Wi-Fi Light Bulbs Shipping Soon 401
An anonymous reader writes "Computerworld has an interview with an Australian startup called LIFX, producing WiFi-connected LED light bulbs. Each light bulb is a small computer running the Thingsquare distribution of the open source Contiki operating system that creates a low-power wireless mesh network between the light bulbs and connects them to the WiFi network. The wireless mesh network lets the light bulbs be controlled with a smartphone app. Through a Kickstarter project, the company has already raised a significant amount of money: over one million USD. "
Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:4, Insightful)
look, i dont want my 45 cent light bulb costing me 50 bucks. I dont need a light bulb with a computer in it, can i think of fun things to do with it? sure but when i have over 100 light bulbs in my home, i dont want them all costing me a months pay to replace. what is wrong with a good old fashioned light bulb??
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:4, Interesting)
switching 110/220 is a big deal involving mechanical relays that tend to stick open/closed or flutter when they fail.
what's more interesting is someone writing a virus/trojan that scans for these devices and then tries to trigger an epileptic fit by flashing all the lights on/off when it's night time.
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Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Informative)
Erm sorry but that's false. TRIACs only result in dirty power if they are used to chop part of the sine wave such as in a dimmer circuit. If you connect it high via a transistor or optocoupler it will start conducting from the very start of each half cycle and will not result in any harmonic distortion.
The only time you'll see dirty power while a TRIAC is used as a simple switch is when it's not conducting. The leakage current is not constant. However if a few milliAmpers are likely to kill your ballast it was well and truly time to replace it anyway.
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So what you're saying is when a TRIAC is always on and doesn't chop the sine wave then there's no distortion?
Are you a natural genius or did you just read my post?
Re: Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:4, Informative)
Reactive loads are typically filtered with with small LCR circuits as used in any universal dimmer capable of dimming CFLs and LEDs without flicker. They just aren't very common yet as they have only been on the market for a few years. Also the mA leaking through the TRIAC will not provide sufficient fwd voltage to make it to the caps. TRIAC control is used widely in smart lighting configurations in commercial buildings, yet I've never seen a light randomly flick on.
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Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Insightful)
Putting the brains in each bulb makes it more generally accessible and effortlessly scalable.
Unless cost is a factor.
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Cost vs. what? Plain old "dumb" bulbs? Sure, but then you're obviously not interested in this type of thing anyway.
But cost of this vs. other systems? OK, maybe a bit more expensive, but you're *getting* so much more. LIFX is an open system, uses existing standardized networking protocols and is *programmable*. That last point, I think is what makes LIFX so much more than other systems (oh, you can turn your lights on with your phone and select 8 different preset colors? How cute!)
I'm not astroturfing
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So how many are you going to buy?
As an adult, with children, mortgage, etc, etc ad nauseum to pay, we'll be buying a big fat ZERO of these.
Now, if there were "intelligent light switches (and power outlets)" with built-in powerline network adapters and who's control protocol is openly documented (so that I could write Linux apps), then I'd consider it.
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Informative)
If you're still using incandescent lights an LED will save a few times its cost in electricity.
Since LEDs are a metric ass-load more expensive than incandescents, they'll need to last an appropriately metric ass-load longer than incandescents.
But since CFLs were also supposed to last 10-15 years but don't, color me skeptical in believing LED light manufacturers claims of light bulb nirvana.
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That's exactly what they are doing with traffic lights.
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Informative)
The problem is most western lighting is really, really shit. We usually have one or two hanging bulbs to light up a room, and then put shades on them which prevent light reflecting off the ceiling. Rooms are unevenly lit and we need expensive compact bulbs with the electronics crammed into a tiny space.
In the far east, particularly Japan, they have big (~0.6m) diffuse lights that put out 5500lm (about 5x what a 100W incandescent produces). They are LED based and only consume 50W of power. They last a long time as the electronics are properly spread out and cooled. You get a remote control that adjusts brightness and colour temperature. They don't even cost any more than typical gaudy western light fixtures.
Over there they also have more small low wattage lights that are used for specific areas where people work.
LEDs are already excellent, we just don't use them very well.
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LEDs are already excellent, we just don't use them very well.
