wyldeone ( 785673 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:38AM (#14244867) Homepage Journal
    It has seemed pretty clear to me that Blue-ray will win, because thanks to the PS3, it defeats the chicken-and-egg problem of any new media, which is that no one will spend hundreds of dollars on a player for a new format when there are no movies, and no studio will produce movies if no players exist. Because the PS3 will put millions of blueray players in homes, compared with the meagre amount of early-adopters who will have hddvd players, studios will by neccessity go with blueray.
  • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:38AM (#14244868) Homepage
    In that case, DVD will win. Seriously, only a few top producers like Hustler, Playboy and such appriciate HDTV, because they got the means to hire real beauties. Your average porn actress does *not* look more attractive in HDTV. The porn industry jumped all over DVD primarily because of random access. No more rewind/forward, easy looping, play at quarter/half speed and so on. Porn does not need to be watched in a linear, start-to-end fashion. What does HDTV bring to porn producers? Honestly, only much higher demands on them. But with HDTV cams at $1600 (Sony HDR-HC1) and dropping, perhaps it'll happen anyway. But I don't think the porn industry will lead it.
  • yep. HDMI (Score:3, Insightful)

    by YesIAmAScript ( 886271 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:42AM (#14244883)
    Sending the video out over analog (component) or unencrypted digital is forbidden.

    The DVD CCA won't even let you send out uprezzed DVDs over analog or unencrypted digital (if the Macrovision flag is set).

    It's completely ridiculous.

    DVI w/HDCP is electrically identical to HDMI I guess, so that's probably permissible.
  • by Drakonite ( 523948 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @03:45AM (#14244892) Homepage
    Porn has a history of adapting to new technology a lot faster than the major movie studios. They end up as essentially the first group to pick up a format, which then gives that format a big lead in terms of acceptance and units sold. The extra lead snowballs into the format dominating over the other.

    Admit it, which ever group is the most expiremental and fastest to move and use a new media the most tends to get to choose which direction it goes, and I don't think anyone would argue against the porn industry being the fastest moving and most experimental.

  • The content industry is going to see a serious backlash if they try this.

    They tried region coding, and people over here in the UK just got players chipped and hacked. Everyone I know has a multiregion player so that they can watch unavailable US movies or cheaper far east versions.

    Start telling people that they can't lend a movie to a mate, and they'll either boycott, or work out a way around.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @04:10AM (#14244947)
    ..well.. seeing that Apple is on the board of Directors of the Blu-Ray group, I doubt they'll back HD-DVD that much.
  • what a waste of time.

    if i have the discplayer, it obviously has output channels to a tv and to a sound system.

    so obviously i can rip it off from these same outputs. they can have all the drm they want, a bit divx encoding in there which loses their mighty "identification" spots that have been under discussion here somewhere, and the movies will again be out on the torrent sites. sure it will lose some quality, but i don't really think that downloaders will mind the drop of quality in such tiny amounts. (now camrips and ts's are loss of quality, a clean cablerip is as good as it can be on your tv). if you have a tv/video card with tv-in port, you're the man and the drm people are wasted.

    if you really think that drm works, show me a drm that can't be just cableripped or that hasn't been cracked by software already (oh that dvd region joke never expires i guess...).

    any measure they make with 3 years will be hacked with 3 months. any big secret about drm that you trust into taiwan hardware makers (hdtv producers for example) will be out soon enough & counter measured to make the whole investment in drm a total waste. and the saddest thing is that taiwan&china produce massive amount of everyday electronics already and the advanced countries can't afford to cut these out of the production system.

    don't the movie/soundmakers really understand that the only bloody way to fight piracy is to lower the prices and make the content affordable ? this is the only thing that will ever decrease the piracy.

    fight the bloody problem and not the results it creates.
  • by Scarblac ( 122480 ) <> on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @04:29AM (#14244980) Homepage

    Well, current DVDs already have invasive DRM. Mandatory ads, hard to copy, etc. I guess you refuse to watch them?

