Doxing Victim Zoe Quinn Launches Online "Anti-harassment Task Force" 693
AmiMoJo writes: On Friday, developer and doxing victim Zoe Quinn launched an online "anti-harassment task force" toolset, staffed by volunteers familiar with such attacks, to assist victims of a recent swell of "doxing" and "swatting" attacks. The Crash Override site, built by Quinn and game developer Alex Lifschitz, offers free services from "experts in information security, white hat hacking, PR, law enforcement, legal, threat monitoring, and counseling" for "victims of online mob harassment."
They have already managed to preemptively warn at least one victim of a swatting attempt in Enumclaw, Washington. As a result, the police department's head e-mailed the entire department to ask any police sent to the address in question to "knock with your hand, not your boot."
They have already managed to preemptively warn at least one victim of a swatting attempt in Enumclaw, Washington. As a result, the police department's head e-mailed the entire department to ask any police sent to the address in question to "knock with your hand, not your boot."
address in question (Score:5, Insightful)
"the police department's head e-mailed the entire department to ask any police sent to the address in question to "knock with your hand, not your boot."
That sounds like appropriate advice for apprx. all addresses.
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And yet, when they try to get radar [slashdot.org] so they can see inside houses before/instead of kicking down the door, people react like the fucking sky is falling.
Re:The police are terrified (Score:5, Insightful)
Because the radar just gives them the results of kicking the door down without them having to lift a boot. It's not the kicking that people want to stop, it's what the kicking is done for: invading the privacy of their homes, without due process or even the decency to show proof that due process has in fact been done before invading. Cops being able to see into your house from the outside whenever they want is just as bad as cops being able to bust into your house whenever they want. Both breech the expected and due privacy of the home.
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They do have to follow due process with radar. The Supreme Court ruling that guarantees you need a warrant (or exigent circumstances) is old enough to date. Or listen to Justin Beiber. Or whatever teenager-related thing you want to use. I understand that most people assume the worst, but there's definitely a legal requirement that exists that people assume doesn't.
Neither the radar nor the kicking isn't being done to invade privacy. The kicking is being done because they believe there is an armed assai
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Re:The police are terrified (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, fortunately we don't just have to make judgement calls based on gut feelings on this one.
There's an awful lot of other police forces in the world which don't feel the need to go in in full armour and with guns blazing at the slightest opportunity. For example, I think the US is the only place where a SWAT-like force is used to serve warrants against nonviolent offenders.
The thing is from the point of view of the rest of the world where such things don't happen, it looks awfully messed up.
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"seem like"
There's the problem there. The burden of proof for "seeming" is pathetically low, and yet the police create huge risks to the lives of the people they raid, and their own lives, by acting on such impressions.
Re:address in question (Score:5, Funny)
"the police department's head e-mailed the entire department to ask any police sent to the address in question to "knock with your hand, not your boot."
That sounds like appropriate advice for apprx. all addresses.
Assuming police officers are as good at reading inter-office emails as I am, there is really only one piece of advice I'd give people.
Prepare yourself and prepare your home for imminent Swat arrival. Give away the dog (if you have one). Evict your roommate (if you have one). Keep all the doors to the outside wide open (so that they don't break them). Keep some fresh coffee in the pot and some fresh cookies on the table (so that the Swat team doesn't get low blood sugar and cranky by the time it reaches your bedroom). And sleep with handcuffs already on (so that they don't think you're trying to resist arrest). Also, it probably wouldn't hurt to pepper your walls leading to your bedroom with portraits of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Dick Cheney.
Re:address in question (Score:5, Funny)
Interesting that the advice to prepare for both Santa and SWAT are identical... Hmm.
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Hell, if you want to get laid, that's just good advice in general.
Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:3, Insightful)
Slashdot has been fairly in the bag for the SJWs over the whole #gamergate thing, but this is a bit much. Really, we need be a advertizing platform for pet projects of the SJW crowd now? A "gender equality in tech" story 3 days a week wasn't enough? WTF happened to Slashdot? Broad political clickbait was a bit understandable but this is starting to look like a Gawker site.
We miss you Taco, but it's becoming clear why you left.
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Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Rosa Parks was an activist, not a Social Justice Warrior.
The difference (alas not mine):
An activist fights for a ramp into a building for handicapped people.
Social Justice Warriors fight to remove the stairs, for the misbegotten fear that someone might be offended because a handicapped person can't use them.