Speak for yourself. I get plenty of light from my Cree lights. Both are in fixtures with good reflection and they cast a lot of light. In fact, I'm going to have to install a dimmer in the bathroom because it's too bright in there in the morning.
Over there they also have more small low wattage lights that are used for specific areas where people work.
Nothing prevents people from buying desk lights.
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Insightful)
There also the significant downside in that all your light switches become useless because you have to leave them all on, all the time.
There is a more significant downside, but to learn about it you have to have a few of those smart switches in your house.
That downside is that they consume a lot of power, regardless of whether they are on or off. They don't have transformers; but that wouldn't be a good solution either because 1 to 2 watt transformers are horribly inefficient (I measured them personally.) A switcher would be efficient, but they cost too much, and they require medium frequency, ferrite-based transformers, and an optocoupler... it gets expensive fast.
So what are these switches using instead? They have a small capacitor, a small resistor, a rectifier bridge, and a Zener diode. That's basically all that they have. This is a horribly inefficient system; a typical dimmer switch with remote control (Z-Wave or Insteon, doesn't matter which one exactly) easily dissipates a watt of power. Multiply by 24 and 365.25, and you end up with about 9 kWh wasted just on that one switch. If you have ten of them, that'd be 90 kWh per year. Not much, but it's energy that you did not have to burn. To put it differently, each switch consumes enough energy to keep an incandescent 100W light bulb on for more than three days and three nights. If you use an LED or CFL light bulb, it takes 10% of that power, and then the switch itself burns enough power to keep that light on for a whole month.
I have these switches, and they are heating the walls of my house. This is particularly easy to notice in summer. I can afford that because all my power comes from the solar (PV) array. But it's a factor if you just want to "become green." The best way to be green is to use LED light bulbs and regular, dumb switches - and to use those switches whenever you enter and leave the area. Automation saves energy only in very specific circumstances, when you cannot expect the lights to be turned off promptly. Corridors of office buildings, at night, is one such example. At home most people neither want nor need home automation. They will not be better off with it. It's just a toy, and as most toys go it costs you more than you save.
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I use Insteon and Z-Wave at this house. They run on cheap 8-bit processors and do not require fancy clocks, or complex modulation, or multiple channels. WiFi is overdesigned for the task, is chatty, and needs configuration of some sort.
If you are interested in home automation, the last thing you want to do is to jump on a technology that is advertised to you through Slashdot. There is not much you can do with a single light bulb; however if you get a proper set of sensors, switches and stuff (Z-Wave on m
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Does Insteon have an open protocol? IOW, does it work with Linux? Can I write bash scripts to control and monitor my house?
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Informative)
x10 .. x10
Somewhere in the recesses of my brain that sounds fami.. oh god.. OH GOD!
Kidding aside, I played with x10 for a while and if anyone is thinking about it, my suggestion is: don't
It's a terrible and outdated protocol. A quick "of the top of my head" list of the major problems:
- It's one way (for the most part). There was a kind of handshake thing out there but it was never used.
- The signals are easily lost in what were called "signal suckers" in many x10 circles. Basically any device using cheap filtering could kill a signal. This was a bad combination with the first one. It was common recommended practice to send a command 3 times at a 2s interval..
- False positives! The protocol is insanely simple and came from olden times when there were generally few noisy devices plugged in. The result is the right burst of noise can actually be a valid message and result in anything (but normally it was your bedroom lights turning on in the middle of the night).
- Slow. I don't know what the actual command throughput was.. but it wasn't good.
The whole thing was a terrible experience, and ultimately the novelty of it dies pretty quick. The very few useful implications are easily dealt with using much simpler technologies. One of the nicer things was always turning off the bedroom lights while laying in bed. Now I've got a self contained wall switch/remote dealie that works _perfectly_ and didn't even require a neutral ground wire or anything.. literally just swap and go.
I still have most of my old x10 gear. I will usually pull some of it out during christmas time.. few appliance modules controlling christmas lights and such.. but I'd never even think of trying to automate a home with it.. stuff is garbage.
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:4, Insightful)
I swore off X10 simply because of their pop up ad assault many years ago.
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Never really looked into z-wave, but I've heard insteon described as "x10 with the bugs worked out", which sounds nice. The idea behind x10 made a lot of sense, the implementation was just terrible.
