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Solo Explorer Begins Bicycle Journey To South Pole 144

Hugh Pickens writes "Helen Skelton, the first person to solo kayak the length of the Amazon, has set for herself another difficult task — to travel up to 14 hours a day battling 80mph winds and -50C temperatures 800km across Antarctica in an attempt to reach the South Pole by bicycle. It's no average ride, and Skelton, 28, is not using your average bike. Her specially-built Hanebrink 'ice bike' took designers in Los Angeles three months to finish. It features a seamless frame made of aluminium aircraft tubing, heat-treated to withstand harsh environments, and fat, tubeless, rubber tires designed to bulge over the rim to provide maximum stability and traction. The bike is designed to be as minimalist as possible, to make it aerodynamic and very low maintenance. 'The bike is designed specifically to cycle in soft snow or sand,' says polar guide Doug Stoup. 'We trained together in the desert this past summer. It helps because the temperatures are so cold the snow has little moisture and has a sand-like consistency.' Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes commends Skelton for taking on 'incredibly tough and grueling challenge.' 'Like Captain Scott, Helen is attempting something that has never been tried before and I applaud her pioneering efforts.'"
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Solo Explorer Begins Bicycle Journey To South Pole

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  • Follow-Up (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by DC2088 ( 2343764 )
    Solo Explorer Cannot Tell You What It Was She Saw, It Was Too Horrible, Cannot Describe, Just Keep Flying Damn It
    • She's not saying it was aliens... but it was aliens?

      • by DC2088 ( 2343764 )
        Solo Explorer Suddenly Terrified of Barrels, Penguins
    • by laejoh ( 648921 )
      Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

      I for one would use a Dornier Wal instead of a bike!
    • They were infamous, nightmare sculptures even when telling of age-old, bygone things; for Shoggoths and their work ought not to be seen by human beings or portrayed by any beings.
  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:02PM (#38614366) Homepage Journal

    'Like Captain Scott, Helen is attempting something that has never been tried before and I applaud her pioneering efforts.'"

    I bet that won't be the only similarity between her and Scott...
    • by durrr ( 1316311 )
      Unforunately she'll be mummified and buried in ice so her last name is inappropriate.
      • by ackthpt ( 218170 )

        Unforunately she'll be mummified and buried in ice so her last name is inappropriate.

        Enough windburn and she'll be a red Skelton.

        I'm certainly put off by the wind - when it hits about 20 knots it's some real work to go in. In the winds she'll be facing I can't imagine doing other than trying to simply stay in once place, without my bike being blown away - and these winds can go for more than 24 hours.

        • without my bike being blown away

          Well, that's why the bike is being designed as highly aerodynamic, isn't? Let's hope that Miss Skelter is highly aerodynamic as well.

    • by MarkvW ( 1037596 )

      I'd compare her to Amundsen, rather than Scott, but that's just me.

      • by tokul ( 682258 )

        I'd compare her to Amundsen, rather than Scott, but that's just me.

        Amundsen went low tec to South Pole. It was Scott's (or Shackleton's) f.... idea to use ponies and motor sledges. I don't think that Helen's bike is edible.

        • by MarkvW ( 1037596 )

          Amundsen lived. Scott died. Shackleton required extraordinary skill and courage to overcome disaster.

          I wish the woman Amundsen's luck!

    • by macraig ( 621737 )

      And she can't even justify her odd choice of a bicycle by merely quoting Edmund Hillary, either, because the bike wasn't there until she commissioned it to be built.

      I am mystified by people who do things just to be different and get attention, as opposed to solving a problem or serving a practical purpose.

      • Yeah, "pioneering" ain't what it used to be. There's a big difference between being the first to go somewhere, vs. being the first to do so on a pogo stick. It's too bad space didn't turn out to be more useful.
        • by macraig ( 621737 )

          Space isn't useful, but the stuff that punctuates it certainly can be. It's just that space is BIG and there's no places to make pit stops... stop and build a fire and catch a wabbit or two for dinner. Crossing the oceans was once pretty hard because those pit stops were rare, but they still had air to breath, a magnetosphere and ozone layer overhead, and the medium itself wasn't immediately deadly. Space as a medium is just a wee bit more hostile. It's still necessary and worth it, but we'll need more

      • Have you considered she might enjoy doing it? Seems like a good enough reason to me.

