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The Internet Businesses Canada Government United States

What Canada Can Teach the US About Net Neutrality 80

blottsie writes If there are two ways in which the Internet is similar in the United States and Canada, it's that it's slow and expensive in both places relative to many developed countries. The big difference, however, is that Canada is looking into doing something about it. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission—the northern equivalent of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)— is examining how the wholesale market, where smaller Internet service providers (ISPs) use parts of bigger companies' networks to sell their own services, should operate in the years ahead. The industry reaction to this proposal provides insights to the potential consequences of re-classifying broadband in the U.S. as a Title II public utility.
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What Canada Can Teach the US About Net Neutrality

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  • by rogoshen1 ( 2922505 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @07:16PM (#48518651)

    Could someone (who is preferably a frequent contributor) explain what this article is about in no less than 20,000 words?


    • I never expected to see a (Score:4, Insightful) post asking for the opinion of Bennett Haselton.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Sorry, aboot the fact I'm an AC Canadian eh.

      Bud, in Canada, there are two main companies: Shaw and Telus. Telus does adsl and Shaw does cable. Alright, time for a beer eh, brb....Okay back! Sorry about that!

      Shaw and Telus have stingy rates and stingy services. Only a hose-head would use them. However, there are other companies who use Shaw's cable and Telus' lines and provide a service through them for a MUCH cheaper rate. That leaves more money for your pet beaver, and groceries like bacon and poutine.


      • In Canada there are 5 "main" companies.

        Telecom: Telus, Aliant,
        Cable: Shaw, Rogers, Eastlink

        Much like the US, you will never have overlapping Cable service, and Telus and Aliant don't compete with each other either.
        • In Canada there are 5 "main" companies.

          And similarly in the U.S.

          But what TFA says about "failed competition" is false. The regulatory setup fostered oligopoly, not market competition. Today there is scarcely any competition at all... thus the 4 or 5 big companies.

          Although it is fair to say that population density (or lack of it) does add a bit to costs, the fact is that what governments called "competition" in the market really wasn't. Instead it was crony capitalism and oligopoly.

          In those countries where the giant companies are require

      • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

        Ah a west-coast canuck. I'm a east-coaster.

        We have 5 companies in total that another poster listed. Remember though, up until a few years ago we had zero competition, becuase these companies wanted to maintain a monopoly. Now you can pick any ISP you want, and pretty much get anything you want in terms of speed as long as it's available in your area. [] is a fine resource for those who want to look around, myself I'm on Teksavvy(25/10 grandfathered plan though there are better I'm happ

    • Could someone (who is preferably a frequent contributor) explain what this article is about in no less than 20,000 words?


      In the time it took a US consumer to download one word of the 20,000 word article real First World Nations can read, a real country would have given you the entire 20,000 word article.


  • by quietwalker ( 969769 ) <> on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @07:21PM (#48518679)

    This isn't a matter of lack of knowledge or understanding. The US doesn't need to be taught, or led.

    The US is currently on the divide between protecting consumers from potentially abusive practices or allowing businesses to run rough-shod over them. It's a debate regarding priorities between business, consumers, the economy, and social welfare, and despite my strong feelings on the subject, on a national level, there's no silver bullet answer that 'fixes it', especially since Canada hasn't actually done anything either, but commission a study.

    In fact, studies of the sort that are being done in Canada have already been done in the US, at several different points in time, and the recommendation they had then was one of non-interference. With the inability for congress to act in any way other than to block action, that's likely how it's going to go.

    What we could use is a surefire way to figure out how to light all the democrats and republicans on fire, and replace them with politicians that actually care more about the people they're meant to represent than their next elections, party, or party politics. If you've got one of those, let us know, cause THAT's what we're in dire need of.

    • by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @07:30PM (#48518725)

      In terms of net neutrality, the CRTC did a heck of a lot more than commission a study, they put their ITMP framework into effect. It's essentially regulation requiring net neutrality be preserved. It's been enforced in the past (when the country's largest cable company was throttling some online games) and has issues currently under review (for a case where mobile phone companies were not counting their own video streaming apps against transfer caps, but were counting apps like Netflix).

      It wasn't complicated or simple. We didn't have network neutrality. Then they put some straightforward regulation into effect, and then we did have network neutrality, and a framework for what consumers can do when they need to report a violation.

      It's worth noting that the CRTC review of both of the net neutrality violations that I mentioned above were instigated by regular consumers filing a complaint, without any lawyers getting involved (on the consumer side). In the first case, the CRTC ruled against the cableco, and in the second case it's still in progress.

      • (for a case where mobile phone companies were not counting their own video streaming apps against transfer caps, but were counting apps like Netflix).

        And the winner when the government forces the telecom company to start counting both Netflix and their own video streaming in the user's data cap is ... the telecom company.

        Oh, you thought the telecom company would simply lift all caps to solve this problem?

        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          No, I expected the telecom company to simply start treating the data fairly. And several of the mobile companies did just that.

          It provides an incentive to the mobile companies to raise their caps. They want people to subscribe to their mobile television services, but at the same time, they don't want their customers to say "I don't want that, I would pay too much for the data". It may have no impact, but at least all services are on an equal playing field.

          • No, I expected the telecom company to simply start treating the data fairly. And several of the mobile companies did just that.

            I bet the people who used to have unlimited streaming of telecom-provided feeds are just all warm and fuzzy that they now have a cap.

            It provides an incentive to the mobile companies to raise their caps.

