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Smart Underwear Designed For Military 169

A team of scientists at the University of California San Diego, led by nano-engineering professor Joseph Wang, has designed some high-tech underwear that may save lives. Sensors in the waistband can monitor a person's blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital signs. The designers also hope that one day the underwear can release drugs to relieve pain and treat wounds. From the article: "But the technology's range of application goes beyond the military. 'We envision all the trend of personalized medicine for remote monitoring of the elderly at home, monitoring a wide range of biomedical markers, like cardiac markers, alerting for any potential stroke, diabetic changes, and other changes related to other biomedical scenario,' said Wang. Wearable biosensors can also provide valuable information to athletes or even measure blood alcohol levels."


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Smart Underwear Designed For Military

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  • by RapmasterT ( 787426 ) on Thursday June 10, 2010 @01:46PM (#32525626)
    Right off the bat I can tell you this entire possibility is being posited by someone who never spent a day in uniform. The waistband is the worst possible place for this, from a practical perspective.

    Reason being, a fully uniformed soldier already has at his waist line:
    pants waistband
    pants belt
    blouse tail
    pistol/equipment belt

    when a soldier already has six layers converging at his waist, adding wiring/sensors is not going to be popular. The sensation of peeling embedded underwear waistband out of sweaty flesh is not a positive one.
  • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Thursday June 10, 2010 @02:05PM (#32525832) Homepage Journal

    because if it can determine what needs to be done it can record the event. What can be recorded can be reported. While the idea of this underwear leads to some mirth it should be acknowledged than any article of clothing can be modified to help the individual as well as monitor and report. While in the context of the infirm and elderly this can provide a boon to hospitals and homes we will need to look at how the information is distributed and kept safe from prying eyes.

    Throw in concerns about proper disposal, liability, and reclamation of said clothing as well. While the innovation is a great idea the related issues will need to be addressed.

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