Unfortunately my home automation craze ended. Kind of depressing really, it was real "house of the future" stuff and I was totally into it when younger. Now that I actually have the money and knowledge to do it properly, I no longer have the motivation.
I guess the gee-wiz factor of it died for me. With my remote
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X10 is just worthless. It might have been a good idea once, but now there is so much noise that it never works.
On the other hand, Wifi is ridiculous overkill for this application. It quite literally makes no sense. Well, let me qualify that; one day it will make sense, when it costs much less to do, but today it literally makes no sense.
All of these problems could be solved trivially if you could just buy a power cable with some data wires bundled into it without spending a lot of money, then you could cont
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I think it won't be too long till the added cost of Wi-Fi in a bulb will be a couple of USD. Remember: a Wi-Fi chip has a microcontroller inside of it. That microcontroller should be enough to run Wi-Fi and a simple mesh network. It doesn't need a full-blown webserver, but even that could be done on a micro. The volume lets you optimize the heck out of everything. It would cost $0.0 in materials to have this chip control the light that already needs to have a power supply built into it anyway. In fact, the
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Re: Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:2)
The bulb will last more than 15 years. Your arguments are ludicrous.
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The bulb will last more than 15 years.
Because that's what the manufacturer says?
Your arguments are ludicrous.
Believing self-serving advertisements is ludicrous.
Re: Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:4, Interesting)
The bulb will last more than 15 years. Your arguments are ludicrous.
I seem to remember them saying 5-10 years on CFL's, odd that up until I dumped them all and went back to incandescent's, I'd replaced a dozen of them at least twice--though under warranty until I'd simply had enough.
Hell, even the new replacement 36" mini bulbs that they're pushing to replace the 48" florescent tubes, rarely last 2 years. The bulbs might last a year, maybe. And I've replaced 8 arrays in the last 4 months(all with a standard 2 year warranty), made by sylvania, and phillips. The 48" jobs that I still have, have ballasts made in the 80's and are still working. Hell I've got one tri-bulb 36" assembly that was used in street lights in the 70's where I live, and the ballast is still good.
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Insightful)
While I agree, architecturally, legacy infrastructure has serious inertia, which results in the world being largely held together by a mixture of dumb choices and dirty hacks laid on top of antiques that nobody wants to replace.
Even in situations where there is a logically-separated arrangement widely available(as with fluorescent tubes, where mechanical and electrical standards for fixtures with discrete ballasts have been established for decades), the market is still flooded with ghastly all-the-driver-electronics-crammed-into-an-E27-base-package models that usually fall over and die because their driver circuits are complete junk. People still buy them, because the alternative involves mucking around behind the wall with mains voltages.
With something like an LED fixture, especially if you want fancy color controls or dimming, or both, there really aren't any existing standards for sockets. The closest thing is probably gear designed for 12v halogen bulbs, which makes driving an LED array pretty painless; but that has no data/control channel. Power only.
If you had the luxury of doing a legacy-free design, top to bottom, things would definitely turn out much better; but unless you could do that and be able to get replacements from more than just a single vendor who may or may not go out of business and/or gouge you, you aren't likely to displace existing lousy but compatible solutions.
(Incidentally, this is probably why Wifi keeps popping up in home automation at all: it's brutally overpowered for the purpose, as well as relatively expensive, power hungry, and complex; but its sheer ubiquity and near-absence of vendor market power keep inspiring people to cram it into dubiously suitable places just because the alternatives are overpriced and proprietary, or only compatible with themselves, or both.)
Re:Wi-Fi toothpick (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem with putting it in the switch or the socket is that you then need an electrician to install it, or at least some knowledge of such things to do it yourself. With a bulb you just screw it in as normal, any consumer can do it. To the average person that is a big selling point.
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what is wrong with a good old fashioned light bulb??
Apparently they're too dumb...
But I do agree with you. As long as they don't force this shit on us and it's just another option at the store, then I don't mind a little bit of extra choice. I'm not even so sure that I would want to have two dozen basically meaningless "devices" (light bulbs) wasting my router's resources in the first place... but depending on what these things allow, maybe a few of them in certain rooms wouldn't be too bad.
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As a matter of interest what resources would they waste other than IP addresses, of which you should have more than plenty anyway?
