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Google Movies Music Technology

Old Media Says Google Will Destroy Film & Music 336

SirWinston writes "A Daily Mail editor has written perhaps the most Luddite attack on Google ever, reading just like a 19th-century manifesto against looms and factories. 'Google has become a global predator ruthlessly gobbling up potential rivals such as YouTube and 'stealing' the creative work of writers, film makers and the music industry... Google has granted these piracy sites a licence to steal... It undermines investment in the very creative industries that have become such an important part of our national prosperity, and employ hundreds of thousands of people.' The article lionizes brick-and-mortar business and traditional media, and reads as a funny anachronism--except that these may be the attitudes of European regulators now shaking down Google and new media."
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Old Media Says Google Will Destroy Film & Music

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  • Re:Parasite, yes (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 10, 2011 @09:19PM (#35777116)

    For me to take you seriously, I would need.

    1. a link to even one photo of yours used in google news

    2. a reason why your didn't just file the DCMA and stop whining how the big bad google "stole" your precious photos.
    DCMA is the legal process for take downs in the US, so what's the problem? Everyone files them if they find their unauthorized content online File it and your content disappears.

    I can't speak on google's respect for copyright, but I do know that Robot.txt noindex nofollow work pretty well.

    Otherwise I suspect you are associated with the daily mail or some other news corp enterprise

  • Movies... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by KingSkippus ( 799657 ) on Sunday April 10, 2011 @10:00PM (#35777284) Homepage Journal

    Unfortunately, I don't think this will work quite as well for movies.

    Don't be so sure. We're already seeing the rise of series such as Felicia Day's The Guild [] and Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog [] , which has been free online in various official capacities. Also, Google has started producing full-length movies, such as Girl Walks Into a Bar [] . (The latter of which even features some semi-big names, like Carla Gugino, Josh Hartnett, Danny DeVito, and a bunch of other names you'd probably recognize.) Also, Hulu is producing a show, The Confession [] , starring Kiefer Sutherland and John Hurt, both big names in the business.

    I honestly think--and hope!--that the times of big television networks being the gateway to what we can and can't see are soon to be over.

  • Re:trololololo (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Windows Breaker G4 ( 939734 ) on Monday April 11, 2011 @01:21AM (#35778410) Homepage Journal
    Here's the thing though, the papers that have gone web only (Mobile friendly if you will) found that without out a print version their web traffic dropped 80% or so (sorry I don't have the article in front of me). Print does drive web readership.

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