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Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Also the whole mess with Nathan Grayson was only the tip of the iceberg. Milo Yiannopoulos released the GameJournoPro mailing list, which was based of the JournoList mailing list that was a huge scandal in the mainstream media and got people fired back in 2010 for blacklisting and collusion, but hey didn't work for them lets start anther one. For the most part the GJP was harmless, but they did discuss blacklisting people, donating to patreons of gamedevs, how to narrate the GamerGate story, what game developers to suppress and what ones to promote, which is all collusion.
Then there's the "Gamers are Dead" articles, which discuss the death of the "Gamer" identity. 10+ nearly identically worded articles all released in 24 hours, sorry but if that doesn't prove collusion I don't know what does. These articles are ACTUALLY what got GamerGate going. I could have cared less about Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson, but the gaming media slandering an entire demographic that's supposed to be their customers? To what end? In defense of their poor behaviour and being asked to be more ethical? Yeah that didn't fly with me, and if you look at the Topsy graph [topsy.com] you can see August 28th is where GamerGate starts to go in to full swing.
What's really funny though is at the end of the graph where #GamerGate is still getting 20K-25K tweets a day, most of the people I got into #GamerGate with aren't even using the tag anymore. We're all mostly following each other now, so using the tag to talk is pointless, we just read our regular twitter feeds, or spend time on KiA, or 8Chan. I'm pretty much just a twitter user myself, but I'm warming up to KiA. It's really easy to miss info on twitter and 140 characters sucks and encourages people to get into on sentence slap fights. Which is pretty much all you see on the #GamerGate tag now.
The big issue is people are SOOOOOOO hung up on Zoe Quinn, most of us didn't care about her in the first place, but we're forever stuck explaining the origins rather than talking about what's happened since. GamerGate has already been successful:
So whatever happens to GamerGate from here on out, it's already a win. People can throw all the crap they want at Gamers. Where people sit around and complain about the media or just accept it's corrupt and there's nothing to be done, we stood up and made an ACTUAL difference, even if people don't want to recognize it.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think Social Justice is bad in theory, but the vocal people pushing for it and the methods they use (Shame, Berating, Slander) are the absolute worst. Strictly in GamerGate the SJW opposition is made up of pedophiles, animal abusers, ex-neo-nazis, people who saw rape as it was happening and decided not to intervene or report it. Their basically "born again Christians" who are making up and fighting extra hard against invisible boogie men to atone for being terrible people themselves in the past.
It is a shame because Social Justice like Religion is good in theory, but the wrong people get a hold of it and it becomes a weapon to be justifiably more evil and bigoted to everyone else.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Not really at all, no. I was merely pointing out the term "social justice warrior" refers to sanctimonious blowhards more concerned about their own egos than than anything that could possibly be defined as "social justice". Which is why the term causes such a fuss in some folk that feel the need to reply to it with petty insults and empty regurgitated statements they think make them sound profound like "[challenging] their comfortable world view". Which is exactly how a sanctimonious blowhard would react when someone questioned their position.
Trust me pal- nothing you can say challenges my world view, comfortable or otherwise. You are completely vacuous. You fit nicely into my world view under the category of extremely insecure people that latch onto something arbitrary that they think projects their superiority to the world.
You are more than welcome to post your drivel here. Just don't expect everyone to pretend you aren't a fool. I am really unsure how you thought that post wouldn't make you look like an insecure infantile loudmouth. But I guess you sure showed me?
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh please. My view of the world is fine. SJWs are a rotten lot in general, caring more about the status being for or against something, than the actual issue itself.
For instance, Zoe Quinn here, ruined an actual event for female programmers trying to make games, because she didn't get her payoff. She and Anita Sarkessian aren't about games, they're about themselves. And the crowd laps it up everytime.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
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after a brief google, information points to it being a scam, and information also points to it being legitimate and scam info being bogus. So...
[citation needed]
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Dave Pakman interview with TFYC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
Forbs article discussing the event - http://www.forbes.com/sites/er... [forbes.com]
Goes both ways, buddy. (Score:2)
Let's check your world view- can you fathom why folks might be disdainful of social justice warriors?
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Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
Social justice IS bad, though. Social justice is to justice the way People's Democracy is to democracy. Most of what Social Justice Warriors do is supported by the insane philosophy of Social Justice.
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Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
That's just racial equality. Social justice says you can toss the whites out in the alley and spit in their food and they can't complain because there's no such thing as racism against white people.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Informative)
I don't think we're talking about the same thing at all.
Most SJWs are somewhat counter-intuitively white men. Which is hilarious, because they're generally working against their better interest.