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It used energy, and was made of sand. Therefore your 50 cent light bulb needed to be replaced with a $50 biohazard made of mercury and other toxins sold by campaign contributors.
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Speak for yourself, but I can't wait for these things.
As for cost, how much would it be to have whatever existing proprietary system installed in your home? That's the cost of the hardware itself (I'm guessing hundreds if not thousands), hiring an electrician, possibly ripping out and redoing some drywall for rewiring, etc.
These? Whatever the bulbs cost, however many you want. In my home, I'd say about 8-10 bulbs. Do you think whatever proprietary systems exist would cost $400-$500 for complete installa
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I can't wait for these things.
That's very good because you don't need to wait [smarthome.com], or to pay at Kickstarter.
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LEDs will save you more in electricity than they cost (even now). Your 45 cent light bulbs cost a lot more over time than an LED when you include the energy costs.
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An LED lightbulb, yes. But is that still true of a combination LED/computer/radio? Frankly the whole idea seems to me to be slightly missing the point. Just how much power does this beast draw? I imagine that the LED itself is the smallest part of the load. I think I'll go with a plain, unadorned LED bulb. Geting up to turn on/off the lights is not exactly hard work.
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And for full disclosure, I discovered as I replaced more incandescents with LEDs my natural gas consumption increased ever so slightly during the winter because I wasn't heating rooms with 60W / 100W bulbs any more. I don't have air conditioning, but if I did that increase would be offset by reduced cooling costs in the summer.
I don't get nearly as cranky when my daughter leaves her closet light on all night. It now uses 6.5W instead of the 60W bulb that came with the house and then the 40W I replaced it wi
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No, really, the best LED lamps on the market (AFAICT) are the same price as the worst ones. Buy CREE LED lamps from the home despot, they are dimmable, have a ten year warranty and cost ten or thirteen bucks. They will most likely be on an end cap display someplace far away from the rest of the LED lamps. So far they are awesome. You can google around for a teardown to see that they have a much more credible-looking power supply than most LED lamps. No perceptible flicker, excellent color temperature. Very
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But the capital cost of an LED bulb is so high that it off-sets the energy savings.
When the price of CFLs came down, I started putting them in my house, mainly for the convenience of not having to replace them as often. But only when the price dropped.
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If you're smart enough to fix LED lights, you're smart enough to retrofit an LED light into your own enclosure using replaceable parts you buy from DX.com or similar. Instead of complaining, do something about it. Adding all that cost and complexity to something that doesn't fail if it's built worth a crap anyway (e.g. Cree-brand lights, which actually come with a respectable warranty) makes no sense while the prices are on a race to the bottom.
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Wi-Fi toilet paper. Finally, mankind's eternal dream of wiping from the keyboard cones true!
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Which makes far more sense that wi-fi bulbs. I think this article is evidence that there's a bubble forming in the tech sector again. Or really, that it's already formed.
WAP built into lamps might make some sense, but building them into the lightbulb makes precisely zero sense. What would probably make the most sense would be building it into the socket, so that it could be easily replaced, but not require replacing whenever the bulb goes out. The bulbs themselves tend to be rather fragile, whether incandes
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112 years enough?
http://www.centennialbulb.org/ [centennialbulb.org]
Even survived 6 hours of down time...
if only X10 could've lived to see this day (Score:2)
Lights being controlled by computer! The power of home automation at your fingertips! Click here to order today!
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X10 is almost useless in a modern home where almost anything you plug into the outlet has a switching power supply, including every light bulb. It wasn't designed to cope with that. There are much better and higher bandwidth protocols. They leverage modern signal processing. It lets them perform better than X10 in spite of being orders of magnitude higher bandwidth!
Just what we need (Score:2)
We finally have energy efficient light bulbs that can last for years and don't cost an arm and a leg.
Can't have that - let's add some complexity to the system. It'll raise the price and increase the failure rate!
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Now, they're shaped like light bulbs.
Sooo... You know you can get non-wifi bulbs right? (Score:2)
You can have nice, efficient, LED bulbs with no WiFi in them. Go to Amazon, Home Depot, pretty much wherever you like. The Philips L-Prize bulb is the one I'd recommend. Very nice spectrum, more efficient than most other LEDs, long life.
Or I suppose you could just whine on Slashdot about a product that isn't on the market yet.