        • by macraig ( 621737 )

          No. This rockets way past enjoyment and into self-promotion. Given the expense and preparation involved, this is a job done for profit, not something done for fun. More to my point it's not in the least bit constructive except (perhaps) for the companies who are sponsoring her pointless venture. She's an advertising hack with a spin, nothing more.

          • Wow, I've been a bit surprised by the criticism I've seen here. When I saw this I only thought "Getting to the pole: cool" "Riding bikes: fun and fast", so trying to combine the two just seemed like a nice idea. She's also intending to use kite skiing. It's not as impressive as trekking with less equipment, although equally it sounded like she's doing it alone, which is quite scary regardless. It will be interesting to see whether using this level of fairly basic technology helps, hinders or makes no di

  • Design (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:02PM (#38614368) Journal

    Just a casual look at the picture of the bike makes me really wonder about the chain and sprockets on the back. They are totally exposed, and very low to the ground. Seems like they would be damaged on a chunk of ice pretty quickly.

    • by Anonymous Coward No need to make a custom bike when an off the shelf model will do.

      • Re:Design (Score:4, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:09PM (#38614472)

        The new, even more over the top Moonlander might be more appropriate.

        4.7" wide tires. I'd give my first born to be able to justify owning one.

        • I came here to suggest the Moonlander, but you beat me to it. Surly is a good company that makes really good bikes.

          • Agreed. I had a bike stolen, and replaced it with a Surly pacer with a Sram group on it. The thing kicks ass, by far the most versatile and comfortable road bike Ive ever ridden. I keep up with the racers and can ride a century plus with no lingering pains. I think my next bike will be the Karate Monkey.
    • by Corf ( 145778 )
      The bike industry has had ample experience making stuff that holds up to getting bashed around. []
      • Re:Design (Score:4, Informative)

        by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:32PM (#38614716) Journal
        Obviously you don't have much experience at 50 below zero (and no, I don't count the 'with the windchill' bullshit... try working at 50 below BEFORE factoring in the wind). Even metal parts break a lot easier if they aren't purpose built for the cold. So experience going down a hill at anything above zero Celsius does not prove anything about suitability at the temperatures she is going to encounter. I have worked in Manitoba with equipment designed and built in the southern half of the U.S. that was supposed to be suitable for arctic winters. I guess a lot of people down there don't get it. We had to do a bunch of modifications after we received the equipment (a gas analyzer shed) so that it wouldn't freeze up and quit. And Antarctica can make the arctic look like a trip to Cancun (ok a little hyperbole, but it is way harsher down south).
        • by Corf ( 145778 )
          I sure don't. My comment was just as much an excuse to post that video as to contribute relevant discourse. But I put in a number of years in the bicycle industry. The better component manufacturers [] also do things for the aerospace industry; conditions fluctuating between sea level and a few dozen thousand feet probably do a number on equipment as well. The stuff is also likely a mite simpler and easier to re-engineer (if necessary) than a gas analyzer shed.

          Have a look at some of the photos [] that Hanebrin
      • Unrelated, but damn that kid can bomb.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I'd also question the assertion that the frame has no seams, unless it is cast or MIM or the like. If so, I can't figure how that would be an advantage over a traditional butted or welded Al frame.

      "Simple brakes" is also an hilarious callout, to describe what are likely off the shelf cable pulled calipers not significantly different in design from every bike in stock at Wal-Mart.

      • if you click "simple brakes" in the image, it explains they are used instead of hydraulic brakes (yes they do make them for mountain bikes) which might have issues w/ fluid freezing. So, yes they are "simple" in comparison to alternatives. Maybe they should have said mechanical. I wonder if they could have just gotten some antifreeze to the right viscosity and used it as a brake fluid.
      • I'd also question the assertion that the frame has no seams, unless it is cast or MIM or the like. If so, I can't figure how that would be an advantage over a traditional butted or welded Al frame.

