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On Retirement, Israeli General Takes Credit for Stuxnet Attacks 334

dinscott writes "Last month, The New York Times ran a story about Stuxnet having been developed by the Americans and the Israelis as a part of a joint project, but it was based on claims by confidential sources. It now seems that the information from these sources was correct. The Haaretz — Israel's oldest daily newspaper — reports on a surprising video that was played at a party organized for General Gabi Ashkenazi's last day on the job."
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On Retirement, Israeli General Takes Credit for Stuxnet Attacks

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  • by YesIAmAScript ( 886271 ) on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:19PM (#35217856)

    Did I miss something in the article, where does it confirm US involvement?

  • Cyber terrorisim (Score:5, Insightful)

    by grapeape ( 137008 ) < minus language> on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:28PM (#35217888) Homepage

    So did he get added to the "no fly" and terrorist watch lists?

    • by bsDaemon ( 87307 )

      Yeah, but then he just hacked the no-fly list and its like it never even happened.

    • by Draek ( 916851 ) on Wednesday February 16, 2011 @12:01AM (#35218040)

      Of course not, he's a Freedom Fighter (tm).

      Remember, it's not terrorism if the US or its allies does it.

      • by JSBiff ( 87824 )

        It's not murder if a cop shoots an armed person who draws a gun on them. It's not a felony for law enforcement officers to carry concealed weapons. It's not assault when a doctor cuts you open with a knife. It's not theft when a banker takes your money and puts it in the bank's vault.

        Is it really so hard to understand that every nation gives a few sanctioned individuals the legal right to do what needs to be done, but can still make it illegal for everyone else?

  • by slashqwerty ( 1099091 ) on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:32PM (#35217908)
    From the article:

    There is always the possibility that this was just a way of magnifying the General's achievements, but it is also possible it is true.

    In other words, it confirms nothing.

    • by JoshuaZ ( 1134087 ) on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:37PM (#35217938) Homepage
      Yes, when I read the headline my first thought was "The Israelis can't possibly be so stupid as to do that. That's almost tantamount to admitting to an act of war. And doing it now will just make the faltering Iranian government look more like a valid object of sympathy." And then I read TFA. Yeah.
      • by ColdWetDog ( 752185 ) on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:43PM (#35217962) Homepage
        OK, everybody can calm down.

        According to Google translate it was the "Stoxnat" virus. Completely different critter entirely.

        Nothing to see here, move along.
      • by SplashMyBandit ( 1543257 ) on Wednesday February 16, 2011 @03:50AM (#35218888)
        "Act of war"? I suggest you read the maifesto of Hezb Allah or th Iranian Revolutionary Government. They have repeatedly stated their aim is to destroy the "Zionist entity" by any means possible - that is, effectively declared war. Go ahead, read their pronouncements (especially the ones originally not in English), I'll wait. You might stop being so naiively prissy about who declares or doesn't declare what on whom. The Middle East is the "Wild West" at the moment, yet many in the West seem to be pretty ignorant about the *real* positions of each party (nb. I've been to a lot of the countries in the region, non are saints, but some are far worse than others).
        • by hitmark ( 640295 )

          Have there actually been declared war on a nation since WW2? Only declarations of war i can think of are the war on drugs and, more recent, war on terrorism...

    • by rts008 ( 812749 )

      Yeah, my first thought was:
      Ah, so the good general 'took one for the team' as he was stepping down, so everyone could STFU.

      He wouldn't be the first to put themselves at personal risk out of a sense of duty and/or honour(as they see it), precariously assuming the above is close, purely on speculation, and from a 'what if...' point of view.

      Not much from TFA or TFS to go on, so I see it as all speculation and guesswork at this stage.

      A general stepping down vaguely mentioned some statement that 'yeah, it was me

  • Redundant (Score:3, Informative)

    by masterz ( 143854 ) on Tuesday February 15, 2011 @11:36PM (#35217924)

    "The Haaretz" is redundant since the Hebrew prefix 'ha' means 'the'.

    • you mean every time I eat lunch at the El Pollo Loco across the street, I'm being redundant?
      • Not nearly as " The LaBrea Tar Pits" ... which when rendered in 100% English ends up being "the the tar tar pits".

        For those who don't know, LaBrea Tar Pits (redundant I know) is a archeological dig site of oil tar pools where prehistoric mammals like SaberTooth Tigers and Giant Sloths (not to be confused with Cowboy Neal), fell trapped to their deaths. You can see parts of it in the movie Volcano, which takes part near the site.

    • by syousef ( 465911 )

      "The Haaretz" is redundant since the Hebrew prefix 'ha' means 'the'.

      Just like pedantic slashdotter is redundant? ;-)

      Or is that Ha!slashdotter!

  • So this general takes credit for a virus that could still be working silently away, screwing the Iranians at every turn, if it had been competently written.

    Quelle surprise!

    • So this general takes credit for a virus that could still be working silently away, screwing the Iranians at every turn, if it had been competently written.

      In the current issue of Internet Tough Guy Monthly:

      Stuxnet: why you can write better code than the Israeli/American military-industrial complex.

  • General Ashke-NAZI?
    Urban Dictionary:"1. Ashke
    Word meaning "beloved" in the language of the Tayledra people. The Tayledras are a silver haired race of people from Mercedes Lackey's fiction novels."

  • Does anyone think it is a coincidence that, just a few months after all the information about Stuxnet has come out and presumably Iran has secured its critical computers against drive-by install from flash drives, Microsoft closes the autorun hole with an update?
  • by MarkvW ( 1037596 ) on Wednesday February 16, 2011 @12:13AM (#35218094)

    Ahmadinejad craves Western technology while rejecting the social structure necessary to create that technology. They are the biggest bunch of hypocrites.

  • Why no one claims that I wrote it?

    It would be just as plausible.

  • by Ukab the Great ( 87152 ) on Wednesday February 16, 2011 @01:51AM (#35218468)

    Technically speaking, Microsoft really deserves more of the credit than Gabi Ashkenazi.

  • During the farewell ceremony for the Israeli army's chief of staff a video was shown that summarized the events of his term, that video included news reports about stuxnet and the attack on the nuclear reactor in Syria.

  • If Iran/pakistan/n.korea/... had created Stuxnet and it had targetted military infrastructure in the UK/USA/Israel/... imagine the broohaha, the passionate outpourings from politicians, the chasing down of those who wrote it.

    But the USA/Israel did it: so that somehow makes it OK ?

  • They have neither denied nor confirmed this. But it doesn't matter. What matters, is, that Israel's neighbors think that they might have nuclear weapons. Which is a great deterrent against starting a war with Israel.

    Did Israel develop Stuxnet? And are they capable of creating even more nasty computer weapons? Again, it is very formidable, to have your enemies think that you have stuff . . . even if you don't. So this could be a clever disinformation leak . . . or maybe not . . .

  • by boazarad ( 1252292 ) on Wednesday February 16, 2011 @07:00AM (#35219620)
    I just read the original article, and as a fluent Hebrew speaker, can safely say that it's been grossly misquoted and misinterpreted.

    During the generals retirement party, news coverage of both the Stuxnet and the Syrian reactor attack was shown, probably as part of a recent army related events montage. This was no power-point slide titled "recent accomplishments". The conclusion drawn here are akin to claiming that the US was responsible for the recent unrest in Egypt, since news coverage of that even was played at the retirement party of a state secretary...

    Israel may have been responsible for these events, but I'd hardly say this "evidence" is conclusive

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