            So your answer should have been "Yes, I expect the companies to lift their caps." What good is incentive to do so if you don't expect them to do so in return? And how does this help the former unlimited-data user who was consuming only telecom streams -- he's still wound up with a cap, and he's now going to have to worry about paying extra.

            It may have no impact, but at least all services are on an equal playing field.

            Why shouldn't services that cost l

            • by ppanon ( 16583 )

              No, I expected the telecom company to simply start treating the data fairly. And several of the mobile companies did just that.

              I bet the people who used to have unlimited streaming of telecom-provided feeds are just all warm and fuzzy that they now have a cap.

              Well, since the traditional behaviour of telecoms is that, once they've eliminated the competition, they raise their prices and rent-seek, if the telecoms had been allowed to wipe out the competition then those "unlimited" plans would have suddenly

              • Well, since the traditional behaviour of telecoms is that, once they've eliminated the competition,

                I cannot speak to Canadian regulations, but down in the US it would be very hard for one wireless carrier to "wipe out the competition", since the FCC auctions for wireless bandwidth were specifically set up so that there were two winners for each service area. It was a design goal that there be competition.

                To also address your point about the users of the unlimited service being sad, their unlimited service was effectively a (substantial) discount, subsidised by every other user of the same common infrastructure.

                No, it was that they were actually costing less to the telecom so they paid less for the service. It's irrelevant if they were subsidized or not, the point was that they're going to be unhappy. I don't

                • by ppanon ( 16583 )

                  I cannot speak to Canadian regulations, but down in the US it would be very hard for one wireless carrier to "wipe out the competition", since the FCC auctions for wireless bandwidth were specifically set up so that there were two winners for each service area. It was a design goal that there be competition.


                  Cell phone service is hardly a monopoly in any sense of the word, neither is streaming video service. What it actually was was a company saying "I can provide this to you cheaper because of vertical i

    • by bigpat ( 158134 )
      By "non-interference" I think what you really mean is regulatory capture in order to increase the regulatory burden on new market entrants. If you look at the numerous attempts to set up local non-profit or municipal WiFi or Fiber networks you will see an army of lawyers and lobbyists from the big telecom monopolies arguing at the state, local and federal levels that "the market" needs protection from all that chaos which would be caused by people getting better service at cheaper rates. It is absurd to
  • What is it? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jamesl ( 106902 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @07:21PM (#48518685)

    No posting on Slashdot about Net Neutrality without including what you think Net Neutrality is.

    It is many things to many people. Most wrong.

    What is it? I don't know. Tell me.

    • by Skarjak ( 3492305 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @07:54PM (#48518867)
      It's what happens when you mix basic net with acidic net.
    • by alzoron ( 210577 )

      This is a very good point. There's a very active campaign going on to confuse people about net neutrality. I've gotten into enough arguments with people that actually agreed with me but had been misled by some of these campaigns that I have to ask people what they think it is before we talk about it.

    • What is it? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      There is only one correct definition and the rest is noise. Net neutrality is the idea that all packets get equal treatment, regardless of source, destination, or anything in the packet's payload (especially in layers 4+).
      Net neutrality has _absolutely_nothing_ to do with usage-based billing or unlimited rates or flat throttling of all traffic after reaching some threshold. This is where I think all the confusion is.

      Basically, it's the principle of treading network traffic as a dumb utility like water, wh

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The government builds the pipe, and the companies can manage the routing, with no monopoly contracts allowed. It has to be open to anybody. Until we can circumvent it with wireless mesh neural networks, this is the best we can ever do.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by green1 ( 322787 )

        In Canada the taxpayers paid for the network up until about 25 years ago. After that it was privatized and every cent spent since has been done by the private companies, not the taxpayers. Given that the past 25 years has included huge amounts of broadband build outs (it effectively didn't exist before that) and entire new technologies (fibre to the home) this becomes a much more complicated question.

        What incentive will a big player have to develop it's broadband infrastructure if they legally have to give

  • ...has done some decent things for Canada.

    Unfortunately some strikes against them are not forcing the cable companies to support BYOD (CableCard) and the mandating of playing a Justin Bieber and/or Drake song every 17 minutes on Canadian pop-music stations.

    • they are pushing a la carte tv

      • by rikkards ( 98006 )

        Except a la carte will end up costing you more for what you actually want. The cable companies have always been ok with a la carte but CRTC was pushing it for the multicultural aspect. Pretty much most of the french channels wouldn't be here if alacarte was allowed.

      • Yes and they also pushed 2 year contracts on cell phones vs 3. Guess what happened? Pricing went up at least 20% or more across the board within days, while data was reduced, even for those who didn't want contracts.

        What I see of a la carte tv is $10 per channel. or for $20 you get a theme pack of 10 channels!
        I bet a la carte will be seldom used because the pricing will be outrageous.

  • The last legislation we had. That only did not pass by a toenail. Was a law for forcing all resellers to charge whatever Bell told them to charge. Basically it was a law that in all but name dismantled every competitor of Bell and made future competition illigal. It would of more than quadrupled my monthly bill, and put my ISP out of business.
  • I believe we are missing the main reason of the Govt wanting Title 2 of the Telecommunications Act enforced on broadband... its a nearly limitless source of taxes! They can choose if it is by bit, byte, time, content, political leanings, and so on. This could actually hit the economy harder than raising the national gas tax! Net neutrality is just the guy saying: "Ignore that man behind the curtain... I am the Great Oz"

Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