Smart phone as a universal UI... (Score:2)
I wonder how hard it would be to have bulbs like this subtley modulate their light output to broadcast their address to your smartphone? Your phone could then ID the bulb and give you control over it when your phone is pointing at the light. A scheme like this, implemented with cheap IR beacons, could be applied to other products to allow control without a physical interface. Want to change the thermostat? Point your phone at it and a HTML 5 UI pops up allowing a rich user interface. Someone has to hav
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just what the world needs (Score:2)
Nevermind this has been commercially available long enough for it to be featured on this old house, why in gods name do we need to control everything from our smartphone?
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Why bother to have switches at all when you can have lights controlled by your smart phone? Could even do some cool hacks so the lights come on automatically when your phone is in range and it's during hours that would be dark.
Re:just what the world needs (Score:5, Insightful)
Why bother to have switches at all when you can have lights controlled by your smart phone?
Not everyone has a smart phone.
Not everyone carries it around every moment of the night and day.
You can flip a light switch with your elbow when your arms are full.
The many 10s of millions of people with presbyopia and myopia don't need glasses to flip light switches.
Requiring everyone in a family -- from the very young to the very old to carry a smart phone, and to pay for all those contracts, is plain, fucking stupid.
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How can you patent it without adding "...with a phone"?
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Plus any device that you can "control with your smartphone" can be controlled from any other network-capable computing device
all the more reason I DONT want it. if *I* can control it with any network capable device, so can hackers 1/2 across the world or even worse, the NSA
This makes no sense. (Score:5, Insightful)
Why would you put control circuitry that doesn't wear out into the replaceable part that *does* wear out instead of into the fixture that holds it?
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In principle it's not the right place for it, but it does make transitioning much easier. If you were going to put it in the fixture, you'd need to put out a whole range of devices with the new fixture, ranging from recessed ceiling lighting to lamps to whatever else people have in their houses. And once you did that, people would have to replace their existing fixtures with the new ones.
While if you put it in the bulb, you can just screw it in to any of your existing fixtures quite easily.
Re:This makes no sense. (Score:5, Informative)
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Screw in adapters typically cause problems with lights fitting in fixtures. Forget about enclosed lights and they can also cause problems with cans or even fitting under the harp.
Why? (Score:2)
I mean, I'm not buying them, but that's a pretty obvious answer
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Why would you put control circuitry that doesn't wear out into the replaceable part that *does* wear out instead of into the fixture that holds it?
One of the advantages of LED bulbs is that they don't wear out for a very long time. It wouldn't surprise me if they outlast the control circuitry.
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Fixtures are pretty permanent (difficult to replace for most homeowners). Bulbs are made to be easily changed by anyone. LED bulbs should last a very long time, longer than quickly changing home net/mesh technology.
Why would you want to lock yourself into a new technology by making it difficult to upgrade? Does this answer your question?
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I see what you are saying but its actually the other way around. In a LED light the LEDs has a longer lifespan than the controller. You can see this in a LED streetlight. The control circuitry is a simple plug in plugout to replace. The LED panel is modular too but thats more so the streetlight designer can specify how many LEDs for the lumens he needs.
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$10? That will outright pay for a 40W Cree equivalent with a ten year warranty. You're not getting them for the same cost, you're getting them for free (Well, three bucks more if you get the 60W)
OTOH I don't get any LED rebates, or if I do, they've not told me about them. Which is too bad...
Seems like a great way to... (Score:5, Interesting)
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Smarthome networked LED lightbulb (Score:4)
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Same with Philips' "Hue" lights.
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Re:Smarthome networked LED lightbulb (Score:5, Informative)
More WiFi clients == less RF flying around?
No, not really: Insteon (and X10) are dead silent unless commands are being sent. Meanwhile, WiFi devices are inherently somewhat chatty; they all spend a significant portion of their time broadcasting "Hey, here I am! I'm still here! I'm still here! I'm still here! Hey, everyone! I'm still here! Are you there? Good! Because I'm still here!"
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Meanwhile, WiFi devices are inherently somewhat chatty; they all spend a significant portion of their time broadcasting "Hey, here I am! I'm still here! I'm still here! I'm still here! Hey, everyone! I'm still here! Are you there? Good! Because I'm still here!"
WiFi is Facebook?
