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The Military Government United States Politics

Why the Framework Nuclear Agreement With Iran Is Good For Both Sides 383

Lasrick writes: Ariane Tabatabai breaks down the details of the framework agreement between Iran and the P5+1 that was announced Thursday. It appears to be better than most analysts expected, with positive outcomes for both sides. It truly seems historic: "A number of these steps will, in effect, be irreversible. They will not just limit Iran's nuclear capability for 10 to 15 years, but will reshape it entirely and indefinitely. ... [B]oth sides stand to gain from the framework agreement, which should also be considered a victory for the global nonproliferation regime. Ahead of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference that begins in late April, where no major achievements in nonproliferation are likely to be announced, the framework agreement is a very important success."
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Why the Framework Nuclear Agreement With Iran Is Good For Both Sides

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  • Isreal (Score:2, Insightful)

    Global humanity fucked up when we let Isreal have nuclear weapons and shit all over the NPT. This just kicks the can down the road. T2-style Judgement Day will be a few years later than expected is all.

    Iran will mothball all its NES and Playstation-level cetrifuges, while keeping all its Xbone and PS4 centrifuges running full tilt. Wouldn't you, in the same situation?

  • by NotDrWho ( 3543773 ) on Friday April 03, 2015 @03:28PM (#49399629)

    From the second the GW Bush made his crazy ill-advised "Axis of Evil" speech and then proceeded to invade one of those Axis members, it was pretty much guaranteed that Iran and North Korea would pursue nukes (and NK has already succeeded). They're not stupid. They know nukes are the only way to assure you won't be invaded or overthrown by the U.S.

    So if you don't suck up to Iran and give them a deal that says "We're not going to invade you if you'll just play ball," then it's really only a matter of time. Mossad can car-bomb all the scientists it wants. The U.S. can release a hundred Stuxnets. But eventually it WILL happen.

    So if you don't give them a deal, you're really only assuring it. Now, maybe they'll still do it anyway. But at least this way there is a CHANCE they won't.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by randomErr ( 172078 )
      But even if we give them the deal I ran will renege on the deal. They have not upheld a single item from past deals. Why should they start now?
      • They have not upheld a single item from past deals. Why should they start now?

        Because they like money. We're actually lifting the sanctions this time, and they can go back in place if needed.

    • From the second the GW Bush made his crazy ill-advised "Axis of Evil" speech and then proceeded to invade one of those Axis members, it was pretty much guaranteed that Iran and North Korea would pursue nukes (and NK has already succeeded). They're not stupid. They know nukes are the only way to assure you won't be invaded or overthrown by the U.S.

      North Korea has had a nuclear weapons program for decades. Literally, decades. North Korea joined, and then withdrew from, the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993, followed by years of haggling, back and forths, industrial espionage (with Pakistan amongst others), and broken agreements. It's very disingenuous to claim that North Korea wanted and got nuclear weapons because of Bush.

      Likewise, Iran has had a nuclear program for decades. US obsession with Iranian nukes goes back decades. See, e.g., Operation Merli []

    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      Except the real hope was that at some point, the people in Iran would actually consider overthrowing the government, or moderate it in some manner. Much like the end of apartheid spelled the end of the South African nuclear program, the end of the extremist theocracy, or even a significant dialing back of it, would most likely remove Iran's need or desire for these sorts of weapons.

      Realistically, the only thing that will stop Iran's theocracy from pursuing those weapons is for that theocracy to fundamental

    • by jsepeta ( 412566 )

      Actually, Iran has every motive in the world to develop nuclear weapons in a clandestine manner. It's the only way to have a balance of power vs the US and Israel.

  • by Trachman ( 3499895 ) on Friday April 03, 2015 @03:38PM (#49399709) Journal

    No matter how much that is being disliked, Iran is a sovereign nation and no other nation has a right to tell them what to do. Even if they wear funny dresses, hang criminals, and stone women suspected of adultery.

    Yet, it seems, they have received an offer that they cannot refuse.

    With the global powers playing reverse stick and carrot... Ukraine voluntarily gave nukes for guarantees and has been given a cold shoulder after 20% of the country was first raped then annexed. Israel has nukes and nobody dares to attack them, because they know that the response will be swift.

    Speaking of Ukraine, Poland had guarantees in 1939 and back then Western Powers followed through and did declare war to Germany, when they invaded Poland. Ukraine had guarantees from 4 countries, yet were royally shafted.

    Lesson learned by the governments: you never give up any rights.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by sideslash ( 1865434 )
      Couple things you don't seem to be aware of -- Iran is at war with the USA's ally Israel via proxies. Iran's leaders are threatening to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. It is perfectly rational for Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear weapons programs back into the stone age, and they are itching to do so. So yes, there are threats being made to force a "sovereign nation" to bend to the will of other nations, but that's because negotiators are trying to avert a war, or at least not increase the scope of
      • by PPH ( 736903 )

        Iran's leaders are threatening to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. It is perfectly rational for Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear weapons programs back into the stone age, and they are itching to do so.

        So, let Iran and Israel duke it out. Gas is just above $2.00 per gallon, so we don't need the middle east at this point.

        Sure, we'd like to help Israel out. But they won't even sign on to the Non Proliferation Treaty. So I'm not really going to break a sweat over their whining.

        • I hear what you're saying, and to some extent when push comes to shove, Israel has to be responsible for its own safety, and has of course survived to this point due in large part to its own wits and initiative.

          However, even if we leave Iran alone, they won't leave us alone. To Iran's rulers, Israel is the "Little Satan". Guess who the "Great Satan" [] is?
      • by shutdown -p now ( 807394 ) on Saturday April 04, 2015 @12:53AM (#49402745) Journal

        Saudi Arabia is also at war with Israel via proxies (and I'm not even sure who's sinking more money into it, them or Iran). But it doesn't stop US from sucking Saudi's royal dick.

    • by mveloso ( 325617 )

      "no other nation has a right to tell them what to do."

      Nobody is telling Iran what to do. Iran has violated multiple agreements, agreements that it signed. That said, I'm not sure why the Obama administration believes they will honor this agreement. Fifth time is a charm?

    • by itzly ( 3699663 )

      Iran is a sovereign nation and no other nation has a right to tell them what to do

      There are no rights, just a bunch of nations all acting in their own interests. Often, these interests align, and that gives the impression of "rights".

  • If "third world" Pakistan can control itself while wielding nuclear weapons, I'm sure Iran can as well. The inescapable fact of the matter is this: The United States does not "militarily" mess with nation possessing nuclear weapons. This fact alone makes the weapons highly desirable.
    • by Myria ( 562655 ) on Friday April 03, 2015 @04:04PM (#49399945)

      If "third world" Pakistan can control itself while wielding nuclear weapons, I'm sure Iran can as well. The inescapable fact of the matter is this: The United States does not "militarily" mess with nation possessing nuclear weapons. This fact alone makes the weapons highly desirable.

      Didn't stop us from covertly assassinating a high-valued target with a special-ops team.

  • How hard is it to tell them, either end your nuclear program or we will?

    47 minutes after Iran announces that they have a nuclear weapon a large mushroom cloud over Tehran will announce the cancelation of said nuclear program.

    Send that message.

    anything past that is a waste of time.

  • ...that both sides adhere to it without cheating?

    For example, I'd offer the 'historic' agreements with N Korea as an example of moronic pollyannas making agreements that actually allowed one partner to basically continue unhindered in any meaningful way, while the other got to 'claim' a successful negotiation.

    Yeah, that's probably a good example.

If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