Take the submitter of this article, AmiMoJo. He's a white British man (no doxxing here, that's according to his own posts). Yet here he is, on Slashdot, fighting the "good fight" against the "evil white men" who rule the world. Pretty much all of the other persistent SJWs here have also outed themselves as being white men.
I mean, sure, there are women SJWs and minority SJWs too (and minority women SJWs), but most of the SJWs you encounter will be white men trying to make up for their white male guilt that they themselves are trying to force on everyone.
It's even funnier when you realize a common complaint of feminists are men who try and "speak for them" and the majority of the Internet feminists you find will be men speaking for women.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh and for the shining example of what an SJW is. Look up Jonathan McIntosh, the white guy that writes Anita's material. A whole hash tag was spawned around his stupidity #FullMcIntosh
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
The word "SJW" literally exists specifically to refer to the people who use social justice as a smokescreen for bigotry and even violence, it was created as a direct response to the incessant cries of "but that's not TRUE feminism".
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
No, people advocating for greater parental involvement for men are called "MRAs". The people who claim to be "helping men" but actively fighting against any attempts to improve family court, divorces, or paternity leave are SJWs like the N.O.W.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Interesting)
I've waffled for years about whether or not I should consider myself a feminist, especially considering the personal stakes involved (female, engineer).
The GamerGate business shoved me the hell out of it, particularly since I have Atheism+ bullies as friends-of-friends. They're the type who are not gamers, have done no research into gaming journalism, but sure-as-hell sided with Quinn without so much as a lick of involvement in gaming culture (or science fiction, BDSM, Heavy Metal music, etc...).
They're the kind of SJWs who squat on any subculture with whom they can come up with a beef that on the surface looks like sexism, and rely on the subculture under scrutiny to be too far into the realm of "the other" for normal people to disagree because of stereotypes. So, people without the time or the inclination to research, or find it terribly inconvenient just fall in line, or in the case of ABC's Nightline profile last week, just keep mentioning things in the same breath to reinforce the association without there actually being a tangible association to make.
(I defy anyone who watched Nightline's "harassment in gaming story" to truly PROVE that gaming culture as a whole is really behind the harassment without cherry-picking examples from games.)
In all fairness, harassment is wrong, and Quinn should not have received it, but the correct response would have been "find the individuals responsible and hold them responsible to the fullest extent of the law", not "WAAAAAH! Neck-bearded man-children want to keep me...umm, US, I mean, US, that's right, WOMEN out of gaming because they hate WOMEN. MISOGYNY! MISOGYNY!", while using their sympathetic media friends to bolster their story.
Victims, of course. Victims who happen to have the media on their side already.
They aren't gamers. They just want the moral high-ground over low-hanging fruit.
And that's lazy. That's not hard work.
Feminism, if it were truly about the equality that women just don't have yet, should be about hard work. About changing the perceptions of what women are and what women want, not about scolding men until they're cowed into the "right" way of thinking by blunt-force messaging or peer pressure.
So, I'm a gender egalitarian, and anti-feminist. There.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Informative)
The Underground Railroad was run by abolitionists. Even John Brown, bombthrower though he may have been, was not an SJW. "Social Justice" is all this shit about privilege and oppression olympics and progressive stack. It holds that discrimination against a privileged group (white males) is not only benign but beneficial and that members of that group should shut up and accept it as their due.
Re: Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Funny)
Every time I pass a white male homeless person (by far the majority of homeless people in my city) I tell him to check his privilege and they are most grateful for my concern about social justice and the oppression of rich white women.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
It is incredibly disingenuous to claim ownership of people's actions in the past. They had nothing to do with you and you do not get to leech from their accomplishments.
It is that exact fallacious and dishonest nonsense that got SJW labelled as a pejorative. You are transparently trying to say "these people did good things and I say I do good things therefore we are the same and you are bad". You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.
People loudly proclaiming they are doing things for the "greater good" or "social justice" rarely are. Every horrible asshole in the history of civilization claimed to be doing things because they were righteous.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
It didn't work before so you'll try again, huh? You've got one tactic and you'll flail away with it until everyone just gets bored and you feel vindicated. You don't get to just conflate two completely different things. You know exactly what people mean when they say "social justice warrior".
No one is "resetting" any term but you. You are well aware people are using it as a sardonic pejorative. Your response of "these people did things that some random person might have called social justice and therefore they are social justice warriors so you can't use social justice warrior as a pejorative" is humorously asinine. The abolitionists had nothing at all to do with the current culture of what people pejoratively label "social justice warrior". Stop trying to defend your vacuous moral preening using the accomplishments of others. And that is exactly what you are trying to do.
