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Microsoft Shows Off Radical New UI, Could Be Used In Windows 8 403

autospa writes "In a three and a half minute video, Microsoft may have shown the world what it has in store for the eagerly awaited Windows 8. In the video Microsoft showed a radically different interface from past versions of Windows — even Windows 7. Running on Surface 2, the touch-screen successor to the original Microsoft Surface, the device accepts input from a Windows Phone 7 handset (HTC HD7). Gone are the icons that drive Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems of past and present. In their place are 'bubbles' that interact with files and post streaming information off the internet."
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Microsoft Shows Off Radical New UI, Could Be Used In Windows 8

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  • by G3ckoG33k ( 647276 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:06PM (#35324256)

    And I thought Office 2010 was hard to use. The new Excel is a nightmare to learn well. And now, "bubbles"?

    • Well, it seems that MS cannot make anything better than Windows XP/7 and Office 2003, so the company will just make the UI different each version.

      • I would say that Office 2007 was the pinnacle of Office. Lots of people (including me) bitched and moaned about the ribbon interface, but it turned out to be a good decision that exposed all of the functionality of Office instead of hiding things in obscure and/or arbitrary menus.

        The "Office Button" from 2007 was replaced by a "File" ribbon menu in 2010, but to me it looks like a half-assed step backwards to appease complainers. In the context of the new Office interface, the File ribbon doesn't really mak

        • Meh, I'd rather go back to word perfect 5.1, where all every feature was available with a single modifier + F key press. Sure it took a little longer to learn, but once you learned all the key shortcuts, you could get a lot done quite quickly. Most of the students in my highschool had all the important keys memorized. You never needed to take your hands off the keyboard. It was great. I wish we could go back to something like this. Also we didn't waste time messing with fonts and formatting, since it
        • by JamesTRexx ( 675890 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @01:08PM (#35324724) Journal
          For me it's the ribbon interface that hides everything.
          At least with a menu I could just browse and read from the text what the option is. Now I often have to guess what that icon does and I'm not going to remember all those from the large amount of applications I have to support.
          • by PNutts ( 199112 )

            Ironically, that's what their customers wanted. Microsoft got feature requests for things people couldn't find in the menus. The goal was to make navigation "flatter". With that said, I don't don't use it enough to get to know it and what I do know I don't like.

          • If you click in the lower right corner of the box containing the few most used icons, you open up the menu functionality in its fullest. You need fewer clicks to do this than before, since you would have had to go two menus deep.

            Cascading menus are a dead/dieing paradigm which should be put behind us.

            • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

              User choice is the new paradigm. More powerful computers should drive greater choice, want text based - used text based, want tabbed menus - use tabbed menus, want ribbon - use ribbon, want voice interface - use voice interface, want bubbles ? WTF.

              let's be honest it is nothing more than a commercial for windows version 8. First the quick shameless theft of Xerox's graphical user interface and mouse and then nothing but imagine manipulation via touch screens and motion detection devices. Basically look a

        • I disagree. All the ribbon did was move ALL the menu items onto the ribbon. It made no difference except things were harder to find among the cluttered graphics barrage of options. Whether you use a 'view' tab or the view menu, finding simple text in alpha order is still easier than hunt/peck amongst a ribbon full of icons with dropdowns.

      • Everyone has their own opinions on what they think is best.

        I remember back when XP was doing its rounds, "Oh god! Fisher Price!!" - the XP interface was not popular by many. Same goes for Vista/7. I personally think Aero was a gigantic step up from XP, but many will disagree.

        This video is NOT showcasing what "Windows 8" will be or even might be. I don't even know why they would try connecting the dots like that.

        • Most people ran XP with the classic theme. Luna really didn't add any UI features like Aero does. You loose things like Flip3D and Taskbar/Alt+Tab window thumbnails when you turn off Aero.
    • by tkprit ( 8581 )

      ITA; very little added functionality, just everything's hidden in a new place and called something different.

