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GTK+ Developers Call For Help To Finish Cross-Platform OpenGL Support 89

jones_supa writes OpenGL support under GTK is getting into good shape for providing a nice, out-of-the-box experience by default on key platforms for the GTK+ 3.16 / GNOME 3.16 release in March. For a few weeks now within mainline GTK+ has been native OpenGL support and as part of that a new GtkGLArea widget for allowing OpenGL drawing within GTK applications. Since that initial work landed, there's been more GTK+ OpenGL code progressing that right now primarily benefits Linux X11 and Wayland users. While good progress is being made and improvements still ongoing to the GNOME toolkit, GNOME developers are requesting help in ensuring other GTK+ backends can benefit from this OpenGL support. If you are using or planning to use GTK+ 3 on Windows or OS X, and you know how to use OpenGL on those two platforms, please consider helping out the GTK+ developers by implementing the GdkGLContext API using WGL and AppleGL.
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GTK+ Developers Call For Help To Finish Cross-Platform OpenGL Support

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  • Ob (Score:2, Funny)

    by Hognoxious ( 631665 )

    Would love to, but I'm busy writing a combined init system, web server & tic-tac-toe engine.

  • It does everything

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Not everything. SystemD still lacks a good, stable and easy to use init system.

  • by xiando ( 770382 ) on Sunday November 16, 2014 @12:19PM (#48396979) Homepage Journal
    GTK+, or the GIMP Toolkit, is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. []
    • by Anonymous Coward

      is a multi-platform toolkit

      Meaning it once supported GNOME 2 and now supports GNOME 3. There was a nice presentation on one of Linus open source projects migrating to Qt since nobody in the Gtk community gave a shit about support in general and Windows support in specific. They put a C++ UI library on top of a pure C code base because Gtk is just that bad an alternative.

      • According to the story you just commented on they apparently care quite a lot about cross-platform support since they want people to help them with it.

    • by MrEricSir ( 398214 ) on Sunday November 16, 2014 @03:17PM (#48397961) Homepage

      Actually, GIMP still uses GTK+2.

  • Started on this last night, but I'm not super familiar with the OpenGL details on OS X either. Help with scaling and fixing the painting welcome. []
    • Thanks for your work on that. I'm npt familiar with graphics programming at all since my work always uses either a cli or browser-based GUI, but I do have some Macs around for testing and such.

  • No thanks.

    These days: Redhat == Microsoft.

    I am surprised that more people don't see that.

  • Qt... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Tough Love ( 215404 ) on Sunday November 16, 2014 @01:31PM (#48397401)

    Need I point out that QT has had cross platform OpenGL support for many years? In QT, this is mature, reliable, well integrated and easy to use.

    • Re:Qt... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by sfcat ( 872532 ) on Sunday November 16, 2014 @02:54PM (#48397839)
      Couldn't agree more. I spent 3 years writing an OpenGL app using GTK+. I just spent the last 6 months porting it to QT. And even with having to using C++ in places in the code (I wanted it to be pure C) I couldn't be happier with QT. And I probably couldn't be less happy with GTK+. When I finally got the GTK+ version working on windows, it had terrible performance. GTK+ is a total mess developed by people with no desire for you to use their code. For years the GTK+ devs actively questioned the usefulness of supporting OpenGL and refused to even answer questions about the OpenGL support. The devs are openly hostile to things like OpenGL and they break compatibility on a regular basis. The QT version of my app's code has probably 30000 fewer lines due to far more sane APIs and much more useful widget APIs. Why anyone in this day would use GTK+ for anything unless they were required to use only pure C in their app is beyond me.
      • Does QT use xlib or xcb under the hood on X11 based systems. I ask because I would like to thread applications without worrying about the finicky nature of xlib when threading is involved.
        • by sfcat ( 872532 )

          Does QT use xlib or xcb under the hood on X11 based systems. I ask because I would like to thread applications without worrying about the finicky nature of xlib when threading is involved.

          I'm not 100% sure but I think xlib. xcb is mostly dead these days, or so I get that impression. I really wish xcb had more traction but only a few apps need this type of multi-threaded GUI functionality (my app being one of those few) so it seems to get left behind.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            Qt5 uses xcb. The platform plugin for X11 is even called... drumroll... qxcb.

            Qt4 uses Xlib.

      • I like your .sig

        "Those that start by burning books, will end by burning men."

        Where is it from?

  • Sorry GTK/GNOME, but I am done. I'm fed up with trying to use your API. I'm fed up with trying to shoehorn my systems to fit your paradigms. All I want to do is make a Linux version of a tool I had on Windows, but you won't let me focus on that. Rather you want me to make some weird touch centric/single display centric application which I have no wish or desire for. I am going to move to GNUstep. Yes the API doesn't shift quickly. But I consider this a good thing. An API that for 20 years has allowed users
    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      GNUStep is very interesting, but every time I've tackled it, I've bounced. Sometimes I literally couldn't figure out how to do things, other times it's just that it was too difficult to bother.

      They *REALLY* need better documentation. Probably the toolkit is fine. Every time I worked at it long enough I was able to make it do what I wanted, but the documentation is truely terrible. And it needs to be written by someone who already understands the system.

      If the GNUStep documentation had been better, I'd p

"What I've done, of course, is total garbage." -- R. Willard, Pure Math 430a