I never said anyone else is bad. That is purely a fabrication by those who hate equality, progress and politeness.
I'm not saying anyone is bad; I'm passive aggressively saying they are bad. That's what makes me morally superior!
No one hates equality you imbecile. I don't have to make you look bad. Your pathetically transparent attempts at grand-standing do that all on their own.
Let me spell it out for you. You are exactly what people mean when they use SJW as a pejorative. A pious fool that thinks they're profound. A person that immediately labels anyone that disagrees with them as some list of non-sequitur horrible things because you are too intellectually stunted by cognitive dissonance to actually handle a dissenting opinion. "Could I be wrong? No, that person just hates puppies and probably kittens too."
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Probably a better term for "SJW" in its current dominant usage would be keyboard warrior, however the horse has already bolted.
To paraphrase James Randi, "words are defined by their usage". "Social Justice Warrior" has definitely a predominantly pejorative usage, generally used to describe the self important authoritarians rather than the selfless compassionate ones. For example, few people who use SJW as a pejorative would ever describe Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an SJW, yet SJW will be used predominantly to des
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Insightful)
So, they have "experts in information security, white hat hacking, PR, law enforcement, legal, threat monitoring, and counseling" to help people after they've been swatted.
On the other hand it doesn't look like they've set up a non-profit or any structure whatsoever. They registered through domainsbyproxy.com, so they aren't trying to be transparent.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
It might be an interesting idea, but Ms. Quinn seems to be prone to exaggeration - as anyone who actually goes and plays "Depression Quest" will see - it's something I'd expect from a kid in high school who decided to "mess around with computers" - not a game developer. I'm not saying it's bad ... bad would be an improvement.
So when she claims to have "experts in information security, white hat hacking, PR, law enforcement, legal, threat monitoring, and counseling to help people after they've been swatted", without names I'd take that with a whole box of salt.
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There wasn't even a really a point in the whole scandal. People in every trade press know each other. They get along, they are often friendly. The best presses in the United States didn't meet the standards the GamerGate people were demanding much less sites which cover games in exchange for ad revenue.
Link please? (Score:2, Informative)
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The "review" is a straw man made up by the very people being protested to try and spin out on a technicality. She very clearly got disproportionately favorable publicity and coverage from Grayson.
Re:Link please? (Score:5, Informative)
Brianna Wu? Brianna "I don't know when I can return to my home, from whence I am giving this interview" Wu?
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That's your fucking scandal? The entire gamer media is in the tank for in AAA game, and your scandal is an indy dev who fucked some guys? I'm starting to think this gamer gate is just another grouping of right wing nuts.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Interesting)
No, that's been researched. GG is mostly left of center. This is authoritarian left (SJWs like Quinn, Alexander, Grayson, McIntosh, Chu, etc) vs libertarian left (GG).
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Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
It was a miniscule event that would have meant nothing in a week if it were handled with even a "woups, sorry". The scandal was a small group of media friends decided to instead start promoting that a large chunk of their audience were misogynist, horrible, racist, homophobic, right wing, terrorist (you get the idea) to deflect blame from a complete nonevent that shouldn't have even mattered.
You can guarantee that very few people cared about some extra press some lame game got. What they did care was being called some pretty vile and untrue names.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Let's recap here. Zoe Quinn slept with all the major game reviewers and/or their editors. She gets rave reviews for a game people who actually bought have panned mercilessly. Literally caught with their pants down, they point to their customers and scream "sexist!". That's the point of the scandal. You can dress it up however you like, but at the root it's about corruption in the gaming press.
This sounds about right to me. The only takeaway question I have from it though; is how does anyone give a shit about Zoe Quinn?
The reviewers and the editors were corrupt; and its their corruption that is unacceptable. The guy offering the police a bribe is a douche... but its not newsworthy unless the police accept the bribe, and the story is about corrupt police.
Ditto for journalists; or so-called gaming "journalism". Zoe's merely the catalyst; but her integrity is irrelevant - who really cares whether she offered the journalists a free game, a free lunch, or a free blowjob? What matters is that the journalists, who wish to be viewed as having some sort of journalistic integrity, demonstrated a decided lack thereof. So why is this story about Zoe Quinn instead of the editors and reviewers?
