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Samsung's Solar-Powered Internet School 32

An anonymous reader writes "Samsung has developed a solar-powered internet school for Africa. Although its more of a CSR initiative to show how 'responsible' they are, the idea is really good. Hopefully, more companies will chime in the near future, and not only include Africa but also other 3rd world regions"
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Samsung's Solar-Powered Internet School

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  • Putting responsible in quotes, complaining that other companies aren't doing the same thing, and complaining that they're only doing it Africa. Next submission "Cure for AIDS discovered" - "Well, its not like they cured cancer, and I'm sure the drugs will cost a lot." Go die in a fire, you're holding the rest of us back.
  • Looks like one of the advantages of their project is that the school is portable, but in this case it is an insulated cargo container.

    Wouldn't a bus work better? That way it can move to village to village and all those villages can share a teacher.

    • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

      Cargo containers can be moved with a semi, on a railcar or with a boat. Seems like a bus would be more limiting.

    • by Belial6 ( 794905 )
      No, it wouldn't. With a bus, when the engine breaks down, the whole school is down until the vehicle can be fixed. With a cargo container, it can be put on the back of a truck, and if that truck breaks down, you can move it to another truck. The chances of the vehicle part breaking is dramatically higher than the rest of the setup. All putting it in a bus would do is lock the container to a particular vehicle.
    • The school is "portable" in the sense that it can be manufactured someplace and used someplace else. In rural Africa, traveling between villages takes a few hours. Including set-up and tear-down time, a single classroom mounted on a bus could only reach two or three villages in a day, if there's no mechanical trouble. That also means that the class has to be taught all the same material in the single class each day.

  • and not only include Africa but also other 3rd world regions

    Wait a sec! Is that code for "California?"
  • by DerekLyons ( 302214 ) <fairwater@gmail . c om> on Wednesday October 26, 2011 @05:03PM (#37849590) Homepage

    Africa is the target, because Africa is the last great reservoir of cheap labor. This will be important in the coming decades as rising prosperity in Asia increases the cost of doing business there.

  • So let me get this straight... they built a school in a shipping container, with an electronic whiteboard, air purifier, and LED lighting? And they expect this to somehow stay intact in rural Africa? Almost nobody in those villages is going to understand the value of education. From their perspective, it's all just a shiny piece of technology to be sold off by the first person who can steal it.

    The sad part is, that statement is not intended to be racist or discriminatory in any way. I personally have volunt

    • Even here in the US, when I see those fancy electronic whiteboards I wince. It is not only wasteful distraction to learning, but encourages shallow PowerPoint-esque teaching. I agree that chalk, a wooden blackboard, books, and a smart, motivated, and idealistic teacher would be vastly more appropriate.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Sounds neat. But 2 notes..

    1) Over 10 years ago (1997 IIRC) artist Ingo Gunther and an architect designed a mobile shipping container based classroom with computers in it. I helped publicize it by posting the drawings online at our ISP Cyber Technologies International too. Metal walls would stop bullets too. However, no phone lines, and military would seek out radio signals. Anyway, I remember discussing the project in the context of building educational infrastructure in Cambodia which was pioneered by Bern

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