        I think they're talking about the tubes that the frame is made from. See under "seamless": []

        "Simple brakes" is also an hilarious callout, to describe what are likely off the shelf cable pulled calipers not significantly different in design from every bike in stock at Wal-Mart.

        Well, yeah. That's the point. Cable-actuated brakes are reliable, and when they do break, they're much easier to fix in the field than hydraulic brakes. They don't have quite as much stopping power as hydraulics, but for a mostly flat ride, that won't be a problem.

    • Re:Design (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jpapon ( 1877296 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:14PM (#38614524) Journal
      I imagine she'll have several chains and gears. Besides, I doubt ice will do much damage at the speeds she'll be going. Not to mention that chain and sprockets can actually be very strong (see chainsaws). The cold might make them brittle, but I imagine they've chosen appropriate materials.
      • by idji ( 984038 )
        she has 24 gears.
      • The problem isn't with pieces breaking, but with being fouled by ice. Ride a mountain bike in the mud and you will have such problems.
        • Pieces breaking, especially flexible plastic, is an issue. I've had the plastic sheaves on cables break in only -20. The biggest ice problem I've had in sub zero temperatures is icing on the rims on a bike with rim brakes (there's enough friction to heat the rims to melt the snow which later refreezes). Ice is much more of a problem around 0, in freezing rain conditions, but once she's away from the warm and wet coastal air the risk of freezing rain is slight.

          Snow is much easier to deal with than mud if the

      • ...which is why there's a soft-metal tab that attaches them to the frame, called a derailleur hanger. It doesn't take much at all to bend them, and the derailleur is also pretty fragile, in general. The more gears you have on the rear cassette, the more precise everything has to be. Having the chain exposed like that, and using a derailleur/cassette, is pretty stupid. Ask anyone who commutes in the winter; it's all going to clog up and stop working. They should have gone with an internally-geared hub (
    • by hawguy ( 1600213 )

      Just a casual look at the picture of the bike makes me really wonder about the chain and sprockets on the back. They are totally exposed, and very low to the ground. Seems like they would be damaged on a chunk of ice pretty quickly.

      Sometimes ease of accessibility trumps protection. Once on a bike tour, my riding partner snapped her chain and the loose chain got hung up in her chain guard. Normally a broken chain would be a 5 minute fix, we had a chain tool and some spare links. But it turns out that her chain cover screws were completely rusted tight - we stripped the screw heads trying to get them off.

      Fortunately, a passing motorist had a hacksaw so we just cut off the chain guard mounts, then it was an easy fix after that.

      For the sn

    • by dargaud ( 518470 )
      There's no ice on the ground in Antarctica as soon as you move away from the shore: only snow. And it's either mushy snow in some areas near the shore (~100km) or crusty snow with continuous sastruggi. Which lead me to say that their wheels are way too small. Even with boots with soles of the same surface area as their tires I was breaking the crust. We'll see how it goes, I wish them all the best in this great but unforgiving land [], but I wouldn't bet on them.
  • For keeping childrens TV interesting and alive and keeping the spirit of this long live tv programme going for over 53 years!

    this is a prime children's tv program doing a challenge to raise money for a charity called sport relief

    Well done and we wish Helen God speed

  • Seamless? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Sez Zero ( 586611 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:12PM (#38614504) Journal

    The frame isn't seamless, the tubing that makes up the frame is seamless. The tubes join in distinct seams.

    After reading about and looking at it, it just looks like bike with fat tires.

  • she's gonna die
    • Re:solo? (Score:4, Informative)

      by digitig ( 1056110 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:35PM (#38614766)
      Not solo. The summary doesn't say she's doing it solo, and the article tells you that she's one of a pair doing it.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      One thing I've learned from cyclists is that they know so much more than we do. That's why, for instance, in Oregon there was a large effort to pass a law making it so that cyclists don't have to obey traffic stops -- their judgment about if they need to stop at intersections render stop lights and signs superfluous for them, and waste their time. I am quite sure she'll not only succeed, but have many great lessons to teach the people at stations near the south pole before they strap her to an iceberg and p

      • Re:solo? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by hawguy ( 1600213 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @06:26PM (#38615352)

        One thing I've learned from cyclists is that they know so much more than we do. That's why, for instance, in Oregon there was a large effort to pass a law making it so that cyclists don't have to obey traffic stops -- their judgment about if they need to stop at intersections render stop lights and signs superfluous for them, and waste their time. I am quite sure she'll not only succeed, but have many great lessons to teach the people at stations near the south pole before they strap her to an iceberg and push her out to sea.