      I'd like to know a bit about the filesystem underneath these "bubbles". ....or, omg, is it all CLOUD BASED (that sky drive nightmare—worst implementation ever of 'net storage'.).

    • That's gobbledygook.
      I don't see anything but speculation in TFA. Hell, if we are speculating, here's something that's better and a lot more believable to be Windows 8: []

      • Sigh. Yet another minority report style interface. It always astounds me that conceptual designers really think that holding your arms outstretched to interact with anything for an extended period of time is a good idea. Anyone working in human-machine interface design and ergonomics should be able to tell them that it's a load of crap. People sit with their arms in a rest position over the controls because it's the lowest-energy means of interacting. I cringe in anticipation at the coming wave of multi
    • by anshulajain ( 1359933 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:51PM (#35324612)

      Bubbles reminds me of the original vision for KDE4, except that "Bubbles" was/is referred to as "Widgets". Information flows to and from the internet into these
      "widgets" in the KDE4 desktop. They have stuff like Facebook/Twitter feeds directly accessible and writable through these widgets and something like an OpenSocial framework for social interaction. Not exactly the same, but the idea seems to be very similar to KDE4.

      • by quickOnTheUptake ( 1450889 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @02:47PM (#35325536)
        Okay, Time for an almost OT rant:
        Who the fuck thinks it is a good idea to put the things we use most often or what always visible on the "desktop", the first thing to be covered as soon as we start actually doing something??
        Widgets/wallpapers/desktop icons/conkey/whatever are absolutely retarded ideas.
        When will UI designers realize that my computer UI is not a desktop, and I do not want it to mimick limitations of physical objects.
        • I keep thinking that the DM and windowing metaphors really need an overhaul not to something new, but to a logical extension of what they already are.

          For instance, to my knowledge, there's no way in Windows, *nix, or anything else to add a touchscreen to a desktop (convenient example []) and use it only as a place to store widgets, such that it doesn't interact with the rest of the desktop--unless you use some sort of proprietary software that hides the display from the OS entirely. For all that widgets are f

        • The GNOME designers realised this and have a panel on the top of the screen which is always visible through which you can access all of your apps and files and folders. You can have lots of room to put app launchers across the top so you can open ythe apps you use the most in one click. There is a Places menu that lets you get to your most used folders in two clicks.

          And everyone complains its bad UI design because its not like windows or MacOS.

    • I'm a professional developer and user; I've found the ribbon interface to be a good thing. We often hear a lot of complaining when the old way of doing things changes, even if those changes prove in the long run to have been an improvement, from those who cut their teeth on the old. For those who start their Office experience with 2007/2010, they will probably look at the previous generation and wonder, "how the hell did you put up with that?"
    • Apparently, Every microsoft UI is the best it can possibly be, because any change is always complained about.

      Seriously, do you really think the Windows or Office UI are so good that they can't be made better? Really?

    • i dunno about you but office 2007 and 10 have been the most usable versions yet. they re-thunk the ui and created something that was better than all existing solutions. excel has become order of magnitudes much easier, with many functions out in the open, taking only 1 or 2 clicks to activate. earlier you had to dig deep into menus that are hard to use with a mouse.

  • The UI is interesting on its own. You don't need to spice it up with arbitrary easily falsifiable BS like "it'll be in Windows 8" to make it interesting.

  • by haus ( 129916 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:08PM (#35324264) Journal

    by whom?

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:13PM (#35324304)

      The Federal Reserve has been asking for a bubble-based UI.

