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Instant Quantum Communication Is Near 287

fljmayer writes "In this experiment, researchers in Australia and Japan were able to transfer quantum information from one place to another without having to physically move it. It was destroyed in one place and instantly resurrected in another, 'alive' again and unchanged. This is a major advance, as previous teleportation experiments were either very slow or caused some information to be lost."
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Instant Quantum Communication Is Near

Comments Filter:
  • by ae1294 ( 1547521 )

    Wait wasn't this impossible like a week ago?

  • Near? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2011 @07:45PM (#35875752) Journal

    Neither Australia nor Japan is close to me, so unfortunately Instant Quantum Communication Is Not Near.

  • Will this instant quantum communication make my AT&T 3G signal any faster?

  • Yeah, Right (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Greyfox ( 87712 )
    Do you think any government on the planet would allow that? I'm sure any researcher who so much as hints that he's actually close to a breakthrough on that topic quietly disappears in the night.
    • So, I herd you like conspiracy theories...
      • Wow, your comment is either truly profound or you have no clue how to spell. Quick, someone check in on his cat...
        • Intentional misspelling is intentional. My comment is about as profound as the previous, that governments would just disappear quantum physicists for effectively doing "science". I'm not entirely sure I'd see the point. It would just produce a technological dark-age (relatively to the potential of having mainstream quantum machines/computers eventually). The two posts, you see, are entangled. One is spun into silliness in the form of conspiracy, the other is spun in the opposite direction as a Yo Dawg
      • so i put a tinfoil hat in your tinfoil hat so you can block out the aliens while you block out the aliens.

  • by TexVex ( 669445 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2011 @07:57PM (#35875878)
    It's the same old teleportation thing, except now faster and with higher fidelity.

    The article is extremely light on information and (as usual) rife with such misleading phrases as "SchrÃdinger's Cat" and "spooky action at a distance".
    • and "spooky action at a distance"

      Did you just make that up or do you have a saved response for quantum teleportation articles?

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Gastrobot ( 998966 )
        The phrase "spooky action at a distance" was coined by Einstein for the ability of one particle to instantaneously affect another.
        • by daenris ( 892027 )
          yes, but the phrase "spooky action at a distance" is not in the article, as TexVex seems to be suggesting, indicating that he's throwing out the criticism without actually having read the article.
          • "the phrase 'spooky action at a distance' is not in the article"

            http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spooky_action_at_a_distance [wikipedia.org]

            That's because "spooky action at a distance" is really called Quantum Entanglement...which IS in the article.

            FTFA: "The team employed a mind-boggling set of quantum manipulation techniques to achieve this, including squeezing, photon subtraction, entanglement and homodyne detection. The photo above depicts their device, nicknamed the Teleporter, in the lab of Akira Furusawa at

      • by Thing 1 ( 178996 )

        and "spooky action at a distance"

        Did you just make that up or do you have a saved response for quantum teleportation articles?

        The comment was teleported in.

    • The article is extremely light on information

      Of course it is - just because we can do quantum teleportation - doesn't actually mean there is anyone out there who understands how it works...

    • Off topic, you missed a good one: LOST DASH
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 19, 2011 @08:12PM (#35875958)

    Transferring information faster than the speed of light through the use of quantum entanglement is impossible. Only through the use of a second, traditionally light-speed-bound communication channel one make any use of the oddness that is quantum entanglement.

    That said, it might still have practical uses, but instantaneous communication to the other side of the galaxy is not one of them.

    • Although I figured using it as a network interconnect across the planet, say EU to US would be a good start, of course depending how quick you can flip that bit as to whether it's even feasible vs under sea cables. Though saying that I figure it's far more complex than merely using it as an overcomplicated cable. No doubt thinking of traditional uses for quantum processing systems is too simple, but I'm not a quantum physicist so I'm a bit stuck there. The engineer part of me says "Right, now what? Let'
  • Wake me when they have an ansible.

  • by koan ( 80826 )

    What's the distance between transfer points, was it between Japan and Australia or were those just 2 lab locations running separate experiments? information transfer faster than light?

    • by JSBiff ( 87824 )

      My understanding is that even quantum entanglement is still limited by the speed of light. I think the main advantage of quantum entanglement vs. radio communication is greater privacy. Also, I'm not completley positive on this, but I think that, whereas a limited number of users can 'share' a bit of the RF spectrum, as long as you have more entangled particle pairs, you have essentially unlimited bandwidth.

  • Hopefully now we'll soon be able to instantly transmit a stream of random bits wherever we choose!!
  • In a real-life use of Schrodinger's theoretical paradoxical cat ...

    This phenomenon is described in Erwin Schrodinger's quantum mechanics thought experiment, in which a cat is simultaneously dead and alive, depending on the state of a subatomic particle.

    I'm sure Dr Schrodinger would be glad to know that his thought experiment, showing the shortcomings of a naive interpretation of CI, is now taken as a literal description of quantum mechanics.

    He did take it for granted - and I really think this is qu
    • by Omestes ( 471991 )

      and I really think this is quite intuitive - that cats can't be both dead and alive at the same - why is this so hard for people (and especially popular science writers)?

      Which brings up a converse point; why should physics be intuitive? We evolved to understand a certain scale, this outside this scale are going to be very strange. Relativity isn't really that intuitive, try to explain all the strange side-effects of that theory to lay people. On smaller scales, quantum mechanics are just as intuitive has relativity... meaning, completely nonsensical to our normal existence. Time does not dilate, objects don't elongate or contract based on relative speed per frame of re

  • Was this accomplished over a distance or simply to a near by device? I thought that the phenomena was well studied at very short distances.

  • When it says information passed between the two points is information, does it mean it changes energy states? Because I think there would be a lot of devices that could be engineered with an offsite energy source instead of having a fuel tank.

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