        Really? I hadn't heard about that, that sounds like an excellent law.

        You trust car drivers, who are in a closed, partially sound proof box with large vertical obstructions in their field of view to be able to make that judgement when their car hood keeps them 4 - 5 feet behind the intersection, but you don't trust a cyclist who has a clear field of view and sense of hearing who is 18" from the intersection when he approaches to make the same decision?

        Often when I'm biking to an intersection, a car will pass me in the last 5 or 10 feet to the intersection, slow down, and proceed through the intersection before I even reach the stopping point. Did that driver really look carefully to decide if it was safe to go? If he did, then why do you think that I couldn't make that same decision in the same amount of time,even if I don't come to a complete stop? Plus, by not coming to a complete stop and unclipping from my pedals, I get through the intersection faster, so the approaching car from the side doesn't need to wait as long for me to clear it.

        A bike loses significant momentum when he comes to a full stop, and loses further time when he has to clip in again to proceed, *and* he has much more to lose if he makes the wrong judgement - if a car pulls out in front of a cyclist, the worst he'll face is some scratched paint. If a cyclist misjudges and pulls out in front of a car, he risks serious injury or death.

        • Re:solo? (Score:4, Insightful)

          by LordLimecat ( 1103839 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @10:03PM (#38617970)

          Rule of driving: Never assume that the other person will act in a safe manner. Because one of these days during the next 50 years of your driving life, they wont, and you will come out much better if you are prepared.

      • I feel certain that nobody at the south pole will be pushing anything out to sea, since it's over 1000 km away.

  • Or is it just me? I guess if she fails, she can go back to teaching tap dancing.... Oh, wait. We're back to that pointless thing again.

    Remind me again how this person merits any newsworthiness?

    • Not any more silly than the team that wanted to ski down Mt. Everest.

    • by cptdondo ( 59460 )

      Huh?! "Because it's there."

      Don't you ever want to know anything about the world outside of your mom's basement?

      I'm doing the Bataan Death March [] - me and a few thousand other people doing something utterly pointless. Just because we want to.

      • I'm the first one on board the "Because it's there!" trip, but in this case, I'm less impressed. What's next - first trip to the South Pole in a Unicycle? Walking backwards? While doing a three-legged race?

        Do it because you want to, not because you want to get your name in a record book by altering some small part of the original record.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      Weight is a massive factor in polar expeditions and the experience gained in this trip could help a lot for those places where the best option now is to drop the group and their equipment by helicopter.
      IMHO it's no more pointless than racing cars and getting a few nice side benefits as gravy every now and again.
  • by It doesn't come easy ( 695416 ) * on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:20PM (#38614608) Journal
    Doubt it will catch on as a summer vacation thing to do.
  • FTFA

    The Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton

    I thought she was female. How is it she has a blue peter?

  • If you happen to come across any ammo cans out there, would you please sign my id to the paper log inside? thanks!
  • by samoht ( 101985 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:35PM (#38614752) Homepage
    Do they expect that she won't make it?

    If it's a well planned, modern thinking, expedition, would seem to make more sense to compare her to Amundsen []...

    Scott appears to have been very brave, but he also seems to have been stuck in the century old Royal Navy mindset of the nobility of man hauling during polar exploration. Amundsen seems to have studied the problem of polar exploration from a very young age and put this knowledge gained into designing a successful solution. He got there first, got there faster, and didn't lose a single man.