    Whatever the new standard will be, they're all DRMed out the wazoo. That's just not a choice, seen from the industry.

  • by Ztream ( 584474 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @04:52AM (#14245029)
    Yeah, but does anyone actually buy porn on a disc anymore? It would seem to me that the porn industry is already way beyond that, having offered downloadable and streaming content for years.
  • DVD will win (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Aceticon ( 140883 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @05:01AM (#14245050)
    In that case, DVD will win. Seriously, only a few top producers like Hustler, Playboy and such appriciate HDTV, because they got the means to hire real beauties. Your average porn actress does *not* look more attractive in HDTV. The porn industry jumped all over DVD primarily because of random access. No more rewind/forward, easy looping, play at quarter/half speed and so on. Porn does not need to be watched in a linear, start-to-end fashion. What does HDTV bring to porn producers? Honestly, only much higher demands on them. But with HDTV cams at $1600 (Sony HDR-HC1) and dropping, perhaps it'll happen anyway. But I don't think the porn industry will lead it

    I have to agree on this one.

    Furthermore, as i see it, the only possible benefict that moving to a new format can give to the porn industry is "high definition content". This might be a real benefict for the part of the industry that concentrates on showing naked physically perfect women - aka softcore - (or maybe not if they rely on the technology to disguise the imperfections) but what value does it add to the part of the industry that concentrates on the action - aka hardcore. After all, most hardcore movies are hardly known for the grandeur of the scenarios (or the depth of the stories, or the quality of the acting of their casting)

    If you think back to the change from videotapes to DVDs, you can see clear beneficts to the industry:
    • A DVD (in a standaard DVD box) will use 1/2 the space of a videotape. This means you can store and transport twice the number of DVDs than videotapes.
    • Manufacturing of DVDs is cheaper and more reliable. It can be easilly outsourced and also scales up more easilly (pay another 200$, get 1000 DVDs more)
    • DVDs (as long as packed in DVD boxes) are less likelly to get damaged on transport, especially due to external factors such as strong magnetic fields
    • Lets also not forget that resistance to damage on transport and size (and weight) are also relevant for mail delivery

    As i see it, none of these new technologies seems to bring any comparable beneficts for a business model such as the one from the porn industry.

    Obvious beneficts for the traditional film industry, such as getting their customers to (again) buy their personal film library in another format, are hardly applicable to the porn industry - there is hardly a hot market for a new edition of "Debbie Does Dalas"
  • by tekrat ( 242117 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @05:18AM (#14245079) Homepage Journal
    Think about it. Joe Consumer sees the Blu_ray at "The Wiz" or "Best Buy", and drools "Wow, what a sharp picture!!!". He buys the unit, takes it home, pops in a standard DVD on his standard TV set, and then wonders where all the extra resolution is.

    You think I'm kidding but I'm not. I deal with people who hook their DVD into the VHS machine and then wonder why they can't see the DVD's play -- because the VHS machine is still set to "tuner", when it needs to be changed to "Aux" or "line in".

    Believe me. People will return these things like mad when they don't get the same quality of image they saw in the store. They are not being told that they have to buy new DVDs and New TVs as well as the new player. It's like saying "This new stereo requires that you throw away your old speakers and buy new speakers too, plus, you can't play your old CD's in it either!"

    I predict phantom warehouses of returned merchandise to keep it off the books so the stocks don't tumble.

    Trust me on this. People are stupid.
  • by el americano ( 799629 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @05:30AM (#14245107) Homepage
    Theoretical capacity or capacity-in-a-laboratory is completely irrelevant and is comparable to this press release that claims Blu-ray is what consumers want, even though you can't buy any movies in either format yet. The fact remains that HD movies only require twice the space that a regular movie does, so the first cheap player for cheap discs @ 20GB should be the winner.

    Hmmm, let's see... Panasonic's Blu-ray player costs $2780 with $69 for the mythical 50GB disc or $32 for the real-world 25GB disc. Nope, not there yet. Not there in 2006 at all, I think.

