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Printer Build Technology

3D Printers Making Inroads In Kitchens 91

mpicpp sends an article from Fortune about the tiny industry springing up around food-related 3D printing. While such devices are still too expensive and too special-purpose for home kitchens, professionals in restaurants and large cafeterias are figuring out ways they can automate certain time-intensive tasks. For example, pasta: "If the user is making a recipe for ravioli, for instance, the [device] prints the bottom layer of dough, the filling and the top dough layer in subsequent steps. It reduces a lengthy recipe to two minutes construction time and ensures that no one has to clean a countertop caked with leftover dough and flour." The companies developing these 3D printers hope they'll be this generation's version of the microwave, gradually finding a use in almost every kitchen.
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3D Printers Making Inroads In Kitchens

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  • New design (Score:3, Informative)

    by NotInHere ( 3654617 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @05:50PM (#49142393)

    better than beta, worse than it was. HOWEVER, I'm patient and hope they sort out the bugs. I'm not "You are posting: as NotInHere Anonymously". I'm posting as NotInHere.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      yeah what the hell happened to the layout and no announcement?

      • If it makes them discontinue beta, its a good change.

        • Re:New design (Score:5, Informative)

          by idontgno ( 624372 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @06:12PM (#49142619) Journal

          From the announcement [slashdot.org] Soulskill mentioned below [slashdot.org]:

          And effective today, we've jettisoned the Slashdot Beta platform out the side portal. Slashdot has always been a bit quirky, and "user friendly" is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. After heavily experimenting on the Beta platform and splitting traffic between Classic and Beta, we've made some decisions about which platform changes ultimately make sense: starting today, we're unifying users back on our Classic platform.

          That's right. Beta has surrendered. Sanity has prevailed. We, the users, actually won.

          It's oddly sad that you don't usually get to say that. But also reassuring that we get to say it of Slashdot.

          • ... "Just Plain F***ing Awesome" :)

          • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

            this is still better than BETA.

            but somehow they managed to bork some css while doing the transition and somehow managed to not notice or mention it to anyone.

            at least the classic reply on new page works this time around

          • That's right. Beta has surrendered. Sanity has prevailed. We, the users, actually won.

            We didn't win. They've hoisted the beta onto us under the guise of it being the old interface, but it's not. Tons of stuff is broken. Links are invisible. Sigs aren't working as expected. Widths of elements are all screwed up.

            If you think we won, you need to stop reading what they're saying and start looking at what they're actually doing.

            • by zidium ( 2550286 )

              I seriously think those are merely growing pains. Maybe they had a deadline to get it out before 2Q begins in April?

          • by zidium ( 2550286 )

            It's been EXACTLY a year since Beta was forced down our throats and we staged the 2014 Valentines Day Slashcott!

            WE WON!!!!!! The new interface is *really* nice, too! So win/win after we convinced Upper Management to jettison their ill-conceived desires?

            WOOHOO!!!! As a 15+ year member of Slashdot, I look forward to the next 10 years now!!!

            I was so anti-Beta I helped organize the 2014 Slashcott and I also had my own personal slashcott this Valentines Week, too. just last week.

            I seriously doubt without our ant

        • I feel like they are trying to tick us by keeping the green bars and slowing moving in the direction of beta.
      • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

        Announcement here [slashdot.org].

        • Just wanted to say thank you. This is a big improvement over beta.

        • Thanks Soulskill, there's definitely some bugs in this (seeing some odd inconsistent rendering on chrome in OSX at least) but it's massively better than beta, and also incredibly heartening that you guys listened to the community!
        • Soulskill, thank you for letting us know, and for the effort.

          Some problems I am having:

          • I can't get to my account settings. Right now I get a pop-up of article category choices.
          • I can post to a story that I posted to yesterday. This has actually been true for some time. I get a "you can't post to this page" message. Perhaps it is due to some issue with the ISP's invisible proxy? This means I can't ever follow-up when I get a reply.
    • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

      Thanks for the report. We'll try to get that fixed ASAP.

      • Since you are taking bug reports with Firefox on Linux I am seeing sigs be overlapped by the reply parent and share buttons. But hey this is better than beta was thanks for taking community input this time and not sacrificing width

        • by rHBa ( 976986 )
          I've seen other users complain of that but haven't noticed it myself (FF36 on Mint). The main annoyance for me (although it's certainly better than Beta and with a few tweaks could be great) is the complete lack of left hand margin. I mean I see 15px of grey and then first post has zero margin. I do see a right hand margin and other boxes further up the page (such as the summary) have left margin...