    Terra Nova - a play about the race to the South Pole []
  • Explorer? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Dyinobal ( 1427207 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:35PM (#38614762)
    I dunno when I think explorer I don't think of these stunts. Sure they are difficult to accomplish but I don't see much actual exploration in them. Exploration would be charting some previously uncharted caves, exploring space (star trek style) or something else. This solo bike ride, is more stunt worthy, record book worthy but I don't think she will be remembered as an explorer.
    • Gotta agree here. Not that what she's attempting isn't tough, but it's not being an explorer. If that was the case, then I'm an explorer, the first time I drove my pickup from my new home to work. That trek had never been made before, in that vehicle.

      It reminds me of the art scene where the quality of a painting is less important than whether or not it was made with saliva and blood, or framed on a toilet seat lid.

      At least it's all for charity.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The article doesn't say she is biking the whole way, only part of the way. She's also skiing and sail-skiing.

  • And who will be footing the costs of the rescue effort when things inevitably go pear-shared on this misguided publicity-hound?

    I'm just sayin'... be mindful of where your donations go.
  • Hanebrink ice bikes (Score:4, Informative)

    by smellsofbikes ( 890263 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:40PM (#38614832) Journal

    Hanebrink's been building these bikes for almost two decades, although I've only seen one in person. These days Dan's making an electric-assist version [] of the bike. They have a bare minimum of plastic parts, which break in the cold. I don't know what he's using for tires these days but his first run were apparently done using knobby ATV tires that he'd ground the knobs off, which he described as a fairly unpleasant process. They also have a somewhat complex geartrain to give reasonable heel clearance from the chain, as well as reasonable speeds across a wide terrain profile.

    • by pz ( 113803 )

      Not sure about ATV tires per se, but shaving the top few mm of tread off of auto tires for racing purposes is standard stuff. There are machines specifically built for it that are not unlike large lathes. I can't imagine that ATV tires would be that different, so if someone describes it as an unpleasant process, they might not be using the right tools for the job.

      • A lot of these kind of tires are hand-made because the machine is too big or too small to accommodate them, or the wheel they mount to. The tires used on the Top Gear Polar Challenge [] were hand-modified as well.

  • by Lucas123 ( 935744 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:42PM (#38614858) Homepage
    I don't mean to come off as too cynical, but I mean, I can see being the first person to hike to the South Pole, fly to the South Pole -- heck even snowmobile to the to the Pole. But, what the heck is the purpose of biking to the Pole -- simply because it's yet another form of transportation? Maybe it's just me. I don't get it.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's Blue Peter and it's for charity?

  • by jollyreaper ( 513215 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:43PM (#38614876)

    I can understand doing something really difficult with a lot of preparation. Bike across America? Cool. Walk across America? Cool. Crawl across America? Moonwalk across America? Walk on your hands across America? That goes beyond an interesting challenge to just bizarre.

    I can understand sailing across an ocean. I can even understand doing it solo. But trying to set a record for smallest boat or rowing? That just seems like trying to push beyond difficult to stupidly dangerous.

    I understand doing something for the challenge but there has to be a screw loose to do it for notoriety. Yeah, yeah, nobody will remember my name after I'm dead and she'll get her name in the history books whether she survives or not. In fact, she'll probably be remembered better if she does fail. Amelia Earhart surely owes a good deal of her current name recognition to not just how she lived but how she died. I guess if fame's that important to you, have at it.

  • I'm waiting for the follow-on where she does it in the winter.
  • by PolygamousRanchKid ( 1290638 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @05:51PM (#38614992)

    I mean, usually when these quests go wrong, the adventurers eat the sled dogs. So is she going to eat her bike?

  • When/if things go wrong....

    Who pays for the rescue (or body recovery) effort?

  • So.. who is paying for her rescue? And are they volunteers who are willing to risk their life to save some chick out on a whim?

  • by unimacs ( 597299 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @07:04PM (#38615922)
    I live in Minnesota and ride 6 miles to work year round in all weather and have gone winter camping where we slept under the stars for a weekend in -15F. I'm very intrigued by the design of this bike and would LOVE to try one here. Typical mountain bikes are a ton of work to pedal through even a few inches of snow, - at least the type of snow we get in these parts.