    • Ghost in the Shell fans?
    • by omb ( 759389 )
      Seconded, NO ONE
  • by richlv ( 778496 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:09PM (#35324272)

    "eagerly awaited Windows 8" - say what ?
    next version of grub might be more eagerly awaited than windows 8 or whatever.
    ms hired a pr company to build up some buzz ? :)

    • ms hired a pr company to build up some buzz

      Careful now, that's a registered trademark ;)

  • The fundamental problem I see with that UI, at least from the article, is that it is gadget based. Fine for my phone. Even fine for Surface, which isn't targeted at the home. But 98% of what I do on my computer wouldn't have a useful gadget sibling in any way shape or form. Not to mention, the utter waste of screen real-estate. To be fair, I've seen people assume that such concepts are new Windows UIs for years. It hasn't been true yet...
    • Let's be clear. There is NO INDICATION this actually for Windows 8 and not just a pretty looking tech demo. The article for some reason seems to latch onto the idea this might be Windows 8 but ignores every other tech demo in the movie.

  • by OzPeter ( 195038 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:10PM (#35324282)
    I read TFA, I watched TFV, and I still can't connect the summary to anything of substance.
    • Also, that bubble interface is shown for maybe 2 secs, and it looks like it's nice to watch but utterly useless.
      • by maird ( 699535 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:20PM (#35324362) Homepage
        There's the proof it's Windows 8 at least.
        • It's cool to be snarky, but haven't seen many outlandish ideas as the main UI of Windows in any version, so how is this proof?

          • by mevets ( 322601 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @03:54PM (#35325990)

            andrea noted that the interface was: .... nice to watch but utterly useless.
            which inspired maird to assert:
            There is the proof....

            You see, maird was saying that the demonstration of something pretty but useless stands as proof that its in the new Windows. The implication is that Windows releases have been dominated by attractive, but worthless items.

            By responding to andreas comment with this statement, maird successfully introduced a discontinuity, which the reader may perceive as a delightful surprise, sometimes reacting with laughter. In the traditional world, where this discourse may have occurred around a fire, Mairds companions may have slapped him affectionately on the back, making cooing sounds about wittiness and "bons mots". In this disconnected world "+5 funny" is the depressing equivalent.

            Some interpret the delightful surprise as a confusing consternation; often spurning an irrepressible desire to resolve the ambiguity. While this activity in itself is also quite funny, it is more the sad kind of funny.

    • by sco08y ( 615665 )

      There are bubbles... and they do stuff... in the cloud?!

      Mundie thinks the computer needs to go from being a "tool" to a "helper." I guess he figures that after 20 or so attempts at this, from Bob to Clippy to whatnot, it's got to eventually work.

      Maybe. What is conspicuously absent in the video, though, is anyone getting any work done.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Well, it was TFA that was at fault, manufacturing a story out of a screenshot and an unrelated PR piece.

      As far as the PR piece was concerned -- I don't see much that could be called controversial. People have been talking about "ubiquitous computing" for over twenty years now, and it *is* true that computing devices are getting more and more sensors. The Motorola Xoom will have an accelerometer, gyroscope, ambient light sensor, magnetic compass and barometer. And it's not like Microsoft has failed to deli

  • What? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    This has got to be the dumbest thing ever. Microsoft is just being different for the sake of getting attention, because they know they are quickly becoming irrelevant.

    Well, so long Microsoft, it was a good run, but you finally have reached the limit of what you can steal from others and the ideas you come up with on your own are pants-on-head retarded. Goodbye.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by JWSmythe ( 446288 )

      This has got to be the dumbest thing ever. Microsoft is just being different for the sake of getting attention ...

          That seems to work well for Apple.

    • Is this like a autogenerated comment by something like the IBM Watson? Maybe it studies the upmodded comments in previous articles and comes up with this tripe. But the best thing is that it will work with the moderators on here.

  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:14PM (#35324312) Journal
    You know if you use these Linux and such OS, there is so much of cost retraining the employees in the new system. You stick to Microsoft, you can rest assured that all the training costs you have spent will be investments that pay dividend over a long time to come. That is why you should invest in microsoft and stay away from those platforms that keep changing their UI.
    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      Dammit! I was going to post something almost identical, but you beat me to it with a better phrased version!