    Personally, I think consumers are going to be hard to push from good-enough DVDs to over-hyped hi-def anyway. Add to that a ridiculous DRM that requires new TVs and monitors and prohibits copies of media that's likely to be less durable than DVD (especially Blu-ray), then I know I'm going to save a fortune by not buying any of it. Non-DRM dual-layer DVD will be my solution of choice until they offer me something truly better.

  • by derrickh ( 157646 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @07:33AM (#14245356) Homepage
    Not at first anyway. Sony dropped a bombshell on it's partners when they stated that the 50gb discs wont be available at launch, and probably not for a while. So content producers will have to make do with the 25gb discs. Sony also said that they're sticking with Mpeg2 to encode. This isn't good, because using Mpeg2 at a high bitrate most of the disc is taken up by the movie and it doesn't leave much space for the extras. And all that extra space was a big reason companies choose BluRay over HD-DVD and most already planned on filling up the discs. Looks like Sony pulled a bait and switch on a lot of big companies.

    HD-DVD will use VC1 or Mpeg4 which will give the same quality picture and using a lot less space. So even though on paper, BluRay has better specs, in real life HD-DVD will allow more stuff on a disc.

  • by MunchMunch ( 670504 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @07:51AM (#14245411) Homepage
    "The content industry is going to see a serious backlash if they try this. They tried region coding, and people over here in the UK just got players chipped and hacked." The 'hackers will always find a way' argument is often made to make one's self feel better, but regardless of whether it has merit if people choose to believe it it will always diminish any possibility of a real victory. This is because it takes people and attention away from real arguments about the *principle* of giving consumers certain rights at the source irregardless of practical workarounds--a principle that, if accepted, can remain in effect no matter what technological means to cripple content exist and will not require faith in unknown hackers hacking unknown technology. So...If a modding 'backlash' is the equivalent of conceding the war to win the skirmish, I guess they can expect a backlash alright.
  • by nmg196 ( 184961 ) * on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @08:04AM (#14245443)
    > You need to get permission every time you play a disc,

    No you just made that up. Permission from who? Will the players have a cell phone built in and call up?

    > your discs are permanently mated to your player.

    Err, no! Obviously not. Otherwise when you upgrade your player, your entire collection would be written off.

    > if your player breaks, you lose your whole DVD collection

    *Obviously* not or they would never sell a single player. Please stop saying whatever stupid little thing pops into your head.

    Someone please mod the parent's propaganda post below zero before it confuses anymore gullable people.
  • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @08:15AM (#14245469) Homepage
    The purpose of the DRM in Blu Ray is to block you from ripping the decrypted, compressed bitsream. If all you can do with BluRay is capture the analog, then we can already do better with regular DVD, so it would be a huge success for BluRay DRMs.

    You think a 1920x1080p transcode will look worse than a 720x480 original encode? Hint: It won't. Try looking at some of the HDTV -> Xvid/WMV rips out there. Since they are still sticking with MPEG2, reencodes would be the norm rather than the exception anyway. Certainly, getting the originally compressed file would be superior to that again, but it is not a huge loss to quality, only to ease of ripping.

    And if you know about what kind of DRM they are talking about, you would realize that its not going to be simple to permanently hack, even a software implementation. Even if you are able to get the uncompressed HD image by hijacking your display device, watermark detection will make sure that your BluRay player keys will be revoked and wont be able to play new content.

    Hint: Take two displays. Or three, or five. Compare them. This is SDMI all over again, which died on the drawing board because it doesn't work!

    The design of BluRay's DRMs has really been though out, and covers a lot of scenarios. Off course the implementations will have problems, bugs and exploits, but what it really comes down to is how well BluRay will keep track of compromised players, and how bad they are willing to perform key revocation.

    More likely, if they are able to. Besides, there's little problem for pirates to keep a player away from all newer releases until they've ripped all the old ones. If you can rip the entire back catalog every time a player is broken, your DRM is still pretty screwed. Once you have decrypted the symmetric key, you can use this and share it with others. That makes everyone able to rip discs that have been broken once.