          In fact if the comments section was the same width/margin as the summary above, that would be fine.
      • Hi Soulskill,

        Not sure if it is intentional or not, but none of the buttons are visible unless I am mouse over - ie the preview, quote parent but most importantly the Post and Load All Comments button are only visible on mouse over. The text on the Post and Load all is only marginally lighter than the green of the banner so it is very hard to see.

        System is Linux Mint 13 running Chrome - Version 38.0.2125.111

        • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

          Nope, not intentional -- will probably do another code push tomorrow to fix that and a few other small problems. Thanks!

        • by rHBa ( 976986 )
          For me, regards the preview, quote parent buttons, the text is visible but the button background only appears on hover.

          I can also confirm that the Post and Load All Comments buttons are barely visible.

          Also (I mentioned this below) no left margin inside the white container.

          This is the same on FF36 and Chrome 40 on LinuxMint 17.
      • Next one: I can't switch pages anymore on slashdot.org url.

      • When you follow an external link or post a reply, and then go back, it takes you to the top of the page rather than where you were.

        This was temporarily fixed, and then unfixed.

        Firefox on Win and Linux.

      • The "You may like to read" column overlaps the one to its right, even though there's a space big enough for it going unused.

    • by Threni ( 635302 )

      I can't read sig-files - the text is superimposed on the line of text below that.

      • See, progress as promised!

      • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

        Would you mind sending a screenshot to feedback@slashdot.org [mailto]? I can't seem to reproduce this one. Thanks!

        • by mdfst13 ( 664665 )

          Would you mind sending a screenshot to feedback@slashdot.org [mailto]? I can't seem to reproduce this one. Thanks!

          What's happening is that it says:

          You are posting: as mdfst13 Anonymously O

          Replace the O with the widget that goes there (circle with eight protrusions added). Above "Anonymously" it has the checkbox and "Post". It looks like the column for "BOX Post Anonymously" is not wide enough. You could probably reproduce this by changing your screen to 800x600 (the preferred setting for those of us with bad eyes and/or small monitors).

          Note that if I click the box, it says

          You are posting: as Anonymous Coward Anony

    • by Nemyst ( 1383049 )
      Yeah, and the top-level comments are missing a left margin and have a misaligned right marging versus the top block. Post and "Load All Comments" are the wrong color, etc.

      I think it's a damn sight better than Beta ever was, it just needs a few more tweaks here and there.
    • At least you could get in. I had to change my resolution so I could find the edge of the login option. It was hidden under the search box.

      Now that I'm in I'm still seeing overlapping options along the top edge.

    • I have text wrapping back over other text some places and text running off screen others. Buttons and links overlapping other content all over the place. Is it so hard to test this before you go live? Does the news for nerds site not have one person on staff that can handle a little css properly?
      • I have text wrapping back over other text some places and text running off screen others. Buttons and links overlapping other content all over the place. Is it so hard to test this before you go live? Does the news for nerds site not have one person on staff that can handle a little css properly?

        Opera 12 and 27, FireFox not 36 - no problem with any, FireFox did seem like it was running into problems then showed it.
        So not sure what to say. site:http://fortune.com/2015/02/26/3d-food-printing/

        • I have text wrapping back over other text some places and text running off screen others. Buttons and links overlapping other content all over the place. Is it so hard to test this before you go live? Does the news for nerds site not have one person on staff that can handle a little css properly?

          Opera 12 and 27, FireFox not 36 - no problem with any, FireFox did seem like it was running into problems then showed it.
          So not sure what to say. site:http://fortune.com/2015/02/26/3d-food-printing/

          http://slashdot.org/?nobeta=1 [slashdot.org]
          http://slashdot.org/ [slashdot.org]

          Also no problems - misunderstood at first - I run a HOSTS file and /. looks the same.

      • I have text wrapping back over other text some places and text running off screen others. Buttons and links overlapping other content all over the place. Is it so hard to test this before you go live? Does the news for nerds site not have one person on staff that can handle a little css properly?

        I take back my other comments, another day another view, as of today I have to use Opera 12 to view /. .