    • by jollyreaper ( 513215 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:40PM (#35324516)

      I'm no fuddy-duddy. I'm willing to change when an obviously superior idea comes along. What fucks me off about Microsoft is that they rearrange where you find the fucking things but they're ultimately the same fucking screen from the last four versions. But where do you go to configure network properties? It's a goddamn easter egg hunt.

      Don't even get me started on that fucking ribbon.

      • by Bengie ( 1121981 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:52PM (#35324620)
        WindowsKey->Type("Network Connections")->enter

        There, now you can config your NIC :P
        • by Overzeetop ( 214511 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @01:16PM (#35324814) Journal

          Well, that's great, except that what if you wanted to see the status of your network conenctions - your method (which requires a lot of typing) doesn't work.

          Even better, I decided to type "configure network card," and the only usable option that popped up was "Manage Devices and Printers," which, interestingly, doesn't even show my network card as a device.

          Why, might I ask, do you need 3-4 different ways to manage the network, some of which are inaccessible from other areas.

          Why, in the network and sharing area, does a right-click on 'Home Network" not allow you to change the relationship, a right click on "Joined" for he home group does not allow you to unjoin or change the home group, and a right click on "local area connection" not bring up status, ipcongif info, the network card properties, or anything else? Why not put all those single clicks to new levels of dialog boxes into a unified interface? Why does doubl;e clicking your wireless icon in the tray disconnect you?

          I can only assume that this guarantees more training dollars for everyone that has to use this stuff.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Arlet ( 29997 )

          My keyboard doesn't have a "Windows" key, you insensitive clod.

      • But where do you go to configure network properties? It's a goddamn easter egg hunt.

        Right click the network icon, choose: "Open Network and Sharing Center", look to the links on the left, choose: "Change Adapter Settings". Its actually completely obvious and simple, it was an easter egg hunt in XP, it was an easter egg hunt in Vista. Win 7 is extremely simple.

        Someone already replied with the search option, which is your alternative. Even better, search inside the control panel.

    • by bussdriver ( 620565 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:52PM (#35324616)

      The academic world worries about citations and plagiarism in their works but the commercial world never bothers or usually takes credit for others work as their own; the marketing departments go even further.

      We (the community) should be pointing out and calling BS to this heavily marketing driven society that has created a world in which smart people and educational institutions lack their due respect as the true innovators and instead we are told to worship the mighty corporations; its no wonder so many Americans are anti-intellectual and pro-corporation -- they see new technologies like this Microsoft PR and think Microsoft "innovated" all that stuff when I didn't see anything there that they innovated other than perhaps the bubble thing which they didn't show much of (and I likely just missed some paper somebody did on the concept 10+ years ago.)

      • by Ltap ( 1572175 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @05:07PM (#35326424) Homepage
        h.264 is a good example of this. The compression algorithms were mostly developed by academics. I recall hearing one gloating startup exec who had got a piece of the h.264 pie talking about how he had "monetized" a particular video compression algorithm. In his mind it was him who deserved the money for selling it, not the academics for inventing it. After all, they might have released this important technology for free and for everyone to use rather than adding it to the witches' brew of the MPEG-LA patent pool! You know... "Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble..."
  • different from a row of icons? Except maybe they're not well organized? I didn't see anything in the video I hadn't already seen a million times though. Is it just a slow news day?
  • "Icons drive the Linux OS"? Really? I don't have any icons on my desktop (Fluxbox), and one can run Linux just fine without any sort of GUI.
    • Icons? Is that the thing at the far-left of the shell prompt?

    • by koolfy ( 1213316 )

      Most of Linux GUIs (window manager/desktop environment, etc) either disable Desktop icons by default, or allow to disable them easily.

      In fact, most of linux innovative GUIs (yes, by windows' standards, 2007 Fluxbox is innovative.) are built around a minimal-to-no-desktop-icon paradigm, using the desktop as a menu generator, or widget emplacement

      the only ones still using this 1998-ish idea of letting you flood your screen with a shitton of pointless icons with no organisation whatsoever are those who admit

  • MS are so risk averse that the likelihood of this UI showing up in Windows is as likely as them moving the Linux kernel.