    I think those who will really profit from this is not movie, tv or music producers, I think it is software companies. As long as the whole value of your product is essentially recordable, you have no chance to win. Screenshots of Windows/MS Office are rather useless though. Those are the ones that will cash in big from reduced piracy, and I think Microsoft is laughing all the way to the bank when they think about it.
  • by el americano ( 799629 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @08:46AM (#14245584) Homepage
    People here might be forced to buy new TVs when the FCC forces broadcasters to transmit in high definition only (Thanks FCC. I had some money saved up, and I was feeling guilty about it.) - but I don't see people buying the players until they're easily affordable with comparably priced media.

    As for archival storage, why anticipate investing in an upgrade unless it's an order of magnitude greater than what you have now? I haven't bought every storage option that came down the pike (e.g. I never owned a Zip drive). 30-50GB is a rather pitiful increase for the next generation. Think about it. A 9GB DVD is more than 10 CDs. A CD is more than 200 floppies! These new discs are 3-5 DVDs? Wake me when, and if, Blu-ray hits 200GB - and it better be fast, because holographic storage is likely to have 1.6TB discs by the end of next year.

    Make no mistake. Blu-ray/HD-DVD is about entertainment media, not computer storage.

  • by bhima ( 46039 ) <Bhima,Pandava&gmail,com> on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @09:06AM (#14245654) Journal
    So what's so great about Blu-Ray? Let's review the "Features"...

    Somewhat higher capacity but not as much as initially promised
    New and Improved Onerous DRM
    Ancient encoding schema
    Region encoding
    Prohibited user operations
    Language & subtitle choices which are limited to region

    Can someone remind me why we want this?
  • Ultimately (Score:2, Insightful)

    by TheSkepticalOptimist ( 898384 ) on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @09:40AM (#14245796)
    The one that comes out on top is the one where you go to a Best Buy or Circuit City and buy or go to Blockbuster and rent a movie, and don't care what media its on. It will also be the one that costs $15 per movie, not sold for some $40 premium price tag.

    It will also be the first player to hit the sub $100 range. Anyone releasing a next-gen DVD player for more then $500 will fail to capture the market. Why should next-gen DVD players, with mostly the same components as a $50 DVD player cost 10 times more?

    In any regard, I will wait a few years before rushing out and getting any next-gen DVD player, perhaps by then they will open up Digital Cable standards and build HDTV tuners into every television (rotflol!).
  • People here might be forced to buy new TVs when the FCC forces broadcasters to transmit in high definition only (Thanks FCC. I had some money saved up, and I was feeling guilty about it.)
    That's a definite possiblity, but I've been having some interesting conversations about the whole 'forced conversion' to digital. It will be nearly impossible to make millions of people go out and purchase a new TV overnight just because the FCC says everything has to be digital. I know I'll go without TV if that's the case. And maybe millions of other people will too. Hey that sounds like a good thing. Oh wait, we'll all just go to watching stuff on our cell phones, computers, ipods, etc. etc. etc... sigh.
  • by Tony Hoyle ( 11698 ) <> on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @10:21AM (#14246037) Homepage
    They're not 'working towards it' it's already there in the standards. It's mandatory HDCP. Blu-Ray will *not* output HDTV over anything else. Bought an HTTV with component? Throw it in the trash because blu-ray will only send it SD.

    This uses PKI with revokable keys - the movie studios can just keep revoking keys that are hacked.

    Of course that'll work until the the first popular TV model gets hacked, and they kill the TVs belonging to half a million users. That'll be one hell of a lawsuit.
  • by Wesley Felter ( 138342 ) <> on Tuesday December 13, 2005 @01:23PM (#14247962) Homepage
    I read an article just the other day saying that a lot of people think they are watching HD today, but they aren't. But these people like their "HD". So I suspect these people will buy Blu-ray players, attach them to their HDTVs (or even better, EDTVs) with analog component cables, and marvel at the wonderful quality. Never underestimate the placebo effect.

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