        I can't post only reply, yes it's a mess, Firefox and Opera can't even find the login the search covers who knows what. Login could be a problem as only half shows up, so can't read what goes where ie: logging in, or signing up.

        It's unusable for me unless I go to Opera 12, even then posting isn't an option.

        I'm reminded of the BF4 release, doesn't anybody test these things before being released?

  • by Half-pint HAL ( 718102 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @05:55PM (#49142443)
    What's that damn printer doing making roads in my kitchen?!?
  • Clean countertop? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 26, 2015 @06:06PM (#49142545)

    It reduces a lengthy recipe to two minutes construction time and ensures that no one has to clean a countertop caked with leftover dough and flour."

    On the other hand, it also ensures that someone has to clean the dough and flour out of the 3D printer.

  • by buback ( 144189 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @06:08PM (#49142567)

    Instead of having to clean a counter top, you only have to clean various hoppers and extruders, and the build plate. And all the prep tools and bowls. And you'll also have to program in all the steps. and it will only print one at a time.

    It's so much easier than that 'old fashioned' way!

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Instead of having to clean a counter top, you only have to clean various hoppers and extruders, and the build plate. And all the prep tools and bowls. And you'll also have to program in all the steps. and it will only print one at a time.

      It's so much easier than that 'old fashioned' way!

      Obviously you've never made ravioli by hand. I have, and it's not the most fun thing to do. That's why I typically make a lot of them when I do, so I can freeze a bunch and thaw them out as needed.

      A lot of that stuff will need to be cleaned anyhow. Rolling pasta dough is not the easiest thing to get perfect either. Then if you put too much filling in, you can't get the edges to press together and hold when you cook them.

      I'm not sure how you think you make them by hand, but you can only put one together

  • There is no way this would replace a commercial pasta maker in any kind of large scale restaurant.

    For a start no one makes dough on a bench if you are making quantities of pasta. Either you buy the pasta in or you use a machine. You feed your mixer the ingredients and then collect the dough later. This goes double for you extruded pasta and your filled pasta. Have a look at a Raviolatrice. That is what you use if you are making large amounts of ravioli.

    If you want large quantities of extruded pasta you

    • If anything, my guess is that it may make possible the creation of unique dishes and designs that would be too time-consuming to create by hand, at least in the commercial market. It's probably only in the home market that you'd use it to create pasta or other dishes that commercial machines can already easily do, since an all-in-one machine may be more economical, both cost and space-wise.

      • Maybe - but the TFA talked about things like stadiums where it is all about volume.

        My experience of commercial kitchens has all been about doing your preparation early so you do as little cooking as possible at service time. So that means at 2 in the afternoon the junior chefs are doing one identical thing after another, be it making the pasta, or some fancy crystallised rose petals.

      • Is this what's known as a "copypasta"?

    • by ksheff ( 2406 )
      They are probably going after the users who want more control & flexibility over the final output product that the existing commercial machines currently do not give them. The people that create customized food for parties or other special occasions will be some of the first adopters.
      • Yeah, like pasta in the shape your pet, or maybe your face...

        The possibilities!

        Certainly going to make the annual dickerdoodle contest at PA more interesting.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    test before submitting slashcode please.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Really? You roll out the dough, spoon in the filling, put the dough on top, use cutter.

    What the fuck is it with this endless series of bottom of the barrel, idiotic 3D printing stories?

    • What the fuck is it with this endless series of bottom of the barrel, idiotic 3D printing stories?

      For all of recorded history, medical luminaries have done vivisection on things to learn by looking at cross sections. It takes a special type of person to do this calmly. Arby's has this hypnotic machine that renders part of an animal into perfect slices, exploding the animal-flesh surface area for maximum release of flavor, but we would not want it to happen to us. MRI machines produce animations that when played along the Z axis, look like your internal organs are morphing into some horrifying Cthulhu,

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • LOL ... since when do chefs have time to hang out on Slashdot? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

      More on topic, I don't see how 3D printing pasta is going to work, for example. You're going to probably end up with some slime which comes apart when you cook it.

      It won't be an actual dough, it's going to be ... well, I don't know what exactly. I just don't see this retaining the properties of dough.

      I can see some of the molecular wizards like Wylie Dufresne or poeople like that, doing wacky things

      • It won't be an actual dough, it's going to be ... well, I don't know what exactly. I just don't see this retaining the properties of dough.