    They won't do anything drastic because they're in the pockets of their business customers: Who need everything pretty same-y to avoid retraining, software changes etc.


  • Research stuff (Score:5, Insightful)

    by diegocg ( 1680514 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:33PM (#35324462)

    Microsoft research does really cool things, but somehow the bureaucracy always kill them. I don't think it will be different this time.

    • Dude, that is complete and utter BS. Did you just make that up? Or do you have first hand knowledge?

      I actually have first hand knowledge: Many, many things make it from Microsoft Research directly into products. Im aware of many that are in Windows. We are really good at this.

      Were not perfect, if you are going to be derisive about Microsoft, at least be original and accurate.

      -Foredecker []

      • You have to understand that, when people outside refer to "MSR doing cool things", almost always (unless they're CS students) they refer to some "oh wow" demo - and those rarely make it into products (or keep the "wow factor" when they do).

        Only the few in the same field can appreciate the theoretical CS research, for which the only manifestation are published papers. And when, say, Windows gets an improved scheduler with a very interesting new algorithm based on that research, no-one will pay attention. Th

  • Unless you noticed that similar approaches were already used in things like this [] (of course that their new minion will sue them, but still)
  • Don't you remember all the promises about Vista and all the fancy changes etc? Not even half of those made it and we're using Win7 now... I suppose it'll get cut at the last moment for Win9... Maybe it'll be in Win10 or Win11 provided M$ is still functioning :)
    • Exactly. After all MS has been promising a db based file system since the 1990s and hasn't delivered. WinFS was the 5th instance of this.
  • by jfengel ( 409917 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:39PM (#35324506) Homepage Journal

    There's nothing here you haven't seen before. It's the usual Microsoft Surface things, drawing Fantasia-y colors by waving your hands and rotating 3D objects, which you've seen before. Add to that a lot of vagueness about how everything is going to change and a soundtrack that could easily have come from any HR video on sensitivity training or proper timecard procedure.

    Maybe these features will be nifty when we get them. But this video is the worst kind of marketing speak.

  • Some of us have to actually use computers to, you know, make a living. We don't want or need yet more fluffy widgets to keep us from getting our work done. For every improved driver in Windows 7, there were at least two annoyances that were added to the mix. Transparent overlays?... useless. God-awful search tool that doesn't even recognize a tilde (~) character?...even worse than useless. Completely arbitrary user interface when trying to copy files (probably depending on which serf wrote that piece of
  • by Barryke ( 772876 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:48PM (#35324580) Homepage

    People, please watch that video. The article is wild speculation. I did not hear or see anything that ought to be how Windows 8 looks. Its just MS saying what they recently did with Surface and Kinect.

    Those bubbles some speak about (which where in visibly only for seconds, not even showing how interaction would actually work) are not represented as being how Windows 8 would or could work.

    Not that i appreciate the idea of such a big company thinking really hard to remove that hassle of having to use a mouse and even then perform verbose, repetitive actions that could be represented with a single voice command. I'd love that.

  • by SmallFurryCreature ( 593017 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @12:50PM (#35324604) Journal

    This works, if EVERYTHING is streamline, the world isn't streamlined.

    [.jpeg] [.jpg] [.jpe] [.jpg] [.gif] [.] []

    The above where ALL extensions I found for jpeg images. Yes, the last one is empty and the gif? Just one of the many wrongly named ones. How do you deal with this uniformly? How do you write a super smooth UI that shows images if even determining what is an image is already that hard.

    Link the weather to my airplane ticket? That only works if somehow the ticket data exposes location data in a way the weather plugin can understand AND if then the ticket plugin can understand the weather data. My airport is Eindhoven, my weather plugin only knows about Amsterdam (Schiphol is NEAR to it but NOT the same). So how does that work? Ah, only unified services work... nice lock-in you got going there then. This kind of stuff is a chain and chains are only as strong as the weakest link.

