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Need To Find a Hackerspace In Africa? Check This Map 14

pigrabbitbear writes "These days you can crowd-map just about anything, from Hurricane Irene to what you eat for breakfast, as long as you either have a phone or a basic internet hook-up. One of the largest and most used platforms for crowd-sourced mapping is Ushahidi (Swahili for 'witness'), an open-sourced platform has been used for tracking and mobilizing movement around more serious topics. Ushahidi was used in developing Syria Tracker, a crowd-sourcing of reported deaths in the conflict in Syria. Now the Ushahidi platform is putting technology hubs in Africa on the map. The map, simply named Tech Hubs in Africa, was launched by Bongohive, a self described non-profit technology and innovation hub located in Lasaka, Zambia for one purpose: To have likeminded organizations across Africa — notorious for low levels of tech infrastructure — begin plotting the locations of tech hubs available around the continent right now."
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Need To Find a Hackerspace In Africa? Check This Map

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  • Can't help wondering why hackerspaces in France are plotted on this map
    • ACcording to the description of the hub:
      "La Cantine is a project incubator and a co-working space in central Paris where Francophone African tech people and project find a really well connected hub and are most welcome.

      Link: http://lacantine.org/ [lacantine.org] "

  • Some of these sites, like MEST (Meltwater) are quite promising, but it is yet to be seen if they will produce good coders. The "tinkerer" economies (Japan, southern China, Singapore, Korea) with few natural resources have always seemed to leapfrog the natural-resource based economies, but most of the investment in Africa has been in resources. Nations earning $3.5k per person per year are getting online at 10 times the rate of growth of the OECD. The tinkering there has a lot of potential. The most opp
  • The capital city of Zambia is Lusaka, not Lasaka. I realize this is a copy/paste from TFA but I thought I'd point it out anyway.

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