        Why wouldn't it? I've used a cookie press for years. The dough that comes out of it acts like any other sugar cookie dough, and the cookies are much better than anything that comes in a plastic package. Dough in general is very amenable to be smushed, smashed, mushed, and extruded. Every kind of noodle made is extruded, after all.

        You didn't read the parent post very closely, either, or you would have noticed that chefs use a TON of machinery. Chefs have been using machines to make stuff for a couple of

        • Dough in general is very amenable to be smushed, smashed, mushed, and extruded

          Specifically I was thinking of the fact that 3D printing tends to want to lay down a little layer at a time, instead of a continuous sheet as you need to have in ravioli. Otherwise the dough would simply all apart.

          You didn't read the parent post very closely

          Are you a condescending asshole in real life, or just the internet?

          I know a lot about food and cooking, as well as the machines used for it ... 3D printing, as it applies to f

  • I cook pretty much every night (other nights being leftovers or dinner out with a friend), and never make things like ravioli because I hate spending an hour making the damn things for 5 minutes of eating pleasure.

    Give me a printer that can make me some ravioli, lasagna, etc, and then pop a couple pieces into the dishwasher and HurryUpAndTakeMyMoney.jpg.
    • I cook pretty much every night (other nights being leftovers or dinner out with a friend), and never make things like ravioli because I hate spending an hour making the damn things for 5 minutes of eating pleasure.

      Did you know there's such a thing as a ravioli machine? It's like a pasta machine, but it rolls out ravioli when you crank it. You do have to stuff stuff into it, but you could use any number of things which come in a tub or wrapper and are still more or less made out of food, like the finer processed cheese products.

    • You realise the printer simply forms the structure, even with a 3D printer you'd still have to do all the other painful steps (prep/cleanup etc). It's like those magic food mixer commercials. The magic isn't having a blender that works, it's all the prep and clean up that makes cooking your own food hard.
  • Yay Beta is gone, but did you guys have to push to a live production server with these bugs?

    Where's your pink sombrero supply? [bnj.com]

    And you still have a ton of whitespace.

  • by Rinikusu ( 28164 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @07:30PM (#49143137)

    Of course, the dream would be able to 3D print chocolate/sugar sculptures, but I've been seriously considering how feasible it would be to create custom chocolate/sugar molds to create things like eggs, etc that go beyond what we can get from the usual suppliers and without having to fork out a few grand for a one-off custom design elsewhere. A couple paying jobs and I imagine a 3D printer would pay for itself for this particular aspect of my interests. :)

    • by Uzuri ( 906298 )

      Rinikusu -- it's very easy! These folks offer food-grade mold supplies and videos on how to use them: http://www.makeyourownmolds.co... [makeyourownmolds.com]

      I made my own gamer dice molds with the putty-style old materials they sell. Very easy to work with.

  • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Thursday February 26, 2015 @08:18PM (#49143521) Homepage Journal

    The creators of the printed ravioli were very enthusiastic about their product. "It's almost as good as Chef Boyardee!", they exclaimed. :P


  • With mod points loaded, I'm having signatures viewing on top of 'Reply to this' link, and the mod dropdown box is positioned a few pixels low. I also don't see the Preview Options Cancel button controls until I mouse over them when I post the comment after mod points have been used (this may be intentional).

  • so you have to make the pasta, make the filling, then load the machine with dough and filling, then wait two minutes per ravioli, then apply pressure to each one to check it is sealed and waterproof then drop them in the water to cook them. Or, seeing as you have made the dough already, roll it out, pop it over a ravioli tray http://www.amazon.co.uk/World-... [amazon.co.uk] put a spoonfull of filling in each bit and roll over another sheet of pasta, job done 12 at a time.
    I can see 3d printing as being interesting for high

  • This device makes sense for situations where arranging the food is where the effort liesâ"delicate cookies shaped like snowflakes and portraits of the bar mitzvah boy sculpted in chopped liver. But for things like a pizza or ravioli or cookies that can be laid out in no time with a spoon or a pasty bag it's a waste of time.

    It's not like you load the thing with food elements like flour, eggs, cheese, and spices and ravioli comes out. It doesn't make food, it only squirts out food that's already made. Th

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