    It is not like this kind of stuff hasn't been tried before, it is the intelligent home dream.

    The dream where you put a carton of milk in your fridge and it tells a phone that it is getting old. My local supermarket has four brands of milk at least. That is ONE supermarket. If my carton I picked up at a new supermarket on the way doesn't register, the entire service is useless and I might well end up drinking spoiled milk trusting that my intelligent home would have warned me.

    My flight can not be just delayed because of the weather at departure airport but also by weather enroute and arrival airport or indeed whatever area my plane is coming from in the first place. My ticket doesn't have route information or where the airplane is coming from, how can my PC check this info if even the airline company can't? And does any of this check the road conditions? How about public transport? Does it KNOW whether I will be driving, a friend, a cab or I will be going by train?

    Another one, language and subtitle choices. this should be trivial as long as everyone and every coded uses ISO encoding and then agrees on how many letters. Should be trivial, it isn't. Nobody can ever agree on someone elses standard.

    Oh, your services are ALL going to MS supplied? Better hand in that iPhone then, just give it to me, I will take it off your hands. GIVE IT... geez, you expect a Windows 8 experience to work out of the box with iOS? No? Then what is the point.

    We can't even get MS to smoothly discover various makers MP3 players. They going to bother with any services that don't pay through the nose for it and share all their data?

    There is a reason we don't have integrated services that could power such a UI. The world is filled with individuals who all like to do things their own way. See Google and its chrome window that doesn't work the same as every other window on Linux.

    This kind of UI is limitted to the movies where god, the writer, knows exactly what is going to be needed to get done next.

  • These are people who have obviously never heard of the KISS principle... Yet they will force these new user interfaces upon the world at a huge cost, to that world. As much as I dislike Apple's business practices, I have tremendous respect for their interface designers. As far as I'm concerned, MS failed that class.
  • While MS have been mucking about with concepts, Apple have actually added real and useful features to their next OS upgrade.

  • Didn't it look like the guy was trying for that Steve Jobs look?

  • Like most of the other MS innovations of late, they seem to have a lot of very cool ideas, bit not really any great apps that utilize them.

  • Yeah, it was radical and new in 2006, before the iPhone came out with a multitouch display.

    Once again, MS is talking about how bleeding edge they are and showing off half a decade old tech.
    While that may be radical and cutting edge for MS, it'd be hilarious if it weren't so sad.

  • by dirkdodgers ( 1642627 ) on Saturday February 26, 2011 @02:04PM (#35325218)

    This is wildly unexciting. Want to build excitement about an OS, Microsoft? In my opinion at this point in MS's life the best thing is to go back to the playbook and lift some ideas from Apple.

    Launchpad: An overlay of application launch icons right, sorted how I want them, just like on your mobile device. Not buried in menus or folders. Proven interface. Just give me a touch screen in my macbook now.

    More Gestures: Unlike Windows that ships to most users on 2nd and 3rd rate hardware with a USB two button mouse, OS X ships on high quality hardware with an amazing multitouch gesture pad, or available to desktop and home theatre users via the bluetooth magic trackpad. Windows will continue to be built for the least common denominator hardware until MS gets a clue.

    Air Drop: Finally. Transferring files between devices without cables and without a fucking "Sync Wizard"

    Built-in Version Control: Finally. Integrated RCS for your documents at no cost to you in a consumer OS. Yes, its been done on Linux but never this end user friendly and never this well integrated.

    Resume on Reboot: Finally. Done right in a consumer OS. Yes it was done on Unix 20 years ago, but application support for it on Linux was mostly allowed to fall into disrepair over the years where application state really wasn't saved as part of your session. No more spending 20 minutes to get all applications and windows back how they were after work after rebooting for a security patch or turning it back on after being packed away for a trip.

    Mission Control: Better than Expose, task bar, and alt+tab combined. No MS, stacking task bar windows is not an improvement.

You cannot have a science without measurement. -- R. W. Hamming