Is it some form of sexism that we can't be properly indifferent about Zoe and level the real scathing criticism at the utter lack of journalistic integrity of her partners? That would be ironic.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Meh, I've seen the announcement the he made where he didn't actually review the title but did manage to call it out as a stand out title from a list of 50 steam green-lit games, not once but at LEAST twice in an article not more than 3 paragraphs. The other 49 titles ... well one or two others got a mention, and the rest made an alphabetical list.
It was unprofessional, to say the least, and I agree that the author violated his ethics and integrity by not mentioning that he also happened be having a relationship with the developer of one of the games he just happened to feel was such a 'standout games'.
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Perhaps the real reason AAA hasn't been hit by this is because when people accuse them of this shit they don't throw a fit, call their consumers msygonistic shitlords, start printing out articles about how they are dead as well as try to censor everyone on multiple websites.
Really, this could have died out in it's infancy if moot didn't ban discussion on 4chan. it could have died out if Nathan Grayson had of admitted it and said my bad like PCGamer recently did. Instead the so called games media acted in th
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Ha ha, no. In fact, they like to post screencaps about doxxing and swatting from different boards on 8chan and claim those are from Gamergate. If you call them on their lies they claim all of 8chan is Gamergate, or they claim the other boards are Gamergate because they targeted people who were attacking Gamergate. They fail to mention that the people who were attacking Gamergate also attacked 8chan as a whole.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:5, Informative)
Don't like what they say?
They have flat out said that DOXXING is acceptable, that it's only a matter of wrong targets, not methods.
Hell, ZQ has retweeted doxxes of Wiki editors, including trans minors.
http://i.imgur.com/k96uLWF.jpg [imgur.com]
The referenced doxx (censored):
http://i.imgur.com/He7UCVW.png [imgur.com]
OR how as part of the gag order, she claimed that Gjoni spread internet links to nude pictures of her, while failing to mention these were images she had made public of her own volition, while working as a model/camgirl.
And claimed that he and Milo, are part of some professional doxxing organization, despite in reality they had never spoken prior to GG.
http://theralphretort.com/wp-c... [theralphretort.com]
*Police report obtained via FOIA
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't forget she was also caught retweeting offers from GNAA trolls to pay for fake harassment tweets directed against her.
Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't forget the other faces of anti-GG. Like Wu, [archive.today] who just turned around and supported the doxer of Milo Yiannopoulos. These people and their CON are just plain fucked up in the head.
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misspelling (Score:5, Informative)
Task Force 2.0 (Score:5, Funny)
Crash Override being the 2nd version of the task force's site. Version 1 was ZeroCool. Zoe will be running under an admin account named AcidBurn.
Don't forget to type cookie.
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All her fellow warriors will also need new gfx cards so they can find those garbage files.
Chelsea Van Valkenberg's not a victim, but a perp. (Score:5, Insightful)
For a known harasser, Chelsea Van Valkenberg's quite odd for wanting to stop something she has practiced often.
Never mind that she's more than happy to see that opponents swatted (like Mike Cernovich) or gagged (like Eron Gjoni) - both cases based on falsified information.
She doxxed people as well... (Score:5, Interesting)
... So I really don't see why she's in any moral position to judge anyone else that doxxes.
I forget who it was, I think it was a civil rights lawyer from Los Angeles... so we'll hear more about this as that breaks down.
But ol' Zoe has some esplaining to do.
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she's not going to explain anything.. why? because she has a job now.
not as a games developer(and really calling herself based on that game then my high school in '90s had 30 game devs), but you know, as a professional money asker/victim. that's pretty much it.
much easier than developing actual games anyways.
http://tech.slashdot.org/~AmiMoJo (Score:4, Insightful)
doxing victim? She re-tweeted a dox and it was a made-up address but never told her followers. She is known to send herself threats & ddos and will then blame others (TFYC, Wizardchan and now GamerGate). This is what we call a professional victim.
Are you Zoe Quinn or her friend ShitLipz? You pathetic person.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:4, Insightful)
She personifies everything wrong with the gaming media.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Insightful)
Doesn't mean she deserves harassment. Condemnation maybe. Harassment no.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:4, Informative)
She doxxed and harassed the shit out of people before all of this happened. She's an oldschool SA forum troll. She's no fucking saint.