Re:Smarthome networked LED lightbulb (Score:4)
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There is no good reason that a light bulb that is designed to screw into a standard socket should ever use any kind of wireless technology for it's control. The thing, by it's very nature, is already connected to a wired network in the home. Using wireless pollutes the WiFi spectrum while simultaneously exposing the device to hackers.
OK, Debbie Downer.
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Spoken like someone with no knowledge or experience with Insteon.
Curious how you think WiFi light bulbs would *reduce* the amount of RF "flying" around compared to Insteon (which would be powerline). Even in RF form Insteon is low power and low range in comparison...oh, and Insteon is "already here" too as are the networked Insteon bulbs. All you need to use them is a switch and a powerline bridge. No big deal.
Troll level: 99 (Score:2)
Yup, I can see it now... Drive by someone's house, whip out the phone, plunge them into the stone ages. Keep driving. (puts on sunglasses) AWWWWWW YEEEAAAAH.
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They actually have encrypted connection, so as long as the people can't actually get on your internal network (aka, your wifi is secure), you will not be able to do this. Maybe try to read something about the whole thing before judging. I know its hard but it makes everything a lot easier.
Anonymous Coward: Not having a sense of humor since 1997.
Subtle mind control (Score:2)
Barely perceptible changes in lighting levels or hues aimed at changing your behavior. In response to your activity online. Or whatever the NSA deems appropriate.
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That's my dad's job.
What I expect with WiFi bulbs (Score:3)
Put it in the switch (Score:2)
If you really want automation, put it in the switch, not the bulb. Then you can use any bulb you like. Just program the switch to tell it what type of bulb (whether it's dimmable, and what type of dimming to use). The only advantage in putting it in the bulb is that you can do effects where multiple bulbs on the same switch can be controlled independently, which I don't see as a significant advantage.
Also, if you put the control in the switch, you can choose between WiFi and powerline ethernet. You also
What a dumbass idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Yay, let's significantly increase the cost of making light bulbs (instead of simply making an attachment that screws into the socket and then takes a normal bulb), so we can increase the power requirements to run the light bulbs, so we can add yet more signals and interference to an already overcrowded wifi spectrum, so that we can make our light bulbs hackable... all in an effort to do what? Avoid having to flick a switch?
About the only thing they're not doing is wrong is suckering people out of money on kickstarter.
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Honestly I'm amazed at the resentment of so many
Re: What a dumbass idea (Score:2)
Slashdot seems to be turning into a home for displace technophobes.
One Million USD (Score:2)
And nobody's put their pinky to their mouth yet?
Lightbulbs aren't pricey enough as it is... (Score:3)
For a 60W (or equiv brightness) bulb at Homedepot...
Incandescent bulbs are dirt cheap at $.40 a bulb.
CFLs... at $2.25
LED is $13.
You now want to put wifi in this thing? It takes a long time to recoup the cost of a $13bulb... I can't imagine what it would take to recoup some $25 wifi enabled bulb with encryption.
Wouldn't it also be the ultimate power vampire? You'd now be putting your lightbulbs into standby if you wanted to turn them on and off via some smartphone app. Last I checked when I turned them off via the wall switch, they actually went off.
Dumb (Score:3)
It lights up. It can be turned on and off and dimmed remotely That's where we were with X10 in the 1980s. It doesn't relay data around for other WiFi devices.
It has over-the-air firmware updates. Your smartphone doesn't really talk to the lamps. It talks to their "cloud server", to which the lamps phone home. What could possibly go wrong?
hackers and have fun with this and maybe even driv (Score:2, Insightful)
hackers and have fun with this and maybe even driver people nuts / make them pay for all of this to go away.
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Too heavy? What the fuck?
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Modern Incandescent lamps no longer use lead in manufacturing. If you include the energy used during manufacturing and transport incandescent lamps are rather energy efficient as little aluminum is used in the base and there are no plastics, semiconductors or other materials that use a large amount of energy (or are made from crude oil) used in the manufacturing of incandescent lamps.
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Theoretically, the energy that's spent in manufacture of CFLs is made up for over the long run. In practice, they've had reliability issues. Most of the early ones I tried burned out well before they made up for the extra cost or expenditure of energy to produce.
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Hue lights can do more than be turned off remotely.