    Somebody has already mentioned the Surly Pugsley and while it's a fine machine it has its limitations. If the snow isn't fairly firm, it's worse than a conventional bike. You end up pushing 4 inches of tire through the snow instead of 2.

    An ultra-wide, small diameter tire like the ones they're using make a lot of sense. More float without all the extra weight of a large diameter tire. They mentioned the aerodynamics of the bike but it doesn't look like they've done much in that department other than adding aero bars.

    Clothing and supplies will be a huge deal. She's going be traveling mostly under her own power and working hard. Her clothing needs to be able to wick sweat effectively while still keeping the wind out. She'll also need a lot of water and need to consume a lot of calories. Does she have a support team supplying her?

    Good Luck to her !
    • The aerodynamics (and weight) on a Hanebrink are *horrendous* -- but with a tire like that, and over terrain like that, you're not going to be anywhere near the speeds at which that matters. (For bikes the crossover is usually in the 12-20 kilometers per hour range, below which your power is mostly going to fighting friction, and above which it's mostly going to pushing air aside.) Those aero bars are mostly going to be of use to her for changing hand and body positions. I've done 100+ mile and multi-day

      • by unimacs ( 597299 )
        I agree that she's probably not going to be moving fast enough that speed alone will make aerodynamics very important. However, they talked about the high winds alot, so even if she's not moving fast, a stiff headwind will still make riding position (and aerodynamics in general) matter.

        It just seemed strange that they talked about the aerodynamics of the bike and it doesn't look like they really did anything at all in that regard other than internal cable routing. They even did wind tunnel testing but I
        • Fairing, yes, but recumbents are *terrible* off-road. I can ride my cannondale mountain bike over a ford taurus sedan. My HPVelotechnik recumbent can hold 28 miles an hour for most of the day but can't even handle crossing a curb unless it's basically perpendicular (and even then it's pretty unpleasant.) Not to mention: have you ever pushed a recumbent? It's *awful*. And she's going to be spending a lot of time pushing her bike. For flat paved roads recumbents are unequalled, but for offroad rough con

          • I've heard that full-suspension recumbents are better at such things as curbs. The editor of built a nice one.

            • The HPVelotechnic is fully suspended. Previous to it I had a Turner SWB, that had no suspension. After a 100 mile ride I thought I was going to piss blood. That's why it went away and the HPVelo showed up. It's this bike []. It only has about 40mm of front suspension travel, which curbs soak up entirely (and then some.) I've never seen a recumbent that had enough suspension travel to handle a curb without bottoming out. In contrast, on the mountain bike or my road racing bike, I can bunnyhop the bike up

  • Where's /. user "icebike"? I need his / her thoughts on this.

  • It's a Honda monkey bike reproduction, except gutted & made out of aluminum instead of steel...
  • by illtud ( 115152 ) on Friday January 06, 2012 @11:59PM (#38618790)

    I really don't get the "she's going to die" comments; this is Blue Peter - a UK (middle class, losing audience) BBC kids' show. There will be tens of thousands of kids following her attempt, she'll have scads of logistical support. If she gets into real difficulties, don't be suprised if Prince WIlliam flies her out, she's in no way doing this 'solo'. She is really doing it (though not cycling all the way, as I understand) but you really don't get a high-profile BBC presenter putting her life at risk in front of kids. Although they've done really risky things in the past (those of you who thought that John Noakes was just a humourous character should read up) by now there's no chance that the BBC would be taking a serious risk,but those of you who think this is a suicide mission or doomed to fail can look forward to watching the kid-friendly "it was really hard but worth it" episodes later on, (or possibly the "she broke a leg and was airlifted out 100 miles out").

    Nobody's going to be seeing a Blue Peter death here, that's just for the pets. And good on Blue Peter for showing young girls that they can aspire to something other than X-Factor (though I think it's pointless, same as with all other ''explorer' antics, other than as a personal goal).

  • Assuming she gets from 83 deg south to her goal.
  • She starts at 83 South, need I say more?

  • Subject says it all.
  • Does this remind anybody else of this Monty Python Sketch: []

FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: #44 Zebras are colored with dark stripes on a light background.
