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Dyn.com Ends Free Dynamic DNS 242

First time accepted submitter mkitchin (1285710) writes in with news about Dyn ending its free DNS service. "For the last 15 years, all of us at Dyn have taken pride in offering a free version of our Dynamic DNS Pro product. What was originally a product built for a small group of users has blossomed into an exciting technology used around the world. That is why with mixed emotions we announced the end of that free hostname program today, officially turning down on May 7th."
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Dyn.com Ends Free Dynamic DNS

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  • Alternatives (Score:5, Informative)

    by Chrisq ( 894406 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:22AM (#46684045)
    A quick search reveals http://www.noip.com/ [noip.com], and I'm sure they'll be more. Anyway isn't this supposed to be a stopgap before IPV6 means we can all have permanent static IPS?!
    • Re:Alternatives (Score:5, Interesting)

      by rahvin112 ( 446269 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:30AM (#46684165)

      Considering Dyn bought several promised "free for life" DNS services then promptly killed them you need to realize they'll probably do it again. They've apparently decided the best business model is buy out their free competitors and put them out business.

      • by g1zmo ( 315166 )
        That's exactly what they did to the service that I used (and made fair donations to annually) for years: everydns.net.
      • so you're saying someone could take the vacuum of service this opportunity generates to make a free dynamic DNS service, and once it hits a certain subscriber number, sell it to Dyn.com, then rinse, repeat?

        Sounds like a plan.

      • Considering Dyn bought several promised "free for life" DNS services then promptly killed them you need to realize they'll probably do it again. They've apparently decided the best business model is buy out their free competitors and put them out business.

        I'm one of those that got an account when they bought out EveryDNS. They committed to keeping it free for life (but charged $5 for the "transition").

        I'm actually a little confused by this announcement. I got an email from them this morning about it, but very little information. They included this in mine:

        However, because you believed in us and supported this company through your donations, we are continuing to fulfill our promise to you: your service is still free for life.

        Not sure what this means for me.

      • So... I've just come up with an awesome idea for a business model...

      • "Buy 'em out Boys!"

        Nerds smash up Homer Simpson's office

        "You don't think I got rich by *actually* buying people out did you?"

        sry, first thing that came to mind...

    • Re:Alternatives (Score:4, Informative)

      by psychonaut ( 65759 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:52AM (#46684435)
      With No-IP's free service [noip.com], host names expire every 30 days. I imagine this will be rather inconvenient for many people, even if all that's required to prevent the expiry is to log into your account (as Dyn.com has required for the past year or so).
    • I already had an alternative for years: my ISP. It has this free service where you login with your account, and pick [chosenname].go.ro - and that's it. Of course, some might consider it as rather limited but I think its more than fitting for a home user.

    • Re:Alternatives (Score:4, Informative)

      by jittles ( 1613415 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @11:33AM (#46684979)

      A quick search reveals http://www.noip.com/ [noip.com], and I'm sure they'll be more. Anyway isn't this supposed to be a stopgap before IPV6 means we can all have permanent static IPS?!

      I've been using ZoneEdit [zoneedit.com] for a long time. They've changed their business model slightly. Don't know if they still offer as many free options any more, but they have been great for me for over 10 years now!

    • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

      Anyway isn't this supposed to be a stopgap before IPV6 means we can all have permanent static IPS?!

      You think your ISP is going to give you static IPs for free just because they have an IPv6 pool to dive into? Chances are it will still be DHCP and rotate occasionally. And the fee an ISP charges for static IP is more per year than paying for a dynamic DNS service.

    • by nmb3000 ( 741169 )

      A quick search reveals http://www.noip.com/ [noip.com] [noip.com], and I'm sure they'll be more

      No-IP is dishonest and doesn't deserve your support.

      Way back in mid 2004 I spent about $20 to buy No-IP's "Lifetime" dynamic DNS service which gave me (IIRC) 5 of their "enhanced" subdomains which would never expire and never cost me additional money. I was very happy with them and recommended them to several people.