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curious too. but i've got to say, it's sad, but i find it all too easy to believe all the folks involved in this mess are generally horrible people. most allegations are very likely patent nonsense all around, and yet... i still find myself concluding that i am so glad i don't know any of them, or anyone like them. there aren't two side to annoying dipshit.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Interesting)
Someone made a couple of posts on Wizardchan an off-topic comment about Zoe Quin being the cause of their sorrow and calling for revenge. No one did anything at all. Zoe and her clique got Wizardchan (a lonely guy support group) harrassed by falsely claiming these posts on a site she doesn't even go to were harassment from a hive of terrible neckbeard misogynist nerds.
More? Google "The Fine Young Capitalists" - These are feminists who ran a gamejam to get girls into game development / design and it was shut down by Zoe and her clique of slanderous trolls. The #GamerGate folks of /v/ and /pol/ on 4chan found out (they who supposedly hate women) and so they got the feminist pro-women gamejam funded.
I ask you, Presto Vivance, what evidence have you ever sought out about the #GamerGate affair? Would you believe KKK propaganda that they are fair and just and just want to inform you of the "inherent evils of blackness" without fact checking? No? Then why would you believe SJW propaganda that they are fair and just and just want to inform you of the "inherent evils of maleness" in games without fact checking?
It wouldn't matter if I posted any evidence showing ties to SA forrumites, or links to anything else, since you don't matter, you aren't interested, you don't fact check, can't do a single google search and instead beg for facts on slanted media outlets like Slashdot. But you've got to be kidding me if you think, "She's no fucking saint" isn't spot on.
wat. (Score:3)
I tried to read that page but this is like listening to teenage girls arguing about who saw that pair of jeans first at wal-mart the week before homecoming. The level of mental confusion and social ineptitude displayed in those messages is mind-blowing.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Informative)
A quick google search returns the following:
I don't make any claim whatsoever about whether thats factual or a fabrication, but Zoe Quinn rises all flags for professional con artist.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Interesting)
Doesn't mean she deserves harassment. Condemnation maybe. Harassment no.
Very true, but the same can be said of her victims.
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Informative)
I've been in GamerGate now for almost six months. What I've seen is people like Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu, Anita Sarkeesian and Randi Harper harassing people then claiming they're the ones being harassed. Other than Anita Sarkeesian, I'd never heard of any of these other people before GamerGate.
Wu for example, created a twitter account BROLOLZ and used it to mock and harass GamerGate back in the beginning. When no one responded she created the "Oppressed Gamer" meme. Someone took that meme and ran with it, then she claimed people using her meme was harassment. Then she got threats from a zero day twitter account called "DeathToBrianna", there was no mention of GamerGate, but she screen capped it and sent it flying around twitter as evidence GamerGate had a hate on for her, that's what got her on a media tour.
I don't believe anyone deserves harassment, but what I'm seeing is people purposely going in and kicking bee hives, then calling for the extermination of bees when they get stung by a wasp. It's ridiculous, the media is eating it up and plastering it all over as, "these poor, poor innocent souls."
So yeah, I'm about to victim blame. If you poke a bear, it's your fault if you get bitten. I've lost all sympathy for people living under the double standard that it's ok for them to lie, cheat, steal, defame, dox, harass and threaten people, but then turn around and play the victim and advertise their patreons. Check the patreon accounts for anyone of the three I named above:
Randi Harper (antagonist, creator of the GGAutoblocker blocks GamerGate, which is fine. Continues to tweet at GamerGate and bullied an anti-GamerGate person off twitter for not being anti enough):
$2,422.86 a MONTH https://www.patreon.com/freebs... [patreon.com]
Zoe Quinn (abuser, antagonist, liar, trust fund baby. Frankly we'd all be happier NOT talking about her because she's not relevant beyond the people that were involved around her [journalist, indi devs, indi judges], but every time she's forgotten she pulls some crap like this article to reinsert herself. She got in a twitter slap fight with Brianna Wu over who was the most harassed):
$4,000 a MONTH https://www.patreon.com/zoe [patreon.com]
Brianna Wu (antagonist, liar, trust fund baby. She answered someone questioning her saying GamerGate was only 350 people with, "Thanks for the sexists remark" and accused David Pakman [youtube.com] of running a hit piece on her for asking her how she knew it was GamerGate harassing her:
$13,000 a MONTH https://www.patreon.com/user?u... [patreon.com]
^ this ^ is what a professional victim looks like.