      Then suddenly in 2008 I got an email saying my service was about to expire. When I emailed them about it, they said:

      Date: Mar 10, 2008 (1:18am PDT)
      From: No-IP Support

      3 months after you had co

  • Anyone have a recommended replacement service?
    • by c4t3l ( 3606237 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:26AM (#46684105)
      afraid.org?? They are decent.
      • by macraig ( 621737 )

        Been using afraid.org for years after dyndns.org cancelled my account because I bitched at them about something stupid/selfish they did. Apparently stupid/selfish is par for the course with those people, so I'm glad I was an early emigre.

    • Since my primary usage of their service is to access my array of routers at networks I control, I plan on using one of these alternatives if DNSimple [dnsimple.com], where I have a paid account, doesn't implement dyndns support in the next 30 days:

      http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/ind... [dd-wrt.com]

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:31AM (#46684171)


      They are all pretty much the same as far as I care.

    • by elerran ( 1001939 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:32AM (#46684183)
      Been very happy with https://freedns.afraid.org/ [afraid.org] ever since dyndns deleted my free domain because I didn't login to their website once a month.
      • by ProzacPatient ( 915544 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:46AM (#46684343)

        Been very happy with https://freedns.afraid.org/ [afraid.org] ever since dyndns deleted my free domain because I didn't login to their website once a month.

        This happened to me as well; I used to use dyndns but I lost my domain when they switched the domain I had been using to a "premium" one so then I had to go and reconfigure everything that depended on it to a new domain so after looking at some other alternatives I ultimately decided to use EntryDNS [entrydns.net] with my own domain I bought from GoDaddy.

        EntryDNS is donation driven and doesn't have any of the bull I found at over services (login once a month, upgrade to premium spam, link back to their site, etc..) and you have both the option of using a free subdomain and/or using your own domain. I've been very happy with their service and am considering donating something as a token of appreciation.

      • I moved away from them to DNS Exit [dnsexit.com] after finding out that Afraid's default setup was to let anyone create a subdomain on your domain.

        DNSExit isn't without their issues, though. If you don't want to use your DNS client, they have an HTTP updater. Unfortuantely, it's unencrypted and you need to put your password in as a "GET" parameter. Ugh!

    • I've been happy with ChangeIP [changeip.com] for several years now, ever since Dyn started their pushy shenanigans.

      • Yes, and disingenuousness. They say they are ending the free service because there is too much abuse. Google, Yahoo, MS, and others can still offer free email, despite all the spam, but Dyn can't continue the free version of a service that is much simpler and easier to manage than email? And, wasn't there plenty of abuse 5 years ago, 10 years ago? They could handle it then, and now they can't?

        • Let's see...an email service that spams you and blasts ads while you are reading emails every day vs a DNS service you set up and pretty much forget about except when it doesn't work or you need to change something. Yeah...loads of income potential there.
          • I don't really care one way or another. From my perspective, they promised "free forever" and for a while they delivered. Then they started down the annoying their users path and I fled. If they held some kind of monopoly I'd be a lot more worked up, but there are plenty of alternatives.

            • Well in this business climate where "Unlimited" means whatever the legalese in the fine print says it is and is subject to change I'm not the least bit surprised forever is getting the same treatment.
        • 5 to 10 years ago most routers and NAS didnt come with Dyn support.
    • by Michael Casavant ( 2876793 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @11:16AM (#46684737)
      Free Dynamic DNS is fine but....
      I've used Namecheap.com for my personal domain for a few years now and recently found out you can do dynamic DNS with them too. I realize it's not free, but, it's my own domain on a service I'm paying for. It's nice having house.(mydomain).com...
      • by Spoke ( 6112 )

        Yeah, this. For way less than the price of what Dyn charges for DNS service, you can get your own domain name AND dynamic DNS service.

        All with a company that doesn't try to screw you over every year, too.

      • You have to use their nameservers.

        I'd love to use this, but I run my own and would prefer to continue doing so.

  • I know it sucks to see something go from free to not free, but a while ago I upped by agreement with them from free service to their most basic level. For me its worth the $25 per year. Others may feel otherwise, and their may be cheaper solutions out there as well, but it works pretty well for me.

    I also like that someone wrote an auto-update utility (ddclient in FreeBSD) that I can run on my webserver as a daemon to keep my records updated should my ISP change my address on me.
    • Part of the problem is some devices that offer dynamic DNS updaters (routers in particular) only support the DynDNS service.
    • But I only want dynamic DNS. I don't want or need anything else, so I don't want to pay for them.

      Unfortunately they don't seem to have a "just dyndns" package.

  • Dyn has been abandoning the free service for a while. Companies are responding to this.

    The IP cams and routers I've bought in the past couple years (Foscam and ASUS) have rolled their own dynamic DNS service and built it in to their product. They use to just use Dyn until their customers started complaining saying Dyn is no longer free.

    I have not needed Dyn's service in a while.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I made a donation back in the 90's so I still get my lifetime free vip account.

    Other alternatives sell your e-mail address to spammers so beware! I'd use a junk e-mail account.

  • by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:34AM (#46684211)

    Dyn.com (the for-profit successor of dyndns.org) has been progressively making it harder to maintain your free address for the past 3 or 4 years. First, they made it so you had to update your DNS record once a month to avoid being cancelled (even if your IP address didn't change in that time), then they made it so you had to submit the update through their ad-infested web page, and I think they also increased the frequency that you had to do that. There are many alternatives which still provide a free service that is convenient to use, I'd have thought most users would have switched by now.

    • by Tailhook ( 98486 )

      First, they made it so you had to update your DNS record once a month to avoid being cancelled

      For the record, the first impediment I encountered was requiring a valid credit card to establish a free account.

      15 years..... some of the users they're trying to monetize weren't born when dyndns started this deal.

  • Routers manufactured by D-Link come with their own free dynamic DNS service, which is basically farmed out to Dyn.com [boomshadow.net]. I don't see any mention on the Dyn.com or D-Link websites that they're discontinuing this service, so presumably if you've got a D-Link router you can still create a free Dyn.com account with it.
  • changeip.com (Score:4, Informative)

    by shellster_dude ( 1261444 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @10:41AM (#46684275)
    I use changeip.com. They provide great, free service, and I don't have to constantly "renew" the service.
  • I've been using my dyn.com domain for probably ten years now. Long enough that I don't actually remember when I originally signed up for it.

    Regrettably, they don't register the TLDs I use and it's not worth $25/year to keep a "something.ath.cx" domain.

    It was nice while it lasted, though.

  • I have a free account from years and years ago. It still works as long as I visit a URL that they email once a month (of course, they deliberately make the URL unclickable, while there are other clickable URLs within the *same* email... seriously, guys, offer free or don't offer it, but don't be a dick about it)

    What TFA doesn't make clear is whether they are ending the grandfathering of existing free accounts or ending the offering of new free accounts (something I thought they already did a few years ago)

    • So thats what people meant by their ' ad infested site'. The link in the email must take you to some ad dump, before letting you continue.
  • by SkunkPussy ( 85271 ) on Monday April 07, 2014 @11:33AM (#46684973) Journal

    The service they provide is worth about £1 or £2 a year.

    • With all the comments about moving to other free services or using this as an opportunity to start a new business, what is the value for most people? If there are enough people that value it at a certain price such that the costs of running the business are covered, there's a business to be made. Otherwise, it's just charity on the service's part. Sure, everyone likes getting stuff for free, but even free stuff costs money for someone.


  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • If you have a Linode VPS, then you do have free Dynamic DNS. All you need is a script to update the relevant subdomain.

    Here is a script that does it for an OpenWRT router.

    Using Linode Dynamic DNS with OpenWRT [baheyeldin.com]

    If you don't use OpenWRT, you can still use any Linux box behind the subdomain, but you need to setup a small "what is my IP" script outside your subdomain. For example, simple script like so will do the trick:

    print $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";

    Now, you need to change the OpenWRT script

  • That is all.

  • I'm a Dyn.com customer of old so I got an email to tell me that the promise to be "always free" back then holds for me, even if not for newer customers.

    But when I was looking for a more modern replacement, I was expecting to be able to set up a Dyn-compatible service for my old domains using an external Linux server. There doesn't seem to be anything easy for that.

    What I'd like is a Linux package which you can install on a server, and have it provide Dyn-like updating, without me having to play with BIND a

There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go.