I got into GamerGate because I was tired of the media BS about gamers being cis-white-male shitlord misogynerds. I won't lie, in the beginning, I didn't think GamerGate was important, it's about frigg'n video games. I thought it'd be like a week long thing, we'd write some letters to advertisers and the journalist involved would just apologize for being idiots, but it's just been one thing after another after another. The opposition to GamerGate is full of ex-neo-naizs (Ian Miles Cheong), pedophiles (Shara Butts), animal abuses (Randi Harper, Shara Butts), rape apologists (Author Chu) and professional victims (Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, Zoe Quinn, Randi Harper, Grace Lynn) all sexists, racist, homophobic, hateful people who pretend to have the high moral ground because they alone are allowed to speak for women and minorities (Look up #NotYourShiled). All pointing fingers at a largely harmless group of people that are just tired of being demonized for a hobby that doesn't hurt anyone, and the media eats it up. You can look into the background of just about any of the major GamerGate "targets" and se
Better Late Than Never (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Better Late Than Never (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score:5, Insightful)
She personifies grace under pressure.
really? I would have said she personifies the exact opposite and displays a heap of ignorance in dealing people socially, her responses to some of the attacks on her are what helped escalate the situation. She doesn't seem to understand social media at all or how to handle it.
Re:life on the wrong side of an online hate mob (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:life on the wrong side of an online hate mob (Score:5, Insightful)
I've looked into this too. There are certainly threatening comments on twitter, but these get labelled as "By Gamergate" without any kind of awareness of the association fallacy. A threatening comment is always the responsibility of the individual. There are threatening comments all over social media, and anyone can be a victim of it. The media have been parroting this online harassment as fact without distinguishing it from criticism or just rudeness, and also without any acknowledgement of the same harassment on the other side. Active Gamergate supporters seem to vastly outnumber the anti Gamergate crowd by an order of magnitude, so I wonder if that makes it seem worse.
After 5 months of "GamerGate" there's been no arrests, no serious evidence of any imminent threat published or connection to any organized "harassment" campaign. Gamergate supporters themselves have been harassed, swatted, sent malicious objects in the mail and this is largely ignored in the media. Possibly because many of them took a different approach, and didn't kick up that much of a fuss about it, or perhaps because it doesn't fit the media's narrative.
This is my personal experience only, but the vast majority of gamergate supporters I spoke to were laid back, intelligent, friendly, and positive. There was the same ratio of weird but nice people that you'd find in any group really. However, many of Zoe Quinn's supporters ranged from being rude to abusive to authoritarian. They had an air of mocking superiority that gets old really quickly, and why I stay away from twitter.
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sighborg @TheQuinnspiracy Jan 12
If you continue to be neutral of or in support of gamergate KNOW you're silently approving of attempted murder by cop pic.twitter.com/ehrtTT1eUs
0 replies 330 retweets 141 favorites
Carpet statements like this piss me off... I don't even support doxxing, but oh, because I believe in proper gaming journalism and disagree with forced cultural arm bending to get my group (be it feminists, LGBTs, asexuals, or whatever) included in video games, represented exactly how I want, I'm su
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When Islamist terrorists murder people we expect Muslims to respond. It was done in the name of their religion. They could try to stop it, they could argue strongly against it. It's blackening the name of their religion, after all. When they don't they receive criticism for it.
In the same way, if you head over to 8chan's GamerGate board you won't see many "real" GamerGaters trying to steer things in a more productive direction. Like it or not, your argument is basically the No True Scotsman one. If you real
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The money has gone to professional victim Anita Sarkeesian
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Rather than a wall of text claiming to refute his claim, how about you link to twitter harassment that is actually able to be tied to gamergate instead of just saying that they are tied to gamergate. The claim was that harassment was being falsely attributed to gamergate, and you attributed harassment to gamergate without any evidence to back it up. If there is so much evidence that gamergate people support harassment, it should be quite easy to post links to it.
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OK, so why do you bring up Gamergate out of the blue? Neither the article above nor any of the things it links to mention it at all.
This is one of those situations like when a stranger on the street walks up to you and says "I'm not drunk!" -- you might not have even had an opinion on the matter before he opened his mouth, but the very act of denying it creates suspicion.
If you want people to not associate Gamergate with harassment, you're shooting yourself in the foot by bringing up Gamergate whenever some
Re:life on the wrong side of an online hate mob (Score:4, Insightful)
Because it is ZOE QUINN, her entire life is one big shitstorm brawl over gamergate. She fires insults and threats at them, they respond and she claims harassment. everything she is involved with publically in this area is to boost her profile and to keep this whole shitstorm going as without it she sinks back into obscurity. It is kinda amusing and sad really, she has some legitimate complaints, but her complete lack of grace and inability to socially interact with people except in slinging matches completely obscures anything she has to say. She seems to be a truly nasty vicious piece of work that is as bad as those that attack her.
You Been Misinformed on Purpose (Score:3, Insightful)
If you want people to not associate Gamergate with harassment, you're shooting yourself in the foot by bringing up Gamergate whenever someone talks about harassment.
Try this: link to the /. article that covers the Gamergate scandal without screaming about misogyny and harassment. You can't. And that's because overall, the Slashdot readership doesn't buy the "misogyny and harassment" narrative for one second. The editors quickly discovered that the discussion thread for any article that straightforwardly mentions Gamergate-- even if it's one-sided [slashdot.org]--couldn't be trusted to go the way the editors demand.
For a while, they found limited success by posting articles with
It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score:4, Insightful)
The week-long gaming press news blackout and user comment/forum censorship didn't work.
The coordinated, ongoing smear campaign that began with the "Gamers are over" articles hasn't worked.
The doxxing and harassment of pro-GG folks hasn't worked.
The endless train of embarrassingly desperate counter-hashtags hasn't worked.
The Wikipedia and Nightline hit pieces only destroy those outlets' credibility for short-term effect.
Last week PC Gamer became the latest games journalism site to update its ethics policy in the wake of Gamergate [techraptor.net], joining IGN [blogjob.com], the Escapist [escapistmagazine.com], and of course Kotaku/Gawker [blogjob.com] (though in Gawker's case, they put up more of a fight and the Gamergate pressure to be ethical had to be routed through the FTC [reddit.com]). And there are probably more I'm forgetting.
Gamergate also got Brad Wardell (CEO of Stardock) some long-overdue apologies for hit pieces run against him:
https://twitter.com/iamDavidWi... [twitter.com] [twitter.com]
http://www.gamepolitics.com/20... [gamepolitics.com] [gamepolitics.com]
http://www.zenofdesign.com/in-... [zenofdesign.com] [zenofdesign.com]
Ask yourself how much of this you've seen reported in the corrupt media (which at this point, sadly, clearly includes Slashdot). The anti-GG side thrives only in an environment of propaganda and censorship, and evaporates when faced with integrity and transparency. They prove the need for Gamergate every time they write an article based on the assumption that terrorism and child porn^W^W^W^W misogyny and harassment have become the root passwords to the Constitution^W^W journalistic ethics.
Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score:5, Interesting)
The central allegation no-one made?
"They claim it was for a review but there's no review!" is the oldest of the cover-up's lies. It was for EXPOSURE. And in an article on -50- upcoming Twine games, Depression Quest was
a) the only game sourced for a screenshot, despite being an unattractive text adventure
b) used as inspiration for the title of the article
c) mentioned first
In merely ONE of his several articles mentioning what is frankly a cripplingly unimpressive game even for Twine.
So sure, you can count cheating on someone five different times (constituting rape by your personal definition), isolating them from their friends, inducing panic attacks when they rightly suspect your infidelity, and any of the rest of the abusive acts found in the Zoepost as "not a great girlfriend for Eron", I guess implying that some people LIKE being abused?, but that's not really going to remove Grayson's positive coverage for a dev who has cheating with him, it's not going to have her not sleep with an IGDA staffer who is now in bed with a known harasser's anti-harassment (of her friends, I don't trust her involving "white hat hackers", someone who criticized her is getting doxxed inside 3 months GUARANTEED) initiative, and it's not going to have a reddit mod not delete 15,000+ comments after she made the personal request to censor the discussion by email.
It will still be an ongoing consumer revolt regarding the anti-consumer nature of the gaming press as it stands, including its backroom collusion with Silverstring Media and their ideological partners. A lot of the people watchdogging the press now don't even know who Chelsea is. Keep pushing your genetic fallacy though, it certainly created a temporarily effective smokescreen in the beginning.
I don't normally bother using Slashdot, so forgive my lack of login. ThisIsFrigglish on Reddit, if you'd like to follow up directly.
Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score:5, Informative)
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As someone who's both read "The Zoe Post" and who has been in abusive relationships before (which is ultimately how she came to my attention, not the gaming stuff), let me offer a different perspective.
It seems to me that Quinn was a rather nasty piece of work. Putting aside anything to do with gaming journalism, I'd say she was a full-on sociopath. And it isn't misogyny to point out that she was an emotional abuser. Based on everything I've seen, and lack of refutation on her part, or anyone else's for
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Re:Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
YouTube: Never read the comments.
Slashdot: Never read the article.
So it is written, so it shall be.